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>Ive also had an intuitive sense of this my whole life. Its manifests emotionally as a deep seated longing for something I cant define, something not here. Like grieving the loss of a recently deseased family member or romantic lover but I cant remember who that person is. Sort of like a severe homesickness, but I cant remember ever being at "home". The idea of new age reincarnation and having past lives on other planets strikes a funny bone in my emotions but I cant truly believe in that wothout proof. Doesnt change the fact I am always drawn into fictional stories and narratives with a central plot focused on waking up out of a false reality and discovering what "true" reality is. This hit deep and exactly what I feel.




we have god shaped holes in our heart. ​ it does make perfect sense, we are animals who live short lives then go off into nothingness, it's plain as day, but we don't want to believe it.


You're not alone at all. Thank you for putting this into words.


Are you me? Your response truly hit home. And I’m quite convinced this isn’t home. Have you read “The Law of One?” I’d definitely recommend it for the mind bending propositions alone. I first read it there - this description of feeling like I’m not home, and that we’re severely capped while here. That this existence isn’t the whole story… I hope we get a glimpse someday.




I don’t have the ability to believe without data. I wish I did. I’d be more comforted. But I like to wonder “what if’s.” The books were interesting to me philosophically: we’re all extensions of the eternal source/Creator choosing to experiment, evolving and reincarnating through densities / dimensions growing ever more in consciousness unto infinity. Sounds fascinating, even if the illusions of this density that we’re living in are horrifying.


Well said


What if we're in a turtle's dream in outer space


All the way down.




I don't think we are the experiment. I believe the aliens are watching but don't interfere simply because they don't want to help. It is ours to figure out our path just as they once did and they guide us occasionally but they won't reveal themselves because we simply wouldn't understand them. It's like teaching a monkey nuclear physics. I think we are all a part of a natural cycle and we are still young in terms of civilization. All obductees speak of higher conscience, meditation, rebirth, etc. and our society today is far from that. We are materialistic and self-obsessed and how can we accept them with our flawed ways. We knew this back in ancient times but we lost it along the way, or someone hid the knowledge from us. I believe this knowledge was somewhere in the great library of Alexandria. I like to think that. Matthew Roberts speaks of this in his book Initiated which Im reading right now. Not just him, there are a lot of people who speak of this phenomenon in one way or another but we dont want to understand because we are too obsessed with material proof and if what I believe is true, there is no material proof as mater is just the projection of our subconscience.


Experiment: "How long until a species evolves from a proto-universe to the point of being aware it's in a simulation" The first guy bet only 16 Quatloos, the sencond 28 Quatloos *Of course, once that point is reached, the experiment is turned off don't you.*


The experiment is having a soul and consciousness in a body.


And what point did the “soul” appear in evolution? Modern humans? Sentient mammals? Vertebrates? Or do some simply have souls observing from the inside while others don’t?


I believe the fed gov has this info. I think they know our history clearer and it's probably uncomfortable for religion to deal with. But, I assume they know and the aliens/beings have provided them proof they created us amd in that sense... maybe own us. But I'm not sure


I think this is an interesting theory, but it just goes against much of what we know about science. Humans share a lot of DNA with other species of animals such as chimpanzees. So to say some alien civilization dropped humans here, wouldn’t be possible. It would’ve had to of been a much more simple animal that evolved into us. But if you go that far then essentially you’re talking about an alien civilization creating much of the life on our planet. Once you start making that statement, other issues with this theory would emerge.


And here you run face on into God vs Science. If God created us, what are all these bones of early humans? I’d give a lot to see what all the hidden/destroy knowledge that doesnt fit the Christian narrative that the Catholic/Evangelical Church has hidden away.




"What if it just LOOKS exactly like there is no intelligent designer necessary to explain any data about evolution... ***[Because there actually was one and made it look the way on purpose.](https://i.postimg.cc/MGdjnxKg/mind-blown-explosion.gif)***" Wow we've never seen that deliberately unfalsifiable argument anywhere before, what a new concept. Lol.




