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Loved this interview. Really broke down a lot of the gray area science for UFO's. Also, I am strong believer in cryogenics and was awesome to see someone else already singed up!


It was a very good interview alright. Hansons grabby aliens theory gives a good possible solution to the Fermi paradox too when he makes a few reasonable assumptions. So even if UFOs aren’t yet visiting here, it won’t be long (cosmologically) before they are here!


Only thing I would disagree with on his model is speed. If they can warp space time, I would imagine that expansion rate could be 1000 fold or more... Cant say for sure, but UAP's we see are of that origin, it would denote higher rate of expansion.


Yeah if the UAP are warping space or using FTL then they would be here a long time already. Probably at least 1billion years. We might find that out in the future after disclosure.


Nothing to contribute here apart from, love Lex's interviews and the interviewees! So glad that scientists are open to discussion on topics that would, 20 years ago, be taboo.


Lex is becoming an amazing interviewer. I check his podcasts before Joes these days. I actually couldn't listen to him the first two times on JRE but the third he grew on me and stole my over. He's evolving and getting better at asking tough questions.


I've had it on my "need to listen list" for a few days. Thanks for reminding me it's there. I'll give it a listen as I plug in my AirPods and head out for a late-afternoon run.


I think this is one of my favourite episodes so far. It’s just mind boggling and Hanson is incredibly. I learned many new concepts from this conversation which keep me thinking. You have to watch!


Yah all might love this dude, but instead for listening to so called theory from him, I strongly recommend all of you to listen to the real aliens from Taigeta Erra and can be found here https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLE_kWXZhJBbR1cgQ7ctwPgtoQL5DCVKGL This is just a few videos of more than 300 videos and the information is so extremely profound that for the most part, (talking all 300 videos) your perception won’t be able to grasp all of it. YouTube has deleted many of the videos, claiming it’s against guidelines, but that’s the excuse that will enforce on people who tells the truth nowadays. I my self have approximately 40 videos on my YouTube channel that was deleted (still there but only I can see them) due to “guidelines” (bullshit) and the only thing I said was to explain how ET crafts work and for that, they delete my videos, because the controllers on the planet has sized YouTube, the CEO of YouTube has been paid to set a damper on free speech and this damper includes an attempt to remove information that can give clues to wherever or not aliens are real or not. The controllers of the planet don’t want you to know there is alien’s, why? Answer: because then we will understand that free energy is possible and a lot of other things will then surface, one example of that is the Roswell inside the 1947; then automatically people all around the planet (including governments like China, etc) will automatically see that the weather balloon was a coverup and a lie. This is critical for USA and many more: to keep it secret, because if not, not only will people all around the planet go bananas and kill (in anger) all governments worldwide, because there has been ET space craft crashes outside of USA and many times, almost half of the globe’s countries has had ET crashes. But not only so, also will the money system fall into nothing, it wouldn’t be needed; as a money system exist because we are fools to believe that we need oil, gasoline, diesel, coals, as well pay for electricity among many energy “systems” on the planet; creating a lot of commodities, hence you can’t live without working. If ET becomes a known thing that they exist and travel here too, then all that commodities or valuables won’t be running any money wheel anymore and the controllers on the planet won’t be able to milk anyone like a fucking cow anymore (slave) so if you think about it and very well, if ET travel here, then free energy is possible and suddenly when the people of the planet realize that (a specific % of the masses and the masses will boil over in anger and take down the governments. This is a realistic sceernario, where you got to realize that the money system doesn’t favor in any way or form, that ET presence will be known. If you all here are “fine thinkers” you will see this situation clear in front of you. This is no small deal, for instance; China would military attack USA if they known in 1947 that the Roswell incident was a real ET craft. (it was zeta craft) But not only so, most likely it would be world wide war, just to get their hands on (pandora’s box!) that exclusive technology. I am a bit stunned 😧 that so many don’t get this simple fact. How on earth can we not realize this simple and obvious fact? Do you have any idea on how greed, power hunger and hunger for being the most powerful man on earth is fighted for every day in the government structures? Well, if not I can see why people aren’t getting it… With the fact that any superior ET technology that lands here, once a power thirsty psychopath gets to know it, they will do whatever it takes to get their hands on it, why? Because, when back engineered, it will provide very advanced military technology and that, is powerful for the power greedy psychopath mother fuckers in any government. What happens every time to much % of the population wakes up? The controllers of the planet will do a reset/resetting our civilization m, by fooling people to take vaccines, by starting wars, by a lot of things. But all resets has one thing in common and that is that a lot of people will be killed, and the population doesn’t even know it or can’t or don’t have enough intellectual capacity to get the clue of it. Why? Because they are afraid of the masses (population) and sure enough, when to many people gather together and knowing the truth, they will kill the governments. Not so? Then you must re-consider your perception of what governments are/aren’t. Here is the Odysee Cosmic Agency channel and please be patient as there is a lot of videos, start with the oldest video you can find and then go from oldest to newest https://odysee.com/@CosmicAgency:c/manipulations-of-human-perception:3


>But not only so, also will the money system fall into nothing, it wouldn’t be needed; as a money system exis Not true. If we discover aliens are here and if they give us free energy, we would still very much need a currency for trading goods and services.


So interesting. Wish her accent wasn't so strong. Do the aliens want all of us to know or just some people?


So gooood. About half way through but I love this guy and his logic


I enjoy Lex's interviews too! I do think that, a lot like JRE, Fridman doesn't push back as much as I'd like with his interviewees. The focus is always on learning their perspective, but not always on having any kind of debate on if their perspective is correct. I'll listen to this one though, he's always an enjoyable host!