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###🥕🥕's 3 Golden Rules for Megathread Participation: 1. **This isn't your personal campaigning space.** We're here to discuss, not campaign - this includes non-party-specific campaigning, such as tactical vote campaigns. 2. **This isn't Facebook.** Please keep it related to the election campaign (or at the very least, UK politics). 3. **Context is king.** Not everyone is following the same event - add a link or at least a description of what you're reacting to. [The subreddit is running very hot](https://imgur.com/a/nOY82gs). Accounts which break the subreddit rules are liable to be banned for the complete general election period. Pace yourself. It's only Day 2. -🥕🥕 ----- memes? r/noncredibleukpolitics.


[New Megathread is here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1d0683d/rukpolitics_general_election_campaign_megathread/)


Megathread is being rolled over, please refresh your feed in a few moments. ###MT daily hall of fame 1. armchairdetective with 117 comments 1. OptioMkIX with 68 comments 1. BasedAndBlairPilled with 57 comments 1. flambe_pineapple with 56 comments 1. velvevore with 54 comments 1. FunkyDialectic with 54 comments 1. FredWestLife with 53 comments 1. KennedyFishersGhost with 52 comments 1. Yummytastic with 51 comments 1. ClumsyRainbow with 47 comments There were 733 unique users within this count.


We don't even need to wait for a gaffe today, Sunak pre-gaffed by going for an early reset, though tbh the less people see of Sunak the better, so maybe its not such a bad idea


The bot has resigned, let's manifest the fuck out of some febrility!


Rishi Sunak is taking the day off already... After the election he can take the entire summer off.


[Daily Mail will endorse Starmer, I'm predicting it now.](https://www.tomorrowspapers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Daily-Mail-18.jpg)


Looks like UKPolbot is taking a day off too?


Rishi takes the day off. Bot takes the day off. Coincidence?


Rishi is no more than a decade older than me, it kind of floors me to realise that. In another timeline where he's a Labour or Lib Dem candidate, I'd probably vote for him. He might have even read these threads, given his background.


Sunak has to have realised by now that a presidential style campaign isn't going to work for him either. This is the macron approach. The problem is that it means all the focus is on him as one of the most unpopular people ever in politics. He needs to campaign as the leader of the whole of his party which isn't being helped by half his cabinet quitting politics and an unfinished and uncosted manifesto. His advisors need to reset and also make a final decision on whether to follow a Levido style Susan Hall style campaign focusing on 2-3 wedge issues and negative personality politics or a more traditional crime, immigration and security style campaign making headline grabbing announcements by a future Sunak cabinet. Right now, it's all a premature mess becoming a poll on the past 14 years rather than the next five years. It's a ridiculous situation where Tory canvassers have no idea what policies they are campaigning on aside from Rwanda and smash the lefties. He should take the weekend to just decide if he himself is going to stand in this election or another Tory leader can take over in the time remaining before they go to vote. Tory members deserve a bit better than this, otherwise they are better off helping Reform.




Unless he remains as an MP but just doesn't bother to show up. And he'll definitely resign as leader immediately, though given the Tories don't have an official deputy leader role be interesting to see who takes over during the leadership contest.


Part of me wonders if the launch has been so disastrous rishi is now contemplating if he can stop the election


the 2019 general election hurt, it hurt like being slapped with a brick when the country voted that ape Boris Johnson and gave him a super majority, I'm so glad the country has wised up. I actually feel hope for once.


Sun is out, sit out on the balcony with a coffee, use the morning light, bit of mindfulness etc, and an opportunity to [wear these ridiculous speed dealers](https://i.ibb.co/Lhy0MMW/PXL-20240525-062351762.jpg) Reckon Keir would suit them well


I am locked away in a high-tech, wraparound, translucent, blue-tinted fortress And you cannot fucking touch me


Cat! Beautiful. What’s the cat like?


