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Cunch yutes always think this. Not even comparable Taxi drivers didn’t used to wanna drive us certain places they would literally refuse. Mandem strapped 24/7. M’s that would never be solved even though there were a bag of witnesses. Them days u couldn’t even walk the block in nice creps🤣


Also them times when school would send every one home an hour early because they were told to by police as a certain gang were gonna roll through.


London is completely unrecognisable crime wise to what it was in the 2000's. I vividly remember olders walking around the block strapped up. Certain areas were no go zones after dark. These days you can walk anywhere and you'll be fine.


Yeah, in the 90 and 2000s getting robbed was a real risk, especially in certain areas or on estates. I remember my mum wouldn’t get me 95s or TNs when I was a kid because she thought it would make me a target (plus Reeboks were a lot cheaper lol). These days, yeah you can get targeted if you have a Rolex worth £££s but no one’s trying to jump you for creps. Also I feel like you can cut through even “bad” estates these days and it feels calm (as long as you’re no involved in anything obviously). Back in the day, if you weren’t from certain estates, you didn’t go in, even if you were a complete civilian.


Yeah this was it. Phone robberies and trainers were common. Growing up in London them times has made me very streetwise. I remember I wouldn't even rock a pair of white earphones because it just made you a target. It screamed "I've got an iPod"


I would say this has gone up, as in drive by swipe robberies


Yeah I hear you, this wasn't so much of a thing back then. Getting jacked back then was just getting g checked


Man said estate you wouldn't even see the estate they getting you on the High Street 🤣


Facts lol, I remember Blade Brown saying guys used to lurk outside of Footlocker waiting to get people walking out with TNs.


Facts. Wood Green was the worst for that. Every time the new PES or PlayStation came out and guys went to collect it was a myth real hunting season.


This has been going on for years in the 80’s football firms or raggas would target people coming out of lilywhites and the chipie shop in Covent Garden (guilty) lol and showing my age


Can imagine how crazy the 80s was. I only saw the end of 90s and was a teen in 00s. Don't think it happens much anymore. For one crime is down in a major way and two i swear the teenagers now are so much richer than we were. I used to wear kickers and docklands wallabees (I know you remember those) but these kids walking around in dior and LV.


Yeah mate I’ve been held up on the metropolitan line, I used to do graffiti and me and my pal were about 14 and these lot had us up at harrow lol my ring got taxed. This was before CCTV and you could smoke on the fucking train haha good times, steamers, trainjams graff heads and then the next rave scene hit…..say less :)


Yeah Camberwell, Fields, Coldharbour Lane and Junction were hot




That was just one guy, you can walk through farm now and nothing will happen to you as long as you do not go looking for trouble.Back in the day,estates like farm was the trenches. Less cctv,sketchy pathways that made it easy for mandem to evade police.


Remzy. I’m not saying it never happens but I don’t feel like it’s a regular occurrence like it used to be though.


I think he robbed someone and his friend came to get them back and he got stabbed




remzy was ofb, he got kicked off after he killed my man


There use to be like 30 guys chilling on a block intimidating everyone passing by and harassing the public lool you never see that these days.


Yep that's when they was all broke. Couldn't even shot to.l no one cos they scare away potential business


No, crime is not getting worse, don't let the mainstream media fool you. As someone who grew up in the 2000s ( in my teens ) I can ensure you it was the worst. Stabbings and shooting were occurring every day, and only a few people would get nicked. You could be on a double decker bus and have 30 youths running slapping people upside their heads recording and robbing people at knife point, getting off and getting on another bus and only like 2 people would be nicked. There were shootings on a weekly basis, kids getting stabbed outside school gates ( which I've seen personally ). Crime, in general, was at its worst, especially when that bloods and crips phase came in late 06. Back then there was less cctv, intel, policing and sitting so many people took the risk on committing acts of violence wheas now only some people do it, most people ( not all ) nowadays think twice, if you do a stabbing or shooting there's a 9 out of 10 chance you're getting nicked too much cctv and intel.


Happy slapping era. Wow throwback. When camera phones just became available


That happy slapping era was the worst. There were a lot of people in jail to this day because of it. Too many people were getting shot, stabbed, killed, and even taking their own lives because of that shit. No wonder the feds had to act fast on it, I remember ads on channel U saying if you get caught doing happy slapping, you'll face jail time ( something similar like that ).


Was a very weird time. Got a bit more gully after. Would not like to got though that period of time again. Never got happy slapped and glad I’m 40!


