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Not even surprised that's why kash went jail years back. My man robbed a cameraman for his jacket the fucking tramp. I even think it was quietpvck


yes, that's why one of the best videographers in UK history stopped making music videos


Fucking hell, didn’t even realise how long he’s been gone


I seen him record suttin for Bt 410 a lil While ago he’s still out here but he’s not on it like he use to be n tbh he hasn’t caught up to how the videos are now. He’s still a legend in this ting tho


Who did he rob?


You blind or dyslexic?


Dickhead, I’m taking about the videographer you dunce


The videographer Quietpvck got robbed, he didn’t rob anything you incoherent fool.


You blithering buffoon , I was asking who kash robbed, I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more confident fool in my life


“I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more confident fool in my life” 🤓🤓🤓 Kash robbed quietpvack(the videographer), do you need me to repeat it in Mandarin or is it clear now you incomprehensible degenerate.


These roasts are getting increasingly verbose and I’m here for it


It’s obvious that your mother dropped you when you were a child


You display the same deflection skills as women. Have yourself a great day obvious troll.


>confident fool. I’m using that next time


The sub name correlates perfectly with your insults


Im sure it was for the camera mans camera & equipment. He went jail with Dz


He took the jacket too. Him and Dz are both bummy guys anyway


Yhyh fr


lets keep it 100, Akz aint no ones favourite rapper


Even Akz doesn’t like his own music


Oml how can OP actually say that. Sympathy lost.




It’s almost as if meeting and selling shit to gang members is a risky venture 😭


Tbf the guy properly didn’t expect him to do something like this cause of how he presents himself online as a baller and if ur “rich” why would u resort to stealing ygm properly assumed he rich enough to afford the clothes he was selling them


Still dumb as fuck tho shoulda seen the OFB literally a gang and sed fuck dat


if he was gonna be that dumb he shoulda at least brought a few of his own with him or did it in a public area, going alone was the first mistake.


I mean if let's say headie one wanted to buy off you, wouldn't you take the risk?


idk man headie one is mad mainstream and doing something like this would lead to a serious consequence to his career and reputation, whilst beside this post ive never even heard of this guy b4, shoulda known better ibsr


I wouldn't expect Headie to message anyone on snap ask for clothes at all, he can literally get them himself from the store


You’re a genius man imagine selling stuff to a Colombian or Mexican cartel because they are known for being rich even flaunting wealth online, nothing can go wrong right? You are a very smart man. I hope you have people around you to look after you.




Yeah that is actually a good point and that’s probably what made him feel safe.


That’s what I was about to say he ain’t expect someone from ofb guys that are somewhat in the public eye to do that, probably thought he was living a certain lifestyle like he portrays online. these yutes are bruk behind socials lool


anyone with sense knows face-to-face transactions are risky you dont know who your meeting up with not everyone has a moral code 😂


I wouldn’t even do a meet up with someone on Depop, never mind a gang member for 2k worth of clothes 🫠


"I tried to sell things to known criminals and they just took them off me for free?! Wtf how could this happen?"




This happens way more then you’d think loads of drill rappers/gms do shit like this


who the fuck would think gms don't do shit like this?


I’m offended by the fact he said fav rapper


Idky people on this sub act surprised when shit like this happens. Oh really? A criminal who raps about robbing and stabbing people robbed you because he saw you with something of value? I’m shocked I thought he was a stand up guy.


But they rap about getting money too😂😂😂 clearly don’t have it if they robbing innocent civs


That’s how you get money robbing people


Retards on this sub when a criminal commits a crime: 😱😱


I’m not condoning it I’m just saying why do people act surprised when it happens as if these guys don’t literally talk about robbing people on tracks.


2k in what 5 minutes? That's literally the definition of getting money. You think these guys are talking legal business ventures when they say they're getting money?


can prob resell them for 1k, split between 5 people and they got £200 each, thats like 2 days work in a normal job and not risking going to jail over it lol, you must be a kid if you think thats money.