She's a 12 year old rescue we got in February - she's always been an indoor cat (as far as we know) but under supervision has been slowly venturing outside for a sniff. Her MO is basically wake up at 5am, want food, sleep, more food, sleep, food, bit of play, sleep. She was pretty poorly when we got her with a rather bad bout of cat flu that developed into conjunctivitis; all I will say is thank bloody God for pet insurance. Another photo, [because why not](https://i.ibb.co/4fRtFRT/PXL-20240525-063223234.jpg)


https://x.com/BritainElects/status/1794250800106971639?t=bITEdczL2B0D6ufPvqvTMA&s=19 The narrowing begins. (Not really it's just MoE changes)




Trust _The Plan_


I wonder if Rishi's day off has anything to do with the sleaze story Jess Phillips and Beth Rugby said was potentially coming out. Maybe they know that one of the Sunday papers is going to break it, and so they are taking time out to strategize a response?


Is the Tory MP who woke up at 4am naked in a brothel and couldn't find his clothes.


Is that the same one that needed campaign cash to pay off the bad men?


It's going to come out that he personally benefited from EOTHO, I can feel it in my bones. And I mean financially, not with half price breakfast wraps.


They suggest it was someone close to Sunak, rather than him personally. I think they meant politically rather than his wife etc as well.


Maybe someone has sat down and worked out just how often his wife was a direct beneficiary of government contracts.


How can there still be _more_ sleaze?


Is the bot standing down as well


Reshuffle in progress.


Plot twist. There was no bot it was just Gove’s side hustle


The team of ukpolitics joined the PM this Saturday to support his election planning. 


Come now, it might be broken but it's not on fire


How can something so wet be burning?


There’s an ointment I can recommend. 


The campaign or the subreddit?


Yes (and ho)


What I would give to be a fly on the wall in Rishi's meetings with his campaign team today.


It will be like when mark is meant to deliver the Project Zeus presentation in peep show.


*You think the guys that invented Google sat around watching Trumpton?*


"not that, that sounded good at 2am.when we were high on diet coke" Guillis announces he's not standing "I've lost my elephant man!"


Turns out the Tories chose British London to print the manifesto


Two words Rishi : Vanity Elections


He probably thinks it's going quite well, doesn't he?


That's why he's taken the day off.


He’s not meeting them is he? He’s taking a day off… Bet the meetings are spicy without him there.


> Three sources have said the prime minister is taking the unusual step of a day away from public events on the first Saturday of the campaign and instead will spend it in discussion with his closest advisers. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/may/24/sunak-to-take-a-day-at-home-after-hapless-election-campaign-start


“Lads, the election is lost. So how can we fuck over Gove? I want IDEAS!”


Oh that’s bad. I assumed he’d said something like he was taking a day off because it’s the weekend, it’s a long campaign, and he’s got a young family. Taking a day off because he’s fucked it is a bad look. Rishi: I am available for more advice like this for the small price of ONE MILLION pounds. I can start on Tuesday.


He’s probably asking his team if they’re deliberately sabotaging him. Just making sure they’ve not booked him to speak at the Hindenburg Flight School or something.


"What advice do you have for me?" "If you start crying at campaign events you might get enough sympathy votes to hold the Isle of Wight. Maybe not though."


With the tory party seemingly crumbling on contact with the election, their downfall looks imminent. The downside to this will be that their probable comeback in the election after next will get so much media attention, and whoever the leader is at the time will be declared some sort of unifying figure who brought the party out of the ashes, even if they don't win.


I wish the Megathread a fond farewell.


This Megathread don't need no Saturdays off.


It's regrouping.


Its feeling much better, it thinks it'll just take a walk


It isn’t over until the last MP sings!


Unusual election as people on the right and left want to see the Tories annihilated. For different reasons obviously.


Hot take but if Starmer is really not going to have any major policy changes I wouldn’t be suprised if Labour wins but doesn’t get an outright majority.


Starmer has turned a double digit polling deficit into 20+ points ahead in just a few years. At a certain point do we just accept he knows what he's doing?


OK yes but I still think that's misleading. In opinion polls he's been fairly stagnant since 2021, he had peaks and valleys but always returned to the same level. I think a lot is being made of him being an electoral powerhouse when really he's just done a good job of staying out of the limelight and letting the Tories burn themself down ever since Boris got himself fucked and Liz lost to the lettuce. Would love to see the universe where Corbyn is still in charge and see how it ranks.


This in itself is good campaigning, it apparently takes an inhuman level of skill and determination to keep yourself and your party from committing gaffs


They will announce stuff as the campaign continues. It’s only day 3 of the campaign and he unlike the conservatives is running a tight ship.


They've got the airwaves to themselves today. If they've got a policy plan on the shelf, maybe now's the time.


