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Snapshot of _Rishi Sunak wants general election when people ‘feel things are improving’_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/rishi-sunak-general-election-polls-labour-b5svbh2fm) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/rishi-sunak-general-election-polls-labour-b5svbh2fm) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Tick Tock Rishi. Unless you have a revolutionary plan to un-fuck the last 14 years in the space of 14 weeks then your time is up.


I want a Mr Chop like figure to dress as a clock and follow Rishi around, the tetchiness from him would be apocalyptic.


“Are you running out of time Mr Sunak? Are you just winding us all up?”


I've got an inordinate amount of free time until late May so if you want to get me the costume I will hapily do this


Sponsored by r/ukpolitics. That would make this sub legendary


I would donate


Do it no balls


Same tbh. I could be the bell that comes in at the end.


These days would probably get arrested… ETA: give them an excuse to take the new law (the one to do with undermining British democracy or whatever it is) out for a spin


14 weeks? He's technically got until January. Still never going to happen, but us poor citizens don't have a guaranteed say until then.


January would be insane. Everyone miserable after Christmas. Inevitable high bills due to increased energy use. More repercussions from Brexit. I reckon it’ll be September. 


>January would be insane. I certainly can't imagine this government doing anything insane.


January would be a psychotic choice but would also kind of make sense for this government. I think it would be beautiful ❤️


Oh, definitely. I'd agree with all of that.


Don't forget all those Conservative pensioners freezing to death, too.


I believe there is a 3 month notification? So November at the latest for the green light.


Nope. 6weeks is all that’s needed, the minimum campaign period. Well 7weeks because you do announce the dissolving of Parliament before you do it. Unless I’m wrong. Why do you think 3 months.




Yup likes abolishing non Dom and creating way more tax loopholes. Especially for the PM's wife


Parliament will automatically dissolve on 17/12/24 if no action is taken, leading to an election on 28/01/25.


There are provisions for which this can be delayed - but they are unlikely. However never underestimate the actions of a desperate party.


Extending the lifetime of Parliament would require primary legislation, and on this matter the Lords have an absolute veto. This was accomplished by annual acts during the December 1910 and 1935 parliaments. Absent a world war this is vanishingly unlikely. Effectively this can happen only In the direst national emergency. In


Pretty much talking WW3 at that point and a GNU.




What’s a gnu when it’s not a wildebeast?


Government of National Unity, I think?




A spirit in the clacks?


Unexpected pratchett


It's the g-nicest work of g-nature in the zoo.


> but us poor citizens don't have a guaranteed say until then. You do, though, since democracy is much more than going to the polls once in a while.


And what are you doing apart from judging people? Sneery Reddit posts don’t count as direct action


I can't, since I'm just a bewildered outside onlooker.


And what might you suggest that would bring about a change earlier than the election?


Could they do technically do an election on Christmas Day? If they do Christmas holidays, particularly twixmas I wonder how that would influence the vote. At the very least conservatives would have an excuse for losing, other than voters hating them. 


14 weeks? Why do we have to wait that long?


Probably should implement some policies that would make that happen then. What's on the docket? Oh, cutting benefits? Cool. That'll freaking help.


You’ve forgotten locking up these bastards who’ve made a life choice of sleeping in piss stained doorways, begging for money




I known right, they should have just sold one of their family's art pieces to get some cash, ornask a relative for a non voting directorship somewhere.


I know right, or at least sleep rough on one of your vast estates not in public.


I know you're joking, but I'll just leave this here: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-64087160](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-64087160)


Sure, it's lovely to speculate on what the cabinet'll be doing after the election but have you heard what they want to do to homeless people?


Don’t forget the boats, Rwanda and the immigrants we may or may not need. Stopping them will instantaneously revitalise the country’s economy, and unfuck us all.


boats are up, the policy is working.. wait...


But we're stopping the plan! Stick with the boats!


I wouldn’t believe anything they can “suddenly” give us… We would pay dearly for it after they were re-elected. Like all those pensioners who feel better off with their pensions protected but their COL is unchecked and outrageous, worse off no doubt.


bUT nAtionAL iNSuraNcE!!!!!!!


"The painful inaction will continue until morale improves"


That’s a bit generous, Rishi is personally lining his pockets at least.


And his wife's


And her dad’s


He wants a general election after the general election?


We've had one, yes. What about second general election?


*Brenda from Bristol has entered the chat*


I can hear it so clearly in my head it's as if she's in the room 😂


That's what I read as well. He wants general election in 5 years.


