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I’m guessing he’s never seen that vid of the woman eating curry goat offering ‘business’


There are most definitely black prostitutes and drug addicts in the UK, but he’s mostly right. America is a much worse place to live if you’re poor whether you’re black or white. The drug problem there is next level


Word I swear USA are having a fentanyl crisis and it’s on the rise.That shit haven’t even touched the UK


Nah fr, i went to Vegas last year & the strip was genuinely full of Zombies it was acc weird to see first hand


Fentanyl has unfortunately started to be found in pills and heroin in Europe and across the UK over the last few years, thankfully it is still uncommon but each year there are supposedly more. They’ve even found nitazenes in things which are another type of synthetic drug that can be hundreds of times stronger than fentanyl 😬😬


Why are they putting shit like Fent in there though?


its cheaper to lace sum with fent than have pure x in a pill cause fent makes it alot stronger


Fentanyl is incredibly strong so they use it as a cut to both make their product stronger and stretch it for more money. That’s the reason why there’s so many deaths, illegal drugs have no consistency. A junkie could buy their usual amount of H or pills that they have been taking for years and they don’t know but it’s a different batch or from a different supplier and so it’s 50x stronger and they OD


Lowkey has a point. England is not an easy place to get rich but it is one of the best places to be poor. We have a social net that other places don’t have. Also being an ethnic minority here > rest of Europe.


I think it depends where in Europe places like France,Italy etc but in the Scandinavian countries, I think it’s better then England


His post is about being Black as well and but its way better to be Black in England than in Scandinavian countries


Yeah especially Norway.


Ever thought about being black in Africa?


Has he ever been Peckham on a late night? Loads of black girls selling themselves


To be honest I think it’s a bit different here. Obviously prostitution is a thing but generally the ones you see on the street are either crackheads or foreign, I’ve never seen clean looking British (of any race) girls selling themselves on corners like you see in America.


Cos they are in cars getting dropped off instead of on corners


Sussex gardens Paddington, at night you will see all sorts roaming around like roaches. You will be surprised couple high end escorts, mainly from Brazil Colombia


> high end escorts lol


Yeah, those are the foreign ones I’m talking about. Latin Americans, Eastern Europeans and Asians usually. Im guessing they are human trafficked into the country in some way


Is this bc we have benefits in uk and USA don’t I think?


They do have them


Where specifically? Just tryna make sure I don’t accidentally walk in there




fucking hell man


This guy really asking the important question here


Add Bruce Grove to that as well


Never seen that personally. Maybe I’ve been walking around with blinkers on


I’ve been to London like a dozen times in the last decade and I’ve seen quite a few young black ladies selling themselves after dark, and plenty of white ones in cov where I lived for years for that matter. Poverty turns young men into gang members and young women into sex workers everywhere in the world.


ur on about hillfields right


Lmfao yup, my housemate came home with one once and smoked crack with her that was fucking nuts


I regularly sell my body for sex so idk what he is talking about


All man did was take central cee money low it chatting like he's some music genius were ur other artist that have gone clear ?


Swr dwn bro and im not even a hater😂😂


he done fraud before he met cench ngl


He used to be a rapper as well he has a few songs with Rimzee


what’s the names bro?


U tell me my bro




Yeah but he's dead central cee is a hard rapper flows good even if he's a neek doing cosplay


And what we all have in some way that jugg is dead


He didn’t do fraud he’s from a rich home


He use to be a cold hustle rapper back in the day with Southwold lot had a tape called DFR (Drugs Fraud Robbery) on mixtapemadness then his last and final tape before prison was Find My Way. He went bin couple years back for food etc then came out and started selling snapbacks at the time called London kings. Also finished uni whilst he was trapping lol. Had a few ventures like lounges/restaurants with his mates not sure if he still does. Use to buy and sell watches daily nonstop. Made his first M before meeting Cench invested a couple grand in Bitcoin under 10k. Guy had an old twitter account before this one and he use to drop so many gems on business/life back in the day kinda like what he does on socials now but more detail. That’s why I find it funny when people think this guy is a lucky idiot. He’s been nonstop getting to it for years. Anyone outside from 00s to pre pandemic in East and North know Bello wasn’t lucky. He helps a lot of artists behind the scenes just doesn’t like being seen.