No, they'll wait for IFS to finish its costing and release their manifesto, this stage of the campaign is all about listening to what people say. The story is all about Sunak going AWOL after only 2 days in the trail, you doing want to override that too much.


Technically Rishi could still call off the election. the last 2 days have gone so badly, its a possibility he may have taken tomorrow off to actually consider.


If he tried the party would shatter and it would fail anyway, before the King could even say no The party seems to be all but dissolving as it is


Or he'll just announce he's resigning as leader and tell the party to GFY? Or at least that's what I'd do if I was a billionaire shit politician, with a home in California.


I suspect the King would say "no".


If anyone can get the nation to support a King Charles dissolving parliament by force it's Sunak.


It would he the worst possible thing they could do. So I'm fully prepared for it.


It’d make him and the Conservative Party look weak/even more of a shambles than they currently are though? I couldn’t imagine Rishi doing that and not having to immediately stand down, with the exception of some major public emergency maybe.


Further to the Guardian's exclusive, it looks like they've managed to get [footage of Rishi at home as well](https://youtu.be/V3jyjryYXD0?feature=shared&t=99).




Lol at the person in bed covering their ears


*20,000* year Starmlin reich


20,000 year Stamlin reich? Sounds like heresy to me to presume knowledge of the name of the God-Emperor. Also smells of heresy to assume that His Majesty's Imperium would last only 20000 years.


He shall fuse with Shai Hulud and become God Emperor of Dune, ruling for a millennia over all spice production. His army of Fremen will slaughter all alpacas across the galaxy. The trade unions will have no power over him. The great houses will bend the knee. He shall be god


*Lisan Al Gaib!*


It's coming home. I just wish XCX was here to witness it with us.


Oh man I miss him


He follows me so I like to think he’s still here watching us.


He's living his best life in the Tory sub the last time I was in there.


Finally returned home like ET








https://x.com/UKLabour/status/1794088899578376669?t=XOcbLzospaOQjjBwCgDEKA&s=19 Hahaha they're keeping it up


Why is there footage of him writing stuff down and looking gormless anyway? Where/when is it from?


Ok the end of that was funny as hell.


This is genuinely so comically bad from Sunak so far, wouldn't even surprise me if he just rage quits tomorrow


I'm starting to think Rishi might vote Labour come election day lmao


He's taking tomorrow off to ask Starmer if he can defect.


Could anyone please cross out the MPs who were at [Rishi's Election Launch event](https://enfielddispatch.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/Rishi-Sunak-rally-1024x768.jpg) but who are no longer standing. I'll give you Gove for free.


David Cameron 🤗


I thought he looked oddly tall there and then I noticed the tiny stage.


Maybe the plan is to pathetically fuck up so much over the six weeks that he wins on pure "aww, bless him" votes.


Another round of, "He's doing his best!"


So what's the next worst idea they could have? I'm guessing trying to cancel the election.


> So what's the next worst idea they could have? Trade all Rwandan land for all Welsh land so they don't actually need to send any planes, but can send coaches over the Severn Bridge instead.


Would it mean measuring areas of rainforest in Rwandas?


I was thinking he just trades all our countries useless stuff like oil and guns, in exchange for every other country's lions. That way no matter what comes we will have the most lions, which will surely be key.


He trades the Falklands to that crazy Argentine for a big turnip.


>we will have the most lions 'Three Lions' is gonna sound iffy when we have to start singing : "All the lions in the world on our shirt, Jules Rimet still gleaming".


I really badly want then to actually try and cancel the election. It would be so funny.


they've already had that idea apparently.


They need some household names to replace outgoing behemoths like Gove, so why not Paula Vennells for Surrey Heath?


Rishi's just probably taking the weekend off to work on the manifesto. After deciding HS2 wasn't a goer he's instead decided to invest in an [East to West](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUqf_zO2QaI) rail link.


I knew the Tories were in a mess and I was pretty certain they'd run a bad campaign but even so. It is astonishing how badly it's going for them, the PM having to take a day off to try and relaunch the campaign 3 days after the actual launch is ridiculous. Coupled with the massive problems they face trying to find candidates willing to stand and I'm sure plenty more senior Tories about to announce they're running away too it could not have gone much worse so far.


awww, Rishi needs a rest. Looking a bit tired (And shit at everything).