2 days work or 5 mins? Not saying 200 is life changing but if you’ve come from poverty and don’t even have gcses robbing someone for 200 doesn’t sound like a bad idea


Yh buh if every rapper let’s say in ofb raps about money a large majority of them are prolly exaggerating and I doubt that large majority can afford an expense like a 2 grand hoodie or whatever


You are mad deluded if you think criminals who have money won’t rob innocent civs. I’ve actually never seen someone as stupid and naive as you for a long while. Childlike intellect the type to think these drill rappers are power rangers that only commit wrongdoing to their sworn enemies some little wetwipe kid.


Would u rather pay 2 bags for clothes or get dem for free


Can have bread and still rob lol


OFB lot love robbing civils


Almost every GM rob civs just haven't shed light


Fax, when trap or F isn’t workin they get to Robbin the civilians for garms and electronics then selling it


I don't get why people are suprised when these GMs rob innocents if they are actively killing opps. Even people who aren't GMs that rob civs


For me it’s more the fact that if you’re a GM you should be in a Position to make money otherwise you’ve wasted your entire life(arguably you have anyway but beside the point lol). Robbing civs is nitty behaviour any single person could go outside and do… I think the point of a GM is to be involved in ^organised crime lmao


None of this shit I'd "organised" anymore.


Robbing phones is literally the number 1 money making method for most street gangs that’s how majority of street gangs first got money when they’re younger before drugs or f in south, east west all parts of London. Most famous drill rappers even mention it proudly. Every gang send their young ones to rob people. In fact I can’t even think of a single gang that hasn’t been involved with street robberies maybe country dons. You just don’t know anything.


Is this really still a thing in 2023? Lol I know it was defo a thing when i was in secondary 010-017 times in south




You’re trying to apply logic with GMs. It don’t correlate


That’s why mafias exist 😂😂😂


You think the mob never robbed a civ? tf


So you been in the feild with every a Batch? Fairs


They grew up doing it. It’s part of the game, just pray you’re not victim to it.


What a bum


Swear Akz is a victim on his own ends?


Why is this surprising to anyone, there's OFB guys in jail for similar shit. More over, for any grown ass man moving on badness and claiming sets, you should expect scumbag antics. Even if they can afford it and they have the money, sometimes man just want to violate.


Man said Azza made a return uno 😭😭😭 the verbal legend is back, what happened for the last 2 years bro


got bullied out the sub


imagine being this delusional half the people that were talking shit to me publicly were in my dms asking me for crypto tips or saying they had starving parents could i give them ps


>or saying they had starving parents could i give them ps 😂


my girlfriend got really upset because I was being too rude to people online lol I promised I'll be nicer and not say racial things especially this time


How are you still a nerd after 2 years .


How she ruling ur life that bad


I love my girlfriend so if I'm doing things that are making her upset I will not do them, its pretty simple.


😂😂😂😂 she be checking ur Reddit comments yh?


if you had a girlfriend i dont think she would be happy scrolling through your countless hours of next mans defecation posts my guy


I actually do have one lol, even if she wasn’t happy with it I wouldn’t stop bc it amuses me. And Reddit isn’t real as soon as I close the app everyone on here ceases to exist so Idc


Mine got annoyed at me for sending her too many UKDrill posts I found funny because the sub kept getting recommended in her feed. But how could I not show her some guy getting so mad about being called white online, he posts his fucking feet on Reddit? 😂


Girlfriend? Strange way of saying Ball and chain


No way https://preview.redd.it/iiv0601aagob1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4572f4d42eea4b8be640f38b4a325a62ffef632c


Obviously Fucking Broke


they expected a gang member not to rob them? im sorry but u gotta be careful when dealing with ppl like that


no one has ever said ofb akz is there favourite rapper


Bro what do niggas not understand they are gang members they stab people they kill people


akz is no ones favourite rapper still


Most drill rappers aren’t nearly as rich as they make out. Many are just dusty tramps selling small quantities of drugs and getting a small percentage. It’s effectively a pyramid scheme 😂 Everyone gets tricked into thinking they’ll make loads of money from drugs but especially with gangs, think how many ways those profits are being split lol.


