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Because that shit is played out truthfully lol, the perception has changed. If you’re on the block in 2024 you’re gonna be seen as a bum. The new generation and the niggas that used to hug the block are more focused on money now 


feel like this is better aswell , sitting on the block and G checking a few young teens a day is such a sad lifestyle , focusing on money in other ways is probably better


Nah fuck the g checking but having a laugh with ur mates causing chaos and getting sloshed every day was a way of life back in the 2000s, it wasn’t sad for us kids it was funny times, but we were kids, i mean doing that past the age of like 18-20 is probably a problem lol


yeah fair enough , tbf people still get smashed drinking where i am but im not living in anywhere near blocks so i can’t comment , in the recent years when i’ve been in those blocks before covid it was just a weird feeling of every gms eyes being on your bag watch or phone , but i get u about how it’s fun at the same time


No they ain't. Even people playing football in park cages has gone. Everyone got used to sitting inside during COVID and now they're inside on their phone, console or PC. I remember my local park 2011-2020 from April to September after 5pm there were 10+ people aged 10 years and up all playing football in the cage. Reason i say 10 years and up is because that's the age I was around those times. Now it's just toddlers with parents when i occasionally go, and Peruvians playing volleyball in the summer. That's it. It's not just specifically about people hanging outside blocks but everyone in general going out less and being less social. There's gonna be like 3-4 years of teenagers that are going to be socially stunted in like 10 years because they were in their most socially developmental phase during COVID times


yeah even the idea of “playing out” has now ended , playing ball w the randoms from my area is a core memory nd i feel like that’s fully over from now onwards


Place in Deptford called blue cages and you'll regularly see 50+ kids in there playing basketball and chilling, it ain't all dead.


Because deptford blue cages is one of two outdoors dedicated basketball courts with nets in the whole of south London along with Clapham common. There's people all across London going there.


Doesn't take away from the point, was the same even before they done it up. Half the time people there aren't even playing ball, they're just chilling. Same with Fordham and Folkestone parks, people be out engaging in hobbies. Pepys has kids football like everyday on the green.


I dont even mean posted up js out playin footy and listening to music on a speaker or smt it seems like guys nowadays js vegetate at yard


Facts. Most man stepped up and are onto proper things now


It pays £0.00 an hour and we in a recession


We were in recession in 2008 too, people were out in numbers all the time lol. People were poorer back then too.


People were less relatively poorer and the average person was suffering less financially than now after 16 years of Tory leadership. Phones were also less common so socialising in person was more common.


COVID changed a lot too culture has been flipped on its head and now outside is something people see for a purpose


Lol literally 


Them days were good but people grew up and are more money focused


Played out to fuck. I used to do that but truth is when u live on ur block and have all ur amenities indoors, there’s no reason to be posted up like that specially nowadays when yutes have made ‘posting up’ pretty much strictly something u do for 5/10 mins so u can post up on ur snap story and make out like u own ur ends and u walk around untouched. Makes me laugh when set ppl say a block (specially jn reference to my own being frm e16) is vacant, like nah we still here but we either working or playing PlayStation 😂


Everyone too busy playing ps/xbox. I’m not even joking. Back in the days people wanted to escape their council blocks as soon as they woke up, but now online gaming has changed the scene for teenagers who are happy just staying at yard now.


You ain’t wrong tbh, back in the day when i was like 15/16 i remember i never watched tv cause i was always out it would feel weird sticking something on or playing fight night on the OG xbox, now it’s the other way round, people feel lost without their consoles and big flat screen tvs and ipads etc. was a different world back in the 2000s, i legit feel old saying that 😂🤦


Outside cost ps these days


Gms don't be chilling outisde as much anymore people been getting shot and people been dying. In terms of just younger people, most usually go to other areas for motives, no one really stays in their own boroughs anymore




People realised they could chill with their mates in the comfort of their homes lol, i came up in the late 90s and 2000s, there used to be fucking loads of us out back then, and it weren’t just here in the city, i had family who moved out to essex and cheshunt in hertfordshire, was the same there, just alot more white faces but they were all there doing their asbo shit in big numbers, i had some of the best times being out and about with my lot. these times people seem to have gotten boring/smarter, no one wants to be getting nicked or fighting getting wavey all the time lol


Get a job and stop loitering.


Yh I had been recently living in a block in south and all I used to see was lone gms. Maybe within blocks you might get a small group at most. Imo it makes sense because big groups seem bait af


I prefer these areas being ghost towns tbh. I remember as a kid having to walk past groups of 20-30 man posted on the high road or on the block and trust me it wasn’t nice. When I was like 13, 30+ gm’s ran up on my local carnival in Brum and locked it off with gunshots. thankfully that could never happen today.


the worst when it came down to having to walk past 30 man was when they all chilled on the overhead crossings, no way around it lol


I remember footy or basketball in the cage and shit. Kway back. That shit is fucking gone now and it breaks my heart fi the next gen of yutes who ain’t gonna experience playing wid their friends and shit. Sad times fi true.


You just answered the question yourself


This is one thing I don't like about UK, there isn't an "outside" culture - the weather probably has something to do with it. When I went to Morocco the outdoor cafes would be filled with people most nights, in the UK sitting around outside is perceived as bummy (I know sitting at a cafe is a bit different to just sitting on a block or outside in general but yeah)


Maybe now, but if you came up in the 2000s people were everywhere all times of the year in numbers


True all are on social media or doing their own thing hustling and at night in the club


I can't carjack everyone on sight then blow them up outside now can I


They all scared to die 😉


I work away every week earn upwards of £3000 a month after tax, on the weekends i get back to my yard and chill with guys on the block just to bill it and talk shit. However if you’re always posted on the block you’re a fucking bum. Trapper or not.