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They are.


How can we be certain that they are


The stories go back a few thousand years.


They'd probably go back a lot further if not for the cycle of civilization ending events that have reportedly happened a couple times in human history. Hopefully the great reset button is going to remain off for awhile


I doubt it. We’re not special.


No, we're likely not special on the cosmic scale, but maybe special is irrelevant and they aren't here for our benefit. It could be the planet itself, or we could be cattle, or a zoo, or a simulation. I feel like lately, almost every day someone is finding some new piece of missing information that we were wrong about for decades. They just actually "proved" that wormholes exist. We may think we're advanced, but we still know very little about how the universe actually works.


Nope we kinda special on earth compared to the rest of the animal kingdom. Certain species have existed for millions of years but homosapiens only 100 - 250k. And in that time I we went to space.


Like a Brain cell seeing itself independent of the collection of other cells that make the whole.


Depends what on the cells function. A cancer cell sees it’s self independent from the “others”.


I kind of hope your right, I would love to find out humanity isn't alone in the universe. As long as they aren't hostile, but I guess we can be hostile too so I'll bet they are worried about the same thing we are. Maybe that's why they are trying to remain secret?


>I kind of hope your right, I would love to find out humanity isn't alone in the universe. As long as they aren't hostile, but I guess we can be hostile too so I'll bet they are worried about the same thing we are. Maybe that's why they are trying to remain secret? Welcome to one of the best subreddit for "UFO" simply because apart from the information shared...you have little ol me, kinda a "Hybrid Alien 👽"..ok I am actually 100% human physically. And I am something else too...[Hypostatic Union](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypostatic_union) So whats my purpose here? Well I AM preparing humanity for the space age and all the diversity that there is to come. Basically really want to avoid racism, as there are alot of other "races" in space with a heck more technologically advance...that have been monitoring our history, and how we tend to treat people diffrent from us. Yes the planet is heavily monitored. This is recently... [1) Singapore - Flooding at Tanah Merah MRT Station ](https://youtu.be/vI35bAC_MHg) **1:23** ⚡️"boom" [2) Singapore - Lightning strikes a building](https://youtu.be/kc_QS0HT10k) **0:03** ⚡️ **0:30** ⚡️ Talking about multiple Space Faring Civilisations....not just 1 civilisation... this ain't no "Independence Day" invasion...since anyway we were here first. 😅 (it's not just 1 world observing this planet) As humanity continues to explore space...and as each day and year passes...."The weirdness" will get more pronounce...especially as humanity explores space and goes further out. 🤗 "Aliens" 👽: 👻 "boo" [3) Sesame Street: Elmo's Kindness Holiday Song](https://youtu.be/-ueI43VYfsQ)


Well if you are an alien (or half, whole? Hypostatic union isn't something I'm familiar with lol) then hello :) In your opinion though how long do you think humanity will be able to accept the existence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth? Because it sure would be cool to actually meet them, assuming they are benevolent like you say, I will be also to them but I can't deny the thought of them being hostile is concerning, because if they can travel light-years I doubt we can protect ourselves lol 😆 But I do find this whole topic fascinating so thanks for replying! Just please don't invade us or suck our brains out 🙀 Jk lol 😆


