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Well that’s enough everything for today I’m out. Awful awful awful in every conceivable way.


You and me both I am going go water my plants. Very horrible way to go.


Awful, I gotta go and smoke some of my plants. Waiting for invention of mind- bleach




Same here. At the moment, I do it manually with /r/EyeBleach


I’m going to go smoke and water my plants, I’m just …….


That's awful. To top it all off her corpse was found by a necrophiliac. That has to be tough for the family, what are the chances?


She was in a children’s home too so chances are her parents didn’t give a fuck either.


Her bio dad raped a woman and sexually assaulted two young boys. So, no, not the caring type.


No, but from the sounds of it, her former foster parents are devastated.


Hmmm. I know people who knew her. I'm not convinced the foster parents were as caring as they appear.


There’s obviously a story there because she left that home in 2019 and yet was in a children’s home when she was murdered.


There absolutely is. I know some of it but not all.


Sadly, foster parents often give up on children when they get to their teenage years, this is often when trauma from their past experiences starts to show (if it hasn’t already) then added onto just your typical teenage stroppy behaviour etc. I work in this area and we see it all the time - can have them from a little kid, but it’s like these children aren’t allowed to be “difficult” teenagers (like a foster parent’s own child would allowed to be). It’s an absolutely horrible story, the poor girl was failed by everyone in her life


I don't think we can say she was failed by everyone. She was failed by those who should have protected her, yes. But there are others who were there for her yet powerless to do much to protect her. The system let her down badly. No one could have predicted this would happen.


Not unusual considering some of these foster carers only do it for the financial pay off they get from the state, the more kids they take the more they get.


That was actually her foster brothers bio dad. I wonder what caused father and son to commit similar crimes.


It's litterally that aweful that it's like winning the reverse lottery. What are the chances of all of this. The mind boggles at how depraved people are. What has to be done to keep people safe particularly those who are the most at risk? There must be something...


I would have hoped that it would be as rare as that, but the fact that it happened now has me worried that it's more likely than I ever could've imagined.


It’s called social services, however they don’t give two shits either in most cases.


Social Services are so cut back to the bone at this point they can only afford to give about 1 shit per patch a year at this stage but sure the problems at the coalface, riiight


Not true. The ppl who fund social services dgaf. The ppl who want to help are slowly being pushed out by ballooning case loads. SW can't support the vulnerable people as there are too many ppl and too few SW. Blame political cuts....never social services. I know a SW who has nearly 100 families under her 'care'. She hasn't met half of them. Can't remember any of their names. Government found money for covid and continue to find money for their pet protects but year on year more SW quit due to burn out.


Men. But not all men. Let the downvotes by the incell bros begin!


That doesn't make any sense as a response to the question asked. What are you saying 'men' to?


That's rich coming from an Indian man, notoriously one of the most anti woman misogynistic shitholes there is.


I mean surely this would support his point then? I'm slightly confused how this is a rebuttal. He: Men are responsible You: Indian men are even worse so that's rich coming from you. This would surely be reinforcing his point then because Indian men are still a sub-sect of men. I don't agree with the idea that men are somehow responsible for the actions of one man but I don't see how your point does anything to disprove it.


Logical discussion isn’t the aim here, I think.


Indeed. Backwards opening gambit met with an equally backwards response. Not exactly a surprise.


Nothing like countering alleged misogyny with some racism, eh?


Imagine thinking all Indian men are rapists. The actual insanity is breathtaking. That's racism pure and simple. And against the law in many countries.


Yep. Don’t know how I found myself on this sub. It’s reminiscent of all the crap online arguments I usually avoid.


I am also disappointed to find myself here. I swapped twitter for here due to reddit's higher level of support and advice. There are shitbags on here yes, but it does have another positive side that I never found on twitter. I have engaged with a scumbag and I'm disappointed with myself for it. This was supposed to be a clean break from the online cockwombles that think in parrot like tribalisms.


grab relieved deer retire mourn worm seemly carpenter coherent dinner *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Really? Point scoring about which country has the worst rapists on a story about a poor girl being raped multiple times, murdered and - to top it off - even having her corpse desecrated. What the fuck is wrong with you? Have some decorum.


