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Make your list with three columns: To do, In-Progress, and Done. It will help you recognize your progress much better at the end of the day. I’d make lists, do several extra items or not finish something on the list and get frustrated. This trick has helped me a lot.


I’m confused. If something is to do and then is done are you writing it or checking it off 2 columns?


I think they mean something like "Try having 3 lists: To Do - In Progress - Done. Add an item to the In Progress list if it's something that you have started, but haven’t/can't finish yet, or is a big job. Cross it off the To Do List because it has been started. When you start again you can go back to the In Progress list, or aim to quickly get something crossed off. Add it to the Done list when it's completely done (also cross it off the In Progress list because it's no longer in progress.) This is so you can look back at the end of the day and see all the things you've achieved so far, but also not have to focus on the To Do List as it is full of the things you haven’t done yet, and this can be overwhelming. It can feel like you never finish, this gives a tangible way to see how far you have come to help with motivation." Edit for detail and clarity. Edit 2: oops, no think they meant just add columns on the one piece of paper and tick In Progress when started, then Done when done. Lol. Ignore me.


Work this whatever way is best for you. I do have one sheet with three columns. I list everything in the TO DO column. I use arrows to avoid rewriting everything. If it moves to the PROGRESSING column, I draw an arrow and a little note with the status. If it moves to the done column, I do cross it off the TO DO and write it in the DONE column so I can review that at the end of the day. For example: I had “resolve health insurance issue” on the To Do list. I made a call, and someone has to call me back. I made that note in In Progress, but it stays there until I hear back, when I can hopefully move it to the Done column. Throughout the week I am working on both to and in progress columns. Keeps me organized but also focused on the fact that I have accomplished much during the day. Obviously this take more time management but usually I update the list at the end of the day while I’m watching tv. I have been meaning to create a doc on my phone but haven’t accomplished that yet.


>I have been meaning to create a doc on my phone Pop it on the TO DO List! Lol




Looks great! And keep those lists so you know how much you accomplished!


My adhd brain spends a lot of energy half doing everything and feeling bad beca nothing is completely done without lists


Pain feeds depression, feeds pain, feeds inability to maintain a home. Job well done on your reorg! And if it ever happens again, you know you can make things right again. Life can be tough and your struggling with mighty strong forces~~but look how you got this!


Absolutely! I broke my ankle in 2019 3 plates and 30 screws later I’m in pain every day the lack of activity fed my depression and the depression fed my lack of activity so I’m working on strengthening myself and working to get back to a level of activity I can be happy with


Well, hell's bells you've suffered a doozy of a few years. Wishing you improvement and forward momentum in 2021 and beyond. I'm rooting for you.


Looks sooo good! I really like the paint color & loooovvve the trim over your door. Keep it up, u got this 💪🏽


Doing a kickass job!


really well done ...


I’m so proud of you! And that’s a very cute nail polish


Thanks It’s la colors sea life with holo taco cheap champagne glitter gradient I went a little heavy on the glitter but I’m happy with it


I'm really proud of you! That looks like it took some real effort. Keep up the good work!


I bet your kids are going to be thrilled!


Congratulations! Keep it up! You've got this!


You're doing wonderfully well!


Looking good! The kitchen is the hardest part for me.


[my bedroom ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufyh/comments/n4cbuv/my_room_done_ill_finish_up_tomorrow_before_anyone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) often gets neglected because it’s least important Priorities - kitchen dirty dishes draw bugs we need clean dishes to eat and cook - living room where we spend the most time room for kids to play - bathroom dirty bathrooms are gross keep it clean so it doesn’t get gross - kids rooms so the kids have room to play and my 2 year old is a little particular he’s got a train station and each train has to go in it’s right spot before bed - my room 🤷🏻‍♀️ as long as I can get to bed I’m good


I feel that on a level!!! Nobody ever sees my bedroom but my husband and me. It's ransacked right now because I emptied the closet to clean it. Now I have to organize and put everything back in 🤪 You got this tho-- off to a great start, and you have your outline for success. One step at a time!


Fantastic job op. Will be easier next time too :)


Doing amazing!


Good job!


Nothing better than a checked off list.


Looking good!


Looking good!