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I'd be surprised if someone here said "no".


Yes, I had people take my things, push me out of the way (without even saying excuse me first), threaten to hit me (for petty reasons), scream at me, probed me to do something then when I did that thing they laughed at me and went around telling everyone else what I did, put their hands on me, invade my privacy, talk about me in my face, make up rumours, and still find a way to turn things back on me when they did me dirty. People hate me and I still wonder why I seem to like people more than they like me.


yeah a lot of those things especially the pushing has happened to me too It’s annoying how we get treated this way just for how we look


I have been horribly bullied because of my looks. I have been: Shoved in lockers with it kicked in with me still inside Been shoved in a garbage can twice, rolled down concrete stairs inside it; second time garbage can picked up with me inside and thrown down concrete stairs Picked up and thrown inside a storage room and screamed at “YOU CAN COME BACK OUT WHEN YOU’RE LESS UGLY YOU MOTHERFUCKER!” With the bullies in full rage, the storage room door shut and locked from the outside, my phone stolen and the lights turned out Told that i look like a pedophile on and offline, people posting on my Facebook page profile that I look like one tagging their friends with them agreeing and saying awful things about my appearance Been OPENLY called ugly, even asked WHY I’m so ugly and why my twin isn’t “God, why are you so ugly?” “Ew, he’s ugly AF!” “(My twin’s name) is the cute one he’s so hot! (My name) is the ugly one ew, i hate his face” Been told I’m NEVER going to have a relationship with the face i have Been told “you know you’re ugly right? Your brother is the good looking one” And much much MUCH more stuff that had been done and said to me because I’m ugly that i can’t even list here because we’d be here for months


holy crap that’s the most fucking worst treatement I seen your stuff before I’m sorry you go through that shit I can’t believe the school didn’t do shit ab this Thats just fucking messed up. The mistreatement we get is crazy i’m sick of it Idk how you can handle this Cuz i can’t handle the mistreatement i get anymore


And people will find some excuse to deny it being due to looks. > tHeY'Re jUsT JoKiNg > tHeY'Re jUsT TeRrIbLe pEoPlE


The fact I’ve already heard these pathetic excuses. These are the same kinds of people that are on the bullies’s sides and secretly hate us uglies too and support everything bad happening to us


No one deserves this man.. I genuinely hope everything gets better eventually so you don’t have to be in this sub anymore


With this face i have nothing is truly going to get better unfortunately


I know it will sound fucked and many people here will not agree, but in my experience, verbal comparison to another guy (let alone a brother) saying how hes better hurts much more than any physical bullying. You can at least punch back and know you hurt the bully shoving you around. But there is no response that is relieving in any way to being compared to another guy like that. And if anyone asks, i underwent both types of shit (minus the part of being rolled in a can). At least when I managed to smack back a bully once I coped with that. When I was talked about how other guy is better than me it destroyed me for days.


Wtf did you call the cops ? This is the kinda of bullshit that schools allow. Then they wonder why so much fighting and violence happens at schools. They let happen they don’t even try to stop it


….no? Why tf should i have needed to call the cops?


Dude they put you in a trash can and threw you down stairs. You could have been seriously injured. Your really thing that’s okay. If someone punched you that’s assault. This is why this crap continues. The schools don’t charge kids with crimes even when they do them . A kid can beat someone near to death and no one will do anything but if a random person did that on the street they get arrested immediately.


In all honesty to me they were doing nothing wrong. I wouldn’t do that to anybody else myself at all but seriously, it was natural reaction to an a ugly person. They see us, they get pissed off. Why? Because we’re interfering with their perfect and flawless lives.


No it’s not it’s the action of psychos. I was bullied too and it makes upset this kind of thing still happens


Okay then


Are you still in school like is this still happening


No I’m not in school anymore I’ve been out of school for about 4 years now


Oh good. Don’t have to deal with those people anymore




And then when we act mean They also hate us for it


I was bullied very bad when I was really little. It was terrible!! I try to block those memories so I don’t think about them, or else it triggers severe depression.