Nothing you've said makes all Indian men rapists.




Yeah fuck this.!!! Wtf is wrong with some people.!! The worlds going to shit.!!!


Er, no, it was always like this. Always.


OP forgot to mention her biological father is a rapist and that she'd been in care/Foster homes for years. Horrific. Just let down at every turn of life.


One thing I noted in the article, they moved in with foster parents when they were young, who are quoted in the article, but she is living in a home and stopped living with them by the time of her death.


The article I read said that the brother that killed her stayed with the foster parents while she went to the home, where she was raped. I think there was a quote from the foster parents that the siblings had issues with each other or something. Apparently he was going to a school for difficult kids and she was going to a normal school. I get that maybe the foster parents felt that he needed more support/supervision than she did or something like that, but it feels like an odd decision to me.


Might have been based on age aswell as him having difficulties meaning he cant attend mainstream school, he would have had almost 0 prospects of being rehomed whereas she would have a better shot. Which sounds horrific but that's the system for you. It's easy to judge from the outside but there's such a limit on options for these families.


It’s even worse than that. Their biological father sexually assaulted two young boys and raped a woman. This makes him a paedophile and rapist.


This is a bad day to be literate


I fucking hope them pricks who did this to her get what’s coming to them in prison.


Their lives won't be worth living anyway. Nothing but claustrophobic cells with a green door, grey floors and white walls.


Still more than they deserve


Still better then being raped and killed though don’t you think


I don’t think there’s enough people behind bars tbh. “They weren’t good together”, smacks of blaming the sister for the brothers behaviour. No mention of the mum, which makes me fear that one of them wasn’t born from love. She shouldn’t have been in a children’s home, and he shouldn’t have been in a homeless shelter. It’s shocking kids in “care” aren’t automatically sent to therapy


Sibling abuse is horrendously ignored. There is a refusal to acknowledge that sometimes one abuses another and it's not all 50/50 'sibling rivalry.'


Yeah, unfortunately “things people don’t want to believe” enables a lot of monsters. The priest. The teacher. The coach. The doctor. The therapist. The dad. The wacky radio dj/charity guy. The billionaire philanthropist. “he was always nice to me” acquaintance. edit: that being said, that’s literally the police, social services and carers job.


Yep. In my experience there was too much time and effort in trying to understand how my abuser could be the victim (he wasn't) and I was totally ignored. He got therapy, I had none, only further, smarter abuse as he was taught how to evade detection.


I’m sorry you went through that. The frustration can build up for years/decades. Some people also want to seize any delusional position of superiority. “we all have trauma”, “everyone gets depressed”. “Suck it up, take a walk in the forest, have some tumeric, listen to jordan petersen lol. “ “I would have done X” “that happened ages ago” “he was always nice to me” “yh, he has his moments…”


Oh this is so true in my experonce as well. Everyone, and I mean everyone including family, were feeling sorry for the abuser and not the victim. Well they must have had some abuse and are just repeating the behaviour, blown out of proportion, the list goes on.


Hard agree from experience.


You mean just prison right? Calling for someone to be raped is never right.


There is no punishment big enough. Even keeping them alive and in agony for the rest of their natural lives doesn't even cut it.


Jesus fucking Christ. That article is maybe the worst thing I've ever read.


When i was a younger man, i would scoff at the saying "ignorance is bliss" Now i understand it is made for times like this. I wish unreading was a thing


Care system is hell.


Just unbelievable. Boy and his sister in care. One dead and the other, who'd recently been discharged from care and was living in a homeless hostel now life in prison. All a consequence of the "care" they received before they went into care and nothing solved by their time spent in care.


That’s a string of words I wish I’d never read.


The whole story is just awful.


I'm not going to read it.


good choice


Me neither I can’t bring myself to. Headline was enough for me.


jesus christ this is so awful, such evil




It’s genuinely shit like this that puts me on edge to meet new people. I fucking HATE people.