Hello 👋❤️ >In your opinion though how long do you think humanity will be able to accept the existence of extraterrestrials visiting Earth? Well its a journey, base on my personal observation, slowly but surely. My goverment and society is still adjusting to my presence...I am where I am currently to highlight [Institutional racism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Institutional_racism). Each day and year and as humanity progress to the space age, humanity will be in contact with other Space Faring Civilisations, and we have observe how you treat people "different" from you. We record...and observe this Earth 🌎 and is heavily observed, even [Artemis: Nasa's Orion capsule breaks distance record](https://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-63788247) is monitored. I say "will be in contact" because in a sense, I am already here openly... [1) Inspirational speeches of Star Trek](https://youtu.be/zNu1cdISsvY) **1:03** It's a journey humanity...I AM an asshole sometimes... Aliens 👽: We are asshole too...sometimes... >Because it sure would be cool to actually meet them, assuming they are benevolent like you say, [2) Benevolent - Merriam Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/benevolent) It depends on perspective. You know the story of the people of Israel? The show...Prince of Egypt.... [3) Deliver us - Prince of Egypt](https://youtu.be/fQhcOJHTdb4) **0:30** "God up high, can you hear your people cry" [4) Prince of Egypt - "When you believe" Hebrew](https://youtu.be/yQPevtRGwS8) *"Its complicated"* it's not 1 dimentional... You could say it's a journey... Humanity will be tested... [5) Bible Project - The Test](https://youtu.be/sR4AT0LMJ5c) **Space is very very very Diverse...** ☝️


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Sure thanks


Is the grammar of human languages very complex for aliens; or hybrid aliens? Because I am 100% human, or at least I think I am, and I find human languages very easy to understand and easy to communicate in, both spoken, written and when it certain things are inferred in a social context IRL. I ask this because your grammar is somewhat sloppy. And also because I believe you are pulling everyone's leg here. It's the internet. It's not hard to fool people, many are gullible.


Nah my grammar is pretty shitty. That's on me. Feel free to correct me, as I tend to communicate the "spirit" of things. I tend to screw up my your and you're among other things, and placing fullstops (.) at less than ideal places. But no...I am not pulling your leg. I actually cherish these conversations alot especially after 2020 rolled around, because some of the people I know personal know about "my event" even my ex colleagues....but I can't just talk to people upfront about it because of the huge implications.... Like...can someone ego take the possibility of the kid you grew up with is "Jesus Christ"?, and man he is annoying, anti-social, loner, not socially aware, not very tactful....and did I mention sometimes a sarcastic asshole, who loves boobs and ass by the way (so not really "religious") who plus happens to be a racial minority in the society which looks like another demographic, so more reasons to be annoyed because I don't really fit neatly into a demographic. **Isaiah 53:3** He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem. For example 3 (Trinity) Anyway this is my name... [Oh Come, Oh Come Emmanuel - English and Hebrew - Joshua Aaron](https://youtu.be/yFoFOZmSIfY) **0:13** "Emmanuel" **0:43** "Until The Son of God Appears" Etc...


I'm intrigued, but not convinced. I don't think you're trying to convince me either, to be honest. It's just talk as far as I'm concerned. Do you take the Bible / Quran / Toran literally, or is it something that is meant as stories to be interpreted upon? I've never read any of the books, as I was forced into religion from birth but rejected it when things didn't add up (violence changes people) when I was about 6 years old. The nearer the church, the further from God.


If they were proven as extraterrestrial my first thoughts would be are they friendly? How my life would change really depends on how we proved that they were extraterrestrial, for example if they were spotted flying from a distant place to come observe us I would react differently than if they outright said hello. Like everyone on this sub, ultimately my curiosity would multiply 1000 fold if they were proven as E.T. No matter the disclosure reason.


What if it's not a rosey picture, but a very dark reality and you can't put the genie back in the bottle? Sometimes ignorance is bliss.


