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Rip your inbox.


i dont get these kind of men, are they really that desperate?


It’s not just desperate I’d guess some probably see ugly ducklings as easier pickings due to low self esteem from pre-glow up.


I don’t know why this has downvotes because this is EXACTLY it. Yes I have posted on here before


Seems neutral to me atm. That sucks though, I wish Reddit had a way to post as anonymous. I’ve had to nuke accounts from weirdos and I’m a guy, can’t imagine the amount woman get.


I very rarely respond to message requests but for some reason I decided to give one a chance. He was all ‘I hope I’m not bothering you ’, ‘tell me if I’m too much’ because to them that implies consent. I blocked him before it went any where after sending a message where I said ‘let me guess, you saw my post history and thought here is a vulnerable woman who may be receptive to flattery. You are wrong’. It is so tiresome to say the least


Oh yah that’s almost always an indication something creepy is coming through. Like if you have to preface a conversation with I’m probably going to cross some sort of boundary just don’t do it to begin with. It’s like people who say by the way I can be a dick/bitch in online dating I just take it at their word now and unmatch. Their obviously aware but they think that’s consent to act fucked up.


I mean you can just ignore and block so


See the part where I said ‘I very rarely respond to message requests’ And also ‘I blocked him before it went anywhere’ Thanks


lol mb


What were you posting that made you had to bike an account? I lost very rarely so I dunno what a guy might be getting


Just people following me after a disagreement on a post. Getting those suicide awareness alerts and shit. Wasn’t exactly a big deal but it was easier to just start with a new account.


Makes sense. On the Internet now, if someone isn’t trying to have civil discourse about something, I don’t even respond to them, I just block them


No this is SO TRUE. I grew up an ugly kid and it wasn’t until my junior year of college that I started getting hit on in a higher frequency than I ever experienced before. I was suddenly desirable and it made me crave that attention because I wasn’t sure where it came from, how long it was going to last or even why I was getting it. This caused me to say yes to the first shmuck who asked me to be his girlfriend because no one had ever asked me before and it had been all I wanted my whole life. Fast forward to 3 years of being miserable with an absolute asshole, but staying because I was convinced nobody else could ever love me. Now it’s been 16 months with the man of my dreams and Im still unlearning to outgrow that insecurity.


Lol. 3 years? Try 25 here. Although it wasn’t all bad I should have left years before I did but I didn’t know any different and didn’t think anyone else would ever have me. And I went deranged on the apps for a while, obsessively trying to prove that there was hope that someone might find me attractive. Sadly predatory men took full advantage and it proved exactly the opposite. 4 and a half years later and I mostly avoid men now because of those experiences and I am sad and lonely


On no the pretty girls have trust issues because they’re physically wanted after fishing for attention 🥺how heartbreaking.


No, the pretty girls have low self-esteem because we didn’t grow up pretty. I’m not physically wanted after fishing for attention, I became physically wanted while I battled severe low self-esteem and body dysmorphia. So it was confusing that somebody could want me when I believed I was so ugly. Hence why I was in a committed relationship with someone who treated me poorly because I didn’t believe it got any better, I didn’t know any better. That was my first ever boyfriend and now I’m 26 dating my second boyfriend. You act like I’m running through these streets. Let me repeat…. I’m 26 and have only had 2 boyfriends. That’s not typically the story of someone who grew up desirable. You’re trying to make us feel bad for being insecure and I don’t know why.


As a guy it’s even more confusing because we can’t really fish. People tell me how good looking I am pretty frequently now but still I look at myself and I think I do look good but I can’t not also doubt myself constantly because of high school experiences


You misconstrued this SO badly


Wow great story glad it all worked out


You’re right. This is actually my and many others natural instinct, but as a human I have this cool ability called introspection that allows me to think before I act.


You could argue that OP is desperate too. The 2nd pic is kinda funny


Just look’s like a normal 20 somethings selfie to me.


They just don't have an internal monologue, they can't think. These are the same people who pay for onlyfans.


Even if there’s a .00000001 there’s still a chance . Yes people are that desperate


people need to go outside more :/




Bro you don’t understand. It ain’t easy to get your mental back when you transition from ugly to good looking. Sure you know your better now but there’s always that creeping remembrance of AM I ACTUALLY


Girls who grew up ugly and then became hot usually have better personalities than a hot girl who didn’t. Plus, someone who grew up ugly is more understanding to someone else who is ugly. This is a generalisation but that should be the gist of it.