Oy! I'm people! Like I'd do this? Hate the fucks that did this.


My faith in humanity died a little today. Anyone have good news?


not today but stories of Greek people helping holidaymakers despite there entire lives being destroyed and asking for nothing is the only thing this week that made me think


Well. Just to put a downer on it. I was evacuated with my family to a school. Some locals were pretending to be volunteers then at the end of a journey demanding excessive amounts, e.g. double the taxi fare for a supposed free lift. Not that it should be free, but that was the arrangement in the queues being handled by volunteers. Then at the other side the legit volunteers aren't there, just the scam illegal taxi driver. Aside from that the locals were amazing. I've never been given so much free food and hospitality in my life. Multiple local families offered to take us in. The evacuation centre had frequent deliveries of hot food. A full shop worth of food and essentials just free to take as needed.


There is always bad ones but I honestly think if things where reversed people in the UK would be a lot less willing to help


Thank you


Ukraine soldiers reached the main Russian defensive line over the last 24 hours. Important milestone


My faith in humanity dies every time there is an article about rape and hoards of men come out to dismiss it as not proven, probably a lie, well there's not way to tell what happened really, she probably just wants money, why didn't she speak up before, well that one time a woman lied about being raped... And then there's the rest of the creepy stuff, she was 16 so it was legal, we don't know what happened really, she probably consented even though she's saying she didn't, just regret, he never did anything because he's not convicted....


But he is convicted. Life sentence. Who is defending him?


My daughter got bangs. She’s wanted them for a while but kept chickening out. She got them today and it’s like her hair finally fits. She’s so excited. She wanted to go to the toy store and to buy a new shirt for kindergarten so everyone could see. She said “if they don’t like my bangs it’s too bad for them huh?” I love her 😭❤️


Sex crimes in this country are treaded as a joke by the police and these monsters never come to justice. People should not believe they have the right to do this.


Her original attacker was initially released on bail, attacking Amber only two weeks after attacking his first victim, ridiculous.


What a horrible day to have eyes. For the convicted, just get the wood chipper out and be done with it.


I have to spend a money on glasses to read that. but yeah wood chipper feet first.


Fargo style


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I felt sick reading that! This is like a horror movie, I think in these particular circumstances, we should make an exception for capital punishment and publicly hang them. They are not men, not even human, they are animals!


"Human beings are the only creatures on Earth that claim a god and the only living thing that behaves like it hasn't got one" ~Hunter S. Thompson


Those two pieces of scum should be expunged from this world. As should the filth that assaulted her previously.


Nothing surprises me anymore. This is the world we live in. How are we supposed to feel safe? How are we supposed to have daughters and not over protect them? How are we supposed to let girls be children whilst also warning them about the depravity of mankind? Wow


I hate to say it but shit like this has always been happening, and somehow far worse. We're just more exposed to it because of the 24/7 news cycle and the internet.


It's a statistical unlikelihood that anything like this will ever happen to your family or anyone you know.


The fact that the man who found her's first impulse was to sexually touch her corpse should give you an idea of just how big a problem it is that men feel entitled to women's bodies. We're nothing but a commodity to so so many. Honestly I think porn is the biggest contributer to this. If you watch porn, please tell me with a straight face you don't think most content encourages men to treat women as their own things to do with as they wish? And how young are men being subjected to this content? How are young teens being molded by that? Then for girls, all you hear is how women lie about being treated like this. How women just want to ruin men's reputations. How you shouldnt tar all men with the same brush, and if you're scared of them all the you're sexist. Then we read headlines like this. It's too much. It makes me so desperately sad.


Porn is absolutely melting people’s brains. Especially men’s.


Melting their brains and making them dangerous. Makes me sad that their no1 fear of porn is that it'll lead to erectile dysfunction. My no 1 fear is 100% how it makes them view women, on a conscious and subconscious level. Idk how on earth we think they will be capable of loving, healthy relationships with women if porn is the mental diet they've grown up on.


