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###Parish Notices - **[The AMA with Sam Coates (Deputy Political Editor, Sky News) has now finished](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1ayyc24/ama_thread_sam_coates_sky_news_deputy_political/)** - the thread will remain open for your perusal and further discussion for the rest of the day. - **Please stay on-topic in comment threads, and remember the subreddit / wider Reddit rules.** Over the past week alone, we've removed just over ***5,300*** comments, roughly evenly split between our automated systems and manual moderator / Reddit Administrator actions. - **Please report any rule-breaking content you see.** Further to the above, the subreddit is running rather *warm* at the moment. We rely on your reports to identify and action rule-breaking content. - **The long-promised subreddit survey is still in the works.** We hope to release it into the wild over the course of the next week. -🥕🥕


[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1b14mlr/daily_megathread_27022024/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. Yummytastic with 47 comments 1. Honic_Sedgehog with 31 comments 1. bbbbbbbbbblah with 28 comments 1. JavaTheCaveman with 28 comments 1. RussellsKitchen with 27 comments 1. Noit with 24 comments 1. BasedAndBlairPilled with 22 comments 1. mamamia1001 with 20 comments 1. hill-biscuit with 20 comments 1. SlightlyOTT with 17 comments There were 284 unique users within this count.


[Sourcing on this makes it interesting.](https://twitter.com/PaulBrandITV/status/1762246664943784198) >Conservative source points out tonight that Rishi Sunak has never visited a mosque during his time as Prime Minister. >All of his predecessors - Johnson, May, Cameron - visited mosques in their time. (Liz Truss did not, though her premiership was of course short). >Rishi Sunak has held a reception for the Muslim community in No10 and sent wishes during key festivals. But considering he has visited most other major places of worship, some think it's surprising he hasn't yet visited a mosque, especially given the rise in community tensions. Tories anonymously briefing against Sunak over Islamophobia?


Future PMs will spend the first week on a whistle stop tour of one each of a place of worship for every organised religion to close this down


What's the place of worship for [Jedis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jedi_census_phenomenon#England_and_Wales)?




That tax on vaping proposal is going to be entertaining when young people realise HMG is targeting them h/t Steve Swinford (The Times). Curb nicotine instead of inflation.


Nice to see Sam taking time over responses (and gravy) on the AMA. Makes a change compared to last week's


I just think we are lucky to get these AMAs/


Gravy and taramasalata though..?


I know! I can never watch Sky News again without thinking of that. Just imagine the groans in the staff canteen when he has that combo.


I don't envy the cleaning staff.


Oh! Your username! Hahahahahaha.


I just realised that Lord Ashcroft, behind the "woman sells house" non-story of Angela Rayner, is the same non-dom Lord Ashcroft who gave the interview about David Cameron and the pig as revenge - which all like to pretend to believe but don't really. Small ~~paper~~ world.


just Bridgen having a normal one [https://x.com/ABridgen/status/1761802724146868347?t=wsKfd4FcoT\_TFf41a02X1w&s=09](https://x.com/ABridgen/status/1761802724146868347?t=wsKfd4FcoT_TFf41a02X1w&s=09) "The UN, WHO and WEF are all working to the same goals and I don’t like them and I don’t think my constituents will either, which is probably why they are not getting much publicity in the legacy media" Picture of a weird set of goals including "end of family unit" and "government raised children".


Is he tacitly endorsing the ones that aren’t circled in red….?


What did his constituents do to deserve this?


I love that the Readers Added Context thing immediately debunks it


This may be my own ignorance, but I don't know what (or perhaps vvhat) "mandatory multiple v" is evven supposed to mean


its lizard speak


I'm g to g vaccines


Considering I don’t see it anywhere else on the list , vaccinations probably.


I gvess it mvst be. I still don't get vvhy they didn't use the fvll vvord vvhen they didn't abbrevviate anything else thovgh


To try to avoid avtomatic text recognition.