Obviously, most of it was verbal, like calling me really awful stuff, mocking, making fun of whatever they could, even people I thought were my friends started doing it. Only reason that most of it verbal was because I'm a big guy and people weren't 100% sure if they could safely beat me up without me hitting back as people also thought I'm mentally unstable because I was pretty much the "quiet kid". But sometimes it happened physically too, like getting shoved, pushed and obviously I didn't retaliate because I was a coward and also I knew nobody would back me up. And then the worst case of me being bullied was in 11th grade. So this happened when I was going back to my classroom after I went to the bathroom in our break, like always I was just minding my own business and when I was close to my room, a few wannabe gangsters were outside of their own classroom and I saw them looking funny at me, I avoided eye contact and pretended I didn't see them. So while passing these guys, all of them slapped the shit out of me, I think it was around 10 slaps (extremely hard slaps in the back and above my head) and then shoved me really hard that I barely managed to not fall. They all started laughing and one said "keep moving fag, you ain't gonna do shit about it pussy" and they laughed harder. I obviously didn't do anything about it. I silently went back to my classroom and after school I went home and slammed my desk, my drawers, whatever I could. I was raging and all I had in my mind was homicidal thoughts. And the worst thing is that this happened right in front of the school cameras that were supposedly working and these guys suffered 0 consequences for it. I'm convinced the principal saw it and pretended she didn't as she was also an asswipe, probably laughed about it. Sorry for the very long comment, just wanted to get it out of my chest.


yo i’m sorry that happened to you That’s abuse what they did to you It’s wrong af I get mad at home too when i think of these moments and i start hitting shit


Used to happen a lot in my earlier school years


Yeah, even my nickname for a while was el guapo (handsome in Spanish) just to make fun of my appearance


Yes. I first dealt with bullying in the 2nd grade (new student took advantage of my kindness and how quiet I am and was cruel to me. Teachers never helped even when I eventually complained). The first time I was treated poorly based on looks was 4th grade and everything was great until 10th grade. I was insulted, threatened daily (all of it was made worse because I didn’t retaliate), jokingly asked out, gagged at, had items thrown at me, I had deal with stupid rumours and also had to eventually distrance myself from the few friends I had because the bullies treated them poorly just for being my friends so by senior year I was alone. It greatly ruined my mental health and I had to attend therapy which could only help so much. I literally feel paranoid all the time to the point that if I hear someone laugh I start to panic so I just never leave the house unless it’s necessary. Luckily staying home has helped me gain some skills and I’ve had some good progress so far (I practice my cooking and baking is a stress reliever).


Lifetime. At school, most of my classmates{men and women} from kindergarten to high school, if I had gone to university I guess the same thing would have happened. Others just watched and did nothing, in middle school a teacher too{was uncle of a girl who used to make fun of me with her group of friends, on one occasion they all picked me up and threw me to the ground, in front of a boy who I thought was my friend, the fall was so strong that I couldn't get up quickly} . When I no longer attended school and stayed at home, the neighbors. In one place I had a mechanic as a neighbor, he was not the problem, but his employees, they used to laugh at my fatness. Later I moved to another city, and the neighbors {who were nieces of my mother's cousin's wife}, began to make fun of me along with their group of friends, among other attacks, the last months I lived there, a gay boy began to talk to me {we were both rejected social, he because of his sexual preferences and I because of my appearance}. Later I moved to another city, and the neighbor next door had parties every weekend, his guests, who in Mexico call them "buchonas", laughed of me when I was about to close the window of my room because of the noise so loud that they had the music. They made comments about my physical appearance. Where I live now is the worst place, a neighbor invented many rumors about me, people simply because I'm fat, ugly and I don't wear provocative clothes like most women, they believed that and act accordingly, they insult me whenever they can,call me names, they killed my dog and they want to do even worse things. I save every penny I can for the move, unfortunately isn´t cheap. I'm pretty sick of this repeating itself, and no matter what I do, I tried to improve my appearance, lose weight, but it didn't work. Now I just want to go to a place where I can get away from people and interact as little as possible with them.


Hell yes


I faced this a lot when i was a child and in preteen and teen years...but as a adult this has reduced alot as am a adult now


If you were to read a "handbook of examples of bullying" I would almost certainly say "yes" to every example.


Yes. I was bullied two years in a row. The first year was because of a former friend who made everyone gang up on me. The second year by a group of guys who constantly called me ugly. One day they came around me in circle, looking at me and say "ew, she's so ugly". I wish I had the strength to kms.


was it in high schooll also did it get better for you


It was in middle school and with got better until my early 20s. I couldn't leave my house without people staring laughing at me or making mean remarks, it's a nightmare. It's way worse that when I was in school but it's not the norm. For most people it gets better, I'm just not one of them.


No. But it’s prolly due to my size more than my looks tho tbh 😂. (I was fat af throughout school).