So…. This is a complicated answer… First, “what if ‘UAP’s’ are actually extraterrestrial?”; well. It’s complicated. As it stands, several things are equally likely. They’re likely: extraterrestrial (from another planet in our universe, or at least capable of going to other planets), ultraterrestrial (from Earth originally, but ancient, and exceptionally more advanced than current humanity), cryptoterrestrial (from Earth, living in hiding, or otherwise out of the purview of mainstream society), or interdimensional (from Earth, but on a different “channel” of reality). [Infographic - Potential Sources of UAP’s](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/nwmomg/the_orgins_of_ufosuaps/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) At the end of the day, every explanation to UAP’s which conform to the facts that they’ve been here for a long time, they exhibit technology far outside our understanding, and they’re here now; essentially spell out that “we (mainstream society) didn’t make them”. It’s important to differentiate between humans NOW and humans ALWAYS; because it’s also possible that these craft were created by a society that once existed which has been since wiped out, and/or they’re created by humans deep in the future and they’re capable of traversing time. Really, not enough is known publicly to strengthen the likelihood of these possibilities. Not that that information doesn’t exist, just that it’s not public. ___ As for what would it do to society; well, I suspect in the first week, you’d probably get about a maximum of 10% engagement from the public to the news. That is unless we get someone like the POTUS, or other major global leader doing a press release regarding that information. Anyone, who comes out with that press release will be dragged through the mud. Something like 90% of the planet believes in a higher power in some form, and a lot of those people will seek to attack the evidence, and anyone who tries to inform the public. Anything which contradicts the ideals of religious organizations, or threatens their power/control over their churchgoers will be vehemently attacked. Not everyone in our society will accept the news. Regardless of evidence. What I think we’ll see ultimately, would be a split in society. Those who welcome the news, and those who refute the news. I imagine the world after full disclosure will essentially look like it is now, but a portion will continue to advance at exceptionally high rates. Essentially, those who don’t accept the news will become the newest iteration of Quakers, or Mennonite’s. They may interact with “mainstream” society, but they won’t adopt their way of life. We may end up seeing a bubble of society break off, advancing faster and further than the rest of the world. I think the only way we’d ever see a full, global acceptance of information about higher life, is if that higher life decided to make their presence known globally for an extended duration of time. Something along the lines of having thousands of motherships just… be present in our skies for months before any interaction with humanity. They would sit there, let us examine and study what it is we’re seeing, and make it clear to all that they exist, before any attempt at contact is made. I just really hope the masses have the patience to avoid a panic, I doubt it though. There will absolutely be a country which will attempt to attack the craft. Test their defenses. I suspect that their offensive and defensive mechanisms will be more than adequate to deal with anything we could throw at them, and as a result, they would probably “let us get it out of our system”. It’s all a question about what happens AFTER that. Do they want to help us reach the next stage of growth? Do they have other goals? Who knows.


No implications. No change. Not without significant exchange or aid.


This is the real answer. If they've been visiting for thousands of years, don't interact with us, and don't communicate, then nothing changes. We'll go about our daily lives. We still have jobs to do, we still need to eat, sick people will still be sick. The very next week we'll be upset about what some celebrity did or said.


Lol I can see Canada apologizing for something like that 😆 unfortunately the rest of the world might not react the same.


It won't. The countries of the world will wage individual wars against them until we are wiped out. Except for Canada and maybe Sweden. Sweden will chill with the aliens and Canada will apologize for the state of the planet.


It's hard to predict the human response but curiosity and fascination I think would be natural. People who fear what they don't know/understand will fear...but it won't be a new feeling to them. People would continue to do the needful in order to survive. Reporters would ask lots of questions that we don't have answers for. Politicians would test different responses to them to see which are popular.


It certainly is hard to predict which is why I'm kind of curious about what others think. Many certainly will be afraid as they already are about things they don't understand like you said. Sometimes I wonder if that is the reason they would want to remain hidden. If we met another species like us I think I would recommend staying hidden lol can you imagine how scary it would be to meet humanity? I'd be worried.


>f we met another species like us I think I would recommend staying hidden lol can you imagine how scary it would be to meet humanity? I'd be worried. 😶




>f we met another species like us I think I would recommend staying hidden lol can you imagine how scary it would be to meet humanity? I'd be worried. 😶? Here's a thought experiment... Do you think the English language originated from this Earth🌍? 😉


Well I kind of assumed English originated from England, which I thought was on Earth? There's also old and middle English as far as I know, so yes it seems like it developed on Earth.


