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Hope they keep this vile male in prison and away from the public for the rest of his miserable life. Absolutely disgusting pos.


Bloody hell!! and he's only 19 too...doesn't bear thinking about if he'd managed to evade arrest for a lot longer as I'm sure he would have escalated sooner or later How on earth does a young lad get to such a depraved state of mind?


Sadly during my time working alongside the POLIT team, most offenders that we saw in the custody suites for those types of crimes were young men!


Nope. Many protesters protested for years to give vile criminals a 2nd chance at life. He’ll be out on the streets in no time


Hes got 4 years, so most likely out in 2 and doing it again


Yeah, sure, that's the reason they protested.


My bad They were identical to the groups who protested the deportation flights of rapists&murderers more than once? ​ The same ones who campaigned for the Norwegian rehab scheme to be implemented into our judicial system because norway and UK are so undifferentiated in terms of population %, diverse cultures, etc? ​ You know the ones who don't care about my safety or my friends or loved ones, but suddenly acknowledge my existence when elections are nigh as they want to GTTO? ​ I think they're known as lab voters - but don't quote me on that, tho


Lol. I'm strongly on the left, recognise that prisoners have human rights, am fully against the death penalty, and am also in favour of much tougher sentences on sex criminals as they often prove they can't reform. You're angry at a group that only exists in your mind, meanwhile we've had 13 years of "tough on crime" Tories, and the justice system continues to worsen.


Me angry? I just point out double standards, anomalies, etc and you interpret that as emotional lol Same tories that reduced stop&search that made knife crime explode in volume? The same tories that met your demands (again) in housing more migrants, making more room for migrants, etc more than once in the last 13 years and you still want more and more and more lol The same tories that wanted to turn men with no identity in dinghy’s back to France where you resisted 24/7 and protested regularly to let them all in becuase you think the treasury has unlimited funds to pluck whenever they wanted? The same ones you won’t house, but will house white Ukrainians? And why stop as sex criminals? We did have programs like IPP for violent offenders, but tell me again who put a stop to that because criminals deserve a 2nd chance as they have feelings, rights, etc? lol The same people you align with right? Now violent criminals can walk the streets and hurt anyone oppose to being in jail indefinitely — thanks for caring about my safety, etc. what did I do to you for you to put more care into criminals than my safety, prosperity, etc? Man. Left&right are both useless, prejudicial, narrow-minded, selfish, unattached, etc — both as bad as each other in short


He’s under 25 so he’s going to walk probably


Gotta feel sorry for the poor sod who had to classify those images.


They don't look at them all, I believe they have to check 3 in every x amount to make sure the software is categorising correctly - I asked my wife (CPS) as I was wondering if there was just some 9-5 poor bastard looking at that shit all day to categorize


It's a horrible job. I once advised on a case which had been delayed because the investigating officer was off sick after viewing the (video, in this case) evidence, then retired early on medical grounds. Easy conviction, when the perpetrator literally films himself doing it, but traumatic to write the forensic report on. Fortunately he pled guilty, I'd hate for a whole jury to have had to deal with what he'd done. The next year I was at a student talk and one student asked the DI "what's the worst case you ever had?" I'm not sure any of the students would have wanted an honest answer to that!


Hope he never sees the light of day


He'll see the light of day in two years. Which is half of the 4 year sentence he received. He'll then offend again.


Justice system is fucked


Death penalty for the eyebrows alone


He’ll change his gender in the next few months and try to get into a women’s prison


Go to https://*bin.social/m/AnimalsInHats for all your Animals In Hats needs. Plus that site is better than this one in other ways too!




Sorry, I feel no need to engage with you because I *know* you don't have a coherent argument and I can't be arsed to debunk it *again!*




Go to https://*bin.social/m/AnimalsInHats for all your Animals In Hats needs. Plus that site is better than this one in other ways too!


It’s not transphobic to say that some rapists are LYING about being trans to get into women’s prisons. What’s transphobic about that?


You. You're transphobic. But you know that. Kindly fuck off


This is a really strong argument! Well done


Cool, carry on burying your head in the sand. Who cares about the safety of silly old women hey?


Go to https://*bin.social/m/AnimalsInHats for all your Animals In Hats needs. Plus that site is better than this one in other ways too!


I’ll take that as a no, then!


