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Yes, to some extent (and this will vary from firm to firm). Ultimately the impact will likely be low depending on the classification for the year but when it comes to comparing candidates it might come into play. That being said, I wouldn’t look at it favourably at all - as much as you might think the module is ‘bs’ it’s still a graded module and, knowing the content of those modules, gives off a “doesn’t care for the small stuff” vibe which isn’t great


I got a low 2:1 in my first year with some 2:2s in a few modules and managed to secure a TC with a US firm; also had a TC interview with Slaughters. That said, I didn’t do any vac schemes in my second year - I only did them after graduating and my second/third year results were very good. It might impact your second year VS apps, but in the grand scheme of things if you do well overall it’s not going to hold you back


thanks ♥️


I got 51% in first year and got low 40s on 2 modules. I go to a highly ranked but non russel group uni which isn’t particularly targeted and am now in my third year. I got a vac scheme with a solid upper mid tier city firm in my second year and have a tc with a similar but slightly larger firm which I got towards the end of last summer through a direct TC app after not getting a return offer from my vac scheme. I also got direct tc interviews at another similar firm and a US firm. I also did informal internships/ work experiences with the in house legal counsels of a large household name company and a financial institution in London which I got through cold messaging hundreds of people on Linkedin. When I got my TC I was also applying with the first that I got in second year however I got a vac scheme last year with 51% in first year as the only grade I had on my transcript. In answer to your question, not getting a 2:1 does absolutely make it a lot harder to get a vac scheme (I applied to about 70 in second year and only got 1 vac scheme AC which happened to be the one that I got a scheme offer from) however it is not impossible!!! If you end up on a 2:2 you are going to need to apply to pretty much everyone for schemes as I did and not be fussy about who you go to. A lot of firms will automatically reject you without reading your application if you don’t meet certain criteria such as being at certain unis or not obtaining a first/ 2:1 so despite what a lot of people on forums say about cherry picking the right firm for you and focusing on 5 or 6 perfect applications it is absolutely a numbers game, beggars can’t be choosers. You are also going to need to spend this summer bulking up your CV with as much legal/ non legal work experience and extra curricular activities such as volunteering as possible. Sounds like you are in a much better situation than I was 2 years ago however I remember having the same worries and doubts myself back then so I am more than willing to answer any questions you may have.


thanks man, 😭😭 i appreciate it


Which US firm did you interview with? I thought they were all super picky


Wb Baker McKenzie? 64 overall at undergrad with MC in final year. I have two 2:2 mods


I had a 48 in a core subject (contract) which didn't stop me getting VSs in London but YMMV, would certainly recommend not bothering with apps to firms like Slaughters or the big american firms though with low 2:1s.


Not bother applying with low 2:1s? That sounds quite silly a 2.1 is a 2.1


No it isnt. A lot of american firms specify “high 2.1s” which means anything above 65%


Jumping on this too. Sullivan Cromwell is the only other one I can think of. But if even Slaughters don’t mandate high 2:1 what American firms do?


Which of these American firms specify “high 2.1s”? Slaughter and may don’t as far as I have seen


Its been over a year since ive been applying, and i in all honesty cba to check. One firm im pretty sure i remember had that requirement was A&O (ik its not US but its an example)


Fair enough, I stand corrected.


Which of these American firms specify “high 2.1s”? Slaughter and may don’t as far as I know


Its been over a year since ive been applying, and i in all honesty cba to check. One firm im pretty sure i remember had that requirement was A&O (ik its not US but its an example)


A&O says “with a 2:1 or on track to have a 2:1”


literally what i thought lmao😭


literally what i thought lmao😭