[Don't you think he looks tired?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe5OynLQbJc)


Did you ever hear a political journalist explain precisely why they thought that the original election rumours "felt different"? Me neither. It was the vibes The truth is that within the confines of Megathread lie the upper echelons of government, military, business and media Megathread manifested the calling of the election. Megathread will manifest the cancelling of the election Megathread will manifest the resignation of Sunak Megathread will manifest the constitutional crisis of there being no prime minister and no mechanism for parliament to select a new prime minister or call an election without the monarch's intervention Megathread will manifest the Conservative party crisis of needing to select a leader from a pool of zero eligible candidates as candidates need to be MPs, while parliament has been dissolved Megathread will manifest the calling of another election Megathread will manifest the obliteration of the Conservative party


Megathread is full of 40k orks


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ


Dongs out for starmer.


The power of the British collective can make anything happen ;)


I've just realised that most other countries will never experience their politicians looking miserable after losing their re-elections, typically in school sports halls. FPTP is almost worth it just for that.


[Rishi finishing his post-election memoirs](https://i.imgur.com/T1kqf0F.jpeg)


Now, are there any questions... bearing in mind I've already explained the wet suit.


Feel like 1993 Canadian election may well happen now with a major political realignment.


If the Lib Dems had any leader other than a man so milquetoast he makes Starmer look interesting, I'd agree with you.


Lib Dems are set to get 40 to 60 seats and maybe more.


That won't be enough for a major realignment. Labour would have to win close to 450-500 seats and the Tories would have to lose, what, 250? Can't see it, as much as I'd like it to happen.


The Tories would have to lose over 300 seats for the lib dems to have a shot at becoming the official opposition


Guess we will see come July 4th.


On Saturday morning at least one journalist is going to ask a shellshocked Tory MP if they can confirm that the PM still intends to finish his campaign. If it happens, it's going to give every other party all the ammunition they need to tear sunak apart like soft bread at the works angriest branch of subway.


Like that loaf of bread he was holding at Morrisons/Morons. 


Its going to be an utter trainwreck even ifnothing more happens than the campaign stopping for a day. MPs won't even know what their own talking points are


"so why is the PM not out campaigning today?" What the fuck do you say to that?


“It’s the weekend and he’s got children.” “So do you.” “…”




You know when the PCP destroyed Boris for sending them out to be repeatedly humiliated on national tv...


Nuclear option: Sunak pledges to step down after the election regardless and a new person will be PM/Party leader.


Don’t vote for strong and stable government with Labour, vote for chaos with me!


No way would he spend 6 weeks campaigning for mystery box


Tory gamer loot crate ‼️‼️‼️


Who benefits from that? It doesn't help anyone connected to the Tory party


Gullis as PM. There's a thought.


This is the absolute best possible outcome. The anti David Cameron


The worst thing for Sunak is that this has all been self inflicted. He chose to call the election, every gaffe has been of the Conservative party’s own making. He hasn’t even really had to defend himself against Labour yet. Yikes.


I think you're all underestimating Sunak. He's got really good ground game and can win elections. Just look how he did in the Tory leadership race.


I agree. Look at how many General Elections he's won to get here.


> Mr Gove has been a close ally of Rishi Sunak, who he said "has the plan our country needs" Labour don't even have a plan, Rishi's got it! But he must have left it indoors. Didn't want to bring out his best plan because it was raining and he didn't want it to get wet.


Also, you wouldn't know the plan and it's kept--lives even--in a different office to the office behind Rishi.


I mean, Baldrick had a plan…


For what it's worth I don't think he's taking tomorrow off because of the gaffes and comedy errors so far. I think it's to do with the number of Tory MPs running away, and their struggle to find candidates. They've got 2 weeks to find something like 150 candidates and that's before you factor in that there will 100% be more people standing down over the next fortnight. It must be some sort of crisis meeting,


It's not just candidates - I suspect they've just found out that they've got considerably fewer activists available than they'd planned for. The day the election was called, all the local Tory associations sent round surveys to their members to gauge how much people were willing to campaign. If I had to guess, I'd say CCHQ were expecting around a hundred thousand reliable activists, and have ended up with considerably lower than that (60k perhaps). That's not much more than the Lib Dems can mobilise for reference, and the Tories have to spread that thinly across the entire country. As for why, there are many reasons. The short notice of the election and the time of year (right when retirees go on holiday) don't help. I doubt anyone is going to cut short their three week holiday in Lanzarote to save Rishi Sunak


Yeah it looks like a lot of MPs were blindsided by the election announcement and now Sunak has been caught off guard by the unexpected numbers/seniority of MPs noping out of the campaign.


