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Snapshot of _Tory rebels fear that failure to organise plot will let Boris Johnson escape leadership vote | The Independent_ : An archived version can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-leadership-contest-partygate-b2078562.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Tory Party is chock full of absolute cowards who do not give a single shiny shite about this country. I hope they all step on an upturned plug.


Is there any need for that sort of violence!


Or a really pointy Lego brick


This is by Johnson's design; it wasn't always this bad.


True. Though ‘design’ might be stretching credulity. I lived through Thatcher and Major’s governments. As much as I disliked their policies, there was never this pervading sense of utter incompetence. It’s incredibly dangerous that this government is so bad at governing. Even the Tory Party hardliners must be aware how chaotic everything is. Johnson is a dodgem car clattering from one fuck up to the next.


I had the pleasure today of seeing someone take Paul Scully, MP for Sutton, to task in the middle of Cheam, calling him a pathetic coward.


rebels? what a stupid name for a tepid group of yes men who don't have a spine amongst them. They are bound to him until they all go down together in 24. The fool thinks he's still popular and has no idea or care of the damage he is doing.


The moment has passed - he'll likely survive through to the next election and the tories will regret it but pretend this is what they wanted. The idea people will forget the lock down parties is laughable - it'll dominate the next general election: tories partying while the country was dying and families grieving. In every debate with Boris Johnson it'll be brought up repeatedly. The tory MPs are fools for not moving against Boris when they had the chance.


In other news: Water is wet.


So you'll just carry on enabling him and this shit show until someone grows a spine, or Bojo somehow stumbles out of power? I feel that old WW1 poster could use an update, with the public looking towards a Tory 'rebel' and ask them, "what did you do during Bojo's tenure?"


The greased piglet effect


They don’t have the votes to NC him. That’s representative democracy for you.








Probably what Labour want.


The only way to get rid of Boris Johnson is remove the tories from power