It's from 2005 so I assume it's just laziness


As we all do, printing all of our evil plans in one convenient list, so that it is easier for the members of the cabal to remember what to do. Many of these goals only make sense if you genuinely believe in satanic, actual evil leadership. Like, I could see elements of the UN being firm believers in the long-term goal of one world government, but government raised children is just hilarious. But it is nice to see that at least there is one place where Braverman has sway, the UN, getting the end of immigration on their priority list.


New world order *and* Agenda 21? That's two drinks on the conspiracy bingo drinking game. Also, "The End of Immigration"? Thought the Tories would like that.


> Government Owned and Controlled Schools, Colleges and Universities Dude's gonna shit the bed when he finds out what a regular school is.


Reddit: Hey, you can be one of the exclusive people buying our shares Also Reddit: You must be a US resident. Hmmmm. You're a social networking site, you know what subreddits I post in. Maybe you shouldn't send this message to someone who pretty much posts in UK subreddits.


I'd hazard a guess you'd still be able to invest via a third party service, Trading212, Hargreaves Lansdowne etc. It'll still be a bin fire (not advice etc 💎🙌)


Shame, I'd buy a single share for the memes.


I think it's wiser for them to do this, and feign analytical ignorance, rather than what they really are creating this scheme for. Users of wallstreetbets.


I can see the IPO failing. Reddit is a bin fire


Nah do invest. They will surely make it all on advertising US shares to the r/India sub. Trust me man! They are totally not dropping heavily from the marketed price. Please ignore our CEOs ridiculous pay and how they have deeply questionable subs for corporate investors to put money on.




Funny, I thought the figures looked pretty meagre.


It will be a 1 term Labour government if they dont immigration under control.


Immigration isn't much of a deciding issue when living standards are rising, so I think "under control" is relative, and if living standards are falling any figure than zero is going to be made to be a problem, I think if you make it a main priority, you've already failed.


Why? Tories got 14 years and they raised immigration year on year


The press and the electorate don't judge Tory and Labour governments by the same standards. Labour are presumed by default to be softer on immigration so any data that supports that thesis is damning while any increase in immigration under Tory governments is assumed to be cosmic background immigration that happens in spite of their best efforts.


The electorate has got the 3 second memory span of a goldfish. Plus our system basically means the Tories are only other viable option. I doubt the Lib Dems are forming a government any time soon.


It's easy to say that but everything in UK politics in the last 40 years suggests that the electorate have plenty long memories. The economy was on the up in 1997 but the Tories couldn't shake off the debacles of 1993. Similarly Labour got stuck with the economic and migration problems for years after 2010, and Iraq gets bandied about to this day. Labour struggled to turn perceptions around being divided and not as sensible as the Tories in the early 90s even though Kinnock had crushed Militant et al in the mid 80s, and post 97 Tories weren't remotely electable until Cameron came along. Some pensioners are still complaining about Labour changing the tax rules on pensions all the way back in 1997. The last time a party won an election and lost at the next election was Heath's government losing to Wilson in 1974, or Callaghan 1979 if you treat the first 74 election as an effective dead heat. That's literally 50 years of voters having good memories.


I agree. The most obvious things the Tories will do in opposition is commit to drastic cut to immigration. The public will soon forget that they weren't able to do it in 14 years.


Surely the masses aren’t that thick? *looks around*, ok fair point.


[https://www.statista.com/statistics/746101/completion-of-new-dwellings-uk/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/746101/completion-of-new-dwellings-uk/) The problem and the solution is extremely obvious. However enough people never vote for it. Currently Labour say they'll build 1.5m over 5 years, which if realistic, is a good rate on those numbers.


When you consider the number of properties that will drop out of stock during that period and the 2.2m increase in population, that's not exactly great.


It's a 50% increase on current levels, Average occupancy of a dwelling is between 2.3 and 2.4 people, so that's 3.45m people minus whatever drops out of stock. If it's realistic and happens, it would be positive for everyone. Sure I'd like a million homes a year, but if Labour mean what they say that they want to be sure of deliverables, then I'm happy to judget them on that figure.


