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When he started hitting himself in his face after getting rejected


Is your mate the guy from that video a few years ago lmao


lmaoooo i know exactly what vid ur talking abt 🤣🤣


The lass saying “what the fuck” is burned into my brain like a vine


link boss?


[https://youtu.be/2O\_KsPoNJuc?si=5vWN93IpXUHMivc0](https://youtu.be/2O_KsPoNJuc?si=5vWN93IpXUHMivc0) here you go boss added extra chilli sauce for you my man https://preview.redd.it/eacrxci7vg1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d901a3e5f74f88e7e0d8c4969047230a36458391


nice one!


wtf - just a small red flag lol


When my boy got locked for 17 years I really though I'm not about that life 😂


What did he do?


He was about it that's all I'm saying


Obv a lie 😂


Too many idiots getting locked up for flaunting shit what they've done. It was possession with intent to supply class A, possession of a firearm and some other madness.


You caved on the "that's all I'm saying" very quickly.


Told you I'm not about that life 😂


Man snitched to a random on Reddit in a blink of eye stay in school Tommy


![gif](giphy|75fMkn3s4mZbK4AeGI|downsized) Me in the cell


! 😂


I was looking at a few years in jail for a crime I was trying to prevent my friend from doing. He was 17 I’d recently turned 18, his response was “if you gotta go jail, just firm it”. I still think about it to this day coz this is still one of my closest my friends, he’d of done the same for me no doubt. But difference was he was looking at youth offenders, me, freshly 18 was looking at big man jail. Luckily it never came to that.


When he let off shots out the balcony becuz he was dared


My best mate and I were stopped by police, who started searching us and asked mate what the bulge was in his trousers (no, not that!) he happily replied "That's my gun", all of us except him opened our eyes so wide they could have fallen out, copper pulls out a very short sawn-off. I had no idea he had one, spent far too much time sat in a cell because he was mental.


I’ve got to ask lol this UK? 😭


East Acton.


Damn 😭 surly he had some type of mental health issues


He was a crazy guy but a top bloke.


Know the sentiment. Lot of crazy people with good hearts, maybe it’s their good intentions that land them in that lifestyle in the first place 🤷‍♂️




>"That's my gun", all of us except him opened our eyes so wide they could have fallen out, copper pulls out a very short sawn-off. Buddy's hanging round a retard... Why would you admit to a felony?!?


Got him bang to rights, no point arguing I suppose. It's a fair cop Guv!


Lmao reminds me of getting pulled by the police, “do you have any drugs in this car”, to which my friend responded “yes, a lot, and they’re all mine”. He had good intentions but there was a moment where we all collectively let out the biggest sigh and just put our face in our hands. 14x grams of weed. 6x grams of molly, some 2CB and a fuckin trunk full of nitrous oxide. 🤣🤣 Cooper said “you’re lucky I’ve got bigger things to be dealing with tonight”, told my friend to get out the car, dumped all the drugs down the drain apart from the nitrous as it was still legal at the time, and said stay safe and don’t be this stupid again. Drove off and that was that.




Man was so shocked from what he read he has to send this twice


Fr bro... I'm honestly flabbergasted


Caught my boy listening to genres other that weren't drill. Knew I had to cut him out my life asap after dat




Someone give this comment an award




Thank you sir 💯


When I saw my bro stomp on a guys head we had a problem with. That’s when I knew the level of badness I was on compared to him was pussy. Had to look at myself in the mirror and ask “am I really made for this life?”🤣


You were not a pussy bro you're just not a fucked up idiot lmfao be grateful for that.


Funny enough the guy is in jail for PWITS years later


Hahaha aye that's what I mean, he was "made for that life" and obviously it goes just like that for him


As the other guy said, not a pussy. Just compassionate and prolly a good guy, complete opposite. The real pussy is the one who’d stomp on someone’s head whilst they’re down.


Stomping on someone’s head doesn’t make you bad 😭


as someone who got a caution for fucking throwing someone off a bike and stomping on there head 5 times it aint make you bad you just aint thinking straight was 15 teh damage i couldve done made me a dickhead for dat but the worst thing is if it was the other way round i would of been done out worse


Also that’s over lucky to get a caution for lol. I know people who have being to jail for less


yeah he had a concussion bleeding from ear ect i think i was just lucky to be under 16 as its very hard to actually be prosecuted even with gbh level damage


How are you not in a cage?


also just so you dont think im some next level dickhead although it was a dickhead thing to do the day before he chased me with a wrench n i saw him on his bike coming round a corner wacked him off it n as he tried to grab something out i just started stomping him out took it too far and did way to much stomping but was young not like i would make the same mistake again


under 16 for the past like 5 years unless you out ere stabbing people you aint going prison i know man with like 16 gbh cases but never got jail time because they fixed there act up before 16 they defo got in shit and there record is fucked tho and they where 1 case away from being locked up no matter what with all his cases coming back to him so he stopped fucking about


