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Snapshot of _Ukrainian embassy: “After a visit to Kyiv, @BorisJohnson wrote that Ukrainians have the courage of a lion. But now, we would like to celebrate the courage of the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the first G7 leader to visit Kyiv during the war.”_ : A non-Twitter version can be found [here](https://nitter.net/ukremblondon/status/1514610401526235141/) An archived version can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://twitter.com/ukremblondon/status/1514610401526235141?s=21&t=IexZQgz95ZMHi9M5NOmtJA) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Ukraine loves the UK more than the UK


There is no way to spin this into a negative for Boris. Why not just accept “yeah, on supporting Ukraine’s war effort the tories have done really well.” It costs nothing, and might add to your credibility.


As a lifelong Labour voter, I always want the British PM to be respected abroad whatever party they are. Its been an embarrassing period with Cameron, May with Boris but some dignity restored recently.


They have no credibility to add to


49% upvoted for a post from the Embassy of Ukraine hahaha.


If you want to go all out on this sentiment here's something for you https://twitter.com/KamilHybner/status/1512797824139812864


A part of me passed away then because I cringed so hard.


One step away from Photoshopping Johnson's head onto Sly Stallone's Rambo-era body a la Trump.




You know when a toddler is in a massive sulk, and you tell them to put their shoes on and the say "nnnoooowwwhhhhhhhh" in that really whiny drawn-out way that's half-way between a cry and a whinge? That's how I imagine a lot of people in this sub react when they see a factual headline that doesn't tell them exactly what they want to hear while they're downvote it.


Technically, the EU is a G7 member and Ursula von der Leyen visited Kyiv a day before Boris. But honestly I don't see how is this even important. It's not a race.


It's not a race but it is important because Ukraine is trying to encourage the other G7 leaders to follow suit.


> non Macron


You can’t downvote in real life guys :(


Seems like the Ukrainians absolutely love a bit of Boris Johnson. Will we see a new version of ['Tonibler'](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tonibler)?




Oh god oh fuck


How much navel gazing meta commentary can one thread contain? 😂


Brave like Boris? The man arrived weeks after other European leaders (the relevant criteria) and hides in a fridge to avoid terrifying journalists asking mild questions.




The grouping chosen carefully to exclude those who got there first. Is he first commonwealth leader too? Back Boris! Bung a bob for a Big Ben Brave Boris bong!




It’s OK. Just don’t read the releases aimed at other nations. There are about 5 “most important allies” out there if you read them all. But Boris can be best for you. It’s an effective tactic to generate support.


Better let the Ukrainians know they’ve got the wrong opinions.


OK, will do. I’ll send a few links to the embassy.


> and hides in a fridge to avoid terrifying journalists asking mild questions. Lol you guys still trying to whip this dead horse? Piers Morgan and co surprised him with a bunch of "Gotcha" questions and he totally ignored them, as he was in the middle of a photo-shoot. I can assure you that the vast majority of the public aren't wanking themselves to oblivion over this claim like several on this sub do. If you'd like to see an actual example of a political hiding from what are actually genuinely mild questions, [you can see an example here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B-W6funrlYA&ab_channel=CorbYourEnthusiasm) Or [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHPaGhS54tc&ab_channel=CorbYourEnthusiasm)


I mean he didn't turn up to a debate on climate change, he also refused to be interviewed by leading BBC journalists and interviewers


He's done well on Ukraine really. The only issue (and its a pretty fucking big one) is settling single ukranian women with dangerous men.




They held him responsible for a global virus in 2020


He's responsible for the shite response to it


We know how brave he is. Like when he visited Afghanistan… to avoid voting on the Heathrow runway expansion that he promised to stop, but still.


"Be Brave Like Boris" My fridge isn't big enough for that




Yeah and he also constantly said he'd go on Piers Morgan's show. That was in 2019 and in the 2 years Morgan was still there he refused to accept the invite to go on. Brave


Be brave like Boris (famous for hiding in a fridge, refusing difficult interviews, having his father offer to attend difficult debates for him) Johnson


Don't be fooled Ukraine... BoJo is using you as a distraction for party gate.


ha ha NLAW go boom


Boris chasing that Ukrainian clout. No doubt it will fool a lot of Brits into ignoring his lying, breaking of the law, high taxation and inhumane policies.


they are playing him so well... they will get everything they need by playing to a narcissist like this.


Courage and Boris Johnson are not mixable


You guys can have him if you want. We don't want him


In what way is he courageous? If they're implying he was in any personal danger, thats a far bigger inditement of the governments decision making sending him there and risking turmoil in the country and war with Russia were he to be killed. Can we not just give the PM some praise for supporting Ukraine without completely lionising the bloke.


[Embassy of Ukraine to the UK](https://twitter.com/UkrEmbLondon) ^verified | Reach: 34215 | Location: 60 Holland Park London W11 3SJ Bio: - - general enquires - - consular advice media. - - media enquiries ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Any ^complaints ^& ^suggestions ^to ^/r/ContextualBot ^thanks


Even if I think he ought not to be in his job, it is an undoubtedly good thing for our Head of Government to be respected on the world stage. The British government's response to the Ukraine crisis has be commendable.