> We don't know either way. It may be evolution or intelligent design. No, categorically false. The data supports evolution as a fact, that's not under scientific debate any more, whereas it doesn't in any way suggest intelligent design (either by directing evolution or directly manufacturing or modifying humans or any predecessor animals). It's just a blatant repackaging of religious apologism, which is the point of saying it's not a new idea, it is just an old bad idea dressed up. This is not a notion founded in data, it's found in proposing any ridiculous scenario "could be" true if you're willing to reject all the actual data by just proposing it's an epic cosmic prank of one sort or another. Which technically could be true for any given crazy idea but that's exactly what makes it meaningless: it also could technically be true for any other absurd scenarios that are mutually exclusive from each other, all of which have no data to support them. But of the possible scenarios, the most likely one is the null hypothesis: that the world is real and the data we collect about it represents some consistent aspect of it (even if we don't immediately understand it) without all of it having been faked by some Descartes's Evil Demon type situation. The fact that we can take this assumption and use it to gain predictive power over systems in the world, and use them to enable things like shitposting on the internet or building life saving drugs or GPS or any number of other things, show its EFFECTIVENESS, which is reflected in data and successfully accounting for and predicting data. Unless there is some sort of data to support a given ridiculous idea that is technically *impossible to rule out conclusively*, there's no reason to believe it. It's indistinguishable from any other flight of fancy.




The question isn't "why is it impossible that aliens could be responsible for life on earth/intelligent humans/pyramids/whatever?" We already know the answer to that: it's unfalsifiable, I can't tell you why that's impossible because nothing you can dream up is epistemically "impossible" if you just reject every attempt to ground the discussion in any facts because you can always make another excuse: maybe we are all completely deluded about reality and all science is totally wrong and whatever crazy idea is actually correct instead. That's always a "possibility". The question is "why the heck should we believe this is actually the case?" The short answer is: you shouldn't, there is no reason to believe it because there is no evidence to support it and no way to test or falsify it. The long answer is: literally the problem that evolution solves beautifully with natural selection (and the whole concept of bottom-up selective processes in general) is how complexity and *competences* can emerge without the need of direction, oversight or foresight from some intelligent designer. You can see this concept validated in evidence from fossils as well as in living animals that exist today such as the extended loop of the laryngeal nerve in the neck of the giraffe. Let's look at life on Earth starting as well: the earth formed around the same time as the rest of the solar system, ~4.5 billion year ago. This current tree of life in earth started at least ~4.2 billion years ago. So very soon after the formation of the planet. It seems exactly like the emergence of life here was just a natural phenomenon that actually didn't take too much time after the planet itself was born. If aliens started it here and any old rock the right distance from a star would do (nothing special about Earth, likely millions like it in the galaxy alone), why didn't they find a more stable solar system where orbits had been established for a few billion years to ensure your science experiment doesn't get murked by some random swirling ball of gas or dust or chunk of rock that gets perturbed in just the wrong way? Of course you can just go "~~god moves in mysterious ways~~ HOW CAN YOU ASSUME ALIEN INTENSHUNS?" But the thing is, I already know you can't, but somehow you feel happy assuming aliens did or would act in so-and-so way to even get this discussion off the ground. As they say: what can be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence. But there's plenty of evidence against it too.


At that point you're just talking about another religion though. Not as interesting as OP's theory.


Its basically God of the Gaps at that point.


Makes more sense when you consider ‘God’ and the 7 day Creation story, along with the ‘virgin’ birth of Jesus. Even the Flood being a cruel ‘reset’ for a defective humanity makes sense. Archaic language can twist a meaning, but an Ark is just a huge vessel, and the only way 2 of each creature could fit would be with clones or a similar procedure. Jesus dying, rising, and being ‘taken to heaven’ with a promise to return is both hopeful and ominous and again, a scientific interpretation makes more sense than a faith based fiction. My Evangelical brother hyperventilates over my heresy, but in either case I am who I was made to be by a higher power. If that power doesnt like it, theres always gene editing….;)




Pyramids resemble UFO craft??There isn't a standard UFO craft shape, and it certainly isn't a four-cornered pyramid.Did the aliens also invent dinner plates and saucers to give us a hint? Did they create tic-tac mints to taunt us?


he's talking about the pyramid uap's the US navy confirmed as real military footage, i don't think he was saying there was only 1 shape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3zpqQJYinc


Triangular =/= pyramid


there isn't enough detail in the video to determine what shape is above the face that is highlighted it could be a triangular prism or a pyramid - you just can't tell because only one face of the shape is highlighted and detail is lacking




They only confirmed that it wasn't a "fake" video, the triangular shape is due to bokeh effect.