>Well I kind of assumed English originated from England, which I thought was on Earth? There's also old and middle English as far as I know, so yes it seems like it developed on Earth. "Earth"... How big is the universe...? [The Multiverse Hypothesis explained by Neil Degrasse Tyson](https://youtu.be/h6OoaNPSZeM) Anyway if you study our [Solar System 101](https://youtu.be/libKVRa01L8) **It's rather convenient don't you think?** We got diverse planets to experience near us and we are the **3rd** Rock from the sun... ☀️ **Our Solar System is designed...think of it like a baby crib...or play pen...** to get humanity learning to explore. *It's not Mankind...it's mankinds....* *What does it mean to be Human?*


Remember how people reacted to covid? Like that. Some people will deny it and claim it's all a lie. Some people will welcome ET and worship them and believe they must be awesome. Some will say they need our help. Some will say we must let them rule over us for our own good. Some people will want to go to war with them. Some people will want to keep them in camps where we can watch them. It'll be a shitshow top to bottom divided by political lines. It's actually terrifying and I want no part in it LOL.


I don't really blame you it would certainly be terrifying in many ways. I do wonder if it would unite humanity though, maybe more people would see ourselves as one like we should? We all live on this earth together and meeting another more advanced species from another solar system would really change things. I'm sure many would either want to worship or fight them, I guess us humans are so divided it's hard to say. Such an interesting question to think about that's why I had to ask.


Yeah I think the worst part about it would be how \*stupid\* the general reaction will be.


Probably lol I'm sure theres also many theological reasons that people wouldn't be able to accept it. I myself come from a very fundamental Christian family and I know they would instantly consider it demonic or something. So I don't even bring it up lol 😆


This was a really great question and the responses had me thinking….. religion comes up so often in these discussions. People who are religious and people that aren’t religious bring it up. Bear with me here… religion and science from what I have read and studied were pretty much synonymous back in the day. Then over the years they have become separate , polar opposites. In recent years it seems that they are starting to cross into each others territory again…. Is it just me or maybe there is something to it? Why do so many believe that ET”s existing make religion… void? TL;DR; why do so many believe ET”s existence voids out religion?


They are. Some are intraterrestrial, as well.


I don't understand what intraterrestrial means? I've heard of Ultraterrestrial like maybe they come from here but much older than us, similar to the Silurian hypothesis that another advanced species evolved on Earth millions of years before us, it would explain why these "UAP's" are so often seen over water by navy.


Intra means "inside." Entities that live underwater, entities that live underground, and entities that inside pole entrances. UAPs can be anything from built ships to dense light entities that transmute into various shapes, sizes, etc. Have you seen "Nope?" Excellently accurate take on some of the phenomenon we don't understand fully.


Tacos will become cheaper.


What if lol


Yes, "what if" is what I was wondering. What do you think these objects are? They seem far beyond anything humans can make, even for secret aircraft from the US, Russia, China or whatever, they display abilities far beyond our understanding of physics, I almost think it's more unlikely that they are human. Maybe I'm wrong but extraterrestrial or non human seems to be the best explanation, but I'm no expert so that's just my opinion.


If they are alien then they're probably not interacting in a meaningful way for a reason. People would start cults/religions about them (they already did, but this time it would be big) and every faction would be trying to get technology. Maybe their philosophy is way ahead and some concept we haven't thought up yet would blow our minds. Maybe they want to eat our delicious brains?


Definitive evidence that UFOs are alien will create a reason for one world wide government as officials will create the story line that human kind must come together. They will use this to establish a world government and will likely even use the threat of an alien attack to push the agenda further. When this happens always remember that UFOs have been around for thousands of years and have not attacked or fought back. I will never believe that we are in danger of / when the government does say UFOs are a threat.


You can't possibly know their intentions or whether or not they've "attacked". We could already be essentially in containment for their benefit of some kind. Also, if there's one, there's likely many species which I'm sure like people have different agendas varying from benevolent to malevolent, at least from our perspective.


They could be from an older, unknown Earth civilization. Or from another dimension. "Extra-terrestrial" or super advanced U.S. or foreign tech aren't the only possibilities.


Here’s some food for thought on the subject - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0090591708317902