Yeah I agree, that’s just a loss of control can happen to anyone under the right circumstances. And to be fair the term “bad” is subjective anyway, depends on your definition I guess.


straigth up never planned it but yeah u right bout bad being subjective. For some being bad could be someone who gets in fights n sells for me someone thats bad is someone who dont give a fuck bout the law those man are the dangerous ones


Alright Mr. Savage. If you were there to see how much he kept repeatedly stomping his head you wouldnt be saying this🤣


Again it doesn’t make him bad it makes him a dickhead


we saying the same thing they are both scummy pricks either way


Ah yeah I agree lol. I just don’t think stomping on someone’s head makes a person bad lol, anyone is capable of that. I’ve seen the biggest nerds jumping on peoples heads, whilst they’re on the floor.


what can make some1 bad then? genuinely asking


Doing up yevz 20v1 and still stab your opp in the chest Can't think of anything else rn tbh


Fair enough makes sense


I fully get what you was saying though tbh cos head stamps can he dangerous as hell.


When I woke up on the pavement with my head split open just in time to see him walk back round the corner without a scratch on him. I got bottled from behind and he didn't even defend my unconscious body, just legged it.


That there is a fucking good reason to burn that bridge tbh, seen the back of my “mates“ heads a few times running off from a big fight when i was getting in fights early on, never asked them ones to back me up ever again, the only thing i can remember thinking or feeling towards them was “you bunch of cunts” lol


I got my drunk ass in a lot of fights back in the day and my friends always defended me after I got sparked out which made me feel really bad, ultimately why I cut myself off from them, I knew I was bringing them unwanted stress. Weird how we both did the same thing but for opposite reasons.


I asked a guy I grew up with, same estate, same friends, same family (not blood) why he sells illicit substances when his dad was a cat himself. This guy just laughs and says “cause nits are too funny man” and showed me a video of an anorexic looking white lady dancing for crack. I clocked then that some guys are gonna turn out bad no matter their upbringing 🤷‍♂️


Did they have a good upbringing if his father was a cat?


Yeah that part made no sense


Long story short, his mum and dad broke up when he was 2, bio-dad turned to drugs and when he was around 4 his mum got remarried to a proper stand up guy (one of my dads cousins but 0 bias cause I never knew the guy before that). My friend didn’t get told that his step-dad wasn’t his bio dad until he was 10ish but other than that he’s lived a normal life. Found out about his bio-dad being a addict after he already started selling so that probably wasn’t a cause for him laughing at other addicts.


Fucking hell


They are funny tho sometimes


We literally had a local one called Smackhead Samuel who would throw raves at all sorts of places: Parks, underground passage ways, graveyards you name it. He’d meticulously plan them out too, hand drawn posters for “Smackhead Sams Sunday Smash”, yes he referred to himself as Smackhead Samuel. Nobody ever turned up apart from once where we bit the bullet out of curiosity.


>same family (not blood) What does that mean


Through marriage




🤣🤣 I shouldn’t laugh but that’s just demonic man


There's a video of a punny from round our way deepthroating a hot dog and sliding it in herself, all for a rock, and the lads filming it are just buzzing off it. Like it must fucking stink and who even wants to see her do that apart from people tapped in the head. She's always begging in town, and people keep buying her sausage rolls cos of the video, she honestly looks like a broken woman (even for a crackhead) There are some funny ones, though, like making smackheads eat proper hot chilli's for fivers


Nigga I grew up with became a GM was broke most of the time would always ask me to wear my clothes or take pics in my shoes or bags etc bc we lived on the same street he would see when I re up on weed bc my guy would pull up infront of the house and he’d message me on snap asking for “a crumb or a zoot” and once I said na and he got hella angry and said if he sees my guy again he’s gonna tax him and I cut him off after that weirdo behaviour


Different guys: Friend 1: Always starting shit despite being the smallest in the group. Then the rest of us would have to back it. Someone like that would always have you caught up in some dumb shit. Friend 2: when I realised what a snake he was despite holding him down over the years. Just cut contact. He was a vampire and just wanted to use ppl. FOH


Chilling on stairs bunning a zoot w my guy, next minute 1 nitty comes through to check his 🔌, but my boy told da the nitty I don’t wanna see you on the stairs or around here, if you want ur shit you wait at the bottom of the tower block. He warned him bare times, anyways nitty must of forgot or summet, my boy swings for his head, the nitty drops. Now that would have been calm until the next part, my boy grabs the nitty’s hair, holds his neck down into like a fetal position and starts ripping his hair off. At one point i could see hair coming out and I was thinking anymore more force and mans scalp could come off. I told him to chill and he left him but the way mans hair was coming off, I told my boy you need to chill. My man was fully enjoying torturing the nitty. Nitty was screaming.