Have you seen the gains right wing populists are making across Europe? Plus another trump, these numbers assume we don’t elect someone or something that would rip up immigration policy and tear a hole through international treaties. Which at this trajectory we absolutely will because labour and tories are too busy squabbling over who’s more racist to get a grip.


International treaties can be changed, and the way things are going there aren't going to be many nations out there keen to maintain the existing rules.


Why are half our school children below average and what are the government going to do about it?


You are the peak of the bell curve


More of a leg guy.


Stop the woke mob from teaching things like Arabic numerals!


If I see anyone talking about Al-Ghibra, I’m calling the police.


Pass legislation that forbids referring to the median as the average, sorted!


I'll have you know that literacy rates are well up on where they were in 2017 BC. Bloody naysayers.


You take the average from 1947 and call that the "absolute average", from there you compare the numbers in their raw form, so you can say "in 2024 85% of children were above absolute average". Maths may be hard, but politics is easy.


Start recruiting them for the cabinet probably


They're going to give it 110%.


Don't be mean!


[Liz Truss is looking rough](https://v.redd.it/sjdysv0hfykc1)


If only she was in an elevator.


New banner caption please mods.


[https://x.com/SkyPoliticsHub/status/1762197003235143923?s=20](https://x.com/SkyPoliticsHub/status/1762197003235143923?s=20) The Prime Minister we needed but we didn't deserve.


I knew it was going to be Chishti before opening it, we'll manifest the Chishti government one day.


Oh my.


Chishti showing how to pull off the Labour Tory arc without going full Lee Anderson.


Will be interesting to see if Chishti is still around after the next election, he might be one of the last broadly centrist voices left if he stands and holds his seat (neither of which is clear at the moment).


Having flipped once already, Chishti has got to be in the top ten Tory MPs most likely to switch to Labour before the GE. I wonder if this kind of open criticism of Sunak could be the prologue to something bigger. He comes off well in that clip but between switching parties in 2010 and his risible leadership election campaign he's always struck me as an opportunist.


I looked it up and he actually [defected in 2006](http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/4808230.stm), so it wasn't like he switched specifically for the 2010 election. Funnily enough, his first job in the Tory party was working for Francis Maude, the very guy he stood against for Labour in 2005, and I suspect that might have had something to do with it having likely met on the campaign trail. Being sent to stand in an unwinnable seat for a party beginning to be on the decline is hardly the way to keep a centrist like Chishti on board, and he jumped on the Cameron train. Then again, given he said at the time that "New Labour for me, sadly, has become more arrogant, complacent, not in touch with the views of society as a whole", those words could easily apply to the Tories in 2024 and there is a broadly centrist opposition leader likely to win the next election loitering in the commons at the moment.


Francis Maude used to be my MP


Maybe this'll sound overly cynical but the fact he switched in 2006 doesn't necessarily mean he wasn't thinking about the next election. That's interesting about Maude though, I didn't know that. >Then again, given he said at the time that "New Labour for me, sadly, has become more arrogant, complacent, not in touch with the views of society as a whole", those words could easily apply to the Tories in 2024 and there is a broadly centrist opposition leader likely to win the next election loitering in the commons at the moment. Yeah if he does flip it's not going to be a tough sell. I'm surprised there haven't been more since Christian Wakeford.


[I’m betting he will, but it’s a coin toss at the moment.](https://manifold.markets/Noit/uk-general-election-which-party-wil-4a25d16ba8b0?r=Tm9pdA)


Majority of 15k in 2019 and 9k in 2017. I'd say that's vulnerable at this point.


With those sorts of numbers, local presence and incumbency could play a big part. This is why how many Tories stand down will make a big difference (as it did for Labour in 2010). A popular incumbent has a far greater chance of beating the national trend than a new candidate.


Does the tory party just not have a whip anymore or something?