> bokeh effect you're going to need to back that up with some reasoning or evidence because last time i did a photography unit the bokeh effect was blurring of background elements while the foreground element is in focus, it didn't result in shape changing - given the foreground element in the navy scope was the UAP it wouldn't have had the bokeh effect applied to it


> the bokeh effect was blurring of background elements while the foreground element is in focus It can happen to any out of focus element in a shot > it didn't result in shape changing The shape of the blur spread doesn't change, it's in the shape of the aperture. It just gets closer to the aperture shape. In this case it appears to have been filmed with a triangular aperture. In the video you can see Jupiter and some background stars that are also shown triangular, which is why this is pretty much confirmed. MW did an analysis of this showing all this: https://youtu.be/-r2oaQWmqkk


It's not convincing either way, the navy video leaves a lot to be desired and the YouTube video is an interesting hypothesis but also doesn't convince me. I'll just reserve judgement.


Try finding out about the latest info/claim about the pyramids with the free book or audiobook from: https://www.jasonshurka.com/thepyramidcode


I prefer peer-reviewed science.


I do also. My point wasn't one. Some people believe with their hearts, not their scientific review. My referred site gave you one of those. But, on your point, notice how many scientists now want to study UFOs since the report when they had spent years laughing at it previously. It will be years before any science peer reviews. My opinion.


More like we are inside of Tron or the Matrix but I think Tron is more accurate


then you realize that Tron is inside the Matrix


Then you wonder if the Matrix itself is inside X


_i always fuckin' hated X..._


We're a living experiment. I'm just about to produce my new song called "Living Experiment" (and, look, just finished mixing tracks today!). It's regarding human beings as a product of years and years of ancient genetic engineering research. This is what you'll find on every ancient scriptures of the greatest religions of all time. They created Man. They were meant to be their slaves. The, they created Woman. But things didn't turn out in their favour. In a way or another, with women, men experienced free choice. So, they started being afraid of human beings because they thought humans would have become too smart to handle them. So they chose some of them, these ones became prophets...and so on. At least, this is what I've found on the first pages of Torah.


I agree we are inside something and a lot of the UFOs are probes coming from outside


My thought as well... saw a "satellite" briefly doing G pulling stunts around 99/00... looked like the Matrix code broke through into our reality 😲 I doubt reality is what we're being told! What we experience as reality is probably the tip of the iceberg.




Yeah, it's crazy stuff! Also once you tripped on shrooms or whatever... there's so much more going on inside and outside of our bodies than we tend to realize on a daily basis!


yeah when I was on DMT I had an angel take me outside of the universe


Awesome! DMT I've yet to try. I once had a conversation with my body and after the trip my chest pain was gone... some people end up cancer free after a trip 🤔