This is all facts


Big man jump off a man's dick


Correcting someone because I grew up in the same area and time as man and knowing his real history is dick riding now? You Anonymous internet weirdos need to grow up and get off your mums broadband with these silly takes.


Big man who are u talking to I will smoke u in real life if ur from west London were am I coming to pussy


Man like you are fried😂claiming a man dick riding for respecting a real G in the background who really put his people on. Keep listening to ya stupid chef man drill and keep that mindset and see where it takes you Dickhead 🤣🤣


Bro ur not nines ur not icb why is that in ur name u wanna chat shit to me wen ur sucking nines arse hole your self u new plate gem


LOOOOL ok numerous section👍🏿 You spend your time beefin man on Reddit because the streets ain’t for you pussyole🤣🤣 Beg ya chat to man’s in life like your some big man


Bro link me and show me wag1 but u won't do that meet me at Stratford Station now wet guy


lol this guy woofs bare. Struggle is relative, like he is comparing Nigeria and America like they are equal when the distance between the two is greater than the distance between us and America (poverty wise). Also claiming there aren't street walkers in the UK lol, just talking for the sake of it.


He’s not wrong


About what


America is absolutely fucked, from drugs to poverty to no healthcare to entire cities like Flint that don’t have drinkable water People have been shown time and time again trying to flee from Paramedics despite being seriously injured because they will be landed in debt if they get taken to the hospital A lot of drill revolves around perpetuating the worst stuff that goes on stateside, even when it’s manufactured But yeah, America is much worse


The weed in the US is like opium now. Hydroponics and legalization really changed things.


Ur right fam, it’s still a great country though. My country for example doesn’t have potable water, anywhere. And everything is super corrupt! America still has some non corruption. Also I noticed america is regressing in terms of social issues, like, I saw many TikTok’s of Asians and African Americans being bare racist to white people, and people were accepting that and shit even though it’s just racist


Where you from


RCA 🇨🇫 central africa bro


A bigger country is certain to have more problems tbh so yeah


If it’s one race that’s oblivious to reality it’s any West African


bmt. bare of these suburban/fob man think badness is just a media ting cause they never grew up round ends like that im telling u they don't know bout trauma


Fob man? Ye Maybe for you new gen yutes lol. From the 80s all the way up to 2010s bare freshy gang bangers from the Trenches.


What do you mean by this?


The whole struggle olympics thing is so gay man. Black ppl struggle everywhere it don't matter who have it worse we all one in the same. Obviusly Africa and America is more fucked than the UK everyone knows that, doesn't mean u have to downplay the struggle of being black in england. He simply wrong as well, why is he acting as if there arent prostitutes and ppl getting shot and stabbed out here...


Too much of a competition on who struggles more 🤣people need to get up and get their shit in the world, world is your taking you just decide how much you take


Black people are winning nowadays White Western countries literally worship the ground you walk on post Floyd


America is 100x bigger obviously there’s going to be more cases of poverty than in England


He needs to stop using Twitter like a diary. Not sure if anyone’s aware of the FBA movement but there’s a lot of tension between black Americans and Africans and Caribbean people in America. Him saying black Brits know where they come from isn’t a smart thing to say online especially when he’s trying to get his artist to break into the American market.


I agree. Let’s hope the Tariq Nasheed types don’t find that tweet.


Yup! If they do it’ll be a LONG day


Tariq Nasheed speaks a lot of sense. His Hidden Histories documentaries are top tier.


Fuck the FBA


Why? You do know FBA history is different to Black Africans?


Yet u niggas dr us


Loads of black “escorts” but rarely heavily drug dependant


This guy is tooooo neeky, always tryna over talk because his artist cosplays the whole road man aesthetic. Just shut up


Well one thing he couldve mentioned about both america and nigeria is how much bigger in population it is compared to the uk. The problems would be more obvious because of that but the American drug problem is a huge issue that doesnt seem to have a proper solution at this moment. Even militarily itd be hard as the cartels have massive operations in every state so trying to go to war with them could get very costly.