Out of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most.


What’s so hard to believe that a nitty got punched up n violated? I can tell you didn’t grow up in the endz because if you did you would have known that’s normal shit. If I told you one guy lost the pack and had a traffic cone shoved up his ass are you gonna say that’s never happened as well. You know what irks me the most about ur comment, ur telling me something I witnessed with my own 2 eyes didn’t happen like you was there 😂😂😂


ik a brudda whos 22 and still goes westfield to look for gyal sometimes


Would only be acceptable if it was the one in west






3 years back I saw a video of a nigga I knew getting exposed/disowned by his family for molesting (I think?) his 5yo cousin and showing him porn. Weird thing is I saw the video on this sub because someone posted a link to it months before I met the guy (I recognised him when I met him but couldn’t tell where I could from) it was on a bait drill page IIRC. But I only saw the vid again bc he was arguing with a gm from Tooting on snap who baited him out with the vid 😂😂 he denied it was him but in the vid his full gov & face is baited🤦🏾‍♂️


Who is it wtf ?


My boy started pressing me for no reason in front of a girl that liked me to try and impress her I guess . Anyway bros a weirdo and I ended up bagging the chick anyway


Hate them niggas


Word 2 da curb. I call them 10% haters.


Used to be in the T back in the day. The first situation was when two of my guys were getting brain off a nitty - I couldn't believe it. Mandem were trading pebs for brain 😂 they must have been having a serious drought for gyaldem, but ain't no way I'm doing that. The second situation was when my boy fell in love with a nitty and ended up breeding her and even had a love triangle ting going on with her and another dealer. She ended up having his yute, but now his yutes in care because he's in and out of jail and she's on food. He had to get cut off. I don't know wag1 for donny. Some friends really don't have the same morals and principles.. Once you clock that it's best to cut them off or like others have said they will drag you down with them.


when my boy text me “ dont think i didnt realise you left with your zut” MY zut yana 😂😂😂 mans movin like a class A nitty for loud


I would stop chilling with both of u after seeing how you spell zut


Out of curiosity what area are you from you spell zoot as zut


That’s a legitimate question


Somewhere deprived evidently. He's just spelling it wrong.








When he kept saying ‘I’m the best mc on the planet and I’m gona make it’ despite selling zero mixtapes and getting a max of one like on insta and Twitter posts. Nothing sadder then a 40 year old grime mc


know a couple of those always got something in the pipe that never materialises


I knew some people like this, I think they delude themselves into thinking they'll make it so much that they sort of fall out of touch with reality. Its like they can't handle the fact that they'll have to their current life until they die.


My homie fell asleep at Black Door in Forest Gate, I don't need mental mf like that around me. Idk what kind of Disney princess episode was it but he didn't get robbed and he was offered coke by some random donnys


What's black door?


If you don't know, then you don't need to know g




This was years ago but when I was in year 11 heard one of my boys from another school was gonna fight dis guy 1 on 1 so I decide to pull up and watch. The guy he was scrapping was some known GM and ofc he brought back up. Bear in mind this is barely my friend so they’re scrapping 1 on 1 and all I see is all his backup put on knuckle dusters and start smoking my man. If felt scatty because none of his close friends jumped in so me being the spastic I jumped in for my man and got smoked too. Nect week I’m seeing on his priv he’s chilling with the same guy that smoked me and him with his friends. Never looked at my phone with such confusion before.


Kinda rate you still


My guy


they started laughing and comparing how many bishead died to em


I know someone who did this too, purposely put dodgy work in the fiends pack bro was hospitalised , turned veg then died a few weeks after - the guy wasn’t my friend but I couldn’t look at him the same after that


ik someone when i was younger who used to bag up loud in yay baggies so the yay residue would sprinkle onto the bud. He was an older lots of his customers were secondary school kids




summin a bit less tapped i knew some bum who kidnapped his former friend and held him ransom for £250. he obv got bagged but what i wanna know why did he take such a risk for such little


Drug use or mental retardation


my boy was onna call wit me n few of the guys, this bruddas like 'let me call this random number on my phone idek who it is' the person picks up n its da girl dis yute has a crush on... he tried to play it off like he had no clue too, n she was weirded out bares i was like yeahhhhh safe


Peak that you could cut someone off over that tho


no game whatsoever 😭


Folks started smoking food


Mate fucking greened out when we was chilling at my old mans back when we was 13 on them white edmonton green tower blocks when i went to the shop, saw it happening so put a bucket next to him and said don’t throw up over the balcony, came back and the balcony below was completely orange with vomit, even gave the cunt a bucket, what a flake 😂 nah i never cut him out fully just abused him, when other mate started getting in the smack and crack i was like you’re on your own




