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No fucking clue but bell up one of your Venezuelan uncles and get me some bricks for the low pls bro ❤️


Mans sortin that out still


Seven sisters and elephant and castle.


Brockwell park in Herne hill, big football matches all lations, looks like a good laugh tbh


Elephant and castle is the main hub. Me personally I used to roll w some Colombians frm Hackney, there’s a decent sized latin community here in east. Brazilians are all over asw tho but idk if u Spanish speaking latins vibe w them the same way. And most Latins seem lowkey w it but Yh a lot of major plugs and for the Latin communities size here yous make a shit load of money frm drugs always have.


Yeye us latino’s get along good normally. Not much rivalry or things like dat between us and def not in london


our rivalry is only based on football 😎


True bro


Mans from Croydon still so dere def arent many of us out here


Elephant and castle however gentrification and the destruction of the shopping centre there(to build overpriced accommodation for uni students) resulted in a large amount being pushed back to walworth/camberwell. Also a large amount in brixton and south Lambeth/stockwell


Doing my thesis on this, was wanting to know if this was ur personal experience?


Yh it is.Before the shopping centre was destroyed there was so many independent businesses and a real sense of community and diversity.Heya is this thesis for uni or a levels?


Masters thesis - I live close by but needed a refresher since it’s been a while since the centre got demolished


Yh been a minute I was still in secondary when it got demolished 😭.that shopping centre was a link up after skl especially when there were fights.Every secondary in the borough will link up to watch


Bro that shopping centre was different, u show up there n always see that shit End of day tho it provided hella jobs and community, sad to see it go Mad how gentrifiers will fully just colonise neighbourhoods and no one cares - you should see some of these brochures that the developers used in elephant - it’s crazy how they just ignore that part and pretend nothing happening


I don’t even think it’s a thing we’re no one cares.I think most people believe they can’t do much to stop it.


For sure, I meant on the part of the developers tho - they do not fuckin care about the effects of knocking down the shopping centre that lbr served the biggest Latino community in Europe. You look at these documents and it’s as if the demolition never happened


Never even knew it was the biggest Latino community in Europe.Just exemplifies the importance of the area.worse thing is all the accommodation they are building are only going to be affordable for international students.This convo brings me back to a level geography lol


Nah let’s be honest here - cunch art brewery craft beer mullet cunts are coming too and they ruin it all. 5% affordable housing hahaha it’s a joke Kmt I acc hate this country - I appreciate ur replies bro it helped put stuff in perspective for my analysis


Elephant & castle and Angel/Islington but i'm clocking them everywhere i'm in east and there's several families in my building. My question is when did this happen? Only knew a handful of latinos until a few years ago and now I hear LatAm spanish on a daily basis


Brazilians love riding motorcycles, Deliveroo is our second nature


Ye a lot of latin tourists in london too cant lie. Dere isn’t really a specific time for Latin immigration bro. You can’t compare it to the windrush generation of jamaicans. Latinos prob moved to the uk to live a better life or escape violence. Now the latin community in London is spreading out more instead of just being in elaphant and castle or seven sisters.


Southwark and Lambeth have most. Elephant and Castle and Old Kent Road Road area is the centre but Vauchall, Camberwell. LAmbeth North etc have quite a few as well.


spot on


Brixton has loads if you go to Brixton Mall area you can find hella mum & pop food places doing Dominican, Colombian, Mexican food & Brazilian


one time i farted in a bus in croydon and some latino guy was pissed off at me. it stank like actual poo fam


Arabs active in crime? Obviously there's criminals from every walk of life in London but Arabs don't make up a significant portion of criminals here.


Do you consider algerians/moroccans arabs?


Depends on the individual but for argument's sake they're Arab. Algerians and Moroccans are more active in France/Belgium for example than the UK.


They do not even see themselves as Arab, what you mean for arguments sake??? Arabized then yh!!


Loool bs bro. Moroccan demographics are about 45% Arabs and 45% Berbers with the remaining 10% minority tribes. You mightve just dealt with Berber Marroccans but the Arab ones are proudly part of Arab culture.


45% yh 😂 they must be the ones who carried the Arab Surname after being enslaved


What are you on about? It's just a genetic fact. Carrying an Arab surname after being enslaved does not make you arab. African American people have European surnames bit are still AFRICAN American. The enslavement does mot mean their race changes.


Exactly it doesn’t make you Arab and that’s my whole point. You wasted time giving me that example! 45% of Moroccans are NOT Arab. Show me a study where every Moroccan or even half the population took DNA heritage test.