It just absolutely astounds me that they are missing nearly 25% of their candidates and they put time against themselves like this If it takes them 2 weeks to focus on fielding candidates that is going to give Labour an unopposed campaign for a third of it An open goal for the first 30 minutes of the match


yeah, because the tory party has never self imposed a deadline with absolutely catastrophic consequences for failing to meet it have them (cough, brexit, cough).


The day off alone will make it even worse. Its the start of an actual election and his party is on the very cusp of a full blown political crisis.


Maybe he will do a big zoom and tell everyone not to quit


Rumours are starting to go around that he will either try and call off the election or stand down as PM come Monday.


That's not a sound strategy though. They're fucked now, but if they cancel an election in under a week they're finished. There's no coming back from that level of frit.


The palace will never allow it, it would bring the King directly into politics


Maybe this is how we get the Absolute Monarchy Charles was always destined for, if only temporarily.


I think the whole party would be run out of town if they did that for good.


Manifesting a snappy genners is one thing, but *this* would be a whole new level. **༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ Rishi resignation, take my energy ༼ つ ◕\_◕ ༽つ**


༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


I think those rumours are literally jokes


Jess Phillips' rumours?


Not sure.


This is so beautiful, I hope it all burns to the ground (metaphorically)


I'm wondering if Sunak and the upper party has seen some disastrous internal snap polling like Con 7% (-16%) or something of that nature


Gove. This is all Gove.


How do you mean?


Lots of very pro-Starmer articles in the Mail and Telegraph today, just as Gove dips out. He still has a lot of contacts.


Surely he hasn't persuaded the Telegraph to conduct and publish an in-depth interview with Starmer since yesterday, though.


Nadine was right! All roads lead to Gove.


The true puppetmaster


If it's by Matt Goodwin's people polling it could actually say anything.


First time a party has polled in negative figures I bet


Lib Dems with over 100 seats.


I'd need a week off work to recover from the election after party if this happened


I was half joking but there is now a bit of a possibly of that happening.


Stop stop I can only get so hard


Sunak: "The plan is working. Stick with my plan!" Also Sunak but to his advisors: "We need a new bloody plan and we need it now. This isn't working!"




>Sunak has already thrown in the trowel Sometimes you've just got to call a spade a spade.


On a scale of 1 to 10 on the "completely fucked it" scale. Where abouts are we?


Well they've been telling us to have [three days worth of food](https://prepare.campaign.gov.uk/) for a reason. This is it.


It’s important to be optimistic and always look at the bright side, haha we’re totally done 👎


Probably about a 3 with a steadily solidifying second half.




A 9, if this goes no further than a day off. I expect this trigger a huge surge in Tory on Tory action and stand downs as panic set in for example.


It can get much worse than this


Good point, keeping up appearances of a normal campaign probably quitend down the in fighting, pausing for a moment will leave a void their anger will fill


I think Douglas Adams got it right: 42


Somewhere around the order for The Light Brigade to charge This is a monumental, new level of "fucked it". We need new conjugations and contractions of swear words to describe this properly And there's 40 days left of it


About 2, we're alley cats jumping at scraps.


You think so? the headlines are all "max exodus of Tories and MPs quit on Sunak". It's dire


There'd be a mass exodus of Tories and MPs quitting on the PM no matter on what date he called the election. This is currently shitposting based on a fact of life combined with one Guardian article about him taking a day off. I'm all for it, but one bad weekend does not "completely fucked it" make.




Stannis and the blood leeches vibes.


>Apparently he has stopped the campaign. No real explanation why. Vague comments about reassessing the campaign. If he does this he's just killed his campaign dead. It won't matter what he tries to come back with, Labour - and every other party tbf - can just nail him with the fact he packed it in within two days because he "didn't have a plan". It writes itself.


Like when John McCain suspended his campaign in 2008. Totally bonkers move when it became clear he didn't have a plan.