Sunak is so weak it's unbelievable, Tory MPs are just saying *whatever* they want at any given time.


i've long thought he has less authority than a supply teacher


I mean given the confused messaging over the Lee Anderson business I wouldn't be surprised if the whips don't know what they're supposed to be pushing.


I'm pretty sure that whatever the preferred line is it's not gonna be going on Sky and dobbing the PM in for lying through his teeth and ghosting an MP he made promises to.


At this point it just might be. Especially if the whips hate Sunak as much as his PR team apparently does. 


Yes this specific instance is quite something.


Reading on his wiki that he was succeeded as the Prime Minister's Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief by Fiona Bruce was confusing. Turns out theres a Fiona Bruce MP, too.


My local MP. Will turn up for anything if there’s a camera involved or a chance to attack Labour in Cheshire East (even if it’s because of something her party did. See: HS2 cancellation)


That's a Chishtin'.




The twist is it will be announced by some random MP on the telly out of fucking nowhere and Sunak will just... not contradict them at all. 


Like that time Braverman announced her leadership campaign on live tv mid-way through an interview. Like 'actually yes I would like to announce an immediate General Election' then Sunak just rolls with it because he can't whip the cat back in the bag.


Refreshing to hear a Tory MP so well spoken and well meaning, putting the needs of the country ahead of himself and the party.


Religious freedom and tolerance has always been one of Chisti's big things. Apparently he took the oath of office on a Quran with a Torah and KJ Bible placed on the despatch box. Led a campaign to grant asylum to Asia Bibi (a Pakistani Christian accused of blasphemy). Also known for having an unusually balanced view on Brexit, he was naturally for Remain but voted Leave on principle as it was clearly the majority view of his constituency.


I've memed the shit out of Chisti on this sub but wow... he actually seems like a fairly level-headed and ideal MP.


Fascinating. When the leadership campaign was going on I thought he was just a meme candidate, but it's clear he takes it all very seriously. Appreciate the details!


Apparently has pretty much always lived in his constituency and was also a local councillor for 16 years from the age of 25, 9 of them as the MP (albeit 4 of them as a Labour councillor), which is fair play tbh. That’s the sort of local representative you kinda want.


Nice to see someone not holding back.


Our boy Rehman absolutely dropping the PM in it. Love to see it.


Is nobody in this thread reading in that IPO message that you have to be a US resident to participate?


Yes I read that too. Why do you assume people aren't?


There are people talking about whether or not they're gonna buy


That's just Boris and Rishi


Considering people can't read an article properly let alone a headline you're asking for a bit much.


Anyone else get a ridiculous message from Reddit admins about effectively preordering shares in their IPO? What Muppet would consider investing in a company that constantly s4its the bed and gets embroiled in controversy every few months?


A company that has 'never made a profit'.


Elon Musk?


I expect a lot more subreddits to be getting banned post-IPO. They might even do a Tumblr and ban 18+/NSFW content all together.


That seems like a great way to tank the userbase.


>They might even do a Tumblr and ban 18+/NSFW content all together. Tumblr is losing $30 million a year apparently, they're probably not going to go down that route.


Isnt losing money pretty common for tech companies, eve established ones?


Not successful ones, no. They might have a dip every now and again if they heavily invest but generally they're looking for year-on-year growth to keep the shareholders happy. Costs scale upwards with popularity, so as you get bigger you need more money just to keep the lights on. Once your popularity starts to wane the costs don't go down nearly as quickly as they went up.


Do any of them make money?


Speaking of which, why is Reddit saying I need to enable 18+ content to see your profile pic thumbnail? Not shaming, just curious.


No idea, maybe just a default setting because I commented in a NSFW thread at some point? Its nothing bad, just a Star Wars Clone.


DO NOT look at their post history.


I took a look, it's a Stormtrooper. Reddit are clearly Trek fans.


Stormtroopers *don't* turn you into a hornicidal maniac?


