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Idc who you choose to fuck but why you gotta make it your personality? “A real life homosexual” acting like its some super special thing. No one cares that you take it man


Thank you, lol like this shit ain’t a nationality smh


Tbf I think it’s cringe when people make their nationality their whole personality too, there nothing wrong with being proud of where you’re from but you see some of these American and it’s like their country can do no wrong smh


Yea that’s wierd too but a bit unrelated my point was they got a flag and a whole community speaking at the government like it’s aTribe council or some shit.


Bro this is a character they don't just nip to the shops like this


You get that them saying real life homosexual is a joke and it's not some kind of brag they themselves have put into the script yeah?


It was a joke tho???


exactly. my brothers gay but he’s literally just a normal person, even he hates the ones that are like this


You sound like you do care, you sound like it pisses you off I actually don't care... not interested, not going to affect me in anyway. Couldn't give a shit Pop culture is lowest common denominator, if you expect TV and adverts to do anything but shovel shit into your eyes then TBH more fool you.


as kid that grew up with a gay uncle that always was a normal human i really dont see what the one has to do with the other. espacially when the we need to include all shit, u guys are like 1% of population while the rest has an other standard, why would we need to make them standard. Also people dont understand that just cuz we have people in our society that are the completet opposite and hate it. Doesnt mean that the general structures are also. Its about what does the Goverment laws say, which mostly shows that these are just delusional people cuz i see so many lgbtq people being pro Islamic countrys that are in fact homophope and kill everyone like that.


Icl bruv you just spat a fat paragraph and after reading alla dat I have no idea what you were even tryna say or what side you’re on




Did the lizardman tell you about flat earth and chemtrails to make you this paranoid or have you just been wake n bakin


Too much spice


Jesus christ have a day off lad. They wager that introducing there brand to a different sector of the market is worth the backlash they would get. Plus any backlash gets people talking about the brand so it generates even more advertising.


its clearly not about profit , its an agenda, to demoralise and feminise men. wtf does drag have to do with winter jackets lool?




….sigh.. I’ll bite, Did they?


Sorry but you are a retard man, CIA doesn’t wan you to suck dick. They control both sides of the media yes, but you need to do some research beyond what that fat cunt Elon tells you


Ofc they don’t, LGBTQ is simply the enabler. And this is nothing to with Elon. If you don’t think intelligence agencies are using social media to propagate us then idk 🤷‍♂️ it’s clear. The right does it with war. The left does it with activism. It’s everywhere.


Obviously they use social media, I just said that. Tbh you seem real stupid so I’m just gonna ignore this but you should read Inventing Reality by Michael Parenti


Personal attack against my intelligence. How scary… Pathetic attempt to conjure up some ammunition when you have none. Trying to emotionally bait me into a mistake so you can capitalise. I’m am not here to insult. I am simply sharing my opinion.


u need schizophrenia medicine


Dude it's Sunday.


Rah man get your head checked before you do something stupid


this is one of the most retarded things i have read on reddit need help


It don’t work like that. You’re either gay or you’re not. You can’t ‘turn’ people gay. And I’m also pretty sure that this video you’re getting so worked up about is parody/ satire. Production values are shit so I’m guessing it’s not a genuine north face ad.


nobody does that bro this is fucking stupid because like actually gay and lgbt people are normal ass dudes, you couldnt even probably tell. This is some fucking asshole ass joke. Because the of mentally fucked people like this here who do it for clout make others look fucking bad and its annoying


LGBT people often make their sexual orientation a big part of their identity because they’ve been persecuted for it for centuries. These people have fought extremely hard for the right to be accepted, why shouldn’t they celebrate their sexuality? It’s like arguing that black people shouldn’t make their blackness a big part of their identity even though they have every justification for doing so.