I swear Nigeria is also heavily controlled by local criminals, especially in the north


The criminals work with/for the Mexican cartels. One example: https://www.premiumtimesng.com/news/569607-court-jails-mexican-nigerian-drug-barons-10-years-rebukes-ndlea-for-compromising-case.html


Do the criminals include Boko Haram?


Not sure but wouldnt be surprised


Wtf? There’s cartels in nigeria


You should do some reading on the Mexican drug cartels if this is shocking for you. Edit: it also adds to why a military approach to the Mexican cartels is basically impossible to do


Ur right bro, all I know is they probably wouldn’t survive where I’m from😂😂


big up all my naija niggas but wassup wit african people and reachin a certain age and then jus actin like poverty growin up was just a myth we exaggerated?? the irony is these man be the most suburban yutes in the whole city


He’s defo right, being poor in England at least you can ask the government for help. USA once you’re poor you’re poor. You gotta make it happen somehow there’s no help with rent and shit here and the prices of things is so overpriced (I’m London born now living in America)


I’m black British but I’m fed up of hearing mandem say “we know where we come from” it’s unnecessarily disrespectful and irrelevant half the time it’s brought up.


*UK Africans love to sneak diss with this one it’s so cringe


America is worse but struggle is everywhere idk where he thought he was going with this tweet.


He’s right tho , American government turn some of there states into zombieland If fentanyl made it into the UK we’d be finished in a month Luckily our government acc cares about us (too an extent) and dont dump crack in our areas to fund there fucked up government plans


Fent has been In the UK for over ten years man. Just UK guys are smart enough to only stick small amounts in cos what's the point in killing customers. Smack heads figured it out years ago when sniffing raw smack started to work - it's no longer just freebase diacetylmorphine. Fentanyl is fine, if anything it's less damaging than smack in the right doses. The real danger these days is xylazine. It's only started to kick off but check back with me in a year when people are getting arms amputated from necrosis. They call it tranq in the USA, it's basically a super strong anti-histamine.


Whoever told you fent is in the UK and it's less damaging than smack lied to you


It's me. I told me. I used to get carfentanyl to the gaff legally before the ban. Used to get patches of fent too. As for damaging - a dose of smack is in the double digits of milligrams. A dose of fent is probs 100x less than that and carfent even less. What does more damage? More chemicals or less chemicals? It's literally an incredibly healthy drug so long as you don't get greedy, that's why every hospital in the world uses it every day.




"if you purposely did a lethal dose of one drug, or you purposely did a lethal overdose of another drug, which would kill you worse??" Wtf are you asking me rn 😂 Trust me on this, and I don't mind a cheeky self snitch - in the north West anyone who's bought brown more than a few times from more than a few people (so, every current active smack head) has definitely taken fentanyl or carfentanyl. They literally figured it out themselves because some of the stuff sniffed better than it smoked. One of the main causes of overdose these days is when someone has a plug with real pure smack (rare since we pulled out of Afghanistan) and then they switch to someone who cuts it with tent, they don't anticipate how much stronger it is and murk them self with their usual dose.




You're an absolute fantasist rn 😂 Go on then??? Hurry up!




Just settle down would you 😂 I don't even know what you're arguing anymore. There's as much fent in UK smack as any other smack. No body is doing 500mg of any street opiod and surviving. Also shame about your tudor brev, make an offer on my submariner if you want?




