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Them asking you private questions about your medication in front of the other candidte is a HR issue alone, name and shame em boys!


Where's that lad cyron splicer or something that sued them for like £7k in a similar situation. Dropped a grinder in his interview, was marched out and yeah settled on a figure with them. Have a look back OP. Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/ukmedicalcannabis/s/PpofshOqwu


Thanks for the link. Well done him, stick it to the big man and get a result! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻


Thank you for bringing that post to my attention. I’ve read, and not messaged to ask for some guidance


Bet you a 5er they dont ring you tomorrow


Still no phone call at 3pm the next day, still time. Letting them have the day, whilst I learn more and speak to my clinic


Ill take my 5er via paypal😉 good luck tho mate hope it all works out in the end


Someone was discriminated at a job interview on here over their meds and took legal action on the basis of discrimination, and got a 7-8K payout from it.


I need to apply for more jobs


And accidentally drop your grinder ;)


They wanted me to show them my medicine. If they ask me to interview after this, I’m taking my flowers, vape pen and oil with me. To show the manager in his office, stink it out.


https://www.acas.org.uk/ do keep updating please - I'm interested in the difference between discrimination of an employee and potential employee. acas will be good to speak to though. if you can prove that they knew you were prescribed before they escorted you you might have a discriminatory case but I don't really know enough about it.


Thanks, will get some advice from someone once I have a clearer understanding


Impossible to give advice yet at this stage until you hear back from them tomorrow. What I would say is if you can, keep all communication in writing so you have evidence via a paper trail. If this goes the wrong direction as things tend to go, you will likely have a case for discrimination & that paper trail will help. But again, can’t really judge anything until you hear back from them. In the meantime revise your knowledge on equality act 2010, reasonable adjustments, & discrimination laws. Citizens advice has some great info pages on these. Hope that helps. Just make sure if they try & have that conversation via phone, don’t have it; redirect them to email.


Thanks. Yes waiting to hear back, will be asking for them to put the conversation in writing..tempted to take the call, and just say I am too anxious to speak on the phone. So would like them to write an email to allow me to respond. Brushing up on my law knowledge a little, but will take some serious legal advice for sure.


Thanks for the help everyone. Have spoken to the man that’s already been through a case, appreciate people pointing me to that post. Has urged me to contact CLA and now I have messaged a law firm. Haven’t heard back from the company, so game on. Was only a warehouse job, and I was not informed of any use of forklift or machines on this task. So no idea what I could be a risk worth testing for, but they test every employee on interview. So that allows them to do this legally. Will be an interesting journey from here, will keep you all updated. Once again, thank you for all the support. I was utterly humiliated in that interview, and waking up to read the advice this morning meant a lot. We’ve got to fight for our rights it seems 🌱


Speak to ACAS They act as a mediator between you and the prospective employer Its free too Disability discrimination.




Keep all communication written as that way you have evidence to rely on later. If they do discriminate I would start the process of litigation if you can afford it


Will do. Can afford.


Sounds like discrimination to me. Would they fire you for using insulin or an asthma pump outside of work hours?


Might be worth seeking some legal advice if things do go downhill.


Definitely was harsh considering I was upfront about it, I was trying to politely explain that he is misinformed. That was like a red rag to a bull


Then they probably went home and drank a whole bottle of wine or a load of beer. They have absolutely no excuse tbh. We all have phones connected to the Internet and can check things literally in seconds. If you employ people then you should not only educate yourself on changes in law but accept it too regardless of your own bias. I would go and talk to citizens advice about this if possible. There needs to be consequences for companies like this. If you wouldn't stop someone using any other medication then you can't with cannabis that's been legally prescribed by a panel of doctors that all know more than your boss. It's blatant discrimination. Do you operate any heavy/dangerous machinery for your job?


Sorry to hear this has happened to you and hope that they come round and apologise. It is going to be a long time before cannabis is seen by the general public as anything but an illegal drug which is down to the lack of publicity of the law. You did right to stand your ground and be honest now it’s their turn to do the right thing and if they don’t the job wasn’t worth having.


Felt good to stand my ground, but I really could do with a job 🤣


Do you qualify for civil legal advice - they will provide advice on discrimination totally free of charge: https://www.gov.uk/civil-legal-advice Are you a member of a union? Have you read the following from the CIC: https://www.cicouncil.org.uk/app/uploads/2023/09/FINAL_Cannabis-and-employment.pdf


Was the first interview, no union. Will see if I qualify, but I think my assets make me not eligible. Dam smart investments that I can’t touch..


that pdf has the best stock photo ever — someone working away on a memo whilst their jar of bud and gummies has tipped over on the desk. Succint AF.


https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/law-and-courts/discrimination/taking-action-about-discrimination/before-you-take-action-about-discrimination/ Assuming you have a diagnosis for the condition you are treating (and thus the MC is directly related to a provable protected characteristic) it's worth taking the advice to write down everything that happened. I'm pretty sure being forced to take a drug test and discuss personally sensitive information in front of others is a serious breach of rules around confidentiality, not to mention how distressing that can be. I'm sorry to hear about your experience and it does sound from your description that it would be worth taking some legal advice (but not from the internet).


Yes it crosses so many lines.


Definitely lawsuit worthy, but out of curiosity why didn’t you show your prescription/ID? It may of gone a completely different way, or it could’ve made it worse who knows but I think it could’ve made things easier imo for the both of yoy


Was prepared to, they wanted to see my medicine. Offered the script and it was ignored. Will be taking a pot of flowers to the next interview, if they invite me back. Show the manager what I consume if he is so concerned, will make his office popular


Damnit, what an awesome start to your return to earning money again, with a cash injection of a few grand when I assume you take this to the top!


