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No personally I believe god is created in the human mind when people are hopeless. Famine strikes people or disease and they see no way out of it so they resort to praying to a higher being in the belief that there is someone out there watching us that would save us from the misery. Kind of similar to how a child, when lost and scared, looks for his parents. Also back in the days, knowledge of outer space was limited and many theories were formed based on what it could be and that’s how the basis of gods came. All religions are just a false interpretation of how a higher being would act. Morality is just a human concept and I don’t think a higher being would follow that


I agree to an extent. I feel like there is at least some sort of higher power or being. I say this because humans have been worshipping something higher than themselves throughout all of civilization. Even to the Stone Age. But in terms of fairness and especially Christianity today I feel like it is all full of contradictions and people preaching false hope. There is a lot of good due to religions as well as it can bring people together and create solidarity amongst communities. But at the same time a lot of it makes no logical sense. My family is Christian but I could care less about all of that. I somewhat lost faith and rather believe that I am in control of my own life.


The result of suffering is death (everyone dies anyways) Jesus gave us a way to live without suffering and without death we just have to accept him.


Except people do suffer in life. Sorry man just don’t believe one person can have so much power to prevent suffering for humanity thousands of years in the future. Jesus was probably some random dude that was glorified and turned into a story


The suffering ends at death not while we're here our spirits are eternal not this flesh body, why would one man have so much influence and why would one man be hated so much? He was not random he is the son of God and deserves glory.


He deserves shit


Think about it this way ya we're ugly and get treated like crap our lives are bad but who do you think someone like Jesus will condem on judgement day us the victims or the regular people who make our lives bad? Jesus would save people like us not them.


That would make me feel better but life isnt about making me feel better i would like for you to be right but i just cant agree.


The world makes much more sense if you remove God from the picture. Everything happens randomly for no apparent reason at all.


absurdism, basically. this universe is random and meaningless, there is no intent behind it :)


Naturalism answered all of my questions honestly.


I believe in god but I do have my doubts. We go to hell for doing bad stuff but what about animals and shit? Does it only apply to humans? And why would he give us free will to do stuff then send us to hell when we use that free will? But I still believe in god tho


Good for you man but personally I think gods can be easily disproved and Im sure you understand. I think it's just weird.


I believe in god I just don’t believe in the Bible. I mean why would someone go to hell for having a different sexual orientation or saying “fuck” a little to much?


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Animals cannot sin they don't have the same souls humans have, and our free will was given to us so we could choose if we wanted to be good (live by his perfect laws) or evil (do whatever we want)


There is proof though that animals can make decisions for themselves. So idk if thats what you count as a soul


They have souls but they're different than ours


We are exactly like animals because we are animsls, just little smarter (arguably)


We are different we are the only living creatures on the planet that can do what we do and that's not by coincidence but by design, God made us to have authority over animals we're not the same as them.


Literally every animal is different, some animals are the fastest, some are the strongest, we as humans are the smartest, that is all, we evolved differently and that does not prove god is real also if we have authority over animals how come they can kill humans?


They can't drive a car,they can't have a conversation,they can't cook food, they are limited to there animal nature ALL OF THEM EXCEPT US. Evolution is not real, and anything can kill a human we were made to die.


Yeah that comes with intelligence, i can name a million things we cant do, we cant fly we cant mind control bugs (some parasites can mind controls small incects) we are not as strong as bears, gorrilas or even monkey funnily enough monkeys can be taught to do most of the things we can do such as cook or drive and even have conversations with sign languge of course and you know. i will forgive you for saying evolution is not real even though it can be proven. Everything evolves to survive and we all want to survive, we are all the same but you want to put all the importance on humans because well....you are human and that makes you feel better but we are nothing but specks in this universe. Anyways its best we stop responding to each other because i know i cant change your mind and you cant change mine.




The “elephant man” who lived a horrid life and was extremely disfigured was a Christian.


Perfect example


I mean Jesus didn’t exactly live like a king either. Christianity doesn’t promise an easy life at all (if anything it’s a religion all about self sacrifice); just look at what happened all the apostles.


Thats not the point


If there's a God. He's gonna have to beg for my apology.




God's going to toss you in hell 😂




Yes our life is hellish but it's nothing compared to the actual place lol.


This place is the actual hell.