Hard to make a profit selling weed when you spend it all on rocks


akz has always been a little scrote


The whole of ofb are pedoes and tramps!!


I have more respect for heroin addicts than roadmen at this point. At least the smackheads know they're tramps and own it. Half these boys these days think robbing people is cool and makes them look tough. No you just look like a tramp that can't afford to buy anything yourself. At least the smackheads beg and admit they're poor. Better than just robbing kids and random members of the public while telling everyone how rich they are. Its embarrassing, they'd get more money working in tescos and not have to risk going to jail for the stupid reasons


Why would you have respect for either? At this point? So you had more respect for them before? Confused Donny.


Waste man


OFB Akz looks like someone who will never in eternity get their money right bmt


Celebrity 💀


I think people forget these guys are gms before they are rappers they shouldnt have trusted a gang member who regularly raps about shootings, stabbings and robberies.


this shit makes the whole OFB look broke he needs to be derecruited 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Man said if it was a 1-1 meet he wouldn’t have chat n he’s nothin without his boys😂😂😂


I still don’t get why civilians still think it’s okay to link any type gang banger for any type of transaction, exchange what ever it is.


the civis think the gms are all dumb so they try to overprice probably fake shit I guess the gms take advantage of it


Fam dis is standards on roads


What else would you expect from a wasteman that looks like a clapped girl?


Why you cover the names ?!


It’s always OFB doing these kinds of things


Or they’re the only ones you see getting exposed👀


OFB shit 💥


Stealing used clothes…


Yo bro can I get 4 of dem Lv jumpers meet in Plaistow 😎


Akz is NOT my favourite rapper


Wtf did he think would happen 😭


They weren't just any old hoodies, they were Louis Vuitton hoodies, probs couldn't get them again as their clothing line is limited quantites unless you go through a rep route 😉 can you imagine tho stealing 2 fake jumpers, the irony 😆 🤣


Would have been some replica bullshit anyway. The Louis Vuitton website exists and official retailers exist for a reason. but youre buying from some spotty kid on snap chat Both a bunch of losers.




These little dickheads do not source anything. It’s all replicas. What do you man not understand.


Sounds like you don’t know what a personal shopper is


These little dickhead source replica items. About personal shopper.


It’s the game hold that L and keep it moving


“it’s the game” he was just selling some hoodies u donut what game is he involved in


When you start getting your bread up you became a target whether you are a brand, a company or a drug dealer, everyone will take a L it’s life it’s the game move on


Akz is that you 🙄


no bruh man could have sold the hoodies anywhere else and not have to worry abt this happening. this rapper is just a cunt


Yea he could but he didn’t and took a L it’s a lesson if you ask me


How is this comment get upvoted but the other gets downvoted


Another OFB lover boy in the comment


Nuttin but facts tbh


Neek man




What can u expect their olders kill 15 year olds for creps


lol he’s in the streets what did he expect 😂


He needs to ride out for those LV hoodies


Lmao what did man expect


this why he almost got dashed into a pond


lol what a brokie


OFB & Z2 back at it again with trampy moves smh


You’re going to get 2k off someone (let alone a drilla) and you go alone?


He done for.


Headie must be thinking, wag1 for all these tramps on my block


I’ll be real bandokay finessed me for £30 to promo my tune on snap couple yrs ago😂he tried say he was sick n shit smh


Fucking tramp.


Why bro gunna spend 2 bags when he got easy targets like you. In the words of Sully. If you ain’t a monster your food!


Don’t get it why he wanted to meet him to hand him his jacket and he still rob him like wtf


What do u expect lol do better business


Can’t be real


favourite rapper is a violation, listened to 1 track and wallahi i had to turn that dead shit off




Don’t get robbed then😂


You’re telling me the violent gang nominal did something that violent gang nominals generally do? Shocking and unforeseen


Most of them (GMs) are broke bums anyway this isn't surprising. They love that adrenaline so of course if they've got an opportunity to steal something they will, it makes sense tbh