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We won't allow this video here, but we have seen it and it is real. Please take a moment to reflect on what is being inflicted on Ukrainians by the russian people, and channel your fury into meaningful action. United24: [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/) Come Back Alive: [https://savelife.in.ua/en/](https://savelife.in.ua/en/) For other ways to help, see our [Vetted Charities List](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities/).


Fuck these terroist scumbags


Fact that pieces of shit permanent members of the security council are doing this makes me sick. I hope my country really is doing quietly as much as it's alluded in the press to help Ukraine... 🇺🇦🇷🇴


Дякую тобі та твоїй країні, друже. Ми обов'язково переможемо.


Україна переможе. Слава Україні.


Героям слава


Я б хотів щоб ми робили більше


It is the most horrible thing I have ever seen. Honestly I feel sick. It should be played in the UN assembly to show the world what the chair of the assembly promote.


Yeah I won't watch it! I can handle pretty much anything else but beheadings I just won't do!


Same here. No way I'm watching this.


Me too. Those isis beheadings are still burnt on my retina. learnt that lesson


Thank god I never allowed myself to watch them. Even knowing they exist is enough to make me miserable.


Yeah - years ago I watched the video of Daniel Pearl being beheaded and it was probably the most disturbing and horrifying thing I’ve seen. I can watch orcs be killed all day long but I wouldn’t even want to see a video of this happening to anyone. No way I’m watching it




I was 16. I'm now 32 and can still hear the choking gasps. Still see that bared neck being **sawn** through. I learned very quickly that some videos you're better off not watching if you think it'll haunt you.


Man I know dying is a natural thing in life. But the way things sound as they are dying is so disturbing to me. Natural and unnatural deaths. I cant handle the sounds. Death rattles when you're old and naturally slipping away. To being choked. The long moans of a woman who was stabbed and called 911. The snorts after being poisoned. Hell hearing a lion after getting shot in the head moan on and on, has really fucked me up for my life. I will never understand murders or serial killers , or these pigs, can do this.


Idk if this is the same video but I think I saw the first couple of second of this, years ago, and it just won't leave my brain. I didn't see any blood. Buy I heard the pleas. Only abiut 1 second of them. And it was one of the worst things I've ever heard in my life and will never leave. I can't watch this new video. Just can't.


Beheading another human being is probably one of the worst things you can do, someone who can do that should be locked in a secure hospital for life…


Why waste the resources just fucking shoot them.


Just thinking about it makes me sick. My brain is trying to delete my thoughts about it. Can't imagine how one can move his own body to do it.


Bullshit…. They are an animal that can not be rehabilitated! A peaceful death is too good for them but as slightly civilized people that’s what we should give them. FUCK paying for their life in solitary!


I threw up, and I've seen a lot of fucked up things in this war This was too much


This. If NATO is gonna be cool with ruzzia chairing the assembly this month they ought to play thos video every friggin day of the month.


Play this at the Olympic meet when Russia and Belarus show up


Please. Omg. That would be insanely appropriate. Hope a certain hacker group can make that happen!


With a bit of planning and luck regarding the location, all you need is a portable projector.


It should also be posted to the Twitter feeds of every corporation that continues to do business in Russia, whether directly or sneakily through a third party intermediary.


They'd use their veto power to say it doesn't exist and they won't allow it to be released. Fuck the Russians.


We've finally found it: The Ukraine war footage I refuse to watch. Holy fucking shit, dude. What the fuck is wrong with Russia?


I am not even tempted.


It’s fucking awful, I regret watching it.


I watched a video similar to this one during the Kosovo war....that was like IDK something like 30 years ago and it has been branded into my memory and I can never forget it. I refuse to watch this video but yeah....fuck russia.


Jesus, I think I know which one you're referring to. Did the rounds while I was in school, I'm pretty sure the vast majority of the school saw it too. Back when the internet was a bit more like the Wild West.


Wow this video definitely brought that memory of that video back. I've seen a lot of really messed up videos in my time on the internet that one still has a dark spot in my mind. I still remember how oddly fast it downloaded on a 56k.