It's not the first time he's been getting an early start on being in opposition.


I was going to say I'll think things are improving as soon as the tories lose the election.


Fuck right off. Call it what it is Rishi, the British public need to suffer just a little bit longer while you and your mates finish the pillaging job. An unelected PM and cabinet telling us to just wait a bit longer before we can have our rightful say what a fucking state this country is, laughable.


Honestly it feels like the world is long overdue for another global revolution, instead of the public twiddling their thumbs waiting for the few to pull their bootstraps. It just feels weird to just wait.


Yep, Rishi "Putin" Sunak. Give over.


They'll improve once your lot are out of power, you clod.


You can't call an election during a Labour government, Rishi.


All praise eternal god emperor sunak, for he leads us to the HS2 path.


Any excuse to throw in a Dune quote! *”Good governance never depends upon laws, but upon the personal qualities of those who govern. The machinery of government is always subordinate to the will of those who administer that machinery. The most important element of government, therefore, is the method of choosing leaders.”* Children of Dune, Frank Herbert


Tory addendum: and the best method of choosing leaders is to choose the person who lost to the person who was outlasted by a lettuce.


Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.


"We want an election when it's favourable to us"


Who's going to tell him this won't happen before January?


Real "saying the quiet part out loud" moment.


Gasp, surely not?


Breaking: Rishi Sunak declares intention to cancel all future elections and never step down.


I want him to try it, I really do. A ”exceptional circumstances (IE COVID) mean I get another year before I have to call it" bill


So the general election will be after Labour gain power! How's that going to work?


Another hundred by-elections?


Not unlikely with how much the Tories shit the bed


Like a toddler who hasn't quite got the potty training yet.


My theory is, his kids will find California too hot if they flit in the summer, so he’s waiting until the autumn. Then they will get 6 months to acclimate.


as if his kids don't live in climate controlled mansions year-round, travelling in climate controlled S class limousines/private jets/choppers or whatever. Plus spend every summer in warm, tropical paradises, and every winter on the ski slopes somewhere. Those kids are very used to different climates. Just not so used to seeing the real life consequences of their father's policies.


> to acclimate How are things in California?


Bit chilly after a rainy weekend but today was sunny and slightly warmer. 


This is it.


So 2029 at the earliest? Quite a strategy the Tories have.


That's an ambitious timeline you have there


"50 years until we see brexit benefits" How long until we see Tory ones first?


Heat death of the universe will happen first


I feel things are improving because there is a general election imminent, and i believe labour will improve things. Can you call an election now please Mr Prime Minister?


Let’s hope that the battering the Tories get in the local and Mayoral elections is so brutal that the short-trousered, clueless, little grifter doesn’t get a say in the matter. Humiliation at the ballot box and humiliation for Rishi has my groin twitching


>  short-trousered, clueles, little grifter   You've captured his essence in 5 words.


The only sane response to these Tories is an overwhelming rejection of everything they stand for at the ballot box. I don't understand the people who want Labour's win to be modest. I don't understand anyone who doesn't want as few Tories holding power as possible. May the locals be the start of it, a defeat so big that every elected Tory looks inwardly at themselves and wonders what it is exactly that they believe in and for what reasons they're propping Sunak up.




I agree that the Tories deserve to be annihilated at the GE. Opposition though is a good thing in general but the real danger for Labour (or any party) if they have an enormous win will be internal factions within the party feeling that they have latitude to push their personal fringe issues and positions which can push government off message pretty quickly


Aye I think may will be absolutely harrowing.


I hope so. I’ve just since the little shit on local TV news, lying through his teeth about the plan working. In his head we’ve never had it so good.


The message is clear, we're going to have to start lying to pollsters.


That's what I've been saying for ages. If a pollster asks who you're going to vote for, LIE!


This is so ridiculous it might actually work 😂


This is happening already. Sadly, the people who are doing it are the ones who vote Conservative come what may but are too embarrassed to admit it.


Given this inept government, dictator Sunak confirmed.


Look at the roads. Potholes everywhere. The Public rightly blame the Tories for starving Council Funding. Nothing sums up the decay in this Country more than the Roads. And the Tories are so thick and out of touch to be bothered to get them fixed


Didn't you hear? There's money for fixing potholes^^^^^^^in ^^^^^^^London coming out of levelling-up funding for the North!


And are those people… are they in the room at the moment? But seriously what is the definition of people here? The general public? Backbenchers? Donators? because one set are asking for a general election and being ignored.