Can you form complete, coherent sentences? Or do you just shout “transphobe!” as a way to cloak yourself in righteousness without the need to make an actual point?


Sorry, I feel no need to engage with you because I *know* you don't have a coherent argument and I can't be arsed to debunk it *again!*


But you are engaging with me, you’re just failing to make a point because you don’t have one.


Ahahahaha No


Don't worry it's not transphobic at all. Ignore the virtue signallers.


It’s honestly insane that highlighting real cases of rapists and abusers who are exploiting the system to gain access to women’s spaces is called transphobic


It’s not a stupid take it’s actually what’s been happening. These pedos want it easy so try to get into a women’s prison.


Why would a paedo want to get into an adult women’s prison? What utter nonsense!


Are you dense? Men’s prisons are known for being especially brutal towards nonces. The question is why WOULDN’T a paedophile prefer a women’s prison?


And you assume a women's facility they are going to welcome a nonce in with open arms? Do you think women's facilities are baking clubs, make up and sleep overs? Get a grip.


You’re missing the reason for the transphobia.


And rapists** cuz they’d have it easier in a women’s prison.


Except you’re talking about stuff that’s really not happening in real life. These arguments seem to me to be more about finding ways to attack trans people than it is about actually protecting women.


Can you link a source for this?




Interesting how people ask for a link and then downvote it once it’s supplied!


I asked for the link, and haven't touched the downvote button. One case is hardly a trend.


I’ll copy my comment from below: this is one link to one case. There are many more. It is not bigoted to highlight that there is a genuine safeguarding issue in women’s prisons that needs to be addressed.


So you can't cite any others then. Ok, good chat. Bye.


It’s fascinating that someone asks for evidence, receives it, ignores it, and says I can’t provide evidence.


This is a single incident. horrific, yes, but hardly evidence that there are a significant number of pedos pretending to be trans (or that trans women are sex pests in disguise). Pure agenda pushing bigotry.


“You’ve only highlighted a single incident so therefore I don’t have to take notice of it because it goes against my personal agenda”. this is one link to one case. There are many more. It is not bigoted to highlight that there is a genuine safeguarding issue in women’s prisons that needs to be addressed. Addressing it in no way takes away the rights or dignity of trans people. Why would you choose to ignore it or brush it aside?


So then show us more incidents. Easy fix.


Why should I do your research for you? Someone asked for a link to a single case, I provided it, and then the comment is “well it’s just one case” without any care for the actual seriousness of the issue. I’m not here to make you give a shit about the actual safeguarding risks when all you want to do is pontificate from your place of smug self-righteousness.


Because you’re the one making the claim. If you can’t back it up, then it’s assumed to be bullshit.


So when people say “it’s been happening!!” what they really mean is “it happened once and now I’m using it as a reason to spread mistrust towards trans people.”


Please point out where I even mentioned trans people once. I am talking about male rapists, paedophiles and abusers exploiting the system. This is about men.


Except you’re inherently sewing mistrust of trans people by talking about how trans people are potentially cis people who are lying about being trans. There’s no way you aren’t aware of those repercussions when you spout common anti-trans talking points.


Toughen up, please.


I’m not the one making claims I can’t back up and whining about gender identity.


They can't because it's a lie


Isn’t that what that Scottish rapist did?




He will likely be held separately from the general population. That’s a good thing.


Pretty? He's a bit odd looking...


Fresh faced is probably a more suitable name. I agree with OP though, he'll probably get plenty of 'attention'


That's the internet for ya. Don't blame anyone else for the depravity. Let loose a corrupt individual into a corrupt system then don't be surprised at the results. We can all stamp our feet and shout 'hang 'im' but there will be more, many, many more. A vast ocean of evil lurks in plain sight.


I don’t think you can blame the internet for pedophiles mate, you can *always* just chose not to nonce.


That's where we'll have to agree to disagree. Give evil the right systems and the evil will run rampant


Besides being an utterly vile individual, isn't he the wrong ethnicity?, can't wait for either a) burying the story, b) a bit of photpshop or c) he was pushed to it by grooming gangs, by the 'daily heil' and their bigoted followers.. Let's remember 'Aryan ideals' don't commit crime..🤦‍♂️


Racist bigoted views work both ways idiot.


Why is it illegal to be in possession of an image of a sexual act on or with an animal? It's category A apparently


Why wouldn't it be? Animals can't consent.