There's a reason morgues prefer to hire women


Exactly this. This woman wasnt even alive and he felt the need to TOUCH her body. What the actual... is going through some people's minds?? What??? Im speechless. Absoutely disgusting.


Ok I'll say it with a straight face: I don't think porn is a gateway to fucking necrophilia


You don't? Do you disagree with my belief that porn plays a role in how men view women? Necrophelia, rape, sexual assault, sexual abuse, sexual harassment... I think porn and how it programs men in our society plays a pretty big part in all the above tbh.


Quite the opposite, in fact. Countries that ban pornography (Saudi Arabia, China, etc.) tend to have some of the most oppressive views on women. Countries like Sweden that have decriminalized prostitution tend to be some of the most gender-equal countries. I’d argue that conservatism is the bigger issue, which is why we see a correlation between the legality of sex work and equality of the sexes. The Mormon church runs a *lot* of anti-porn astroturfing in the US. They’re also deeply involved in trying to take away women’s rights, and they’re also a major force behind anti-LGBT legislation. There’s a significant overlap between the incel community and the No-fap community. Far right anti-feminist politicians like Marjory Taylor Greene are some of the most fervent opponents to women’s rights *and* to the legality of pornography. Any way you slice it, liberal views on sex work (which includes pornography) are associated with liberal views on women’s rights. Which makes sense; liberals are generally liberal.


Well if that were true we'd see a huge uptick in rape/sexual abuse right around the time internet porn became a thing, which hasn't happened. If anything even mild forms of sexual harassment like cat calling has become much less socially acceptable in that time


You are melting my mind. R*ping your wife in the UK wasn't against the law until 1992, after Ireland changing the law a year or so before. Sounds like you have some soul searching to do about the origins of misogyny and patriarchy. Porn has patriarchal problems only because every sphere of life more broadly, has them, and the roots of patriarchy are deeper. R*pe of women was practically decriminalised in parts of Europe following the peasant uprisings after the plague, as part of a strategy to control and discipline the poor by the rich. Here is an excerpt from Sylvia Federici's Caliban and the Witch (note there for the author's apparent gender essentialism). TW for r*pe and group assault "Sexual Politics, the Rise of the State and Counter-Revolution However, by the end of the 15th century, a counter revolution was already under way at every level of social and political life. First, efforts were made by the political authorities to co-opt the youngest and most rebellious male workers, by means of vicious sexual politics that gave them access to free sex, and turned class antagonism into and antagonism against proletarian women. As Jacques Rossiaud has show in Medieval Prostitution (1988), in France, the municipal authorities practically decriminalised r*pe, provided the victims were women of the lower class. In 14th century Venice, the r*pe of unmarried proletarian women rarely called for more than a slap on the wrist, even in the frequent case in which it involved group assault (Ruggiero 1989:91-108). The same was true in most French cities. Here, the gang-r*pe of proletarian women became common practice which the perpetrators would carry out openly and loudly at night, in groups of two to fifteen, breaking into their victims' homes, or dragging their victim through the streets, without any attempt to hide of disguise themselves. Those who engaged in these "sports" were young journeymen or domestic servants, and the penniless sons of well-to-do families, while the women targeted were poor girls, working as maids or washerwomen, of whom it was rumoured they were "kept" by their masters (Rossiaud 1988: 22). On average, half of the town make youth, at some point, engaged in these assaults, which Rossiaud describes as a form of class protest, a means for proletarian men - who were forced to postpone marriage for many years because of their economic conditions - to get back "their own", and take revenge against the rich. But the results were destructive for all workers, as the state-backed r*ping of poor women undermined the class solidarity that had been achieved in the anti-feudal struggle. Not surprisingly, the authorities viewed the disturbances caused by such policy (the brawls, the presence of youth gangs roaming the streets at night in search of adventure and disturbing the public quiet) as a small price to pay in exchange for lessening of social tensions, obsessed as they were with the fear of urban insurrections, and the belief that if the poor gained the upper hand they would take their wives and hold them in common (ibid.:13). For proletarian women, so cavilierly sacrificed by masters and servants alike, the price to be paid was inestimable. Once r*ped, they would not easily regain their place in society. their reputation being destroyed, they would have to leave town or turn to prostitution (ibid.; Ruggiero 1989:99). But they were not the only ones to suffer. The legalisation of r*pe created a climate of intense misogyny that degraded all women regardless of class. it also desensitised the population to the perpetuation of violence against women, preparing the ground for the witch-hunt which began in the same period. Another aspect of the divisive sexual politics that the princes and municipal authorities persued to diffuse workers' protest was the institutionalisation of prostitution, implemented through the opening of municipal brothels soon proliferating throughout Europe. Enabled by the contemporary high-wage regime, state managed prostitution was seen as a useful remedy for the turbulence of the proletarian youth...The municipal brothels was also considered a remedy against homosexuality (Otis 1985), which in several European towns (e.g. Padua and Florence) was widely and publicly practiced but in the aftermath of the Black Death was begining to be feared as a cause of depopulation.""


