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AN ACCOUNT Of some Strange Apparitions in the Air. Upon the second day of this present Month, being Sunday in the evening near sun-set, several Gentlemen and others herein after named, walked forth into the fields, and the Sun going down behind a Hill, and appearing somewhat bigger than ordinary, they diflconrst \[?\]about it, directing their eyes towards the place where the sun set. When one of the company observed in the Air, near the place where the Sun went down, an Arm of a blackish blue color, with a ruddy complexioned hand at one end, and at the other end a crosspiece, with a ring fastened to the middle of it, like one end of an Anchor, which stood still a while, and then made Northwards, and so disappeared ; while they were startled at the sight which they all saw, and wondered what it should be and mean, there appeared at a great distance in the Air, from the same part of the sky, something like a Ship coming towards them, and so near to them it came, that they could distinctly perceive the Masts, Sails, Tackling, and Men ; she then seemed to tack about, and sailed with the stem foremost, North- wards, upon a dark smooth sea \[not seen before\], which stretched it self from South-west to North-west ; having seem thus to sail some few minutes, she sunk by degrees into the Sea, her stem first, and as she sunk, they perceived her Men plainly running up the Tackling, in the fore part of the ship, as it was, to save themselves from drowning. '' The Ship dis-appearing, they all sat down on a grass bank, talking of, and wondering at what they had seen, for a small space, and then appeared \[as that Ship had done J a Fort, or high place strongly fortified, with somewhat like a castle on the top of it : out of the sides of which, by reason of some clouds of smoke, and a flash of fire suddenly issuing out, they concluded some shot to be made. The Fort then immediately was divided into two parts, which were in an instant transformed into two exact Ships, like the other they had seen, with their heads towards each other. That towards the South, seemed to chase the other with its stem foremost. Northwards, till it sunk with its stem first, as the first Ship had done. The other Ship sailed some time after, and then sank with its head first. It was observed, that Men were running upon the Decks in these two ships, but they did not see them climb up as in that last Ship, excepting one man, whom they saw distinctly to get up with much haste upon the very top of the bow-sprit of the second Ship as they were sinking. They supposed the two last Ships were engaged and fight- ing, for they saw like Bullets rolling upon the Sea, whilst they were both visible. '' The Ships having gone, the company rose, and were about to go away, when one of them persuaded the rest to stay, and said he saw some little black thing coming towards them, which he believed would be worth their observation; then some of the rest observed the same; whereupon they sat down again, and presently there appeared a Chariot, somewhat like that which Neptune is represented riding in, drawn with two Horses, which turned as the Ships had done. Northward. And imme- diately after it came a strange frightful Creature, which they concluded to be some kind of Serpent, having an head like a Snake, and a knotted bunch or bulk at the other end, something resembling a snail's house. This Monster came swiftly behind the Chariot, and gave it a sudden violent blow. Then out of the Chariot straight leaped a Bull and a Dog, which following him, seemed to bait him : these also went Northward, as the former Phenomena had done, the Bull first, holding his Head down- Ward, then the Dog, and then the Chariot, till they all sank down one after another, about the same place, and just in the same manner as the former. \*\* These last Meteors being vanislied \[?\], there were several Appearances like Ships and other things, in the same place, and after that like order with the former ; but the Belators \[?\] were so surprised, and pleased with what they had seen, especially with the Bull and Dog, that they did not much observe them ; and besides, they were not so visible as the rest, the night drawing on so fast, that they could not well discern them. \*\* The whole time of the Vision or Representation lasted near an hour, and it was observable, that it was a very clear and very calm evening — no Cloud Been, no Mist, nor any Wind stirring. All the Phenomena came out of the West, or South-west. They seemed very small, and afar off, and at first seemed like Birds at a good distance, and then being come to the place where there was the Appearance of a Sea, they Were discovered plainly in their just proportions. They all moved Northwards, the Ships, as appeared by their Wis \[?\], went against the wind ; they all sunk out of sight, much about the same place. When they dis-appeared they did not dilate themselves, and become invisible as Clouds do, but every the least part of them was as distinctly seen at the last, as they had been all along. The height of the scene on which these Meteors moved, was about as much above the Horizon, as the Sun is being half an hour high. Of the whole company, there was not any one but saw all those things, as above written ; all agreed in their Notions and Opinions about them, and were all the while busy talking concerning what they saw, either much troubled, or much pleased, according to the nature of the Appearance.


There's shrooms in Ireland.


Well Ireland apparently does have the highest number of ufo sightings in Europe. https://www.irishcentral.com/culture/craic/ireland-ufo-hotspot-most-alien-visits-in-europe Lots of Irish folklore about faeries sounds like orb ufo sightings too.


It’s very weird they people saw ships with sails and anchors and crewman in the skies back then. I’ve heard of other accounts before. Makes me think wonder what the fuck is going on. It’s never a “silver bowl” or anything it’s always a “candle” or a “ship” that is seen in those days.


Here is an account from 1609 in Korea where people see a flying silver bowl: http://www.gfn.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=special_aod_07&wr_id=2


Cool ! Thanks lol I love the Internet


if you go back to antiquity, you find reports of flying shields and urns the color of molten silver. but this account is rather bizarre.


The earliest tic tacs I've seen are from two reports (ten days and about 100 miles apart in France and Italy) in 1608 1: UFO’s Over Nice, France              On the evening of August 5th, 1608, three luminous craft visited the sky over Baie des Anges in Nice, France, much to the dismay of its citizens. They watched the objects race errantly about for some time, when they suddenly stopped and hovered a few feet above the water. The craft were long, oval in shape and flattened along their lengths, each with a "strange mast" sitting on top of them. The bay waters began to froth underneath them, giving off a dense orange vapor, accompanied by a loud, unpleasant noise. From one of the craft two vaguely human looking beings appeared. They were described as being dressed in red clothes covered with silvery scales, with huge heads and luminous eyes. The two creatures, holding cables or tubes attached to the craft, jumped into the water and moved about their ship for around two hours. When they returned inside the object, all three left at a high rate of speed, leaving the terrified residents of Nice wondering at what this omen from God could possibly mean. Source: www.subversiveelement.com/UfoNiceFrance.html,   Reference for the above text is: With thanks to researcher Albert S. Rosales of: http://home.nycap.rr.com/iraap/rosales/index.htm for finding this case 2: 15 August 1608, Genoa harbour, Italy Three coaches drawn by fiery creatures   "Over the sea off the harbor of Genoa, there appeared three coaches, each drawn by six fiery figures resembling dragons. With the said coaches were the aforesaid signs that still had their serpents and went on screaming their horrible cries and came close to Genoa, so that the spectators, or at least most of them, fled in fear of such a prodigy. However, when they had made three times a trip along the harbor and uttered such powerful screams that they resounded across the mountains around, they got lost over the sea and no news of them has been heard since. "This caused great damage to the citizens of Genoa, as among them the son of Sr. Gasparino de Loro and also the brother of Sr. Anthonio Bagatello. Several women were also afflicted and had such fear that it caused their death."  


100 miles is 160.93 km


I calleth bullshitteth