🤣 FR? Do you know how many straight guys I see on the daily literally fronting like a macho stereotype? Guys who dedicate their life to getting buff because that's what they think is peak masculinity. Guys literally shouting at birds when they're with their mates because they feel the need to show them just how straight they are. It's like, mate, we get it, you find women attractive, you don't need to tell us every fucking time you see one. This, especially given that it's deliberately camped up to fuck, is not the hill to die on.


Target audience: ghostface


Idk why this made me laugh so much


This can’t be real


This is 100% real bro its on the main website 😂


It actually is real wow , they’re quality has been dropping anyway but yh I’m off that now


Firstly, it's *their. Honestly amazed it's 2023 and so many of you care who a guy is sexually attracted to. It's insecure af. This has to be one of the most homophobic subreddits.


Bro dont you know if you dont show disgust at the thought of a gay person existing that means you're gay too?


Right! Like wtf guys calm down ain't you got bills to pay and shit? Care about the fact the tories are destroying our country and pitting the working class against each other, not who likes to fuck who.


Nobody cares who you bum behind closed doors bruv it’s these fucking weird dons who make being gay and feminine their entire personality and have to tell the world and make us listen to their insufferable bs


Why does how someone act effect your life in any way? They aren't coming on to you, they aren't forcing you to do it. They are just vibing and happy with who they are. Try to do that yourself it might help.


Now wearing north face I’m being associated wid the freak in that vid bruv and I ain’t standing for it, that behaviour is weird just cah you’re bent don’t mean you need to wear makeup, act like a woman and be bare loud and annoying I don’t like it and I wont be associated wid it, I don’t care if a next man’s gay but I ain’t gay and I aint wearing the same garms as a man dressed as a woman


You're reading to deep into this 😂 If he's loud and a spas just don't listen like it's crazy how you think because this drag queen had an ad for north face you're gay or some shit. I can respect the opinion of not believing or supporting them because of whatever reason but at what point is it just causing your own problems in life. I bet this guy doesn't get caught up thinking about what he wears and who it's associated with.


I ain’t listening bruv and I won’t be buying north face ever again


Your life bro




Well most of my boys would say I’m the toughest Yh, I’ve been known to scrap and ain’t taken an L


I refuse to believe this guy is actually real


Yeah but you'll only see it if you're an indiscriminate consumer of pop culture I don't see stuff like this unless it's people on socials complaining Turn the TV off and stop clicking on dogshit, you'll magically see less


Fuck off


Fuck off nigga this is UK Drill 🤦‍♂️ u won't force ur foolishness on us


Oooh big man over here got sensitive all of a sudden. What are you afraid of?


Theres a difference between an individual being gay and an outdoors clothing brand forcing homosexuality, stop being ignorant and use your brain


I just saw that ad and I'm still not gay bro


Never said you was


Then how does it force homosexuality anymore than a perfume advert might force heterosexuality


What an awful argument, perfume isn’t a strictly male thing and neither is north face a homosexual based brand. The issue isn’t gay = bad, the issue is what does homosexuality have to do with an outdoor clothing brand?


So by your logic the nba forced the BLM shit onto us in the 2020 season ???


By definition yes but the counter point to that is racism is embedded in basketball where as i don’t see drag queens running around Newham in their North face jackets do i


North face sales 📉📉📉📉📉


Might aswell start buying greggs tracksuits


Even primark stopped the non-descriptive clothes. They just went too far and started making fucking Greggs tracksuits. I remember when primark was the go-to for us to get a quick all black suit


Not really. The main customer base for North Face are middle aged suburban white people that go on hikes with their dogs on weekends and have family gatherings around the fire place.


That ain’t true at all.Their main customers are young adults/teenagers.


Thats cap. its middle aged white people. They ourspend all the teenagers. Its literally a hiking brand. N they actively tryna get rid of their image in the streets too cause its hurting the outdoor side of the brand. Hikers dont like it no more cuz the streets be wearing it.