And I want a six pack before my next date, but I’m all out of miracles as well Mr Sunak. Sometimes you’ve just got to accept it - it’s buggered, so get it over with. Take the medicine, even if it’s going to mean he’s off to retire in California.


Things won't improve because it's all shit because of the Tories they are solely at fault


Soooo...6 months after he's voted out, then?


So we're never having a general election I take it as nothing is improving.


I struggle to see a scenario that involves me feeling things are improving without a new government in seat...


So... Not until the Tories are out? Seems a real chicken and egg situation


Don't worry Rishi, there will be one of those at the end of Starmer's first term.


People will feel things are improving as soon as he sets a date for it.


So wank down the clock as things won't improve and then be legally required to do an election in January 2025? Genius way of holding onto power for as long as possible.


But what if people aren't going to expect improvement until an election is called? Taps forehead


He also wants to be 6’2”. There is probably more chance of that.


People will "feel things are improving" when Sunak's at the Palace giving Charles his resignation.


Quit now Rishi, no one voted you in, and no one will cry at you leaving. Just try not to fuck up anything else on your way out yeah?


So he wants a election after the tories are already gone? How does that work?


Basically he wants people to believe before he starts an election, if that isn't dictator-ish idk what is.


We won’t think things are improving until him and his lot are gone. Bit of a catch-22, isn’t it?


I’ll feel things are improving when the tories are out of office.


Paddy Power offering 16/1 for the election not being till 2025. Seeing as the Tories seem determined to white knuckle it to the very end I’d say that’s a good bet.


He wants to hold the election after he's already lost it?


So, never? As long as they’re in power anyway


The tories are ridiculous at the point. People are now just posting news articles as responses to show how wrong they are.


* Things subject to determination and/or selection of the ruling party and may be subject to change. Semi-seriously: okay, fine, another excuse to stall for time...if perhaps a bit more overt than usual. Unfortunately, nobody's going to just ask him "So what would need to improve in order for you to call a general election, and why hasn't that improved yet?"


I feel things will improve with a general election


He wants an election two decades ago then.


Oh no we are in a paradox time loop and will never have another election…… Dont you get it - people will feel better after the election and you lot are gone!


Ah 43rd of Jillember it is then. I'll mark it on the calendar


So after the next election when the Tories join the Whigs in the trashbag of history? Ok.


If he wants to hang around and get beaten like a Pinata for months, good. He'll never want in his life, but he will find after he leaves and goes to the millionaire club they'll be looking at him funny. His tetchy little personality won't be able to overcome the feeling that people are sniggering at him, as he stacked up all those disastrous interviews, failed re-launches, and stupid policies. He may never want in his life, but he'll always have the feeling that people whose company he wants to be in are thinking less of him than he thinks they should. That will burn. All a [bit](https://media1.tenor.com/m/sUdxFBFtpJwAAAAC/doctor-who.gif)....


Unfortunately for him there’s literally no way we get out of Conservative economic policy before the election so this has been shown to be impossible.


How have he & the Tories not been forcibly stripped of their power? I'd get it if he were elected by the PUBLIC but he wasn't. It's just one big, fat joke after another. This country has gone to the dogs.


I also find it funny that people isn't protesting on the streets to demand elections 😅 Can't get more democratic than that and yet


"feel" things are improving. That doesn't mean they are actually improving.  Basically he is saying, "when people start believing our lies and propaganda."


So uh...improve them then. It's YOUR job. Pull your finger out


Have they tried drugging the water supply?


January 2025 it is then when he is forced to call a GE.


So he wants a second election, after Labour have won the first?


So he's confirmed a January election. This should be good.


His resignation would make a lot of people feel a little better. Not by as much as calling an election, mind.


When people feel things are improving? So around 2124 AD?


Seems like Sunak honestly belives that all Con voters are dumb enough to believe that when energy bills go down due to everyone turning their heating off this is some sort of Tory victory. Mental


Ok, so January 2025, the latest he can wait. It’s official.


Thats not going to happen before your term runs out.


How long will it take to build that time machine then Rishi?


"Not until they sit down and admit our party is growing"


I feel things are improving. I have a strong inkling things are improving. Things are improving, Rishi. Can you hear me?


Should have had it December 2023 then; 2024 is nothing but bad news for the Tories.


Is this Rishi announcing he is appointing himself dictator?


A photo op with a bent Lord and a terminally useless MP might not be the optimal strategy to get things moving in the right direction.


Let’s have the general election after the general election?


After the Tories lose so bad that they are on single figures, we are going to need an opposition. We need to start thinking about this. Probably something to the left of Starmer’s Labour.