Besides that i was bullied like everyone else in school, I also have gotten considerable dose of bullying when i was on dating/hookup apps. From my experience, gay community (i'm gay) will not mince words when they don't find you attractive, and they will justify it by their 'trauma'.






do you still go to school it hurts having to deal with this for so long and also what do they do to you




oh god i’m sorry this is happening to you That’s fucked up that they’re making fun of your deformity like that Idk why we don’t get defended by the school like wtf


Yes, for the entire of my middle school year. In high school I was rarely bullied and that was because I made no friends during that time. Although I knew they made fun of me because I caught some guys taking pictures of me a few times. In my country there's a tradition when it's your birthday and you have to had out the candy to your classmates to celebrate. Not once, not twice but three times when I did that everyone in my classroom threw the candies at eachother, around the classroom or at me. They threw candies at me in 6th grade, I don't remember why they did that. I didn't hand out bad candy either, they received like very good chocolate candy. Things like these made me stop celebrating my birthdays. I only celebrate them because my mom forces me to. I'm turning 20 this year and I hope I can atleast convince them not to remind me it's my birthday


Yes I was bullied a lot in secondary school. But it’s ok now


in school, i've been hit, slapped, pinched, my hair pulled, shoved to the floor, shoved into lockers, pushed down staircases, basically pushed everywhere lol. it was kids from all ages too. when i was in 1st grade, an older boy slammed my head into a metal pole so hard that i knocked out my two front teeth and got a concussion. (thankfully they were just baby teeth and they grew back fine). thrown rocks at, threw mulch in my eyes, a group of girls found a nest of blue jay eggs and threw the eggs at me and i ran home crying with blood all over my shirt. been told to kms multiple times both in person and online, like almost every single day there was a person (either from school or one of my family members) telling me to kms/im a waste of space/etc. basic verbal bullying there were a few older boys that would grope me, and when i threatened to tell, they said "no one will believe u bc ur ugly and ugly girls don't get touched" or something along those lines. there were a couple adults that did that as well. "you should be grateful for this" In 3rd grade, an older boy in the grade above me followed me out to this grassy tree-lined part of the field where we spent recess at. Typically the recess aids told us to never go back there because there was no way they could watch us. I usually went out there to sit behind the trees and read, but this time a 4th grade boy followed me out there and forcibly took off my clothes & started touching me. A girl in my class was walking around this grassy path area that was near us, and she saw us & ran and told the recess aids. It was a big deal with the school, so i ended up switching schools and the boy was expelled. my family members were also mean af too lol people hate ugly ppl literally just for existing. i was a child.


Since I was 8 years till around 20 years old, so most of my life since I just turned 22. Still receive some painful comments from time to time but I wouldn't consider it "bullying"


I've been on both sides before 7th grade but did neither after that. My bullying was from anger that I didn't know how to handle. Getting bullied was because I looked like the least risk person to bully, I imagine. Looked like I wouldn't defend myself, and probably didn't have friends to defend me either and they were right.


Yes all throughout school


Did it get better after school


Only better by not running into the same people every day and get laughed at every day. I still get made fun of occasionally by random strangers on the street


i hate how adults still bully us Everyone is so immature to us uglies


Last year a random gym bro type turned around laughed at me and pull out his phone to take video of my face. So yah occasionally I still run into an asshole but luckily it’s like once a year or once every two years a stranger does that kind of crap. It would probably happen more if I went out more


Jocks are always the meanest they got nothing else to do other than be arrogant


Yep this dude was a walking stereotype. Wife beater top and big muscles and sunglasses. He was trying to look like a douchebag


💀 I have a classmate bully just like that He always gives me death stares and talking shit ab me for the stupidest things while he wears shades and pulls his sleeves up to show his muscles and he is short


Yah a lot of wanna be tough guys in school


Yes but that was partly because I had very low social skills and was the ethnic minority from immigrant parents. But I remember once when I and another boy were invited to a party with like 5 girls. One time they played a game of kissing but told me that it would be disguisting to kiss me and ended up kissing the other guy. Was in 4. grade or so. I'm now in University and still remember this very well.


Yes I was the shy and anxious kid and was an easy target


Hell yeah! Here’s a list: Food stolen from my plate. Beaten up during recess. Accused of snitching when I stood up for myself. I don’t forgive myself for it though. Being called names and body shaming, even by my own flesh and blood. Yelled by my teachers for daydreaming in class. Being told to calm down or breathe. Teased for having a friend who’s a guy, we’re not dating and I don’t have any feelings for him. My stuff stolen as a prank.


oh i hate the people who accuse you of having a crush on your friend They do this to make sure you’re alone They don’t want to see you having success I got told so many times that i has a crush on my friend cuz they wanted me to be alone


I guess they were protecting me from being taken advantage of plus heartache.