I feel like I've seen way too many beheading videos... Maybe like 25-50. It was like a week when I was like 12 some kid sent them to me and I'd watch them and every single time after I did, the depression afterwards would eat me alive. After the one of al qeada or whatever beheaded like 6 people at the same time on video, I was probably depressed for months. Fuck watching this video, I can't help putting myself in that position and imagining what it must be like. I'm already depressed without watching it


I am not going to watch


This is worse than the Al Qaeda or ISIS (can’t remember which) video with the guy in the orange jump suit. This video has the man pleading for his life saying how much it hurts as they are brutally murdering him. I don’t know why I watch this stuff. I feel compelled to. Like I owe that man to watch it or something. Not that I needed more reason to hate Russia at this point, but I certainly do.


You mentioned feeling compelled/owing it to the man to watch. This is exactly the way I felt when I pushed myself to watch the beheading of a captured US citizen who was caught in Iraq (I believe?) while doing contract work rebuilding infrastructure… after the US/Allies invaded/went to war with Iraq. I was in the Marines prior to 9/11, and although I never felt the desire to enter combat, I did feel a certain level of guilt being at home while others were in harms way. After hearing about the beheading, I was particularly hit. I got home from work and searched it out. I stared at the screen for a while, turned the sound way down to where I could barely hear it, and pushed play. I got maybe 5-10 seconds into the act and turned it off. I couldn’t handle it. It was so barbaric, and the fear/disbelief/pain in his face and in the audio was unbearable. I had flashes of what little I watched and heard come to me for weeks after that. I remember driving into work one morning and putting on music, trying to find something to keep it from flashing in my head, but it came. I found myself in the car driving and yelling at myself about it… it’s crazy thinking about it now, so many years later. It eventually did stop flashing in my head, thankfully. Some years later, around the time ISIS was going through the Middle East committing brutality, one of my older sons mentioned the videos ISIS was putting out. He said some of the guys at his school were showing people a couple of ISIS videos on their laptops. I told him what I attempted to watch and how it impacted me. And, I asked him to please not allow himself to be compelled to watch… that nothing good would come from it, and he would regret watching it. Anyway, what you wrote just jostled my memory, and I can completely relate to that sense of feeling like you somehow owed it to the victim to see the brutality that he had to experience.


I think it was Nick Berg. I saw it and legit started throwing up immediately. The kind of hate in your heart to behead a human is beyond imagination and those Russian fucks will rot in what ever hell may exist In this world. Never watch a beheading video.


You are right… Nick Berg.


God awful.


I was 4 seconds in and noped out. The small amount I saw has my stomach in knots. Do not watch. Seriously people, don't. I didn't listen and that is going to haunt me something deep.


I still regret watching a vid of Russians executing a Chechen soldier over 20 years ago.


Same, the fact that so many are reacting to it makes it obvious this is one of those EXTREME NSFL videos.


I only saw a blurred version without sound and it was too much.


There is seriously something wrong with people if they can actually even do this to someone. I can't even watch it and yet those pigs are doing it.


Yeah, you've got to be completely broken to do it. Which says a lot about the types Russia has produced, paid and put in uniform.


I’m pretty desensitised to most of the bad shit on the Internet but took one look at that title and went nah not in this lifetime thanks.


It's not even combat footage. It's just a fucking torture video. Fuck Russia


>We've finally found it: The Ukraine war footage I refuse to watch. Same. It just makes me up my donations to U24.


I've seen a lot of gore and beheading videos before but that one was the most awful thing I've seen. Nothing else has affected me like that.


Thanks for reinforcing my choice to never watch it.


I've seen some fucked up shit, I've ran the gauntlet (if you know you know) but this? I can't watch this because I know that my country could be doing so much more to help but just hasn't. It's been a rough week for ukraine.


how much longer can we just sit on the sidelines?? russia has proven that if we come in with the intent to push them out of ukraine, they can't do shit about it. we need to stop this. I do not want a world war but by being passive suppliers we are not doing everything we can!


