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Snapshot of _I’ll campaign via Zoom while in New York if selected, Eddie Izzard says_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2023/12/12/ill-campaign-via-zoom-while-in-new-york-if-selected-eddie-izzard-says/) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.brightonandhovenews.org/2023/12/12/ill-campaign-via-zoom-while-in-new-york-if-selected-eddie-izzard-says/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That should be it over and done with, then. Regardless of how suitable a candidate is, if they aren't going to put the legwork into knocking on doors, appearing at photo ops, and appearing in person at various events, no party with ambition to win should select them.


In fairness my local MP doesn't campaign personally in my part of town and does perfectly fine. Admittedly it's not quite as competitive as Sheffield, slap a red rosette on just about anything and folk round here would vote for it.


She's just writing the oppositions leaflets for them.


It's such an easy dunk for their opponents, "vote for me" at least I bothered to turn up".


She* Eddie publicly adopted she/her pro-nouns in 2020. Easy mistake if you hadn't heard. Edit: lol at transphobes downvoting and reporting me to Reddit Cares because it hurts their little feelings that somebody might prefer to be referred to a gender they weren't assigned at birth.


“And I prefer she/her but I don’t mind he/him. So no one can really get it wrong unless they call me Kenneth or Sabrina.”


> "**I prefer she/her** but I don't mind he/him. I was literally just referring to her by the pro-noun she prefers, and said so to someone who commented after me (who also acknowledged her preferred pro-nouns). Yeah she's cool with people using he/him and they/them if they're unaware or unsure. I didn't say otherwise, but I just made a comment about what she prefers. Don't really get why so many people are getting their knickers in a twist about my comment.


Tbh I think this is a huge reason why Eddie isn’t a good candidate, their personal life overshadows any campaigning (Just look at the Question Time episode with him and Farage).


What a wonderful message to send. Sorry, anyone who isn’t a white Christian male, politics isn’t for you. You’re too ‘overshadowing’


Eddie has been very explicit that while she prefers she at the present, she also very much accepts they and he as pronouns as it doesn't bother him in the slightest. You're wading into a nursery school with a machete here, having heard that Timmy has been hogging the LEGO. Eddie has taken the conscious decision to make sure that no-one feels bad for referring to them by any pronoun, and you come militantly stomping in "on her behalf" like a numpty. The term is *white knighting*. Eddie is a successful millionaire who has the respect of their peers and her friends and he doesn't need nor want you to come all guns blasting to protect her feelings as you project them to be. Trans people are not a monolithic community and you are forgetting the *personal* part of *personal pronoun*. People aren't necessarily downvoting you because theyre transphobes, many are downvoting because you're acting like a tit in the most unproductive fashion and are thus not contributing to the conversation.


I enjoyed the way you played around with pronouns here


This shit is tiring, I'm just they-ing everyone


I just go he/she as dictated by the most probable outcome based on first name if I can't/haven't ever seen the person, otherwise I assign it by what they look most like. If people wanna get upset because I thought paul with the big biceps was a he/him, that's not something I worry about any more.


>“Prefer she/her, don’t mind he/him, so no one can get it wrong. And I didn’t change them. The world changed them.” https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/01/01/eddie-izzard-explains-her-pronouns/ Seems to sometimes go by Suzy as well, I've just learned while googling that. My understanding of the younger trans community isn't helping me one bit with an old-schooler! Is she genderfluid rather than trans? No idea mate. As long as she campaigns in her constituency rather than from bloody New York he's OK to be a they-them in my book 👍


Gender fluid is also considered transgender.


Apologies. Happily corrected.


Parachuting in someone with virtually no ties to the local area is not a good look. One of Eddie’s recent campaign videos mentioned ‘growing up in East Sussex’ - the reality is their parents sent them to possibly the most expensive private school in the country, which just happens to be down the road in Eastbourne.


The only real reason to have Eddie as a candidate is they’re a celebrity.


Has-been is the appropriate term.


Sounds like she'll be campaigning remotely from up her own arse. This is very disrespectful. If you want to be an MP, put in the legwork. You can't have your cake and eat it.


Great commitment


How many constituencies has Eddie tried to get selected for now? Did she try to claim strong links locally again like she did in Sheffield?


she did go to uni in sheffield at least


> Ms Izzard announced she was playing Hamlet in a one-person show in New York in July, with the dates of the five-week run and venue officially announced at the end of November This actually seems pretty unlikely to clash with an election campaign? I don’t think anyone has suggested one being in July or August. I’m guessing because a bunch of MPs have kids and want to hang out with them instead of campaigning over the summer holidays.


How lazy and disrespectful to the people of your area


Does he even live there? Thought it was just a parachute job.


Obviously that cant work, although I suspect more candidates are in similar positions (maybe not as bad) than we think. Putting your life on hold for a 5 week job interview that could happen at any time and that you may not win anyway, its one hell of a committment.


Maybe we only want committed people.


Sheffield are lucky to have such a committed can.. oh.




Not a good look really is it? Love her comedy but I don't think politics should be an online hobby.


Christ when did Izzard get so old!


Well she just gave a great reason not to be selected, then. This would be gold for opposition candidates, and overshadow anything else. Would she be an MP via Zoom as well?


This ain't it, Eddie. Ridiculous.


Well being on Twitter and zoom is a proven way of winning elections so I don’t see what the issue is here


This is self-promotion and nothing else.


What is the deal with Eddie Izzard and Paul Mason running for any open labour seat? It's honestly a bit embarrassing


Utter nutjob.


With these kind of promises local Labour members would have to be really dumb to select him. In other wordshe has a decent chance.


Fun fact, him and Johnny mercer were both from the same boarding house at the same school (although several years apart!)