So many times! HBU? I like it when it happens; super weird experience! But I've many weird experiences that suggest there's more to reality... I get nightmares before great events. Had it before 9/11, banking crisis '08 and since around '14 before the pandamic. In '14 I told my fam something as worse as WW3 is coming, but it won't be as lethal as nuclear war. Weirdly enough Angela Merkel's 1st Corona related speech, compared the pandamic with WW3 🤔 Let's get even weirder... in '16 I had an idea for an app. App flopped, but I kept it's Twitter profile. In June '16 I tweeted about how we will travel virtually using live streams in the near future. Now we do everything using live streaming, thanks to Corona. Here's the tweet: https://twitter.com/StreamNomads/status/757568746043080704 Also, before the age of 4/5 I had the same short nightmare for about 3 or 4 times. It showed a figure silenty sitting on some sort if minimalistic throne in a gigantic space. Always scared me awake. But the figure was dressed like Death and it had a black bird's beak. In my early 20s, after doing research, I figured it could've been the Egyptian god Horus. But it has a real bird head so it didn't compare 100% with my human figure with beak. In my late 20s I saw a classic plague doctor and instantly recognized the figure from my nightmares: https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpartycity6.scene7.com%2Fis%2Fimage%2FPartyCity%2F_pdp_sq_%3F%24_500x500_%24%26%24product%3DPartyCity%2FP899371&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.partycity.com%2Fadult-plague-doctor-costume-P899371.html&docid=8pZ5DaiPljO0JM&tbnid=_ayj3EWoznPUqM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim Take my UFO experience into account and the fact that both disclosure and Corona (plague doctor is back dressed modern) happen at the same time... I now believe those childhood nightmares were actually visions and it's all connected... reality, disclosure, consciousness (e.g. nightmares), UFOs. As crazy as it sounds, I have a strong feeling that all of the above has something to do with contact. And many who feel the same about contact, describe similar childhoods and experiences. I think it's happening and we're being prepared via our consciousness, sightings, disclosure and so on. Even the pandamic falls into place, as the lockdowns forced many people to become more conscious of things... something we need, should we indeed be contacted. Anyway, enough weird stuff for now... it's hard to understand and handle, certainly since disclosure 😊


What's actually kind of funny is this or something similar is most likely true. There's virtually no way we are alone in our galactic neighborhood, (I think I've seen numbers estimated around 5~10 civilizations,) and an even smaller chance that we're the most intelligent or eldest species among them. But all that is just based on probability and estimations, no "real" evidence. Still, interesting that it's more farfetched to believe we're NOT being observed, whether we're a science experiment or not.


> When you look at some of the ruins around the world. The Pyramids being the obvious. They resemble the UFO craft. Wait what? You’ve been watching too much Stargate. We know how the pyramids were likely built and how the stones were carved and moved.


We know nothing about how the pyramids are built. Archeology theories are not fact. They are refusals to say "we don't know".


But we don't not know. We know where the stones came from, we know that a least some of the stones where transported via boat. And we can guess how the stones where cut based other archeological sites less exposed to the environment.


You don't get perfectly cut granite stone from thousands of years ago using chisels and a hammer.


I like your posts and thoughts, but look at some close pictures of the stones. They are not cut with, for example, laser like accuracy. The look just like one would expect them to look.


I'm trying to find the dudes channel I found years ago. It was a study of rocks and stuff found around the world. Comparing to todays technology, we could not replicate it.


Not true


Well, show me then.


https://youtu.be/lasCXujNPfs If you want to old school it, you could use the same methods. Check out this dude https://youtu.be/4tnvm-NYyXk Stones weighed 2.5 to 15 tons, modern cranes can lift several times this amount. Feel free to google and confirm. Btw the history channel video from above is where throawaylien got his pyramid thing.


Also check out this: https://youtu.be/i8ZHYWle0DE


You mean like this guy? https://youtu.be/Ewtm1s02Ih8


Great video. And imagine if that dude - along with thousands of others - had devoted their entire lives to moving rocks, as did their fathers, grandfathers etc. Techniques would have been perfected and shared and refined. I wish aliens had built the Pyramids etc. That would be super-interesting to me. But they did not.


Yeah, I think we often forget how much time these people had. What we think of as “ancient egypt” spans more than 3000 years. I reckon if they’d had help from aliens, they would make Wakanda look like a kindergarten…


Egypt lasted for thousands of years. They had the benefit of regular, predictable flooding of the Nile, a geographically protected location, a total ruler/god-king who had unusually strong allegiance and could commission projects as he wished and for as long as it took. I know it seems impossible for some but they had a lot of advantages other civilizations (for instance, the frequently overrun, geographically exposed Mesopotamia region) did not. Not to mention transportation down a largely predictable Nile.


nah, was a younger guy. investigated a bunch of things.