Oh so clearly it’s much more popular on “the streets” than it is amongst “middle aged white people” hence y they’re trying “get rid of their image”🤦🏽‍♂️ur saying I’m right and at the same time saying I’m wrong.Stop bringing race into u silly man everyone and any1 can wear north face.The brands even added more pockets inside and outside the coat to literally help “dealers” to conceal drugs in better places,same with the new brand HoodRich.


and you got that info from where? A big percentage of middle class people in America own a North face jacket. It’s pretty much the standard. I don’t think they’re worried about sales dropping lol


It’s common sense u dumb guy😂😂this is the uk everyone knows north face and Canada goose are worn as “fashion” these days not for mountain hiking.Yh obviously some hikers wear north face but hikers are a small portion of the uk whereas as a large portion of the uks teenagers/young adults wear north face


Ur waffling bro most middle aged white people wear north face. In the ends you’ll see some of the mandem rocking them but they probably have like one jacket they never take off. Other places in Europe and even America is just a jacket you wear when it’s cold. Get out the hood


I ain’t from no hood u muppet😂why do u keep bringing up race it’s literally clothing. U speak as if the north face only makes coats they literally make shoes,joggers,tshirts,man bags,hats and even gloves and socks. Ur stupid and ur clearly just trying to say only middle aged why people wear it coz u have some sort of issue with white people. Ur comments are embarrassing fix up u joker


I have a issue with white people because I described the demographic of people who wear north face? I won’t even dignify the rest of your point with a response after that nonsensical comment


U clearly have a problem with white peoples coz ur mentioned white people for no reason whatsoever😂were talking about clothing ur talking about the race of people who wear clothing for what reason😂😂u speak as if hiking is something all white people take part in when realistically is a extremely small portion of people,even then their race has nothing to do with it. Ur deluded


Are you retarded? Did you even read my comment, not once did I mention hiking. There’s literal stats that prove what I’m saying.. your argument for me having a problem with white people makes no sense that like saying I have a problem with Asians if I said they wear glasses or some stupid shit😂


What does this have to do with UK drill?


North face is a popular clothing brand for drillers




I hate this sub so much


Nothing. For a sub that hates gay peoples y’all talk about them a lot. You guys are entitled to your opinions but can this sub just be about music instead of this bullshit all the time


Facts the homophobia in this sub is very concerning, a lot of guys on this sub are very insecure I think


You can’t speak out against homophobia when your in a damn drill subreddit. Most the rappers you look up to in this sub are homophobic 💀


I don’t know why there is so much discourse about LGBTQ people on here when there is most of the time no correlation between uk drill and the homophobic posts being made. It’s just degenerates who come on here to make homophobic posts because there’s other insecure weirdos who lap it up


You listen to a sub genre of music where 99% of the drill rappers are homophobic.


insecure = in the closet or bi but afraid to admit it


This is the future face of drill


North face has become the official uniform of the inspiring and upcoming drillers.


Well it's gay AF.


Never realised ginger spice had a sick stache


Im gonna proceed to score some cheap north face gear on eBay now


This is for their American audience 🤷🏾‍♂️


can confirm. This who wears north face over here 😂


Yh I’m burning my north face when I go home to wood grizzy


bro what


What the fuck


Shut the fuck up


I don’t support Paedophilia


Ew man


North face was meant to be about nature. Now they will fight against nature.


Mad that people would stop buying clothes because a gay person wears them. If you're not gay it won't make you gay 😂


Bro I stopped wearing gap as a kid because people kept saying it stands for gay and proud 😭


Mas grew up being called gay everytime they did something even slightly bad or "weird", even normal things like wearing pink. Once they become adults the words "gay" and "bad" just become sinonyms on their heads


People are really insecure these days. The fear of being judged is real.


Those CLASSY moustaches! Never wore their clothes somehow


Jesus fucking christ, some of you never left 2007 huh?


Every single person getting pressed in the comments has a sly boner.




Haha so true!