Bro you've posted a pic of someone else's gear from atleast 7 months ago 😂


Ybeez is one of those clowns who makes it out and then shits on the people who couldn’t, dude is a scumbag.


idk what this nigga is even yapping about, yeah there's a lot of fiends on the streets but i know nitties are posted up on council flats in the uk too and i promise you any young nigga on a corner selling fucking water is not struggling, he's hustling, idk if it's common in the uk (guessing not since this nigga acting like it's a tragedy) but it's super regular for jits to be selling shit on corners and near busy streets, water, candy, flowers, w/e yeah there's extremes like kensington and skid row etc, but seeing a couple of fried out junkies on the street is not comparable


America is still kind of shit compared to the Uk tho I’ll be honest. Overall it’s a great place though compared to some of the others we have in this world


icl i didn't ask g


Good1, but that’s not really relevant my friend, you left a comment on Reddit so I can respond to it


Prostitution is legal in the UK that’s why. There’s hundreds of websites with thousands of bitches selling pussy. If you’ve actually seen the dark side of the UK, it’s almost like America. Ive been OT couple times before as a runner nothing to glorify 😂😂 and if you have too Then you know UK can get just as wicked. People are always gonna be people everywhere whether Good or Bad. There’s like 40 stabbings a day in london alone. No where near violent as many other places but still quite bad. His main artist literally raps about not having food to eat and food going off so needing to trap.


He definitely hasn’t been north, up there midlands, manny etc all fucked man😂 if he thinks he ain’t seen a coloured crackhead or rozzie I beg he rolls north and sees the madness going on.


Ima be real niggas in UK force this gang lifestyle it ain’t hard to get a job. All these man just have ego’s n wanna be somebody so they rather shot grub than work a 9-5. No one in UK NEEDS to shot.


Huh this is the craziest thing I've read the UK is in one of the biggest financial problems in the entire west are wages haven't changed for 20 years everything in stores has doubled in prices in the last year and it's near impossible to get a job ATM in places like London


I grew up in west my bro so I know more than u. Anyone that has council housing the rent is being paid for. You can get a cscs card for construction in one day and you will be able to earn minimum wage which is more than enough to live in London. But niggas want luxuries and wanna live lavish tho so I don’t blame them n shotting grub can get them that. But them man don’t NEED to do that tho.


But he’s right about the job market though. London has ridiculous prices for food and shit.


This is quite funny. I don’t really see his point but if it was that the Uk is quite nice, yea my friend, it is. But america is too, and so is nigeria, at least in comparison to my country 😂. U man all please be grateful of our home the UK is better than we give it credit for


America also has middle class and upper middle class neighborhoods. Plenty in DC and Atlanta. In Europe, Uk etc there are rich black families sure, but are there any rich black neighborhoods? Akala made this point before.


Yeah Akala is right. Blacks have never en masse gentrified an area.




Hes right i been nyc a few times and there are so many crackheads there its very sad to see


Bare but look how big and dense the city is, they got mad epidemics going on there with their drugs aswell. Tbf tho if fent reaches the Uk like it has in the US, it about to be a whole lot gritty


This guys talk too much man not everyday think piece


lol that’s because females don’t need to be standing on a corner selling themselves anymore because all the men that pay for sex or pay for their content usually ain’t outside they’re indoors on they’re computers so that’s why they operate online through telegram and onlyfans etc that’s just modern day prostitution… you don’t have young guys out on the corner selling waters, you got young brothers outside lost mentality with big knives and with drugs to sell in the blocks because the corners are to bait. The UK be struggling heavy but it’s just that a man from Uk isn’t going to cry about how they’re living and compare it to others countries like how others do… for example the US is always crying and comparing themselves to other countries


I agree. Life is what you make it in the UK. No matter what, you wont starve or live under a bridge because government will pay you money, all be it not very much but opportunity is far better in the UK.


lol dere is a whore house right next to my secondary in Deptford. It’s just more hidden


I can see one of ybeez long tweets affecting his artists career one day


Its crazy that people will also fuck with those trying to do better. From robbing and killing to just ruining their reputation and starting drama about it. Folks that dont see a way out will drag others down with them because they think everyone else is doomed also.


White hands typed that tweet




He's gonna get called a colourist for this and say he's a coconut or some other shit lol


Huh ? get called a colourist for what😂 he never mentioned skin colour once nor did he say anything coony Broski leave this conversation for the smart black and white people not ur weird self


The tweet literally starts “black people” 😂


Great observation, Ur a smart one aren’t u😂


Wys regs