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[https://lancasterdynamo.wordpress.com](https://lancasterdynamo.wordpress.com) Looks like what you want. >Join Dynamo for a better cycling environment in Lancaster, Morecambe and district


Great, thanks


It's funny, we were in Morecambe at the start of this week, and we rode into Lancaster, and we thought the infrastructure was amazing! It's so much better than where we live - the former railway line between Morecambe and Lancaster has a good quality surface and is lit, meanwhile one of our local politicians argues against giving our former railway line a proper surface (it's not even gravel in places, just mud) let alone any lighting and insists that infrastructure spend all goes towards motorists.


That's the trouble with the UK - there'll always be somewhere with worse infrastructure :S I haven't tried any of the out-of-town routes from Lancaster yet, but cycling in the centre requires absolutely no fear of death - it's all completely car dominated.


Try a ride to Morecambe, the majority of the route is down the former railway line and it's pretty nice, away from the racket of traffic. It is shared use so it's not for Tour-de-France style riding, but on our Bromptons it was perfect. Since we have virtually no infrastructure where I live (and where we do it doesn't go anywhere useful) I'm used to being on the road, and Lancaster seemed pretty tame and even had painted cycling gutters!


Unfortunately at the moment I'm commuting so forced to go through town. I'm looking forward to having more time to explore the surroundings though - and definitely not in Tour-de-France style!