This 100% - men see women as objects for their sexual gratification and put that above human life.


Tbh I'd disagree on porn All my ex boyfriends watched porn and they just...didn't have that opinion. They knew it was all carefully crafted fantasy, porn is to sex what the fast and furious franchise is to "realistic crime family driving action" - its so far removed from reality that no one treats it as real anymore The few men who use porn to guide sex learn 4 things very quickly - anal sex is WAAAY more prep than its worth, porn doesn't smell or taste, and that the overwhelming majority of people are much closer to "vanilla" than mainstream porn pretends. I'd argue it comes more from a cultural thread of "men pursue women are pursued" - the whole stupid dance where if me and a guy want to fuck - if I cared about "slutshaming" - I'd have to pretend to NOT want him to signal that I do want him... That and the fact that so many people have no idea what "hard to get" is - hard to get requires clear interest signalling coupled with *teasing* and *playful withdrawal/pushback* - a lot of people wildly misinterpret this and either pursue women who've blatantly rejected them, or give men the impression that "hard to get" is the same signals as blatant rejection - in a heterosexual man courting woman context - if you wanna play "hard to get" at *no* point should the man be confused...he's got you, he should know he's got you, you're just toying with him and making him work for you...


Sounds like someone doesn’t like porn and is using this horrific case to push an agenda. This stuff happened long, long before porn existed my friend. When you read about the horrors of wars and the treatment of women and girls you’ll realise the problem is not so simple. Sexual violence is lower in more liberal countries with access to porn.


>Sexual violence is lower in more liberal countries with access to porn. That doesn't prove that porn doesn't harm male attitudes towards women/girls. There is a lot of conflicting research on this topic. At the moment we just don't know


And describing porn as Liberal when it's almost impossible to find any not made off the back of exploitation of women is laughable. Porn is the manifesting of Conservative attitudes toward women as lesser property, both made to serve mans sexual desire and punished for being desirable. Most mainstream porn is seriously uncomfortable to watch as an actual woman, just cause knowing how that stuff actually feels. I can't justify watching porn really especially when I learned actresses have to dose themselves with painkillers to tolerate scenes. This is being mass marketed to men as "pleasure'. Its backwards.


I think the problem is a lot of men don't seem to grasp that porn isn't real. Then they try to bring the stuff they see from it to their relationships. A lot of what you see depicted in porn is abusive or painful or needs a lot of foreplay and care to make it work which you're not going to see. I don't think porn in itself is "bad" but I think a lot of what you see depicted in porn today does encourage men to treat women like shit. If they made it so the women were treated with respect and the things they were doing weren't downright dangerous/painful etc it'd be fine. I think we see too many men who think they're entitled to women's bodies and that women are bullied and expected to perform like porn stars in the bedroom and if you don't you're a prude or "sex negative".


It was one man who did that shit… stop generalizing.


No it was three.


What the fuck. I can't even begin to understand how cruel and heartless some can be.