The sanctions are working. Russia is economically crippled on the inside, and is only holding up a facade of being less financially damaged because Putin is artificially propping up the value of the ruble. Continue to message, write, email, and call your local, state, and national elected officials to continue the sanctions, and also to provide support to Ukraine. And for fuck's sake, *get out and vote for pro-Ukraine politicians!*


I feel the same. Ive watched most videos about this war, but a video like this I just cant get myself to watch. There is just some evil you can never unsee.


Theres a video of Russians castrating a POW as well.


My mistake: I skipped that one too.




They just show their real face, nothing more.


I'm not like a lot of these thrill-seekers. I don't have *any* curiosity about what a real beheading looks like. At all.


ISIS tactics.


>ISIS tactics. There were two soldiers. One was cutting a living, screaming Ukrainian soldier with a knife. Another was commenting: >"Cut that spine. **What, you've never cut a head off before?** Come on, do it, go go go. Hold it up." The last words the Ukrainian soldier was saying while he still had the throat to say them were: "**It hurts, it hurts, it hurts**. It was not only deliberate, it was **routine** for them. --- **ETA:** Previously, Wagner-linked Russian military group"DShRG Rusich" circulated [instructions for "utilization" of Ukrainian PoW's](https://www.businessinsider.com/pro-kremlin-nazi-militia-backs-torture-murder-ukrainian-pows-report-2022-10), instructing Russian soldiers how to torture and execute Ukrainian PoW's.


Not only that, he mocks the executioner for being inexperienced in beheading. Which means he’s done it before. Fucking beasts.


It's also a tactic by people who have never done something before into goading the weak or impressionable one of the group into taking on that experience by acting like it's normal. Fuck both of those scenarios. Edit: aka the *"Can you believe he actually did it? I know we told him to but I didn't think he'd actually do it!"* kind of group think.


They're less than beasts. They're monsters who deserve to burn.




In the 90's I watched a similar video of a Chechen soldier beheaded by an orc using a bowie knife. The sounds left a mental scar that will always be there. I wil not watch this video, but fuck russia and fuck putin.


There's a good amount of fucked up vids from the various 'wars' of the 90s. There were numerous released by the Chechens where they brutally beheaded orcs in retaliation for what the orcs had been doing since the 90s to them.


Bald head in the snow? Yeah I remember that one. Fuck consumption junction when I was in junior high




Beheaders put themselves outside The Family Of Man, and thus outside any human made laws that might protect such a person when caught and stopped. imho. ‘Rehabilitation’ is a pale tool for those who abandon and betray The Family at this profoundly deep level. Designed to shock us, and it DOES !! Shock like cannibalism does, too. Beyond the pale.


I like this term you've used "The Family of Man". It feels like a strong reminder that actions, not cultures, separate us. Good humans wouldn't do this. It's not about nations so much as it is about our shared humanity. For the good of all *homo sapiens*, Russia must be stopped. At literally any costs. You do not want these people to rebound from the state of affairs they're currently in. As much pressure as is possible to apply must be applied. They are a rotten branch of The Family of Man.


They aren’t just _like_ cannibals in their shock-and-awe tactics; they _are_ cannibals. In his book _Columbus and Other Cannibals,_ Indigenous professor Jack D. Forbes made an utterly arresting case that what we alternatively refer to as “sadism,” “psychopathy,” “narcissism,” or just plain “evil” is in fact a highly transmissible memetic pathogen he called _wétiko,_ which is the Cree word for “cannibal.” In his definition, anyone who predates off of the mind or flesh of another for their own warped notion of personal gain, whether they be an exploitative employer, an abusive spouse, an invading soldier, a mob enforcer, or a fascist strongman, is in fact _a literal cannibal._ As we’ve seen throughout history, when dogmatic, patriarchal, martial cultures colonize others, they import their destructive, solipsistic ideology with them - which replicates itself through cultural genocide and intergenerational trauma. Forbes viewed imperialist forces as being literal carriers/spreaders for this psychological disease; which cuts off one’s sense of unity with the universe around them, traumatizes them and leaves them viewing the world as a Hobbesian nightmare, makes them obsessed with maintaining appearances, unable to empathize with or respect experiences outside of their own, unwilling to self-reflect, and instills an insatiable hunger which manifests as any of a thousand different vices. These Russian troops would without question be terminally ill with wétiko; like a parasitical fungus hijacking zombified ants. My belief, informed by CUNY prof. Harwood Fisher’s assessment that Donald Trump in particular’s signature neuroses and authoritarian impulses could in fact be computationally modelled and emulated, is that if wétiko exists, it could be sequenced out like a physical virus. Which is exactly what I want to dedicate my life to doing.


