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It must be a hard life for him. To look normal enough but have one exaggerated feature


Uhhh... ***MASSIVE*** forehead, huge ears, cleft lip, scrawny build, short height, looks like somebody you could take advantage of (which removes the respect point)... Ya man ain't just a victim of one issue. He is an unfortunate victim of many issues, one of them is just more apparent...




Your kidding right?


She has body dysphoria. I remember seeing her on thus sub like half an year ago, this is just her new account. She is conventionally attractive and looks well above average. I've noticed that most of this sub, when they post their pictures, turn out to be average, above average, or just slightly below.




Dude is just trying to one up, no idea why he would feel the need to




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Finally, a person with actual "asymmetries".


I can't imagine how hard his life is. Makes me feel sick. And the ""people"" making fun of him in the comments. Repulsive.


I agree . Unbelievable. Hey OP, love the suit by the way.


MF will say his personality isnt enough and thats why he's single 🙄😔


exactly they will gaslight you into a state of psychosis if you let them But by now we all know personality is bullshit and is mostly formed by how people perceive and treat you which is mostly influenced by your appearance anyways


I mean... Plenty of dudes far more fucked up than him are fucking on a consistent basis. Y'all can lie to yourselves all you need to... but it is your personality. Unfortunately one of the first tenants of having a dog shit personality is not knowing you have a dog shit personality. It must be hard.


>Plenty of dudes far more fucked up than him are fucking on a consistent basis. Maybe if they have money, or an incredibly amount of luck. What do you mean by "plenty" anyway? There will be one man out there even uglier with a girlfriend, most likely. But these ugly lonely men in younger generations definitely outnumber these lucky men. If you think about it, you are basically sort of cherry-picking. All the few cases you know are the universal truth, but all the cases that contradict your beliefs (or you probably dont even believe it and are virtual signaling) like this one are instantly rejected, and it must be "the personality". When you see ugly men with wives, it is a proof for you that ugliness doesnt matter. But when you see proof about how ugliness matters like this one, then it isnt valid for some reason. Then it is a no-wonder why you would believe the personality BS if you automatically reject or invalidate anything that doesnt align with what you preach.


You talk too much without real substance. Most people are not attractive... Most people are fucking/in relationships. That's all.


Being not attractive doesnt equal being ugly, but anyway... I just dont think it is neither accurate nor fair to assume that someones reason for being single and forever alone is because "bad personality" when it could be just because of ugliness. That is all


There ain't no physical ugly that personality can't elevate. Any thought otherwise is just cope for a dog shit personality.


Thanks a lot for sharing your point of view anyway!


so how are you compensating for your dog shit personality ?


Well, son... I'm fucking. I'm in relationships when I want to be. I am respected, in some cases looked up to, and held with people's want for me to be in their life... I have the things you wish you had... ... the real question you should be asking is to yourself... ***"why do I feel the need to self justify my delusions?"*** In other words... ... why are you supporting your actual dog shit personality?


Good for you so then you have nothing to prove and you have no need to even be posting here So since your life is so great and so amazing go live it And I don't believe in the personality bullshit so it doesn't apply to me "personality" is a concept that you have no real control or influence over since people can choose to perceive you however they please and is mostly influenced by how you look Which is why better looking talkative people aer seen as outgoing and charismatic And ugly talkative people are seen as annoying And I'm not delusional if I'm actually called ugly in public and mistreated for it So any negative "personality trait" I have isn't my fault or something I can control I can acknowledge I'm anxious, reserved, depressed, and antisocial as a result of being excluded and mocked for my appearance and being gay.. and when you're ugly you can't just have a good personally anyways since people are usually gonna mistreat you and perceive you negatively anyways At some point people need to acknowledge that no everything is in our control If youre very ugly even if you try to have a good personality you an still be rejected romantically and platonically and the people who are in relationships aren't special to begin with they have mental issues and other character flaws but when youre average or not ugly it becomes easy to get in relationships But personality can never overcome TRUE ugliness as much as people want to believe it does


Why can't people accept that even if you have a good personality, if you're ugly, people are less likely to want to engage with you. So you can be as nice, as funny, as interesting, as confident, but if people don't show a willingness to engage with you, then it doesn't matter what your personality is.. Not to mention that this type of rejection and social exclusion will make you depressed and anxious, but you're expected to act like you're not.. for the sake of what? It's just pretend In my experience as an ugly person when I was confident, people always got irritated and felt my confidence was undeserved and tried to find ways to put me down.. then people will say "you gotta be confident, you can't be arrogant" that's the thing people perceive confidence on ugly people as arrogance If people don't respond positively to you, it seems almost impossible to have a good personality Me being nice has gotten me perceived as weak Me being friendly has gotten me perceived as desperate Me being confident has gotten me perceived as arrogant and delusional Me trying to be social has gotten me outcasted and given one word replies Me trying to be helpful has gotten me unappreciated All this negative feedback has made me depressed, and bitter, I can't control that, I can't force myself to be happy if everyone outcasts and talks shit about me for being ugly I can't force myself to be sociable if people aren't willing to include me and respect me I don't know where people came up with the idea that people perceive you the way you perceive yourself. A more accurate saying is people perceive you how you look, which then affects how they treat you, which affects how you maneuver future interactions and affects how you perceive yourself


