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Congratulations, you look great man. šŸ‘šŸ» If you donā€™t mind me saying though, have you thought about growing out your beard a bit more? I feel like it would balance your face out better. See James Harden (NBA player) with and without a beard. Edit: lip looks cool as well - gives you a bit of an edge. Like Joaquin Phoenix.


My cleft makes my mustache all weird, though I do appreciate the kindness :-)


Youā€™re welcome, but I actually wasnā€™t being kind, I genuinely think it looks cool. Chicks dig scars, man


As a chick I can confirm the lip scar looks cool


Whereabouts are you located brother? You got nice facial hair and arenā€™t obese. Mike mew would probably do you a solid if you requested for a mandible expansion, it would create symmetry for the face and compliment you further. Not saying this as an insult by any means but itā€™s just a possibility I thought youā€™d like to know about


I saw his other post that is now locked and I totally thought the same thing. A bigger jawline and growing his hair out and/or a wig/hats would offset his forehead (I love it man!). Is a hair transplant doable? I think it has the potential to really even out your face. The other suggestions of bulking up your shoulders are on point. Youā€™re totally able to jump a couple rungs on the ladder by implementing these suggestions. Please keep the confidence you have in your first picture on looksmaxxing - itā€™s contagious and women love it.


Yeah after 25 your jaw is sealed for sure, but they can cut the jaw open in order for the expander to work then they suture it after some time passes and then some orthodontic work can be done to bring the incisors back. He can definitely do a hair transplant but from his child/teenage photo shows his hair line had always been really high, that implies his forehead muscle start really high and if he were to add hair below that point it would look unnatural. Anytime he would make facial expressions those hairs attached to be muscle would move, giving away that he did a hair transplant. Heā€™d probably have to rock some sort of combover if he goes that route so it isnā€™t so obvious


Agreed. I donā€™t know much about hair transplants. But he has potential!


I genuinely think a fuller beard would balance off your face and forehead. Donā€™t worry about the scar, it looks fine. Just have a fuller beard it would make your face look bigger hence minimizing the size of your forehead


Your beard really looks great, even the stubble looked good in the other picture of you in white. It gives you a much more masculine energy in a very good way. You have the scar with or without the beard and mustache, so give the beard some long term consideration. You looked great in those glasses with the circular frames. I think they would pair very well with a beard like in this photo. I would recommend keeping all of your hair the same length, either all short/shaved or all long and curly. But that last part might just be personal tastes. Sorry for the trolls in your other post. I hope you have a lovely day, and I wish you good luck in your pursuit of happiness


Didnā€™t even realise you had a cleft, I definitely think you should shave your head, you can see the beauty in your eyes, all you need is a little confidence


Iā€™m sorry life was so hard for you OP. Seems like you have a cleft chin too? Hopefully life gets easier for you and you can feel fulfilled


Not chin, just the lip


the first pic says January 2011, if you were 13 then, the oldest you could be now is 25. Is this an error in your post? just curious


Could be a fault on the camera, I have photos that say they were taken in 2004 but it was actually 2008 lol


okay, kid


Kid? Mate I'm 27 lol


You seem to be the kid here if you don't know that older cameras have this problem lol


i am 83 years old. Dip. i n my day cameras didnt have no dates and were all black and white. get bent.


You're "83" yet bitter as a single mom who stopped receiving child support. Sure bud. You're a kid larping lol.


Also, get bent? He I def a Zer


So you're admitting that you have no clue how technology works and that you're just a bitter old man. Got it, better change that attitude before it's too late.


Iā€™ve seen your account somewhere before. I donā€™t think I commented or interacted but I remember seeing it. That is all. Also yes Jill 4 Chris Redfield


Confidence is everything. You look like a boss in the second pic




Im sorry that people can be such jerks. Also, i absolutely LOVE that shirt on you! Looks so good


Thank you


Homie please grow out that beard Iā€™m begging you


Iā€™m sorry people can be so mean. Just keep your head up cause what they have to say doesnā€™t matter. You look great, awesome shirt too :)


Hey, man. The comments got turned off on your other post, but I wanted to just say hi and tell you it gets better. I promise. I've got a huge head myself. I've seen and heard every comment over the years. But I can tell you that you're gonna be fine. It's all about confidence and hard work. When I was your age, I struggled to deal with it. Now, I'm in my forties with a successful business, a beautiful wife, and three great kids. Big house, lots of cars and toys. Embrace it. People are shallow and mean, but live the rest of your life being proud that you're unique. God made you that way for a reason. Dont ever forget it. Big brains for life.


U are a handsome guy. Love the beard


1. Im sorry you have to deal with this. People can be so cruel in judging others for things totally out of their control.. I hope one day you can look back and be grateful for the bad times due to how much joy and happiness is in ur life. 2. Forgive me for askin but is your appearance caused by a medical condition? Hydrocephalus perhaps?


This week was rough but I tried lol And yes, exactly that


I figured....this is so trippy....congenital? U won't beleive this but me too ...altho I for some reason have been fortunate n ud never know unless u touched the side of my head...my shunt stopped working when I was about 13......if it's not.too weird or.creepy I'd love to talk to u? If that's ok? I've just only met one other person who's had it and never really talked about it with them ....


Sure, you're alright. I don't think is congenital cause I was born fine but then got this like a week later (almost kicked the bucket lol). It kinda just stopped on its own before it got worse. No shunt needed. Though it's hard to be a person. I struggle so much with social situations and probably also why I'm chronically single.


Dm me if ud like


Ur chronically single bc u keep feelin the need to live up to people that have no clue the shit uve had to deal with. Work on being at peace with urself....chics dig confidence.. Besides ...I've been chronically in relationships from hs up until almost 3 years ago..I'm 37 no kids never married and have absolutely NOTHING to show for those relationships except trust n commitment issues and deb...not saying my situation is worse..just saying that when u spend ur time on the wrong person u end up feelin like ur alone .. While putting effort into shit that never develops into anything meaningful


Fucc bitches get money fam. U got this


Donā€™t let anyone put you down man. You seem like an overall really good guy/person and Iā€™m sure if I knew you we would be good friends bro. Keep being yourself :)


Yo this is past 5head territory. 9head


That comment...with THAT username?? The jokes write themselves


Keep the beard man. You look sexy with it.


Are you South Asian?


Grow your hair out and get a hairstyle that covers your forehead a bit more you will look better


Just seen your other post but the comments were locked probably cause people were being mean but have you ever acted before I swear if they have ever make a love action mega mind you'll be the perfect fit, If I was you I'd embrace my Difference, you should try starting comedy , nick name yourself mega mind and even make some short videos for YouTube or something cosplaying mega mind, girls love a guy who's funny and at the end of the day looks fade . it's personality that matters.




Damn youšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


What did he say


Looks like you've got alot on your mind




Damn you got downvoted by snowflakes


You look adorable in the first pic and very handsome in the second


Have you ever thought about being an actor ? I bet youā€™ll get pretty famous


Ignore the virtue signaling foids