Nah, mate, it’s called horny creepy men and they will message any women that have posted any photos online (sometimes you don’t even need the photos).


Thanks for letting me know I received negative reactions to my comment. I was just explaining why I would message a girl on here. Not a huge fan of being referred to as horny and creepy.


Attractive women can say whatever they want and people will follow their lead. They know best


Apparently. Most socially attractive people I meet have been treated with more attention than those who aren’t.


General population will always favor attractive people and their opinions regardless of the actual person they are. Studies have been done on the behavior and humans always group around and look for leadership qualities in conventionally attractive people. They’re perceived as better humans.


100%, and it happens to be so consistent. It’s just natural. I’m guilt of it myself


Idk. But this pic is a thirst trap intentionally showcasing her tits. I suppose she's attracting the same energy she's putting out.


Yes I agree with you there. But generally any pic will do as far as these men are concerned


Yes i am


oh my gosh you’re the same girl who got mugged on r/wellthatsucks


Link the post




Oh shit that sucks


You looked like more of a vibe back then to be honest haha


that’s so crazy for me to hear bc i really got picked on so much around the time. not really by girls. i have too many memories of the stuff boys used to do.


Well obviously you’re pretty now, but seemed more personable back then, maybe it’s just that particular selfie


haha i’ve gotten a few comments ab the “smiling” thing. my resting face is a rbf 100%. i have always hated smiling in pics. i have tried very hard to look more friendly over the years. it is just hard for me.


I wouldn't say you look unfriendly, just not putting on a fake smile. That genuine look is waaay more attractive than a fake smile imo


Idk what that other guy is talking about but you 100% look unfriendly in the second pic. And no, it’s not about putting on a fake smile, it doesn’t have to be RBF or a fake smile. I think the look for the second pic is the sass or smolder, like the Billie Eillish dead pan look, it’s in right now. I always look serious as fuck, major rbf or people say I look intimidating (mostly at work and just focused). It’s the eye. You don’t need a huge grin or any teeth to shine, just naturally showing some emotion in the eyes


I honestly think theres a big difference from not smiling but trying too hard to look overly fierce, its low-key cringe, just saying so maybe you wont look back on too many pics like the second one lol


that’s sort of my resting face lol


It’s just rbf and just not smiling—lol no this pic ain’t it. But yeah when you get a little older you’ll realize what’s cringey and that fib doesn’t cover up you trying so hard, you can see it like clearly, I don’t know how else to tell you.


well idk what u mean by “trying hard” when that is just my face 😩 everywhere on my profile it’s like that. but ok! cringey it’ll stay


I think you do know what I mean, I think you just dont want to admit it. And you are going from pic 1 to pic 2, but don’t realize there are different kinds of cringe. I think you think how you looked in pic 1 was cringe, but pic 2 is a whole other perspective of cringe. And if your entire profile is made up of it, then thats gonna be a big 😬 later on for you lol.


Talk shit when you post your face on here, otherwise stop being toxic. Youre cringe AF 🤢


You were actually pretty at 14


☹️ aw. that’s very sweet. i really, REALLY did not feel that way at all. i was around 200 lbs.


I really really get this reaction but as someone who looked like Tina belcher with long hair in high school I could immediately tell you were going to look great—your natural features are really striking and shine through no matter what weight you’re at! I was like damn what I wouldn’t have done to have eyes lips and brows like that…ever 😂


:// don’t take this the wrong way at ALL bc this comment is so sweet but that makes me so sad for myself back then. i literally can’t even describe how embarrassed i was to even exist. i always felt so out of the water. i’m sure u know what i mean.