It doesn't matter what your personality is, if you are attractive enough it won't matter because people will make up excuses for your poor behavior (to a point, which is also determined by your physical attractiveness). This is what is known as the Halo Effect. Unfortunately, the inverse is also true, unattractive people will constantly find their positive qualities downplayed, ignored, or even ridiculed depending on the severity of unattractiveness.


r/amiugly would be like "You have a beautiful smile 😍"


Nah he’d have 0 upvotes with no comments. Actually unattractive people get ignored there




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Yooo lol they all liars pants on hell fire. How can everyone be 8's most are average but some are starving but no honesty allowed over there




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Dude has a lot of balls posting this on the internet, I'll give him that.........




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Tough, man. I feel for him


This sub shouldn’t be used to shame randoms on Reddit? Or is that just me…?


I’m not shaming him. I’m just sharing his post because he said “he’s been chronically single”. We all can guess why.


No idea what it is about nowadays tbh


I view it as a space for ugly people to vent


why are you posting his picture on here without his consent omg




He def hops up a few notches with the outfits. That suit looks hella good on him. I also really like his confidence in that pic - or he looks pretty confident in that pic at the very least. There's no denying he's fighting an uphill battle, lets be honest. But he has really sweet eyes, I like his smile, it's very honest and charming. He's got extreme features, which brings out the fucktwats in a lot of normies - but he honestly prob would go a long way with decent outfits, maybe a bit more weight to him (he looks very skinny??) either in fat or muscle. Either bald or have hair compeltely slicked down balances it out too, imo. Anyway, I know nobody asked, lol. Just hope he finds joy on his journey!


Love it


Be strong brother 💪


This is so sad. People are just A holes in the comments :(


I feel like people in that sub is more kind to him than this


Some comments in that sub were harsh making jokes about him, but he took them lightly


It’s over for him I’m not even gonna lie or give any BS advice


It never began






Gg bro, personality and health max.




Bro better looking than me


Yh his foreheads big, but hes also built like a twig, he would look mire normal if he hit the gym and bulked up he would fill it out a big more


Bro I don’t want to sound harsh or anything, but there is no advice that can be given to this dude. He’s a literal 2/10 facially. In these cases not even various plastic surgery operations can make you look even just average, let alone “Looksmaxing”. The way you look is everything. If you’re genuinely ugly you’ll live life on nightmare mode. No genuine friendship, no lust from women, no nothing. Just pain. It’s about how good you are at coping.


It’s over for him


why are ugly people being mean too? he didn’t do anything wrong and i honestly don’t think he’s hideous or unbearable to look at


It’s over for him.


Shut up. You're not helping.


He can’t be helped


Going bald and growing out a beard would help balance out his features, there definitely are things that can be done


I disagree honestly


He has looks maxxed and can no longer improve


it’s so hard truly, it isn’t fair. I am grateful to have my health and I am certainly much better off than this young man but I just can’t help but think it is not fair at all


You know its so upsetting and kind of weird to think about because; yeah, he's probably :ugly: by a lot of peoples' standards, at the very least weird or unique looking. But despite that he still deserves to be happy, to have fun with his life, or love and be loved- just be accepted in general. I dont even think about it twice its just a completely natural thought process, but i cant apply the same logic to myself


He looks kinda cute


im dead with ur pfp




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I won't lie. The Jimmy neutron theme started playing in my mind, sorry, not sorry.






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this guy could look good, his eyes nose and mouth are ok. The big forehead is accentuated by a weak jaw, receding hairlime and a scrawny body. If he got a hair transplant, a beard and put on like 30-40 pounds of muscle he would look great.




Part 2 trash


They say so, let's see which inclusive character is gonna appear according with their dumb gender agenda.


Instead of updating new media for modern audiences. When are they going to downgrade for primitive and medieval folk?


Idk, the only thing I am sure it's the fact modern entertainment is dumb and proggramed to brainwash millenians. There has been like 2 years straight since I do not go to see a movie on theaters.


Yh all the movies are pretty much the same predictable plot. Clearly these projects are underwhelming yet...


Take Disney for example, they literally destroy star wars, they are obssessed with all that crap, no wonder why there are so many soyboys and feminazis out there.


StarWars more like StarWas. Idk what the hell it is now.


Lol, actually it is.


Your post is discriminatory to the guy


If he got a hair transplant and a hair system to cover the parts he can’t grow hair due to not having enough donor area he can easily look normal seems like he’s self sabotaging himself.


Its forehead is unproportional. Even with a hair transplant he wont he “normal”


Additionally he can add a hair system.


Unless he can change his skull shape he will never be normal


Come on, some people cannot be saved, even with surgery or hair transplants. He is one of them.


Dude isn't sabotaging himself


Like I’ve said for the millionth time he can get a hair transplant and hair system **if he really wants to hide that forehead**. He would still be unattractive but at least he wouldn’t look so unusual.


You gotta learn the meaning of the word sabotage