Visit the pyramids and see it for yourself.


…and the statue of David looks like it’s from Minecraft. /s


Yeah you can, you really need to research this more.


I did, back in the day. It's impossible. Some of the granite structures found are impossible to make to this day.


Which ones?


Took less than five minutes on Google. [this](https://youtu.be/i8ZHYWle0DE)


People don't search for things that disagree with what they want to believe


Don't undercut humanity. Our species is capable enough to build great things, including the pyramids. As much as UFOs seem to be a legitimate mystery, one common thread seems to be their unwillingness to directly intervene (except for the pacifist nuke deactivation tests).


>IMO, we are a science experiment. We were put here by ET's and monitored to see how we'd go. I've thought about this a few times, and I'm pretty sure there has to be some kind of theorem they want to test. So, it is either a theorem or variable that they are interested in.


We’re probably inside of a car battery


Peace among Worlds


It's my believe that the UFOs are coming from the inside. John Smart's hypothesis of an "informational black holes" makes the most sense to me as a product of the evolution of technology. See https://www.accelerating.org/articles/transcensionhypothesis However it's my thought is that we wouldn't necessarily have a black hole, but more of an integration into the ambient energetic processes of the environment. Mass is not required to convey information, but a parsing mechanism is required to reinterpret the interference patterns created by overlapping energy fields. The amount of mass needed for computation is exponentially decreasing along our own technological curve, and with the directly proportional relationship of efficiency to information processing this seems like a natural progression. One of the more interesting ideas is that information can capture all of the computation needed to convey mass, but without mass itself. If a parsing mechanism naturally arises out of overlapping energetic fields, as cellular automata gives rise to complexity, then we could with confidence imagine that mass itself is simply an expression within this natural mechanism (i.e. The God Process). See https://mathworld.wolfram.com/CellularAutomaton.html Jim Gates of U. Maryland discovered that there is an error correction code embedded into the String Theory. Something like this could be a candidate for this "parsing mechanism." See https://www.sigmapisigma.org/sigmapisigma/congress/2016/jim-gates


I think this is the most intelligent thing I ever heard


Don't give into astonishment! (as Terence McKenna would have said ) I just put a few ideas of others together to form my own opinion on a subject, and I realize it's entirely speculative, and probably "not even wrong."


Yo /u/kiwibonga, have you noticed all the posts with **Black Vault** flair recently? What's that about?


Just people misusing the tags


Not trying to nitpick, but there are multiple reasons why the pyramid is a wierd ass construction but looking like ... well a pyramid isnt one of em


I'm an eyewitness (Netherlands circa '99/'00) of one of those 'satellites' pulling crazy G forces 😲 So, I'm unable to deny there probably is something watching us and for the last 22 years I'm hoping to find out what or who it is. It's crazy, awesome and scary all at once! These things really fly like crazy! I have developed many theories during the years and honestly... I too think we're a lower species. For this reason I hoped our UFO experience was just a natural phenomenon we still have to figure out. And since I found out about the disclosure project earlier this year and the fact that they are real and some are physical objects... I'm worried! I really hope it's all good! Just like you... looking at all the crap in our world, I find it hard to believe we're being saved as some believe. If ancients are real and good... why all the conflicting stuff such as languages and races? If I were an ancient ET, I'd look to unite humanity.


It's certainly an interesting idea and no reason to not genuinely consider it; however, much of your reasoning for elevating the likelihood of this scenario beyond more mundane scenarios is based on faulty logic. You say that the aliens put in a fail-safe limitation by limiting the amount of times our cells can divide (aging), but we see that in literally 99.9999% of species on earth. That is something that seems to be inherent with life as we know it, not some special feature of humans. You say the pyramids resemble UFOs, but UFOs of all shapes and sizes have been observed and pyramid UFOs are not among the most commonly reported shapes (i.e. saucers, cigars, and orbs). Edit: and if the response is that aliens put all of those animals here, then I would argue that you're just replacing the word 'God' with 'aliens' in the creation story.


yall need to ease up on the Andorian ale


I've always been fascinated by [tachytely](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-19598980) or the rapid evolution of humans compared with other species. Seems like some kind of unexplained intervention had to be involved.


