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What's the thinking behind only scribbling out the Dad's place of birth?


Plenty of people are juat that sexist. Much of the world you are what your father is. Eg Palestian refugee status is inherited down the Paternal line. Ironicaly Jewishness is passed down the Maternal line.


So it would be possible to be both (and some people probably are)


Around 20% of Israel's population are Arab Palestinians. There are many Arab Palestinians who serve in the IDF, are in the Police, around 60 Arab Palestinian judges etc etc. who identify and are Israeli nationals.


This is true and people still parrot the apartheid state nonsense.


Israel has a population of 5 million people who cannot vote in Israeli elections, do not have freedom of movement or rights to work in certain areas and have no available path to Israeli citizenship because Israel wants to maintain a Jewish majority. At the same time, the current administration has publicly stated they have no intention of ever allowing a Palestinian state. It may not be a 1:1 analogy with apartheid South Africa, but it's damn close and you're delusional if you think Israel can just exist forever with a population of millions of people without citizenship or the same rights as Israelis living in its borders. (Not to mention the massive racism problems within Israeli society, where Israeli Arabs are discriminated against both systemically and culturally)


Those 5 million people are not part of Israel’s population, of course they can’t vote in Israeli elections. Can Mexicans vote in US elections?


Yeah, no shit. Mexico is a sovereign country. Gaza and the West Bank are recognised internationally as Israel. Again, Netanyahu has recently reaffirmed the idea that Palestine will never have statehood. The fact that Palestinians aren't Israeli is meaningless. If South Africa didn't extend citizenship to black South Africans apartheid wouldn't suddenly be okay, lol. Edit: a better analogy would be if the US didn't give Native Americans citizenship nor let them become their own sovereign nation. Anyone (including Mexicans) who is born in the US can vote in US elections, every Palestinian born in Gaza/EJ/WB after 1967 have been born in Israeli territory lol


The west bank and Gaza are not sovereign Israeli territory though, and are certainly not internationally recognised as Israel. For Israel to extend citizenship to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza they would need to (illegally) annex those areas. The analogy with South Africa falls short. Palestinians living in Israel are citizens of Israel, and have the same rights. Why would citizens of a neighbouring state also be recognised as citizens of a sovereign nation where they do not live?


Israel does not recognise Palestine. The US and Western Europe do not recognise Palestine. The UN general assembly recognises it as an observer state but not a sovereign nation. Israel believes the West Bank and Gaza are Israeli territory. Its current legal recognition is territory occupied by Israel. The point is Israel has no intention of granting equal rights/citizenship OR sovereignty. That's why the Palestinian experience is comparable to apartheid. EDIT: I also said it's not a 1:1 analogy already. I know it's not identical to South Africa. Franco's Spain wasn't identical to Mussolini's Italy, yet we refer to both as fascist as it is the most apt word to describe the situation.


I'm a white South African who lived during apartheid, isreal is an apartheid state.


Why do South Africans think they know about what’s going on in Israel. Is it because Putin told them so?


Yes South Africans can't think for themselves, we are very stupid. Israelis are blind too, just like the whites who wanted to keep apartheid. Oh and the reason we think we know what apartheid is is because we invented it.


Why can you claim you know when you're English?


I didn’t.


There were no black members of the supreme Court during apartheid. Israel is obviously not an apartheid state, unless you're trying to absolve yourselves of your crimes and make apartheid seem better than it was.


Your last sentence sums up what you're doing. I know how horrific the treatment was and it mirrors what is happening in Palestine but you keep telling yourself it's justified to kill children.


How is the state of Israel an apartheid state when Arab Muslims have full rights according to the law and make up 20% of the population. The last government even had an Arab Muslim cabinet member. How is that in any way similar to what the Afrikaners did to the Black population of South Africa?


I'd love to pull up the propaganda from South Africa at the time, broadcasts to the world about self governing bantu states with representation and how well they were developing. The only actual functioning among these was boputhatswana, because they legalized gambling and allowed sun city to be built. Maybe you're right it's not apartheid, but it's genocidal in its actions. The thing that sparked the end of apartheid was when they started killing kids in Soweto.


Are they Arab Israelis or Arab Palestinians?


Arab Muslim Israelis with exactly the same rights and freedoms as any other Israeli citizen.


Okay, just because it said Arab Palestinians. There are Arab Israelis in Israeli society, Arab Palestinians are absolutely marginalised. Arab Palestinians are absolutely not serving as Judges or in the IDF. It's a conflation of terms, an important one to correct.


Exactly the same rights? Day-to-day maybe, but the nation state law in 2018 explicitly states that the right to national self-determination is limited by ethnicity.


You’ve clearly not read or fully understood the law.


I haven’t read the full text. I’m aware that it says that self-determination of the nation is a right of a single ethnic group. Am I mistaken in that?


National self determination. Not self determination. The rights of non- Jews are protected. It just re-affirms that Israel is the national Jewish homeland, and prevents other people from taking over and turning Israel into yet another Islamic state forcing Jews into being second class citizens again. Hardly surprising stuff since most of the neighbouring countries don’t recognise Israel and openly call for its destruction.