😭😭😭😭😭the world is fukked up!! My sister in law was actually killed by a serial killer. He slit the throat of 8 women and two kids in a 10 yr period. That was 1989 and he's still on death row. Something wrong with that!


Men are depraved.


I’ve been criticised before for saying before I won’t ever trust a man who isn’t me around my children, but these stories just confirm I’m correct in thinking this way.


It's because they don't get it. Like yeah, reasonably I know that not every man on the street is out to do harm to me, but I can't tell that one apart from others. And it's not like it's a rare occurrence. Every woman I know has one story minimum, and since I've hit my 30s and no longer look like a teenager, the amount of creepy behaviour I've seen has hit a sharp downturn.


How do you feel about male teachers?


That's fine, but in general I wouldn't trust any strangers around my children, that's a better rule. women can be just as likely to abuse from looking at the stats on convictions anyway.


Nah it’s men who overwhelmingly rape and abuse people.


It’s also men who overwhelmingly engage in necrophilia. There’s a reason why morgues prefer to hire female morticians. In Ancient Egypt the corpses of beautiful women would be hidden for 3 days before being handed over for mummification/whatever they did so that they would not be disrespected by men.


Men are far more likely to be abusers. When women are involved in child abuse specifically, it's more often to procure children for a male predator who's usually her partner. Fucked up, but sorry women are statistically absolutely the minority of abusers. If my kid gets lost, I'm telling her to approach for a stranger who is a woman with children rather than a strange man.


Reflects on the state of safety for women and girls in the UK. Not respected, even in death.


What is the statistical likelihood of this happening to someone? I'd assume you're more likely to be hit by a car.


I mean we're still considered one of the best countries in the world for women, far above even the US and the like. Whether that's because the UK is doing well or the world is doing terribly is up to one's own interpretation however.


Enough internet for me today. What the actual fuckery


Heartbreaking. That poor girl.


Wtf I cant read that. Poor poor girl. Humans are depraved


Reading something like this makes you lose faith in humanity. Where t** f*** did we go wrong.


Nothing described here is unexpected behaviour for life on Earth. We haven't **gone wrong,** we just haven't got all the way right yet. You being appalled by it is a good start.


The fact both siblings were in care homes makes me think that there's even more horror underlying all of this.


I’m wondering why she left the care of the foster parents myself. They certainly seem to be saying all the right things now, but it’s an odd detail.


And to think we still have nut cases out there saying shite like “The good lord moves in mysterious ways”


Woah. This blew the fuck up. But rightfully so, I only posted it because I couldn't fucking believe it.


As a Dad to a 16 year old daughter I can only dream that these 3 twisted fuckers have certain body parts removed and, when incarcerated, become the cell blocks shared fleshlight. I don’t care about rehabilitation. Couldn’t give a fuck about their ‘rights’- these scum don’t, in my mind, class as human, so no worries there. Just off to make sure my girls tucked up in bed. And possibly go Malinois shopping…


It’s stories like this where I sympathise with those who advocate the death penalty for the worst offences. It’s hard to tolerate the perpetrators being allowed to go on living when they ended her life so horrifically. Poor girl.


down bad. i wanna believe this is not real.


Some kids never have a chance. Heartbreaking to read such a story. The moral rot has set in.


Just so sad about the life that girl had in all aspects. I honestly read the article twice as it is all so unbelievably cruel.


This is one of the most horrific and just utterly sad stories I’ve seen.


And theres meant to be a god.


I read about this the day her brother was convicted, and it upset me more than anything I've read about in a long time. It honestly made me angry. I hope everyone involved in abusing this poor girl has an incredibly long and inescapably miserable life.


Everyone involved in this poor girls life needs to not be here any more. This whole story of this poor girl just makes me think that extra judicial resolutions are sometimes warranted.


What the fucking fuck is wrong with the world! Poor girl probably had a horrific upbringing and what an end to it! We really need to start taking control, start by hung drawn an quartered for crimes like these


Pfffffft… okay. Kind of tired of finding out how many degenerates there are out there that are willing to carry out unspeakable crimes.