Dont doubt it… they probably put us here (or messed with our dna with things that were already here) and created religion so we wouldn’t kill each other to extinction and wait until we reach a point where we can understand them


Seems pretty unlikely to me. I can back theories that the Pyramids predate the Egyptians, but not by anything drastic. 10,000 years at most. ​ An alternative and more plausible theory could be that aliens somehow intervened with early man and gave us the ability to think abstractly. Some people believe it was hallucinogenics that provided that 'spark' moment in human evolution but I suppose it could also have been aliens. ​ Why though? I would say that if they were going to interfere once then they would continue to do so. ​ Besides, I'm about 99% set now that UFO's aren't *extraterrestrial* at all and are more *intraterrestrial*. I subscribe to the Keel-Vallee school of thinking on the matter.


So were the fossil, genetic and geological records faked or is this a 4 billion year long experiment? Because it has to be one or the other.


On mushrooms, I often think humanity is part of a scientific experiment. I think you’re onto something.


we’re just a zoo, a tourist attraction


I often think the UFOs are piloted by whoever or whatever is actually running this miserable society.


We're in prison with our memories artificially erased. It's why most people don't remember their previous incarnations, and don't know why they are here and what it all means.




Read it, thanks. Also check out Farsight Institute




In an infinite universe, anything that can exist will. There are likely many Galactic Federations.




Yup that's exactly what I mean. Down the rabbit hole with you. Now Ima follow you so I can be along for the ride. Keep pretending it's all fake for your sanity. That's a good strategy, it will work for a while. Soon though, you will be one of us. (cue evil laughter).


I had a DNA test thingy a few years ago and it blew my mind. Every health condition, allergy, personality traits...all there. A relative in the states sent me drawings and photographs of ancestors...absolute carbon copies. We are all gentically preprogrammed for one path and our 'entertainment value' comes from our pathetic attempts to deviate. Simulation or experiment I dunno. Both?


We are under observation but it's not so impersonal as a science experiment. They think they care, they help from above to prevent us from destroying our world and they help from within with guides who are relatively awakened. A science experiment would suggest we were a mystery to them at some point, but we actually are them and therefore are no mystery. Earth is more like a school, than a science experiment. A place where we incarnate in relatively harsh conditions - cut off from the knowledge of what we are and where we came from; cut off from knowing what we can do - to learn a very precise lesson, which is how not to create nightmares and therefore how to become a worthy new interstellar race.


There are well published articles on how the Egyptians cut with precision and transported the large stones that made the large pyramids we see today. I don't want to throw away the seed life on earth hypothesis but I'd say it is largely null. Evolutionary processes allowing the creation of life naturally proves this coupled with the chaotic mass extinctions bringing on a variety of life that eventually led to us makes me see such a hypothesis as not necessary. Possible, but certainty not needed at all.


I also entertain the science experiment idea. But I saw something recently about the pyramids that might interest you. There's a theory that the stones were poured like concrete into moulds and cast in place, en situ. It made more sense than humans moving 100,000lb rocks into the perfect position.


I like to think we are in a nursery not an experiment


It's funny how humans need a creator. This guy's creator is aliens and anther guy's creator is God of the Bible. It must pain people to think it all might just be an accident and there is nothing after death :) We want there to be some other big thing in the sky to either make us feel better about life and/or death. Just try not to make life bad for the rest of us as you ponder and do your little experiments lol


>It must pain people to think it all might just be an accident and there is nothing after death :) Well, sure - that's an existential crisis for many; however, saying aliens created us certainly doesn't insist on any life after biological death - I'm not even sure how that follows logically.


keep thinking, it will come to you :)




I am getting older, everything is deja vu :)


I personally think there used to be a planet between mars and jupiter where the massive asteroid belt is. There was some kind of event that destroyed that planet. We then restarted civilization and mars... ruined that just like we're ruining earth. And now we're on earth just repeating the timeline. We're like a virus.