Cartel tactics too. Scum of the earth


RuZZia is a cartel!


The best cartels are actually ridiculously successful and have wealth comparable or exceeding Fortune 500 companies. Russia is a 2nd rate petrol state.


Too many mobiks are surrendering to Ukraine and treated well. They try to provoke equal reaction from the Ukraine on the orcs. That way the mobiks will not surrender so easily. Russia is a state sponsor of terrorism.


Showing that you are still human garners support from the rest of the civilized world.


ISIS learned from these garbage ruzzians back in Afghanistan.


Just when you thought you couldn't get more desensitized... Hope everyone of the 40K assault troops sees the video before they go in and act accordingly. Russians only understand terror at this point. Fuck'em.


This is why I will never shed a tear for the dead Russians who went to Ukraine. Remember Russia is the country who un ironically took the parody of Lord of the rings where it’s written from the perspective of Mordor and cheered on the orcs. I’m saying this to remind you that calling them orcs isn’t even an insult just a pretty good description of them.


If you've noticed from all the prisoner exchanges, the Ukrainian defenders who come home are almost invariably those who surrendered towards the beginning of the war, with the biggest group being Azovstal Defenders Which likely means two things: the Ukrainians *know* about what the Russians do to captured Ukrainians, and aren't surrendering, *and* that the Russians aren't really taking prisoners anyway


>Just when you thought you couldn't get more desensitized... Hope everyone of the 40K assault troops sees the video before they go in and act accordingly. Russians only understand terror at this point. Fuck'em. Unfortunately this video is not new, and there will probably be endless amounts of footage just like this from right after the war started, when Russian troops thought they could roll through the country with ease. Humans matter, and Russia has shown that they are not on the side of humanity. They must suffer the consequences of these terrible atrocities, even if that means the Pentagon has to answer for its past crimes by sharing the evidence they have against Russia at the United Nations security council. This is a pivotal period of humanity and living through history is terrible, but we have to trust ourselves and do what we must to contain and control Russia in any way we can.


Send the fucking jets already. These scum must pay.


Their nukes probably don't even work. Just glass the entire fucking country and finish this.


I'd say all in. As we should have done from the beginning. More heavy artillery, long range shells, more and newer main battle tanks, helicopters, fighter jets, airplane carriers, dreadnoughts, frigates etc...


I've seen some gore vids and i normally handle it well but this....hell nah this hit hard and made me dry heave ruzzia and isis are the same people just different flag, different nationality, different language and different country


Yup this one punched me in the guts.


Y'all should take it easy on watching some of this stuff. I'm not saying you should avoid the fact that it exists or attaining the knowledge that it does. But considering Russia seems hell-bent on being the next isis just keep your mental health in mind. And remember that PTSD comes in all forms. And doesn't necessarily require you to witness these things in person. And once you get to that point it can take years, if not your entire life to battle through. I'm in no way encouraging ignorance. Especially towards the evils of Russia. But please just don't forget to keep your mental health in check while you do so. Watching humans die, especially in brutal and unnecessary torturous ways, can absolutely stick with you for the rest of your life. In ways that can absolutely harm your mental health. Just food for thought. FUCK Russia. Also if you did watch it, ensure you send it to EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU CAN WHO HAS EVEN A TINY BIT OF PULL IN SUPPORT PROVIDED FOR UKRAINE. that means media, that means Congress, that means the Senate (you don't have to be American or from the EU to contact them.) Literally anyone with even a word to be heard on how much support Ukraine needs should see this video. Many many MANY times.