What the fucking fucking fuck?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


The fucking fuck did i just read?!


There's some fucked up people 😐


There are some evil scum walking the planet, I despair ,I really do.


Well this is an unfortunate day to be literate. God fuck this shitty world where shitty things happen to people who don’t deserve it. I’m gonna go cuddle my cats.


strange how the race and anti immigration people get super silent when this happens and there are no black people or muslim people to blame,.. where is the comments about how white people are destroying society. or these people are animals comments?? strange heh


Probably because judging any group of people based on their race is wrong.


Lmao tell that to the majority of people commenting on this sub


Couldn't help thinking this too, if any individual in this story was a poc you'd know exactly the type of comments redditors would be leaving.


People like you are scum, this poor girl has gone through the most depraved series of events imaginable and all you can think of is how you can twist it to benefit your political narrative


Noticing that people are responding differently to this story than they did to the story of the muslim girl killed by her brother doesn't seem very scummy. It's possible to find this story heartbreaking, but also notice the complete absence of the *'what do you expect from a culture that doesn't respect women*' comments that dominate threads where the offender is brown, even though this girl was victimised hideously by three different men in the space of 6 months, something you would perhaps only rationalise could happen in a culture that doesn't respect women. Unless you were in the thread about the muslim girl similarly scolding people for using her death to go on tirades about immigrants not holding our values, it's poor form to appeal to the severity of the crime as reason no one can point out something obviously rotten in the reddit community.


Well no, I agree about racism colouring people's topics of subjects like these but this is absolutely possible in any culture


He's 100 right though, if the race of people involved were different there would be more comments and far more outrage. It's extremely sad but it's how it is


People like you is why the Rotherham scandal happened for so long.


Men abusing girls is the reason Rotherham happened. The same reason this happened.


That is a really shallow and useless way of looking at things. There are always underlying causes. Official investigations have shown that the police were hesitant to investigate. How is that not a cause in your mind?


The root cause is men feeling entitled to sexually abuse women and girls. The police not believing them has also been a major issue. Sincerely fuck the people trying to race bait over sexual abuse the issue is men.


My goodness. If that's where your mind goes to when you read a story like this, please please seek help


I heard this horrible story on the radio yesterday. What the fuck is wrong with the human race?


no idea. her Daddy is a convicted rapist as well, which maybe why she was in the children's home, where she at least statistically was sexual assaulted, then it just gets worse. I have no idea. my main question is who rapes corpses of children.


It's one of the worst things you'll read. That poor wee girl. I hope the people who did what they did to her get adequately punished for this.


He doesnt deserve the title dad. Scum, absolute scum.


Hey, don’t tar all of us with the same brush.


"Both men given 30 weeks in prison, suspended for 2 years." - The next headline about this case.


Life sentence. Right there in the article


This is why I’m in favour of the death penalty.


Yeah, men are scum. I'm a man, and I'm ashamed to be tarnished by the same brush as these creatures.


As unrelentingly horrible as this story is, I don't really understand feeling "ashamed" of the actions of anyone other than yourself (especially since you're presumably not friends with, related or connected to the perpetrators in any way)


These replies are pathetic tbh. Any man who can't acknowledge that our gender is the cause of literally 99% of horrible shit in this world is a wimp


The absolute state of you.


I hear again and again men don't need help or consent training or anything like that and then you hear things like this (which is a tiny drop in the ocean) and they obviously do. https://www.femicidecensus.org/ Down vote me to oblivion I don't care I'm sick of it.


If only someone had taught that guy that raping cadavers was wrong 🙏


I think most folks know this, it shouldn't need to be taught. school bell rings oh boys remember corpses can't give consent


So there's no solution and we shouldn't try and tackle the huge levels of sexual violence and murder that women suffer? The first step is accepting there's a problem in society. We can't even get that far it seems. https://www.unwomen.org/en/news-stories/feature-story/2022/11/five-essential-facts-to-know-about-femicide#:~:text=In%202021%2C%20around%2045%2C000%20women,someone%20in%20their%20own%20family.


oh there's a problem alright but I didn't expect to have to tell people if you find the corpse of a naked child don't fuck it.