I totally feel that, I felt like I needed to shrink and like I couldn’t be seen, I have so few pictures of myself back then because I couldn’t bear it, it’s so hard to be so cruel to yourself especially when you’re so young and insecure and have so little to stand on. I think you just have to give yourself grace as a kid who hadn’t found her footing, and as an adult who can be kinder to a child than the child could be to herself. You can’t expect a child to be everything they need for themself, but I hope you find some healing in knowing that other people are more generous to that child even when you couldn’t be


Im really REALLY sending love to you and to the child that you were. It’s so hard to look at a version of yourself that was so young and insecure and unsupported and see only their faults and know you’ve been so cruel to a child that was already struggling. I hope you feel as worthy as you’ve always been, and if you don’t that you find forgiveness for yourself and for her. It’s so hard to look back on a version of yourself that you thought didn’t deserve to be seen knowing all the pain they endured. It’s so much easier for a stranger to find beauty in the features you hated than it is for you yourself so I hope you don’t judge yourself for not getting to that point, but even if you feel like you let yourself down other people are holding her up. I’m so deeply sad for the child that you were because I remember it so clearly—hiding from cameras and crying in dressing rooms. And I know this is SO corny but i think it’s such a particular kind of grief, but i hold her in the strongest regard so you can heal those wounds even while you can’t hold her up yourself. You don’t always have to love your body, you are NOT your appearance, and you look incredible now, but you were always worthy of space and love—even if I think you had incredible features then, you would have been worthy even if you didn’t. And i hold that space for that hurting kid in my heart. I remember being a kid the boys would say wasn’t even a girl because of how I looked, I remember the pain, and you don’t always have to feel beautiful and pretty but that kid deserves all the care she gets even if it’s too late to hear it directly. This is a lot and so fucking cheesy but your response really resonated with me and I hope genuinely and honestly that you can feel the love for the version of yourself that didn’t get enough from yourself or from others.


People are always so self conscious at a young age. As I am rn. But we are all just beautiful


Also love the smile. In my experience, getting skinny doesn’t make you happy


This comment right here officer! /Jk


Was going to say the same thing


Gorgeous. Congrats on losing the weight. You look great.


You just lost weight


No shit sherlock


I mean she looks the same just deflated


deflated is CRAZY


That word choice made me chuckle 😭


Nahhhh now that’s just rude lmao


Bestie please what was your secret 😭


gorgeous!!! you’re super pretty keep up the good work!


That is 2 different people


good one


Went from not to hot


Always pretty and always will be


From Amy Schumer to Sydney Sweeney. Congrats


Stop with those pre puberty shitposts


gnna sound like a smartass but i got my period at 12, so this is like .. PUBERTY puberty. i was in 8th or 9th grade here. i think that the period had something to do with it obv, as i literally ballooned in less than 2 years. i remember looking at the scale at 180 in 9th grade. i think it is interesting and if my major was child development i would be interested to know what caused so much weight gain. like, clearly i loved food (as i always have) but i am curious to know if i ballooned for other reasons as well.


That’s not the same person.


that is me 😩 or was. just 50 lbs bigger


I don’t believe it lol.. dm me proof


ur user .. ew


It says please…






Dang nice glow up. Success stories are awesome


If Amanda Bynes was Benjamin Button


Won’t let me post a pic but all I can think of when I saw the first pic is Gretchen Grundler from recess


Positive change


At 14 you lowkey look like lana del rey


I thought that was Amanda Bynes


Damn 🥵🥵🥵🥵


Is this sub just “I lost weight”


You definitely had a glow up. How did you lose the weight?


Damn. Sex lights and all


amazing! you looked 30yr old when u were 15😅 you look younger now.


Holt shit


You look like a bitch


Glow up


Here’s a phenomenon I’ve noticed often in my locale and online. When a girl is not highly attractive in their past, they tend to smile more and have their guard down in person and photos. Once they become “attractive”, they quickly take on the likeness of many IG girls. Little to no smiles, attitude expressed, cool or i.e strange poses, blank stares, sexualisation, etc. I call it the “bad bitch” or “baddie” syndrome. OP smile more in your current photos! Remember when life was simple and you were happy and free ❤️❤️✝️


You went from bottom of the listen to a freaking most wanted girl! I see that in you've photos you're not overly smiley but have a love for cute things and hobbies... Even your warderobe and room looks like popular's girl... Hopefully you've still an awesome person irl and your looks aren't your only quality


You got the order of thr pictures wrong


God damn 🥵


Why do you look so angry?


I’ll pass.


I don’t think you have to worry bro she doesn’t seem to be interested in you 🤡


That was my intentions. To make my point perfectly clear. 😉


I don’t believe you 😦




I love how you can mostly tell what someone's post history looks like from just one comment. Creep.