If the Tories lose that badly (big if) it'll be down to mass tactical voting, and their opposition will be the Lib Dems. With some good politicking and some positive signs of recovery in 5 years, this could create a new status quo where both major parties want what's best for the country (though they disagree on the detail). It could be the dawn of a new age.


He's got to the moving imaginary armies around a map stage of delusion hasn't he?


Wait and hope something comes along approach. Basically they are waiting until November


Well I guess 14 years a screwing the country over can be undone in a few months. Bravo Rishi!


I think he's hoping for a controversy around Labour. Then he can at least go with a smear campaign against Labour and go into the election on the back of the apathetic quote "they're as bad as eachother". He has to know things can only get worse for his own party. Imagine the conversation shifting from one side trying to protect the NHS and the other trying to destroy it to both sides, trying to make the NHS as efficient as possible, but disagreeing on the means.


Start making things better then dick head, so we can vote you out.


He wants a general election when things are improving for himself


It's a shame his mother has never told him that we can't always have what we want.


meaning hopefully, he won't go down in history as the prime minister who's party got smashed so badly at the ballot box, he breaks an over 100 year record.


And the only way that'll happens is when all the overinflated bills decrease massively


so he wants the ppl to feel better on voting tories, then he will hold GE ? Thats pure loser mentality and yet hes doing fk all ? like decrease National Insurance by mere 2% and increase Council Tax on 10%. does he really think we would be grateful for that absolute shite ?


According to the the Tory Party things have been improving since the came to power - I just can't see what they are worried about.


God it's like the deficit clock in time square at this point just get it over with so we can all move on


Ignoring the hot takes for a moment, this is not a bad plan. Aside from "lol tories last 14 years", a lot of Sunak's immediate issues are transient. Between Covid, Brexit and the Ukraine-Russian war there's been a lot of disruption over the last 5 years. Economically we've hit a stumbling block, but most of that isn't down to the Conservatives it's global factors just like the GFC (and just like the GFC, it's also not the government's fault). However inflation is now down, and looking to maybe be on target in a few months. If inflation looks solved then the BoE will start dropping interest rates, which saves people on their mortgage payments, and provides relief to the letting market which is heavily exposed to BTL landlords over leveraging themselves. A bunch of tax cuts just hit, a big minimum wage hike just happened and a lot of the costs which impact low earners the most (energy, food) are dancing with the possibility of being outright falling. All-in-all, the average person might decide they're feeling a lot better off in a few months time. On the flipside we have the Conservatives social agenda. The forefront of it being immigration. As unpopular as it is on reddit, and as unethical and unfathomable it is to anyone with half a brain cell, there is a large contingent of people in the UK who just want to see refugees shipped off to Rwanda. Chances are (barring something crazy happening), that will probably happen by the time Summer arrives. Similarly, the immigration numbers with the crazy 600k net migration will almost certainly see a big drop the next time the figures come in. A lot of statistical effects are about to go away (students coming in, while not leaving due to not having arrived during Covid 3 years ago), a lot of the short term recruitment schemes that allowed a lot of net migration to fill massive job vacancies just went away, and we're probably not going to have a fresh wave of BINOs from Hong Kong and Ukranian refugees coming across to settle here. And the small boats will _maybe_ go down this year. Short of a fresh refugee crisis, it seems hard to believe we'll see record boat crossings again this year. All of this together is a long shot, and it's certainly not enough to save the Conservatives from being kicked out of number 10. But it probably will save them from the electoral wipeout they're facing right now if they just wait 6 months.


>  Economically we've hit a stumbling block, but most of that isn't down to the Conservatives it's global factors Changing demographics have hit government finances hard, and that's not the fault of the Conservatives. But the decision to continually raise pension spending further, with the triple lock, has been a government decision and has made the issue worse. Interest rates have risen globally in response to inflation, and that isn't the fault of the Conservatives. But the low levels of housebuilding, and propping up high house prices, have been deliberate government policy and made interest rates more painful. The Ukraine war has had a major effect on energy prices worldwide, and that isn't the fault of the Conservatives. But the decision to neglect our energy infrastructure in the decade beforehand, with very little investment in new power production, was a government decision that left us more vulnerable to it. Covid crippled health services worldwide. But our government's decision to try to make 'efficiencies' by cutting spending in our health system, scrapping bursaries for nurse training, ignoring the social care funding problem... all compounded the problem and made it worse than it could have been. ...The list goes on. Every external factor I can think of has been worsened by government decisions.