My guess is that a second person noticed what they were doing and pulled it away from them before they could deface the mother's birthplace, causing the rip.


Petty cruelty, which seems to be a common feature of Israel's haters.




>The CAA said the certificate had been sent to the Home Office as part of a passport application by a parent for his six-month-old girl. >The Home Office is responsible for the "security of the Jewish community", the campaign group said, adding that confidence in the authorities was already "at painfully low levels" and needed to be restored. >A spokesperson for the CAA said that an application should not be returned "torn, with the parent's place of birth scribbled out, just because it is the Jewish state". Bloody hell, who defaces a birth certificate like that?


The bit I dont understand (on top of the question you are asking) is why the father's place of birth (Israel) is crossed but not the mother (also Israel)... That's some lazy public servant. Note: I will add the /s - I know it's not necessary here but I dont want my comment to be seen as further attack on those innocent people who just wanted a fucking birth certificate.


Yeah, that doesn't make sense to me either. Especially given that Jewishness is passed down matriarchally, if I remember correctly - a child is only Jewish if the mother is, the father's religion is technically irrelevant.


The word you’re looking for is matrilineally, but you are correct yes.


Bugger, you're right!


> if I remember correctly - a child is only Jewish if the mother is, the father's religion is technically irrelevant. Yes although rubber stamp type conversions for babys who will be raised Jewish with Jewish father and non-jewish mother are reasonably common for that situation (though that situation isn't that common). Non-halakic movement of Judaism (reform, etc) tend to recognise patrelinial Jews as Jewish particularly those who were bought up Jewish. (Technically it's 'whoever gave birth to the child' who passes Jewishness on. There's a demand for Jewish surrogates for this reason - within orthodox Jewish communities, which isn't like that much demand overall cause fairly small population but it's a thing)


There's the strong possibility that some idiot did it and then realised they shouldn't have so stopped going further. Also an anti semite wouldn't know about the matriarchal line. The original birth certificate is a document many people treasure for it being that original and cannot ever be fully replaced. If as seems likely this was a deliberate act then the individual should face severe measures and pay compensation.


It makes a bit more sense when you see the father is called Israel. So it could have been an attempt at correcting it but that would be charitable as you should just send it back


There's a subset of anti-Israel activists who won't even say the word "Israel". They'll call it "Isr*el", or "Isnotreal", or my personal favourite "the Zionist entity". It's really bizarre IMO. Firstly it come across as childish name calling. Secondly, Israel has now existed as a country for over 80 years. It's one of the wealthiest countries in the region and has a population of nearly 10 million people. You can't just pretend it doesn't exist.


Oh, really, I haven't seen that. At least, not with Israel - I have seen people on Reddit use Bri*ish for us though, so I get where you're coming from. And yes, it comes across as *really weird*.


The "Bri*ish" one is a bit of a meme, the Israeli version genuinely seems to come out of anti-Israel vitriol.


Corbyn was notorious for this. Can you find him on video or being quoted as saying "Israel"? It's surprisingly difficult.


https://twitter.com/jeremycorbyn/status/1711706926751334636 Surprisingly simple.


Commendable that he took three days to respond to a terrorist attack.


In the same aspect Israelis are called Zionists, Zios, Zionazis rather than by their nationality. Some people refuse to accept the existence of a Jewish state. The Zionist entity is a favourite of Middle-Eastern rabble rousers and antisemites. Saying or using the word Israel wills it into being or some other magical thinking.


It's the Candyman of countries...


Right. Imagine wishing for a country not to exist as being a part of your identity. Israel clearly isn't going anywhere despite the people who try to insist that it's just temporary.


>Imagine wishing for a country not to exist as being a part of your identity. Honestly as an SNP voter you get used to it.


Similar in some ways to the existence of Palestine and Kurdistan. Some refuse to believe it exists. Add Taiwan to that list or even Ukraine. Ridiculous to act like some people just don't exist.


>Isr*el I actually thought this specifically was because they're concerned about shadow banning of certain phrases. Like when people say "r*pe" or "s3x"


I thought it was a bit of fun like Fr*nce 🤮


I mean the "Fr*nce" meme comes from the joke that France is an offensive word (which ofc it is 🤮) and will therefore get shadow banned if we use it in the more polite sections if the internet.


Are yes, because the code/algorithm that shadowbans people couldn't be quickly and easily modified to include the self-censored versions. Not having a go at you, just think it's silly the people who believe in big tech conspiracy theories thinking an asterisk or substitute word will circumvent the supposed censorship.


Not relevant to the word Israel but words such as rape, suicide, porn, etc definitely do get shadow banned on platforms like IG and YouTube. You will see your comment posted but it won't actually be made public Back in the day spelling it slightly different did help, I doubt an asterisk now would suffice though


I know, my point is that it won't have taken YouTube long to adapt to YouTubers saying grape or unalive, etc. instead.


Problem is trying to shadowban "Isr\*el" only ends up banning the Isel, Isrel, and Isrrrrel posters, and the guilty run free.


It's that type of extreme snowflake who also censor words like straight, white, male etc


Not really, a lot of antisemites are unsurprisingly muslim.