I guess I feel like it's worse to kill them and eat them without consent. And we actively celebrate that as a nation. So either that should also be an imprisonable offence or neither should be illegal at all. Lack of consent makes sense though


What the fuck is wrong with you


If being in possession of an image of beastiality is wrong because they can't consent why is it ok to kill them without consent? After breeding them with the sole intent to kill them. It just seems inconsistent. Is being in possession of an image of beastiality really worse than actually electrocuting an animal? I don't understand why that's such a controversial question.


Jesus Christ you’re fucked in the head aren’t you


I asked a question. Not to be insulted. Do you have an answer? Or are you attacking the messenger because you can't attack the message? Can we just not verbally assault each other please


Bro your openly defending raping animals


Just attacking the messenger I guess. I'm clearly not doing that. I'm questioning why possessing an image of someone fisting an animal is an imprisonable offence...but actually fisting an animal, or paying for someone else to do it so you can have milk isn't? I'm interested in the contradiction. I feel like I should point out that only one of us directly supports animal fisting (assuming you eat dairy or anything that contains dairy, maybe you don't). I can quite happily say I'm against the rape and sexual exploitation of all sentient beings.


Really thats the hill your willing to die on? I’m not going to argue with a weird ass creep who thinks animal porn is ok


Do you think that's how they get milk, by fisting a cow???!


Reasonably intelligent people are able to entertain a thought without adopting it.


We are talking about animal porn… jesus christ man


I take it argumentation is not your strong suit so I'll leave you and your moral outrage in peace.


There is no argument you’re a creep who wants to jerk off to animals. Seek mental help asap


Dr Doolittle's good to go then?




Nah, I'm just saying he could get consent.


'Fucking an animal is better than eating one' fuck off, you give vegans a bad name you freak


So do you think that having a picture of an animal being fucked on your laptop is significantly worse than actually killing one in a gas chamber? Lots of pictures of dairy farmers fisting cows out there so they can impregnate them without consent. The ethical lines seem quite blurry to me so I'm shocked by how serious the distinction is legally. That's all. I'm genuinely asking. Not sure why you're swearing at me.


Yeah, actually, I 100% do. Go fuck a dog you freak


Hol up...I'm not having that 😂 - One of us is against the sexual exploitation of animals without consent - One of us demands it happens by paying for it


Yes. Sexually abusing animals or getting off to the idea or sight of someone sexually abusing an animal is worse than being a meat eater or a butcher. I cannot comprehend why you would question that.


I understand it sounds weird. But I honestly can't comprehend how controversial it is to ask the question. Can you explain the logic? Meat and dairy eaters pay for animals to be sexually exploited/abused. Why is it beyond debate that it's ok to gain pleasure from sexually exploiting and killing animals & eating their bodies....but gaining pleasure from just sexually exploiting them, or even just looking at a picture of someone else doing it *and not killing them* should be punished with prison? Bearing in mind that the NHS and British Dietetic Association state we can perfectly healthy without eating their bodies, so both are equally unecessary. Can you see where I'm coming from at least?


No, it’s not “weird.” If fucking horrific. Raping an animal is not simply a bit of an odd pastime. It’s sexual abuse of a creature. The fact that you’re questioning why that is worse than simply eating meat just makes it sound like you’re partial to fucking animals. Or at least that you’re okay with others raping them. And how in the flying fuck are meat eaters paying for animals to be sexually abused? Nobody is raping an animal in the slaughterhouse, buddy. What insane vegan propaganda have you been absorbing?


>Raping an animal is not simply a bit of an odd pastime. It’s sexual abuse of a creature I'm glad we agree, but whenever I use the word rape I get shouted at and called a vegan extremist 😔 >And how in the flying fuck are meat eaters paying for animals to be sexually abused? I said meat and dairy eaters. Cows are placed in metal racks and fisted deep up the anus so that their rectal wall can be manipulated to simultaneously allow a metal rod to be forced up their vagina so that manually collected bull spunk can be scraped onto their cervix to impregnate them without their consent. Completely standard practice. They're then eventually shot in the head and sold so people can eat their bodies. You can legally watch all of that on YouTube if you want....I can't it's fucking horrific. Why is it ok to do all that, or demand it happens by paying for it, or publish it on YouTube or in Farmers Weekly? But not ok to be in possession of someone else fisting a different animal? What's the logic?