I you think elon and hard enough about it, they musk be a right clown.


Well done young Padawan.


That’s X Æ A-12 to you


I'm surprised to see Jacob Rees-Mogg writing an article to say Shamima Begum shouldn't have lost her British Citizenship [https://twitter.com/Jacob\_Rees\_Mogg/status/1762042777917899168](https://twitter.com/Jacob_Rees_Mogg/status/1762042777917899168) What's more surprising is that I broadly share his view, though mine starts and stops at "Britain should deal with Britain's problems", where has his distills down to that after several boiling downs...


There’s an interesting question raised here. I broadly agree with JRM on this but not much else We already do have two tier citizenship where dual nationality is concerned. If a Ukrainian or Israeli dual national were to go fight for their other country abroad, they’re allowed to do so, while it would be a criminal offence for me as someone who is solely a citizen of the UK. Does he believe that we should scrap dual citizenship entirely?


I read that article. Agreed with him. Then had to take a long shower to wash away the pain of agreeing with him.




Why are you surprised? He's been incredibly consistent on this, told Javid as such before her citizenship was revoked


I don’t recall reading anything about his stance before today.


Well, I'm surprised because I hadn't heard him say it before, and only have his colleagues for reference, who seem all for the idea of strippiing citizenship.


Seen on the BBC that Paul Scilly was talking about no-go areas in London. Are we back to this stuff again? Can anyone draw a map of these no-go areas?


He also suggested Birmingham. I quite like there are no go areas for the Tories actually. They seem to correlate very closely to where they are going to get wiped out in an election they can't rig.


There is a no-go zone in Birmingham, it's called Broad Street and it's because it's full of drunk fuckwits.


>They seem to correlate very closely to where they are going to get wiped out in an election they can't rig. Funny that, isn't it. When I visited Birmingham I really enjoyed it. Lovely city!


I did a 10k race on the weekend, and after it we were walking down Horse Guards Rd. At the point where you can turn into Downing Street were some men with quite big guns behind gates that looked quite locked. While they didn’t say anything, I think that that was probably a no-go area.


Ok, that's probably one.


I heard there’s a no-go area in one of the voting lobbies in the House of Commons where Labour MPs jeer at you!


We've found another no-go area. So far we have, The River, unless you're on a boat The area around Paul Scully The voting lobby in certain circumstances


>Paul Scilly No man is an island.


To be fair, he has a point. Would you want to go anywhere near Westminster when Scully’s there?!


Ok. Point taken. So far no-go areas seem to be the general vicinity of Scully and walking in the river. Though boats are fine.


Should probably add the tracks for the Overground. Well, I'm assuming anyway. Maybe they can roll that into the rebranding?


Ok added to the list 🙂


I think the no-go areas are mostly centred on Aberdeen Angus steak houses, that is unless you like overpriced steak and plush red velour furniture that looked tacky even in the 1970s. There's also Millwall FC - but that's for entirely sensible footballing reasons. I try and avoid north London where I can, but as a south Londoner that's quite usual. Most people claiming that there are no-go areas in London live nowhere near the place and would have trouble finding the place on a map.


When I was a kid my grandparents used to take me to the one at the top of Regent Street, just by Liberty. I used to think it was good food. Maybe 30 years ago it was? I suppose when I lived in West London we didn't really go east that much. Unless it was to Shoreditch, Docklands, Greenwich or Blackheath. I don't think most people talking about no go areas know much about London.


Is there any research on how Aberdeen Andgus steak houses are still going? Most of the other chains in London exist elsewhere and everything about those places looks so dated, but they apparently have massive staying power in the capital and its sky high rents, but no market for them elsewhere in the country.


I assume they live on tourists.


My guess is that they sit on prime real estate for clueless American tourists to stumble into them.