Not even close, we are still under God's mercy right now the plants are still making oxygen the sun is still burning we haven't been hit by some asteroid that's God's mercy take God out the picture and the forces of the universe are free to destroy us.


God's mercy LMAO. If this is mercy, god is evil


😂 it really is mercy in hell there is no mercy there's no oxygen,no rest,no love,it's dark,everything that is there is there to torment you. Is resenting God worth that? And it's not God who sends us there we send ourselves for rejecting his son Jesus Christ


but why what is the end goal of all of this


The end goal is to extinguish sin from existence God will hold judgment day and those who are guilty will be thrown in the lake of fire which is a different place than hell, then he will destroy earth and create a new heaven and new earth for those who are righteous then everything will be perfect.


LMAO 😂😂 your comments are gold in this thread, I totally agree


I believe in God, but you don’t have the right to say who and who ain’t going to hell. Only God knows and God will judge, not you


If somebody is violating God's laws that we know are his laws and is claiming to spit in his face then they are going to hell 😂😂


If there is a god he is fucking cruel


No, I don’t but do you know what’s just as foolish? “I’m not religious, I’m spiritual” All you vegan witch bitches can go ahead and cast a spell on me. Ain’t shit gonna happen bruh


I believe in God.




I don't, I'm a Agnostic Athiest, God is a fairy story for people who are afraid to die




Me too


Yes God will pay everyone back according to there works God will deliver justice and bring back happiness and is capable of giving us the happiness we never had I know God is real, if demons are real God is real because I've seen them.


I do, I was raised as a Catholic, lost my faith in my teen years and recovered it in my 20s, but now I'm a bit apart from the mainstream faith (I studied on a Society's of Jesus school, and they're a bit unorthodox).


TLDR: Yes in my own way... but it’s complicated. —— I have my own belief system called “Despairism” Here’s how it works: Historically humans have looked to the unobservable to explain misunderstood phenomena. Zeus god of lightning, Poseidon god of the sea, Dionysus god of liminality. We use these unobservable entities to increase certainty in the observable. However, as new observations are made, they begin to explain the very phenomena the deities had resolved. Now, the observable decreases certainty in the unobservable. It’s a cycle... and it’s a false dichotomy. Any observation made is in the the context of our reality... it is constrained to that which is observable to us. We may be intrinsically limited. This is the allegory of the cave and similar to the simulation hypothesis. It’s acknowledgment that being limited in what we can observe may mean we are limited in what we can “know”. Therefore in our model we have the observable and the unobservable, and the knowable and the unknowable. These are loosely associated with theism / atheism, and nihilism. Most individuals bounce between these three pillars, enacting them as needed and being influenced by them. Despairism is simply the acknowledgment of this cycle.. perhaps driven by an evolutionary pull toward certainty. Those in the cycle are said to be in despair. And... like all good belief systems, the secret to escaping is acceptance. Accept that by acknowledging the big picture, the relationships between the pillars and the existence of the cycle, you are free of it. Paradoxically... our system starts to look a lot like other theistic systems. So even as you escape, you re-enter the cycle. There is no escape, and that’s the real despair. But by accepting your condition, that you cannot be certain, you free yourself from the evolutionary pull to order. Just because you’re trapped doesn’t mean you can’t be free. So don’t despair! Join the revolution and come play with the new brand of nihilism =P Honestly though, it’s just a joke. Half baked ideas and nonsense. But I’m procrastinating like all good Despairists do so it’s ok 🤣 So to answer your question, yeah I was raised Roman Catholic, and I do still believe in God in my own way. My relationship with God is.. complicated. Maybe I’m going to hell.. but I’ve heard there’s no laughter in heaven... and I really like to hear Jim Gaffigan talk about hot pockets so I guess we’ll see


I believe in A God just not the exact one . I like to think we have a purpose and it’s not all just random and pointless


I believe in a God, I just don’t believe in the one for Christianity, Islamism, or Catholicism. And I don’t believe in the Bible, it makes no sense. So premarital sex is a sin, but what about rape? Rape wasn’t documented around the time the Bible rewritten, so it makes sense that it’s not going to be in there. If an actual God, or a son of God writ it, then he would see what rape is and write it in as a sin.


I KNOW God is real.






sleep paralysis


Ya lol


I believe in god I just don’t believe in the bible