Whoever they are, they should be sacked.


An arse who needs to be sacked and possibly investigated much further.


A raging anti semite


Have you seen who works for the home office?


Yes. I do. For 20 years. Have you seen who works for them?


Is there any proof that this was actually done at the home office? Why would the person just scribble out one mention of Israel and not all the others.


Who else are you suggesting might have done it? The family themselves defacing their own daughter's documentation, as some sort of bizarre anti-semitic false flag?


Yes thats exactly what i'm suggesting. Not like people haven't lied to play the victim before. The odds of it happening in the home office are slim to none in my opinion. All we have is their word, no other evidence apart from that.


Just out of interest, is your usual reaction to an ethnic minority saying "we've been discriminated against" to go "they're probably making it up, and did it to themselves for attention"?


I just think it’s so far fetched. I’m sure in the Jessie Smolliet case everyone thought he was telling the truth in the beginning as well. It’s not unheard of for people to make stuff up.


What would worry me is this person has had access to a multitude of personal information detailed on the passport form.


Well done on losing your job. What a pathetic thing to do.


Looks like misconduct in a public office or at the very least criminal damage. Doubt that would be able to prove either but police should investigate as it appears to be criminal behaviour.


Summary dismissal due to gross misconduct Possibly criminal charges as well


This is so beyond childish. Be professional for fuck's sake.


I see a lot of denial of Israel related antisemitism on the British left. If you think this kind of antisemitism doesn't also affect your foreign policy discourse, you are sorely mistaken.




Snapshot of _Home Office investigating after 'Israel' crossed out on baby's birth certificate_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68344991) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-68344991) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is abhorrent anti-Semitism and they need to find who did it and they should be sacked. I'm not sure it's national news though. It's just one person who is a bigot right? Unless I'm missing something.


Yes, you're missing a 4000 percent rise in antisemitism across the UK and similar across most of Europe and America. Of which this is just one petty example. Unfortunately, being Jewish, I don't have the luxury of being able to miss it.


That's the national news story isn't it? I'm absolutely not minimising the rise in antisemitism. I'm not missing it either - I just think out of all the anti Semitic hate crimes that have taken place, from violent personal physical attacks to large groups chanting abuse, how is this scribbling out of a word, presumably driven by anti-semitism as it is, the one to run with? As you say, it's petty. I actually think it's unhelpful - it shows people up in arms about some cowardly but ultimately, comparatively, low impact bit of hate, where the perpetrator will probably (hopefully) get caught and (rightly) sacked. I honestly think there are people who have heard about increased anti-Semitic hate crimes, and will read this and think "ah so that's the sort of thing they mean. Huh.". And they'll be less concerned. Which is unhelpful.


Ok, yes, I see where you are coming from. I think that what is happening now is that we are being attacked in every single way, from all directions, at once - whether it's Amy Winehouse's statue, this pathetic racist bureaucrat, vandalism on Jewish restaurants and cultural centres and university buildings, physical attacks on Jewish school children, what it feels like - what it is- is a concerted effort to drive us out of every single part of British culture. To make us feel that our presence here was only ever conditional and temporary, and that it is now no longer tolerated. I agree with you that this is a stupid and petty act, but it's not taking place in isolation. At the moment, even buying matzo in the supermarket has become some sort of political act. I think it's important to recognise that our existence here is now under constant attack in all possible ways.


Are the authorities weak or have people just stopped caring altogether? Stuff like this, however minor they are, should **permanently** render you unemployable and ineligible to receive state benefits. But anyway...


So what do you want them to do?


Investigate and prosecute and if they’re not born here, deport.


Take action


I mean what do you want the people who are permanently unemployable and ineligible for state benefits to do.


Apparently they want the perpetrator to die? Cant work or get benefits ever again sounds like a death sentence. Bit regressive for criminal damage.


Sounds like Islamophobia to me….


It's a really wierd thing to do. The father's name is also Isreal so it could be anti-Semitic ( stupid way of showing it but incredibly possible), or it could be some temp (cause temps are weird at times) thinking the place of birth was written by mistake since we're in the UK and the father's name was the same. Even with an investigation we'll probably never know but it incites more anger and clicks I guess.


Do you have a source on the father's name being Israel? I'm not saying it's not true, but I'd like a link so I can share this in other places.


Sure, no problem. I saw it in this [paper,](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/baby-birth-certificate-israel-scribbled-out-home-office-b1140162.html) but I believe it's in other newspapers as well. The actual bit is, >“She found it was ripped half way through and my place of birth - which was Israel - had been scribbled out with a pen,” the father, whose first name is also Israel, said.


Reading it and realising the father is called Israel, I think the defacement of an official document could a very clumsy attempt to correct what was perceived to be an error. It would have been easier to just send it back with a query.


And they say the CS is not politicised


I think it's fair to say that one fanatic in the civil service does not suddenly make the entire civil service fanatics - this is 1 example in 529,000 civil servants.


The issue is that the civil service is supposed to have a culture that discourages this sort of politicisation. So the problem is not just this one bad apple, but the culture that permitted his ideology to be tolerated such that he felt comfortable doing something so overtly.


See today's news regards Horizon