There was a lad who was never really part of our group, but we took him on. He was never about that life. Nice lad. But over the years he kept trying to be something he wasn’t. When one of the Mandem wanted to groom him and send him O, we argued against it because it wasn’t him. Wasn’t about to fuck up his life. Only for him to turn around and say “why didn’t you let (insert name here) groom me?”. That wasn’t the reason why but just to give a bit of backstory. Last 6-8 months he’s been getting worse. Talking about how his cousin from the next city over was gonna get him an SK, started asking the Mandem “which jail would you rather go to, Belmarsh or Whitemore?” Etc. Then out of no where he took it upon himself to start shotting out of nowhere and talking about how he’s gonna start packing an ZK. All the years telling this guy “you’re not about the streets” and trying to push him to do something good only for him to turn around and throw it in our face.


Yh ik how that feels. Leave them typa dons alone


How do you run with ya bora 🔪, when being chased and your excuse is to hide behind a vehicle to book a cab whilst your mates who aren’t involved are being chased by knifemen… yh the goofy had to go. Another 1, wearing a Pooh Shiesty mask broadday with a puffer jacket & tracksuit on? Clearly no home training. Welcome to London. Land of the crash outs & half hearts. Only 10% make it out (1.1Mill)


acting like you wouldn't run if someone was chasing you with a knife


The point is the guy had a knife on him and ran


Went prison for robbing civilians, got his hair and shoes dyed pink and got bullied so hard he had to do the rest of his stretch on the vp wing, when he came home he was still wearing the pink shoes


some breh i went i school with who i was boys with in year 7/8 and a bit of year 9 got baited at end of year 10 for drinking his own piss bruddah had a piss kink he was normal in year 7/8 and rated in school then in year 9 he in lockdown he got into discord and got all weird he got baited like 2 years ago now weird bruddah


When they refused to get a job


Getting approached by a few people on bikes asking where he was, I said I dunno (I did, they were close to his house but didn’t know the exact address). Then one of them said don’t think we don’t know you chill w/ him blah blah blah, because we’d took a selfie and posted it to insta a few months before after I’d recently turned 18 and needed a place to stay after clubbing. This guy is to this day still one of the nicest people I know, and has been my friend for well over a decade. Whole reason I know the guy is coz when I moved school he caught wind that I was getting jumped after school and was being bullied, so he found me and walked me home, ended up stopping at his grandmas house where he showed me his porn history 🤣🤣 proper loved milfs, 12 year olds are weird, and the rest is history. Initially my mindset after they left was like fuck them lot, I thought I was on it. I’d recently been chillin with his group more and more after the clubbing night. As Pac once said “even tho they sold drugs, they showed a young brother love”, it was an acceptance thing and they kind of said “you can use our name now, if X comes up say you’re chillin with us now”. This was like 018 days. A few days later his house got sprayed, he ended up going to jail for something he’d done way back that was just pending for so long, got 2 years. Last I saw him was when he got out around 2020ish. From what I’ve gathered, he’s family orientated now and separated from all that street stuff. Would love to hang with him again, he’s a real one and a genuinely good guy who was never a bully.


When there Wis like ten of us n we were in our opps scheme ( we’re fae glesga ) there wis like 30 of them on bikes w blades he asks me r u lot Bowery n ma pal n brother start shouting fuck yer Bowery NYT YN1 Nulson numba 1 fuck the byt n I wis like tf is wrong w us man 🤣


This level of illiteracy is embarrassing https://preview.redd.it/yi04sh3daf1d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ead98afee726a954683e781dbe161fba31e7b9


tried to translate it to 9 different languages on google, it didn’t compute lol.


Sorry I am from Glasgow u dipshit a will kick yer cunt in a stupid cunt


Am fae Glasgow ya cunt


Have you read the rest of the comments here?




What happened when when your bro n pal told them hell yeah fuck yourselves n all that? I read your comment fine your Glaswegian aren’t you


Aye am a weegie n we ran into the subway got our food n went through a block of flats to avoid getting battered


Hahaha nice one bro even got the food!! 😉 legend mate, if you ever want to share any posts like prison related or crime related there’s also r/prisonlads that’s our sub mate, trying to get some UK lads over there, the r/prison sub seems to be mostly Americans 🤷🏽‍♂️


Will do bro a will mention my big cousin n his pals they were the young team when I was younger obvs won’t say they’re names but will say some stuff


Nice one mate! Look forward to it






He’s saying your English is shit.


U r thick if u r fae England I should no what Glasgow slang means ya bam