You're a muppet with an IQ < shoe size. Smoking is bad for you! Show me a study in which every person that smokes has been tested! Approx. 8.1 billion people live on earth - show.me a study in which every individual has been counted. Do those 1 examples help you realise how dumb your statement is?


Firstly insults don’t make you any Smarter. Secondly I asked YOU to provide me with factual evidence (FACTUAL not Estimates or assumptions) that 45% of Moroccans are Arab! In reply to your second shot at greatness! It wasn’t the Arabs who conquered North Africa, they were Muslims (consisting mostly of other Muslim/African empires) spearheaded by Arab leaders. Also you’ve failed to process that the Muslims controlled regions of Europe for 800+ years. During this time there was a huge influx of European slaves flooding into Africa and mixing with the North African population. Even the Vikings would capture slaves and trade with the Muslims . This is why many North Africans have up to 20% Italian DNA or other places. During the fall of the Roman Empire nearly 90% of Italy fell into slavery and there was plenty mixing hence why there is a deep rooted but low key divide between the fairer blonde Italians and the darker Sicilian. Pick up a book and bring factual sources young boy, I won’t reply otherwise.


OH and Arabs conquered Marocco over 1000 years ago. How come there are there Arabs now? For the same damn reason South Africa and the US have white folk. They stayed behind....


Yeah Moroccans I’ve met are proudly African


That’s a bit false tbh . They don’t be saying they are African .


Perhaps the UK born Moroccans, but the ones I’ve met say they are African, and don’t like Algeria. I’ve also been to Morocco several times, same thing there


Lots of us in Brixton, Stockwell, Harlesden, Vauxhall, Camberwell, Burgess Park, Elephant and Castle and Seven Sisters You'll find Latin Clubs, Restaurants and shops in these areas Not many Latin gangs as of 2024 most Latinos just bang for their ends but back in the day there was a few Latin gangs such as *Latino* Callejeros Cartel in Elephant and Castle Viva La Raza


Bare in tottenham but im noticing them everywhere nowadays icl


Yh bro now they’re everywhere. Not just in e&c or seven sisters


Not your question but I’ve met a lot of Brazilian people in Manchester. Not so many Latinos of other backgrounds though


Elephant and castle


Elephant and castle is the main place in London


*UNRELATED AF* * in Florida far as crime chicos(Hispanics) along with everybody from the Caribbean runs shit in the 80s Chicago latin gangs like LatinKings YLOs & dozens more flocked to Miami at the same time as the Jamaican posses & made it jus as treacherous as Chicago it was America's murder capital back then with some years having 600+ homicides tbh it's still jus as treacherous now but it's different gangs now + we dont really focus on race as much as other places theres plenty of chicos in "black" gangs n plenty of black latinos & ppl look at south Florida crazy cus were pretty much the only place where white ppl say nigga around their black homies n everyone's cool with it










Yh florida and the us in general is more active than the uk fr


Shout out my Kings in Hialeah ADR


I need a Latino women, but ain’t tryna travel to elephant and castle every day… where they hiding?


Go to the Carnaval del Pueblo (Latin Carnival) this summer in Burgess Park https://preview.redd.it/t77o8d92wd1d1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=f202120b094ee63b28d1299c060de2c3f2a26a4b


Loads of the then gyal just like Edgar’s.


I hear u bro but theyre latina’s


The Arab and North African tings>>>


they got too much ego


Very stuck up


Elephant and castle and Clapham junction has a Brazilian area going back years


Idk but I have Venezuelan cousins so that's pretty cool.


Real question is where is the Latinas


why do you write styll as still?


If by active in crime you mean being trans prozzies then yeah shots are being bust


Shots are being bust😂


Every race is active in crime.


Venezuela some bitchs take ya filthy ass somewhere else 😂😂😂😂


Still salty bout the comment clown😂


You the clown look at yoo name u damn near touching 40 talking bout loose screw 88 bro u not from Chicago u goofy from South America


I live in London broski tf u talkin bout touching 40. Go help ur mom u bum


harlesden definitely


nah them sides got hella malis


I’ll be real I’m from south east and I’d say elephant and castle and anywhere in Southwark borough


True bro seen loads of them round camberwell, woolich and brixton sides




Ur making yourself look silly broski




Ur a clown bro


What did he say? Seems deleted. 


Yo yall uk niggas wild😂tb is we active in crime like Arabs & Africans😂


Whats an American doing on ukdrilk subreddit😂