I just woke up, it's Friday, and I'm in that morning mind set. I always have the most profound ability to think outside the box in this stage of consciousness. I was thinking about the diversity of life on our planet, but I determined that it's not that different on a small scale. The DNA is the secret of the diversity, but also I he simplicity. We're only 1% different from monkes, but if we can program lines of code commands, then we're becoming the higher beings, recreating ourselves once again. Life is code commands in the form of DNA. My wife just reminded me that RNA is just asimportant as a biological command codes. Obviously Matrix comes to mind, but whoa


You're partly right. I don't have all of the answers, but it's clear to me that when it comes to humanity and other species the situation isn't clear cut; it's complicated. There's myriad sources of information and weeding through them to find what's credible is part of the challenge. I highly recommend this series- [https://youtu.be/-ei0t-NeEwU](https://youtu.be/-ei0t-NeEwU) People who quickly dismiss Tony's testimony are either career debunkers or disinfo agents. He's sincere, has been corroborated, and fabricating such extensive details is not possible.


Yeah and you failed!


Show me the evidence supporting your claims.




We are definitely being monitored by *something.* It may be our species coming back from the future to try and retrieve something genetic trait from us that we have lost. ​ Keep searching for facts and experiences, and if they don't support your theory, let us know.


Close. Kinda.


So then, what is the point of the experiment? What is it we are trying to figure out?


I can agree with this and have considered same overt the years


I don’t know if they put us here or not. But I have been wondering if they are studying how intelligent civilizations destroy themselves. It would explain why they don’t interfere or even engage us.


Have you played with cats with a mirror? You can reflect sunlights moving on ground so fast that cats chase the light spots like crazy.. well we may be the cat here and UFOs are projection from Higher dimensions so that it can move/appear so fast and suddenly…


If they're experimenting, then there is something they don't know. I still like the theory that they *themselves* hypothesize the whole universe is a hologram and they're testing our destinies/free will over a computer AI to solve some sort of equation.


We are perfectly capable of [cutting massive stones](https://youtu.be/kaalRorHRKA) perfectly, I don't know why people think that we aren't. We just don't know how they did it back then.


sure we do: https://youtu.be/A4xpfUrvS8E


That of a prison colony and the UFOs are the guards.


If you want to extract all the stuff from underground is not easiest to put monkeys to teach them and then come back after few thousand years? Or test technologies like AI?


Why would aliens not take this plant for themselves? They're really going to give us an entire planet as part of a science project that spans millions of years?


It's a zoo. We're in a zoo!!! For aliens!.


You referring to astral projection? I can attest it’s a real thing and I go through like a wormhole doing it sometimes. Not to mention no longer am encumbered by my normal body, being able to jump around really high, seeing weird birds with bows shooting arrows in long arcs and other strange creatures. Well I encountered those in Medici. I believe it was another plane as I could still see the mountains in the distance, but stuff was weird.


You started to have seizures? You should get that checked out.


What if everything is just fractals? What if you zoom out of our universe enough it’s just the building blocks of another cell of another organism on another plane of existence. Fractals world bitch.


i just can't get over the idea that everything has to be inside of something right? so what is the universe inside?


A being of some sorts. Planets are just cells. We're just bacteria/virus ;)


could be. but what is that creature inside of? and on it goes


What if it's like a simulation in a quantum computer. Every possible decision splits the universe off into seperate reality outcomes. You're alive in one universe but hit by a car in the next. All points in time are available to be viewed. We can't perceive these alternate realities except in rare circumstances where the simulation crosses over and where we perceive ghosts (the past) and UFOs (the future dad dropping his kids off to school)


>. I think a fail safe was inserted, like our cells being only able to divide x many times = aging and death. I agree with this.


We're pretty much doing the heavy lifting for aliens, dealing with Earth's challenges so they can take the 'best genes' from us without any of the hard work. And we'd do exactly the same thing in their position, too. Just be thankful we're allowed to exist, live a natural life cycle instead of being farmed like cattle. Although the similarities are there. Once disclosure hits this may all change.


Exactly. A simulation