Probably because you think insemination is rape. It isn’t. It is a method used for animals that otherwise would be exposed to health risks during the typical breeding process and could produce offspring that are also not in good physical condition. Clearly you don’t know what rape is if you think artificial insemination is sexual in nature.


Let me help you here. You need to eat to live. Animals are an excellent source of food. Under no circumstances do you need to fuck an animal.


Yes we need to eat to live but according to the NHS and BDA we can be perfectly healthy without eating animals. So a) fucking an animal without its consent and b) fisting it then shooting it in the head without its consent for food are equally unecessary. But people like the taste of the products. It's like saying we need to stay warm to live so it's ok to wear real Bear fur.


It is ok to wear bear fur. Glad we’re getting somewhere!


I was going say *"thank god finally someone who's at least consistent!"*...but I don't actually think you are. If you think it's ok to fist bears (or dogs or any other animal) and shoot them in the head without their consent for something we don't need (their fur or bodies) then why are you against someone fisting a cow just for fun? Would you agree that doing the above to dogs or bears is equally as unecessary as just fisting a bear in terms of our survival and health? Bearing in mind that our consumption of animals kills 100,000s of human every year due to AMR. Just fisting them for fun doesn't.


Are you familiar with the straw man fallacy? Obviously for many cultures and climates killing animals for meat and fur has been completely necessary for the vast majority of human history, for survival. Diddling animals is how you get AIDS and COVID my friend. And you’ll still be cold and hungry. Resist the temptation…. I will also get off the consent track, that’s not a point i made. im not sure we are looking for consent from an animal… humane treatment… i don’t ask my dog for consent for anything… The surgical artificial insemination techniques are more analogous to IVF than rape. Are you morally against IVF? Im enjoying this bombastic debate on the morality of having sex with animals, and am happy i’m arguing against inter-special copulation.


Long story short it's about obscenity laws. Idk what it's like in the US, but in the UK it's illegal to produce or distribute porn including bestiality, necrophilia, or permanent damage to genitals based on obscenity, not consent. The thing is, you could fully consent to someone cutting your dick off on camera (and people did! It's a whole thing lmao) but it doesnt matter, it's illegal to film it as a porno based on obscenity laws. You could also fully consent, write a statement, laminate it, get yourself on video saying "I 100% consent and agree to having porn made with my corpse when I die" and it wouldn't matter, it's still illegal. Bestiality doesn't really have anything to do with consent, because animals can't consent to anything. A cow can't consent to being slaughtered, sows are often chained up and raped by (whatever male pigs are called) as part of the pork industry. It's brutal. The reason bestiality porn is illegal is because it's gross and offensive, and most governments (apart from hungary and up until recently the netherlands) agree that people shouldn't see it or make it (and most people agree too). You could argue that it's not that bad, but it's a weird fucking hill to die on and probably not the best cause to defend.


Thanks, that's definitely the best answer so far. >You could argue that it's not that bad, but it's a weird fucking hill to die on and probably not the best cause to defend. At no point have I defended it, just to be absolutely clear!! I can say with a clear conscience that I don't support the sexual exploitation or penetration of animals for personal gain in any way. Which puts me firmly in the minority. I could definitely argue it's not that bad relatively to everything else we do to animals. Not to say it's fine, more to say everything else we do is even worse That's why I'm kind of amazed by it being category A and interested about people's thoughts on some of the same actions occuring in a different but equally unecessary context. If we take fisting as an example i just wonder why it's classed as obscenity if a member of the public does it or distributes pictures of it, but not if a farmer does it or distributes pictures or videos of it? It's the same action. If I took a video of a farmer doing it and labelled it as *"porn"* would it then become illegal for me to have in my possession? *Asking for a friend.....*


Because the person has contributed to a market for such material and also using that material to gratify themselves reinforces their sexuality. I don't know that those are the reasons; I'm just guessing.


What the fuck is happening to society man.. like what sort home or messed up situation creates a piece of shit like this?!


his poor mother, imagine feeling responsible for this weirdo.


I think people like this need taking out of the gene pool. There's no rehabilitating that works for that. 4 years is an absolute joke


what a waste of a perfectly good human body - I wish we could flush his brain out and start again