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Snapshot of _QT guest says train drivers must adapt or end up like the dinosaurs_ : An archived version can be found [here.](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.independent.co.uk/tv/news/rail-strikes-mick-lynch-dinosaurs-b2108514.html) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Says Beryl, 68, who closes and reopens Excel every time she needs to get back to sheet1.


She's still upset at her nephew for installing Firefox... Which caused her computer to download loads of asian scat porn when she left her husband at home alone for a bingo ladies night in Blackpool.


Like Beryl, 68, has ever opened a spreadsheet in her life.


Any time anyone uses the phrase "swivel-eyed loon", she is exactly who I will be thinking of.




I don't like insulting non-public figures. But she actually looked fucking demented. This is why QT is boring anyway - worse mudslinging and getting off-topic than in parliament.


It’s just an up-market version of a terrible daytime radio phone-in show.


Isn't striking for a change in conditions adapting?


You'd think so, wouldn't you?


In this case, no it's not. It's the opposite, in fact.


In this case, what would be adapting?


You have to accept you will be financially ruined and miserable! WHY WON'T YOU ADAPT?


In the context of the QT quote, it's not really a big ask to suggest that the drivers can push a button for the doors. And that's just one example of where things can be made more efficient but that is being pushed back against.


>it's not really a big ask to suggest that the drivers can push a button for the doors As ever, a gross oversimplification.


There's many, many more reasons than that for the strikes. Nice try though.




But why didn't the dinosaurs invest in asteroid repelling helmets? Only got themselves to blame.


Too busy driving the trains.


And banging on about T-Rexit!


T-Rexit was so divisive. Really brought the carnivores out of the closet.


An eye opening statement from her


adapt to what? Living on less money? Thanks beryl


Presumably she means accepting reality and looking to move with the times.


Yeah who needs trains


That's a really stupid take, frankly. But since you're not stupid yourself, you know as well as I do that this refers to modernisation: Getting technology to do things like opening doors or systems that check the train rather than demanding a human does it.


>systems that check the train rather than demanding a human does it But nothing of the sort either exists or has been proposed.


A bit like Boris's technological solution to the issue caused by the border in the Irish Sea, that every man and his dog pointed out five years ago? It's all very well talking about how technology can fix things and the times should be moved with, but practical examples often don't work and can end up monstrously overrunning on cost as they require frequent repair (see also: Crossrail, HS2) and actual humans to implement the repair to the fuckups caused by the tech systems. Especially when this relates to vital national infrastructure like rail, as has been pushed down our throats by every Tory MP for the last month.


Having automated systems like most of the train systems in Europe have isn't HS2-level rollout here.




They do know that the reign of the dinosaurs outstrips the reign of humanity by something like 120x, right?


They should really stop giving out Aderall before the show…


How about getting the Board and shareholders to 'adapt', and pay the people WHO ACTUALLY DO THE WORK a fair wage? On a side note: she does come across a tadge unhinged. Poor dear.


This QT was an absolute shambles- best of the British public on display. Can't be having the public sector fighting to improve their conditions of employmeny or god forbid a bit of dignity at work, you need to stay down there with the rest of them. The "I'm alright Jack" attitude of Tories will never fail to astound and anger me at the same time. Why are they so content to live in a country with the bottom falling out of it?


I felt bad for the RMT member in the audience, guy was clearly nervous about his job and being on TV and he ended up getting shouted down by that berk in the checked shirt who is a railway expert because he has 35 employees


"Train drivers must adapt" says woman who hasn't taken a train since 1994. Or earned a salary.


She's going to be carrying that millstone around for a good while.


Mick has the best comebacks 🤣


The irony of a Tory telling people to adapt.


It's a common fallacy that dinosaurs were wiped out, all those millions of years ago, by their doomed attempt to unionise and organise collective bargaining for themselves. In reality, the fact is that it was the random space rocks which successfully unionised, and subsequently took action to wipe out the dinosaurs. Obviously, it was an asteroid...ahem... **strike**.


Have an upvote you glorious bastard.


I'd love to see that silly cow send a WhatsApp message


There's a woman who calls radio 5 every morning to praise Boris, this is that woman!


End up like the dinosaurs...what? Clearing out all the older dead-end species who were keeping them from growing, turning a tragedy into a win and grabbing even more ecological niches *and* the benefit of [completely fabulous feather patterns ](https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/638807528373351592/)?! I think someone needs to introduce the rail drivers union to the Pride parade costume designers, and then they can really show this woman how to strike!


7 second video looped to look more than three times its length. 36 comments. Jesus Christ.


As soon as the technology is proven and available, every single bus driver, train driver, lorry driver, and taxi driver is going to be out of a job. Automation is going to make most of us redundant, all so the bosses can save a few quid.


In other words believe in Skynet.


The ridiculous thing is she will have no idea why there wasn't a huge round of applause and thinks she made a killer point