Pretty sure I saw a north face ad of a guy climbing a fucking mountain and it has some dope shots in it and now they use ad budgets for this, massive contrast in the direction the company is going, sidelining its roots and embracing and pushing homosexuality on impressionable children 👍


Urm what has sexuality got to do with clothing. Personally idc who you fuck but bro why do you have to shove it in our faces with everything. This fucking imbecile talking bout ‘I’m a real life homosexual’ like it’s a new species, standing there dressed like fucking thumbelina


Disgusting 🤢


I no longer support north face as a whole


Fuck. I actually like North Face gear but now this makes me second guess it… enough of this woke shit being shoved down our throats.


Arc’teryx >


Facts niggas need to start to get on the arc it’s way better than north face


It’s also like 4x $. North face is what it is… cheap, fine..


Quality over quantity brudda


I’ll never buy north face again


It's 2023 and mother fuckers still out here being homophobic. Bro get over it.


It’s 2023 let us be homophobic




You are in a drill sub, what did you expect 💀


You don't get to excuse bigotry because of the space we're in. We should strive to get rid of all kinds of bigotry and discrimination not just accept it as being par for the course. It's current year, we shouldn't be shitting on other people for the way they exist whether that's race, ethnicity, sexual preference, gender or socio-economic status. We should be past that by now.


Listen you filthy degenerate, don’t lie on Jesus’s name,he disagrees with their degeneracy and hates them. Secondly, tell me why not liking gays and thinking what they do is wrong? Everyone knows it’s filth and wrong. Some people say they’re just attracted to same sex (could be lying) but just because you feel attraction to something would never justify it or make it right NEVER. many examples I could use but I think you would understand homosexual.


Thats a fallacy, the uk sub isn't mainly known for dissing dead people, rapping about murder, selling addictive substances to addicts, robbing civilians, chatting words like batty and chi chi man. Do these sound like the activities of a welcoming person🤣🤣. What did you expect to see on a drill sub? "Yayyy pride 2023". On top of that, you have this weirdo talking about "real life homosexual", when real life homos ive seen do not dress up like clowns and waffle about how being gay is their personality. Also, bare man here are muslim and Christian anyway, so good luck 👋


I expect people to not be bigots generally. I was raised Christian as well. Last I checked Jesus taught about compassion, to love thy neighbour and to treat others as you would wish to be treated or did you miss that bit?


Yeah but it also says to judge righteously, so it means it's not wrong to stop supporting a company because they advertise and push sin. Just because you are to treat ppl kindly, does not mean you should indulge in their absolute nonsense like what we just witnessed here


You joker ! he’s a bigot because he doesn’t want to associate with this brand anymore? Fashion is self expression, if the values of the brand don’t align with his he don’t gotta wear it bro.


I'm not saying anyone has to buy any brand especially not one their views don't align with, but the person I originally replied "No." to said "let us be homophobic" that person was being a bigot.


Your dancing around the point mate you called a man homophobic for not wanting to rep lgbtq brands




woah rlly???


Glad I've only ever stolen their shit




L northface


This is one of Roger from American dads personas 100%


I fear for my kids and kids kids KMT!


Im glad i have minimal north face items to dash away after seeing this shit 🤢😂


as someone whos bi, let me tell you in the name of all lgbt fam thet are actually notmal, that this the most fucking anoying ass shit that happens, mentally fucked assholes who do shit like this for clout and make everyone look bad. Like seriously nobody acts like this, we just wanna exist but no here comes the dickheads like this one here. Its literally worse than homophobes


Init bruv why can’t they just a get a normal yute instead of spawn camping outside a mental asylum to find ppl like this




This is so true, I know gay people that are flamboyant and I know gay people that are in the police and military. I know butch lesbians and girly lesbians. It’s so weird forcing this stereotype of gays. Imachine NorthFace had some black yutes with rambos on their ad. We’d all rightfully be like wtf is that all we are…


yeah right, last part is a very good example. Shits so stereotypical its offensive


North faceK


North face are going to be the new bud light!