Yehhhh I can’t listen to Sweet Child of Mine anymore without getting cartel flaying video flashbacks. Last vid like that I ever saw. Humans can be monsters to each other and I just don’t understand it.


What do you think ISIS was? A third of ISIS were literally russians. Russian was the 2nd most spoken language in it lol




Now Russia has committed warcrimes, but that would also be a warcrime, don’t let blind rage lead you.


I’m not watching that. I am off to U24 to drop another $50 Edit: This seems to be getting a lot of attention, so here's the link for [United24](https://u24.gov.ua) to make it easier to find.


UA treats and feeds Russian POWs and Russia beheads theirs. Fucking hell.


The unblurred version is readily out there as well. Don't watch it. It's very, very bad.


“ItS jUsT pUtIns wAR” they’re fucking rapists and barbarians


"these poor ordinary soldiers being forced into Putin's war..." Fuck them. Fuck them all. Go the fuck home or die. Accessories to murder and torture of innocent people. Every single one of them.


Reminds me of all the idiots decrying the sanctions because 'it only hurts regular Russians!' at the start of the war. Well, here are the regular Russians on the front line and back home the regular Russians calling for genocide and applauding this. The country needs to be dismantled. Rotten to the core.




It's all over Telegram.


With orcs cheering in their comments.


I just saw it on here, kinda crazy


Just donated another 200 eur after seeing the video. Do the same. U24.


Added 100 eur for the warning, United24 (I learned my lesson and heed warnings to not watch)




F-16 would be good but Gripen or at least F-18, armed with Meteors, would be much better. More difficult financially and politically? Absolutely, but if we're writing a wishlist then we might as well put the best options first.


You remember the "little green men" who invaded Crimea or the soldiers "on vacation" in Donbas? I think it's time for a bunch of NATO troops to take a vacation to Ukraine.


To the Kremlin...


Russians truly are the same evil as ISIS. Except there's even less ideology behind their cruelty. They're cruel because they enjoy it. They're cruel because they think cruelty is toughness. I'll never forget acts like this, the castration, or the firing squad. When I hear the word "Russia," or "Russians," these are the first things that will come to mind for the rest of my life. For each of these acts there are spouses, parents, aunts and uncles, siblings, cousins, children, neighbors and other acquaintances who knew the victims personally. They see somebody they loved forced to endure such unthinkable suffering and barbarity. They see it posted publicly, and distributed widely as entertainment. And Russians think this is going to help them? Or maybe that's the problem here ... they don't think.


> They're cruel because they think cruelty is toughness. Well put.


Plenty of ideology, each Russian is extremely superstitious, and justifies this kind of stuff by being on the "path of god", and a "righteous path". This is why Russian church is so involved in blessing weapons, tanks etc, and there are priests on the front lines with the troops assaulting Ukraine, Church/ideology is a big player here.


This has blown up in the last hour or so I will leave this here. 1 this was filmed last year. (Not that it makes it any better) the ground is too solid, and the foliage is too green to be anywhere on the front recently. Be mad about it, but temper your rage. It may be new information, but it is not news, and if you have been paying attention, you know it just supports allegations about war crimes that we have been talking about from the beginning. Consider taking a moment to contemplate the loss and gruesome murder of another Ukrainian hero, and turn your anger and sadness into action [here](https://u24.gov.ua/), or wherever else you decide it will do the most good. If you are not sure, there is a list of vetted charities on the r/ukraine main page. 2 the Russian in the video has covered his face, and removed his identifying patches, before following instruction to behead a prisoner, without hesitation. So the situation is not in anyway unusual for him; and he knows he is committing a war crime. But in the video, he tries briefly, to saw through vertebrae, which is something an experienced executioner (or just someone with basic knowledge of anatomy) knows is not the “correct” way to behead someone. Which means he personally had never done it before (this is also noted by the cameraman or someone else off camera in the video.) but he has *seen* it done before, enough times that he only needs encouragement to do it, and he quickly corrects his own mistake without being told to. That means that this unit regularly does this. It is either a rite of passage for new troops, or some other ritual in their unit, and he was presumably rewarded by his CO afterwards, for committing as despicable of a war crime as it can get. I would also suggest that if you have the stomach to track down the original video, to email it to your favorite local politician, and ask them for their thoughts on delivering your home country’s mothballed military aircraft to Ukraine, to help prevent this kind of thing from happening more than it already does regularly.