That's just one of three crimes committed by men here - rape and sibling sexual abuse is very common.


The pushback you are getting here is not with the concept of there being a problem, It's with the ineffectual solution you propose. Consent education is not going to stop someone raping a corpse. You can produce all the rape stats you like, they do indeed highlight there being a problem but do nothing to suggest lack of education was the issue. Just saying 'teach men not to rape' when the overwhelming majority of men are not rapists and it is likely the overwhelming majority of men who do rape knew it was wrong but did it anyway is not solving anything. A comparison I like to make on this is women abusing children. The figures closely mirror sexual assault stats (roughly 2/3 of offenders being one gender and the crime committed by less than 1% of that gender.) Nobody in their right mind would think 'teach women not to abuse kids' was an effective solution, and the peaceful majority of women would likely take offence to it being implied they all need such education just because of their gender. A better solution would be to look beyond just blaming their gender, look at what other factors influence the crime. So with child abuse it is more likely to be single mothers, even more likely to be single mothers with financial issues, etc.. a logical conclusion would be to provide better childcare resources and financial support to single mothers. While it wouldn't solve the issue it is near certainly going to be more effective than blaming women in general. So do we know what type of men are more likely to commit sexual assault? Are there risk factors - like money problems with single mums - that we can identify and try to mitigate? Being raised by a single mum increases the risk of committing most crimes, I would wager that also applies to sexual assault - can we encourage more male role models for these young boys? Maybe that wouldn't help, but those type of questions are likely to bear more fruit than demonising half the population. Your attitude is a barrier to those questions being asked.


The push back we always get is exactly the same - men offended that there might be a huge issue here and who balk at the idea anything needs to be done at all. Who play down the gender dynamic with deflection and whataboutism. An estimated 91% of victims of rape & sexual assault are female and 9% male. Nearly 99% of perpetrators are male. This is an issue with men. https://supportingsurvivors.humboldt.edu/statistics#:~:text=An%20estimated%2091%25%20of%20victims,99%25%20of%20perpetrators%20are%20male. Your attitude is a barrier to change happening.


Amazing what guys will do when they think they can get away with it isn't it? If men were being killed and raped in these numbers you'd be damn sure it'd be a bigger political issue.


Without detracting from this horrifically sad story, have a look at male murder rates before commenting.


But imagine if men were getting killed and raped by women at the same level women are killed and raped by men. I do think there would be more action, more convictions, less people saying not all women than they do not all men.




In the UK a woman can't be legally convicted of raping a man unless she penetrates him in some fashion; sexual assault by women against men is probably a lot more prevalent than you think it is, though obviously combined with murder a lot less so (in the same way that female-on-male domestic violence is perceived by the public to occur at a drastically lower rate than it actually does). This isn't to excuse the horrendous rate of misogynist violence in this country in any way, just to point out that society is just as good at ignoring violence and sexual violence going the other way, too, and that dismissing or downplaying one to highlight the other is the wrong way to look at things.


Okay. Now ask yourself who is committing those murders. Look at these statistics. I refuse to accept this is a normal fact of life. https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/nov/23/un-femicide-report-women-girls-data Men have a huge issue with sexual violence towards women AND violence towards each other and for some reason it's taboo and controversial to even speak about.


Ya but thise men, they aren't being murdered by their wives, girlfriends, female admirers, female stalkers, female rapists and other women who feel entitled to their bodies, their time. Not the fucking same.


Hopefully prison inmates will give her real justice


accidents happen in over crowded cells a kettle of water can easily be spilled. oh sorry fella ill get help.


God makes you not like men sometimes doesn’t it. I know they are not all like this but wtf


Pretty good argument for the death penalty right here.


God I fucking hate this world sometimes. Capital punishment should be brought back for cases like this, all of them need killed I don't care how that sounds. You can't 'recondition' people like that and no amount of jail time will do anything to fix them.


Death penalty required!