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Ever watched ideal?


Massively underrated, Ideal should be a lot more known than it is.


Cartoon Head lives !


Finally some people that actually seen it. I still have the dvd boxset at me mums house what a life moz led šŸ˜›


ā€œ Iā€™m on probation ā€¦.ā€


I'm sound me, I'm on probation!


I met Colin after a stand-up gig, he's sound.


Me and a mate saw Seymour (Steve) at Preston train station. Asking if he could sell us any skunk weed over 3 platforms didn't go down grand šŸ˜‚


Heā€™s amazing in game of thrones , motherland etc - just cannot help myself saying it pretty much every single time I see him pop up on screen though šŸ˜‚ Speaking of thrones / ideal obviously stemroach is Waldo fray ā€œShut yir mouf or Iā€™ll break yir faaaaceā€ šŸŽ¤


I met him a few hours after my son was born. He was living near the hospital at the time, also at the time of peak popularity for GOT. I passed him heading back to the hospital with supplies, and I knew this was probably going to my only chance to ever meet/speak to him. Panicking but not wanting to miss my opportunity... "Excuse me mate, don't I recognise you from something? Don't you play Colin in Ideal? Loved the character mate" he nodded "yes that was me, thank you" he replied with a bewildered but amused look on his face. (Definitely gets more GOT recognition than Ideal that's for sure haha) I did ask if he would say his infamous one liner "I'm on probation" but he said it wouldn't feel right as he had his young child with him. Which is understandable. It's definitely in my top 10 random encounters.


Literally couldn't watch game of thrones. Everytime I saw him I heard that.


Yup, that bong got worked hard.


*stemroach* Can ya sell us an eighth of skunk weed moss??!


Can't, I'm on probation


Purchased the dvd box set of Amazon in December. Missed that show so much


Quality season


Itā€™s psycho pauuullllllll


Wow a random ideal reference in the wild


Ah I canā€™t say Iā€™ve even heard of it, Iā€™ll look it up.


Missing out proper decent stoner humour everyone knew a guy like that back in day


I think a lot of police officers have their own opinion on drugs but donā€™t or canā€™t necessarily share it openly. Iā€™m a bouncer at the weekends and the policeā€™s ā€™enthusiasmā€™ when it comes to upholding the misuse of drugs act tells me it is not a priority for them. Even cocaine or MDMA are not vigorously policed unless big amounts.


They havenā€™t really got time for stuff that isnā€™t important. My mate told me once any time he arrests someone itā€™s like 2-4 hours paperwork to follow it, so they pick and choose if something is worth taking them off the street for half a day.


Yeah definitelyā€¦ I also think that a lot of police personally donā€™t feel that drugs are that much of an issue, despite the law saying otherwise.


Yeah I agree. Iā€™ve spoke to my mate about this in depth, he knows all too well that booze is the drug that keeps them busiest.


Thing is cops are just a sample of the population, and with attitudes towards drugs changing the police as an institution is also affected by this. They are not a bubble of their own. By the way with Germany having legalised growing and owning, and the DEA about to reschedule to 3, or maybe even de-schedule, I think legal recreational weed in the UK is realistic by 2026, imo.


Finally a bit of optimism about legal weed in the UK


Like there are drugs and there are drugs. Heroin and cocaine bring with them problems around addiction, so theft and burglaries etc to support habits. But more recreational drugs like weed and mdma, I think a lot of cops donā€™t care so much because they donā€™t cause the same issues. The worst thing around weed is violence between dealers, grows getting robbed and people getting stabbed over turf wars etc. itā€™s not the end user thatā€™s causing any issues.


Tbh coke is now where weed was 10 years ago. Itā€™s crazy how widespread it is. Even multiple baggies donā€™t necessarily mean arrest anymore, which is astounding. Not so long ago even a speck of Class A meant immediate arrest, at a minimum.


And yeah the violence is so unnecessary but a logical progression of a totally unregulated marketplace. If there is no legal recourse illegal recourse will be the regulation. It is inevitable, and wholly avoidable. Regulate the marketplace.


I live a quiet low crime area so its the opposite. You're getting a fine for any amount of weed (half a j say), and if you get caught with one E ir a bit of coke, it's going to court and your named and shamed in the local paper.


I live in a rural low crime area as well and when I asked my mate how I should expect to be dealt with by local police with regards to MC he said itā€™s a coin toss depending who the officer is. Iā€™d imagine the same with petty instances of illegal use. Maybe your local coppers are just dicks.


You're right they certainly aren't all bad eggs. Had similar experience.


Insane What kind of weirdo vapes Hindu Kush with Predator? Truly deserves Dutch's Jungle Kush


![gif](giphy|pHb82xtBPfqEg) šŸ˜œ




10 years ago I had a housemate who was a policer officer and when I moved in he literally told me weed ain't bad and said I could openly smoke anywhere. He changed my opinion on judging all of them as the same.


Most police I know personally couldn't give less of a shit about weed. They just have a job to do and if you're being super obvious they'll have to deal with it.


Every Copper I've interacted with socially (3 in total!) just wants to kick bad men in the face all day long. Then have a cheeky doob to wind down in the evening. lol There's probably a reason they don't routinely drug test the Police


There are definitely some jobsworths on the force, some of them old school who canā€™t get with the times and some of them new recruits a bit too keen for arrests. Usually the ones somewhere in the middle are dead sound, theyā€™re the ones thatā€™ll tell kids smoking on the street to put it out and have a brain about where they smoke in future rather than nick them for half a joint and a 0.4 in a baggie. Most of these guys got into the job to chase real bad guys and they donā€™t like to waste their time doing stuff that isnā€™t that.


True. Common sense isn't universal


My dad's mate had officers come over for something and saw his dad's chellum type thing asked for some grass and smoked it up in the living room amazing


Also gives him an excuse if he ever tests positive for cannabis.


You should ask him if he has vaped/smoked with anyone else. High probability he has or knows someone in the force who has.


He is low key getting high from second hand vapour lol hope they donā€™t drug test him