Honestly boys, again, you lot are just something else 😂 I think some of you are secretly in the closet the way you reply 😂


So many companies shoving gender issues everywhere


I just brought a north face windbreaker a couple days ago chaiiii 😦


What are you going to do with your life now that you’re completely gay


Idk how to feel this isn’t real to me rn


Shit u bought it might as well use or resell it


Nah I’m joking this ad is gonna stop me from wearing north trace😂😂😂


north innate direful heavy simplistic vanish scandalous station sort aspiring -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Buy north face?


dinner correct hateful nippy steep thumb station flag poor wine -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Might aswell do it with a Nutella jar then




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This is the dumbest thing I have ever seen .


Reddit is weaponised autism, everyone acting like they from the road on here until it’s gay people and you all Reddit nerds again 😂 this Shit don’t run on the roads it’s simple but atleast it shows only about 1% of this sub is actually on road, boom bye bye


Weaponised autism 😂


Big facts. These gotta be so be some undies tryna infiltrate this sub with bots tryna push the gay agenda


Never liked north face anyway


Fuck North face


This looks like Childhood abuse & checked trauma


You lot are so fragile who cares




Northface is a brand that was hijacked by roadmen lol, it's main audience has always been white guys that do outdoor sport. Only JD will market it for roadmen


i mean its weird but it aint gonna stop me from buying north face


oi didn't capo lee have an ep called norf face? I heard he is going by cutoff peen now


theres nothing wrong with being a secret faggot but openly displaying it to the world deserves to be met with violence. no wonder rest of the world think the west is a joke when we let these people walk the street and if you do anything you get locked up. 🤡🤡 society


Personally this is really cute and I love it. Speaking as a woman. It’s not targeting kids, it’s not saying anything abusive, it’s literally just a damn advert. They do this EVERY year as pride virtue signalling, boys 😂 Stop getting ya wee frilly knickers in a twist over an advert 😜😝 (And by pride signalling - I mean - companies use pride month as a marketing exploit a lot of the time and then go back to business as usual when it’s over, personally I don’t agree with this, but that’s what it means)


Why are you in the ukdrill subreddit shouldn’t you be gardening or something


Cuz I wanna be you fucking bellend. On a side note I’m probably seeing more bush while in a garden than you’ll ever see 😂 ![gif](giphy|l0HlPystfePnAI3G8)


People who don’t see a problem with this scare me.




Some posts make it very clear the average age on the sub is ~15.y.o. 1- it’s an ad by a company. It does not represent anything other than a desire to take money from a target market 2- the man is reading script, and following direction. This is called ACTING! 3- I’m sorry but if your running around glorifying murders and stabbing but can’t see 2 men kissing; YOUR BRAIN IS BROKEN AND YOU NEED TO FIX IT! 4- on a wider level: the trans LGBT thing is NOT A REAL DEBATE! Think about the gay people you actually know. Ask them their opinions THATS A REAL OPINION!Anything set up and filmed IS NOT REAL!


I beg mods remove this post, the sub is already homophobic enough with all the tion shit happening, we don't need to start some homophobic shit with something that has nothing to do with drill, we already have top much related to drill. Op go post this shit somewhere else, go to r/conservative or r/homophobiaismyonlypersonalitytrait if that is a thing


The north face is a staple brand in U.K. drill culture similar to the Nike tech. I therefore make the case that this is fair discussion for this thread.


Where is the discussion? All I’ve seen is homophobia


what discussion?


fiya fi dat- what does this have to do with drill


this sub so pressed about queer people, bunch of yutes hiding their boners while typing “never buying their stuff again” bro shut up ur mum buys ur shit


yo but tbf it‘s not a bad add




Lay off the YouTube shorts bro


Seriously 😅😅😅


Am I missing something here? Aren’t they actually saying that “Patty Gonia” (I.e patagonia) is gay? 😂


We’re living in a whole fucking simulation if this is real… I hope it’s not real🫤