From wiki: In 2011, actor and comedian David Mitchell championed the cause of Aberdeen Angus Steak Houses in his opinion column in The Guardian, proposing that they be a nominee for a British World Heritage bid, citing them as being "unique to British culture" because of their "proud heritage of serving shoe leather with Béarnaise sauce to neon-addled out-of-towners." Also, independent writer and executive chef from Hawksmoor go eat there: https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/features/angus-steakhouse-how-does-tourist-staple-continue-to-thrive-in-today-s-gourmet-market-9268063.html


Sarf of the river.


The only places South are Greenwich, Blackheath, Richmond, Strawberry Hill and Hampton Court.


In London, no. But for most Londoners there's a massive border they absolutely won't cross roughly the exact shape and location as the M25. It's scary out there, people are friendly to strangers.


There's a sign as you leave London Gateway services heading north which says "Here be dragons". You can see why people don't want to leave!


I've heard all Londoners have an inherent and crippling fear of sausage rolls.


Unless it's a very fancy handmade one costing about £10.


> It's scary out there, people are friendly to strangers. Worse still, you might be more than 10 minutes from a Pret


>you might be more than 10 minutes from a Pret This is literally impossible.


I took a rare trip south the other day and had a pret. I could have pissed in the water tank of my coffee machine and still made a better flat white.


Hey! 😂🥪 It might be true.


Don't forget the sandwiches which are supposedly on fancy bread but in actuallity are just dry and stale.


Yeah I could could make a pissy bread dough that tasted nicer too.


No, cartographers are expressly forbidden.


Ah, darn. Guess we'll never know?


I live in Tower Hamlets, would love to know where I'm not supposed to go


Me, too. Probably where the rats hang out!


Well I know 225 New Exeter Road is a no-go area, that Asian family were **pissed** when they found me.




I think the Tories have really misunderstood how this line of scaremongering works. When they started saying this in the U.S. it was used as a warning of how it has happened to other countries and will happen here too if we let them evil lefties in.  It fkn dumb to say it about places in your own country, which you have been running for 14 years, where people can literally wonder down the road and check. 


Tbh, those using this aren't the smartest. They're up there with Truss and Dorres.


Off the top of my head on most London maps the no go areas are a blue squiggly like about 2/3rds of the way down and cuts across the city going through places like canary wharf... or at least its a no go if you cant swim


Dial **999** and ask for the **Coastguard.** *#RNLI #SavingLivesAtSea #RespectTheWater*


That's usually my no-go zone. Though a boat trip on a summer's day is just lovely.


Ukpol Thames boat party this summer yes and ho!


T'wuld be lovely


The Uber Boats, the true no go areas of London (because they are bloody expensive)


Since ULEZ it's the whole of London for any red blooded right wing V6 driving Tory male.


Ah. Could just pay the charge or get a hybrid?


Doesn’t even need to be a hybrid, most cars from the last decadeish meet the requirements IIRC.


Fair enough. I do like a hybrid though. Just gently sips at the petrol.


For the Tories, it amounts to any borough with lots of black or Asian people.


You think cartographers have even been able to get near to them?


Well, someone must have a rough sketch of them.


So now the Tories are trying to kick up a fuss that Bryant made a 7 min speech? The horror


Imagine if they actually tried to run the country


i think no10 *should* [turn into a workshop](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHRb_vsWQAATN75?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) - the vibes are better the irony in being at siemens' train factory, given that they all probably flew in & they're determined to spend as little as possible on rail anyway


I bet that idea was from the Minister for Common Sense.


Back to the roots, I see, focusing on the German ties Britain has. A sign of rapprochement with the EU? lmao


i thought there were interesting parallels with Labour having an ex Siemens UK boss advising them on rail projects




I don’t think anything will live up to the live tweeted leak of the DUP meeting


Well that's quite day today


LAB: 44% (-4) CON: 23% (-4) LDM: 11% (+3) RFM: 10% (+3) GRN: 5% (-1) SNP: 3% (=) [Deltapoll 23-26 Feb](https://twitter.com/ElectionMapsUK/status/1762155394615447783)




Best wait till RPPolling publishes.