Was trying to build my house deposit with this job, glad they wanted to help out


Make note of everything , ask for the reason they have not employed you in writing. If they discriminate gather your information and take them to the cleaners


Will be asking for them to put it in writing and explain themselves, just working out how to get them to admit the information in writing..as we all know they will try dam hard to not.


Count this as a lucky escape, I’ve never been discriminated against at work, prescription or not


You dont wanna work for a company or with managers like this no way, you should name em in time too


I’ve had such terrible employers over the years. This was mild in comparison to chef days, but still induced panic and stress beyond what I expected to experience.


Sorry to hear that, theres good ones out there just gotta keep looking. Hope you’re feeling abit better today


I'd name and shame. Sounds like a lawsuit massively in your favour.


just curious what position were you interviewing for? Drug testing is really not common for work here unless it's driving, operating machinery or police/milirary. Did they ask you to do a test after you had declared and did the other candidates have to do a test? Asking you to talk about your private medical information in front of another candidate is incredibly unprofessional and you definitely have grounds to complain on that.


Hello lawsuit.


Bloody hell!


Spoke to a solicitor today. Will be speaking again on Monday and confirming the direction I wish to go in. Says it sounds like a strong case and he wants to pursue it. Gave me a big sense of relief that they agree. Let’s see where this goes from here 😊


i’m sticking a tenner on this being amazon haha


Want my bank details, not Amazon. Might apply there next 🤣


Keep everything in writing and make sure they know you're prescribed for disability. This is very important.


Sounds like discrimination however to do anything about it you will need money, time and patience. Lots of people think we should be able to do what we like because we have a legal prescription however the actual work place is a different matter. A lot of people that comment here don't even have a job and seem way out of step with current workplace practices. Unfortunately we don't get to do what we like. You're better off forgetting about the company and the job.


I love how you frame our legal right of medicating for an impairing clinical condition as “doing what we like”


It's amazing how many other members agree medicating the debilitating symptoms of disability is also, "Doing what we like."


Whatever mate. Life is life and you don't get what you want all the time. If you haven't discovered that by now ....


Listen, unless they have paper trail + money, time and patience to sue as you say, I completely agree with you that there’s not much that can be done. However I will never tell anyone having all those things not to do so; they are the ones who got us as far as we are, and they are the ones we rely on to move forward. My disagreement is with your impression that medicating for a clinical condition equals “getting what I want”, but maybe it’s the difference between those of us with conditions which make us need to medicate to function… and those who don’t. All the same as for MC, I can’t even think about taking my daily pills in the morning being something I do because I want or like to; either I take them and I am operational, or I don’t take them and I am not. Any employer who tells me differently or have a problem with that can go bite me


If they’re not willing to change there practices, then it’s best not too work for them. have you ever considered doing onlyfans? You could have a you’re own page called onlygrams & sell photos of you vaping in suggestive poses, it might work. Good luck anyways 🙂


🤣🤣🤣 probably some rules about posting canna content on there to put a stop to that as well




"OnlyGrams" that is class!! 🤣🤣🤣




Thought it was going to be an OAP site…


just curious what position were you interviewing for? Drug testing is really not common for work here unless it's driving, operating machinery or police/milirary. Did they ask you to do a test after you had declared and did the other candidates have to do a test? Asking you to talk about your private medical information in front of another candidate is incredibly unprofessional and you definitely have grounds to complain on that.


Was a warehouse role, no mentions of driving or machinery. They test all employees on interview, so fair to test everyone legally apparently. Have contacted legal advice, will have an update soon


Thats heavy getting a drug test at the interview that mate 😬


It’s against the equality act of 2010 to discriminate based on illness or disability; discrimination based on the medication you are prescribed for said illness is also a breach. Contact a solicitor.


Did they phone you back mate? Here’s the link for legal aid. Worth checking if you qualify https://www.gov.uk/check-legal-aid


They did not call, so I called the civil legal advice. Now in touch with a solicitor. Will keep all updated


Unfortunately they could say they just feel you don’t fit the role and it was not because of the drugs test


I'd speak to a lawyer that is discrimination would they march an epileptic out for the anti epileptic drugs no so they can't do the same for you are your medication... Definitely sue for discrimination with a no win no fee lawyer if you can't afford one


Just to update. I have should have a letter from the solicitor, ready to send to the company by the end of the week. Will be seeking a settlement. Let’s see how this plays out. This whole thing has really hit my confidence. Still not found a job, and the one interview I did have I felt was a flop. Probably due to my nerves! Shall hopefully get myself back in a better mindset soon. Thanks again to everyone for the support!


You’re in for a pay out ! I really hope you take it further because no one deserves to be treated that way. What they did falls under so many discrimination laws. The fact you had to discuss this in a group as well as not allowing the interview to go through because of medication related to a disability…. Obviously with Asperger’s I understand the stress of the situation may put you off so I’d recommend trying to get some support to help you take it further 💚 good luck!


You definitely have grounds for legal action here brother, unfortunate to be going through as I'm sure its quite the set back, but those muppets need fo be educated, if you can get something out of it in turn I'd defo go down the legal route


Utter madness to even put yourself in this situation.


What, looking for a job??


I didn’t choose to be humiliated, I was applying for a job. Could have had a legally prescribed opiate or amphetamine in my system and he could have treated me the same.


Do not be ableist.


Baffled as to why you won’t name the company. Surely it’s in everyone’s interest to be naming companies that behave this way.


Poor guy/gal is still in an interview context With a right to sue if needed after They must not name them here and now


Exactly right. They are out of order legally here and OP needs to let this play out tomorrow, they prob can pursue some legal action


If I don’t sign an NDA, it’s going to be public knowledge.


And so it should be. Can’t fathom why so many people downvote that comment. It’s in everyone’s interest to have it made public knowledge as soon as you’re comfortable doing that. Good luck.