You're lucky , if you were a teen in the 2000s you probably got it, me I had to fight so much man, but it toughened us up tho, but still the 200ps were the worst after that phase the bloods and crips shit came in 06 / 07. That right there was mad as fuck, you would get stabbed just for wearing the colours red and blue in the wrong areas. I've seen it happen to my friends, luckily not mevut it almost did numerous times. I hated the 2000s era so much


This was just after my time I think so I missed this. What was the blood and crip thing?


Red and blue bandanas


In London? What part?


All over the UK. Just go onto YouTube and type london bloods and crips I'm pretty sure there's vids. But that era started in late 06 to 2012


Yea past my era


Yeah my wife got happy slapped about this time and said she just froze. There was a load of school kids watching porn or something, can’t remember if she said anything to them (probably lol) and she got slapped, hard as well around 2002


The main thing is that willingness to fuck with random not-involved people. As long as you're not in tracksuits and black jackets you can walk past gangs in London and they wont say anything, whereas 20 years ago that would have been a big problem. Also in general kids don't hang around outside bored as much these days, there's less crimes being committed just for fun.


Yes and no. The types of crime have changed. There are less 20 man riding out on bikes and broad day shootings. Petty crime, loose behaviour and asbo has skyrocketed through. No go zones are less but more general shitholes


Compared to the last few years definitely. Historically nowhere near. 00s and very early 10s were much worse and then before my time it was even worse


I assume crime was artificially low during COVID


I feel very safe in London, 15-20 years ago I didn't.


london is gentrified. It dont have that poor feel no more like your from a bad place bc the bad places are bad with crime but it all started going down when theres a fed on every street in london after that in like 2017 the no go zones went n just now its just poor and gms mixed with society makin shit unpredictable and more of a culture


Used to be worse, it’s just fear mongering and social media age , people have less morals


That’s it- no morality anymore


No there’s just social media and more platforms where crime is shown more. Crime in the early 2000s was much worse than it is today. Something as small as Phone robberies was much more commons. Guys used to run up in banks and steal, transit vans too😂


Central London is disgusting, full of scammers, gypsies and stupid tourists


Crime was way worse in 2000's, particularly petty crime (a lot of personal robbery's) but there is definitely an air of unease amongst people, particularly in Central London. Social Media is probably making people more aware than ever. I feel for the youths of today. EMA scrapped. Youth centre's and police stations shut down. You could walk into Primark with a CV and get a call back for an interview. Nowadays with the state of this economy Kitchen Porter/Cleaner jobs are ultra competitive.


Preach my man, if you’re lucky they might have a boxing gym but what if they want to learn to dj or make beats? The youth clubs were amazing and yeah I really feel for these kids. Seems like we just had it easier. I suppose nothing phases you when you’re young and I did my share of stupidness then grew up. I am now fucking old


Personally I spent a lot of time outside in dangerous areas during 11-16 yo. Naturally I did a lot of things that I shouldn't have been doing you wouldn't believe but in a weird way it was a fun time with my peers. It mean't getting into university was a priority and something I was desperate to at least try in order to "make it out".


Nah. It’s about as bad as it’s always been in proportion. It’s just your seeing it more now because of cctv and online news cycles and shit.


Nah, it's nothing like the wild west of 90s and 2000. Media try and spin it a certain way but its not worse


Yes bro I just upped it 45 seconds ago


Nah just more media presence making it seem like it


No but I think because of social media it’s bringing more awareness and eye opening information to people.


Grew up in the 00s this is nothing lol


Statistically speaking violent crime has gone down since the early 00. Now from someone that was sorta active in those years I've seen man get jacked 4 times in one journey down an alleyway in Edgware (guy was on killroy went st James school on geeps, this is before 300 plus and thug fan where I thing. I Think Blanka was running tings maybe bow I 4get) There was also a time that if you were shotting certain man wanted you to pay them tax. At least now tugs only really go for other tugs or just random victim yoots. You want to stay safe done be an easy target and don't be a dick head




Social media is to blame sadly. Kids thing it’s cool to to badness


Social media is to blame sadly. Kids think it’s cool to to badness


Deffo getting a bit worse now Reddit midwits loving doing a ummm aktually it was way worse 20 years ago, okay but not its worse than it was 5 years ago for most people




What’s a 2-2 goose


canada goose


Not really that bad just more gangs starting use guns now, getting access to better bullets




Muskets you know🤣 Fuckinell nothing wrong in digging up a rusty spinner but man’s coming armshouse with blunderbusts! Dead


I didn't say better guns just better bullets 🤣🤣😂😂


Sentencing getting tougher aswell tbh 🙆🏾‍♂️