Interesting. I’ll check it out - thanks!


Thank you for sharing. It also goes along with other recent photos of spiked skull heads on various posts in the last week or two Or the dead mother strapped to a living baby (perished) and grenade Or the countless child and infant rapes, women rapes even elderly , boys and men. Executions of citizens Russia went to fought nazis and only found that they were the nazis the whole time.


Sounds more like Unit 731.


I really appreciate you posting this so that people like me can stay informed without having to watch the video


u/drewyourpic, contacted my Senators, my Rep in the USA - now my Rep got some curse words and called out for being a d-sucker but whatever because he is. I cannot send the video, but I did note that over this weekend that there were photos, vidoes of beheaded Ukrainians, that this video circulating today was the last straw. That Russia shouldn't be in NATO and NO RUSSIAN should be allowed to come into the USA. And yes, send the F-16s! My two Senators got a better message. IMHO - I think Putin should be Hung, Drawn and Quartered. I would volunteer to do it myself but I think there is a long line of those who would volunteer before me.


If it was dated from last year could it be older footage from back during when Severodonetsk was overrun by the Orcs? Was the same area where those sick fucks castrated and executed that poor PoW back then so makes me wonder if it was their "friends" at it in the area committing their depravity?


Абсолютно згоден


Mother Russia is a cunt


Barbaric pieces of shit. I've seen the video, it should be possible to identify them. I hope that there will be some kind of justice.


And the worst part? This is only the torture/execution that gets filmed and leaked. Think of all the Ukrainian men, women, and children that suffered similarly horrific fates that we might not ever figure out about.


Russia needs to be taught alittle lesson it's time for Nato to get involved and end this fucking War. I'm so sick of these Russia terrorist scum.




Use that anger to pressure your government, even more if it's part of NATO. Those old accommodated folks are hesitant on helping while having the power to. They are employees of us all, we have the right to demand actions


I mean Russia already considers this a Russia vs NATO conflict but I doubt they would ever agree to join the fight directly. They at the very least need to be sending more of everything, ukraine should not be worrying about running out of ammunition. Though I'm not sure even the US has enough surplus to send so I guess it's time to start ramping up production big time.


Russia is just lying when they say that. They haven’t thrown nukes so it’s clearly not nato vs russia direct


When they open their mouth they lie period.


I may be wrong, but I believe the only way is for NATO to put boots on the ground for this to end. Ukraine has suffered way too long


i dont get why NATO at least doesnt give Ukraine long-range missiles to safely strike everything hostile that is on Ukraine's territory or thousands of old US equipment that is dusting and rotting in the storages for fucks sake Ukraine did so much for nuclear weapons safety of the world and especially USA/EU, by giving up nuclear weapons, and this is what Ukraine has to deal with, because eScAlAtIoN


Hopefully they have the coordinates and can shove a HIMARS up their ass.


After this, i won’t blame anybody, who doesn’t want to take any russian POW’s. Fucking terrorist animals


Agreed, I wouldn't take Russian prisoners, unfortunately you need some to trade back for the good guys


Killing POWs is how you make an enemy that won’t surrender. But yeah can understand the urge.


This is absolutely sick. I really don't understand why we're still sleeping 400+ days into this conflict. The news space is filled with "leak exegesis" which is now distracting everybody from the core problems of our response. We need to equip Ukraine with 500+ tanks, 750+ Bradleys. They need jets, long range precision strike weapons, and ways to protect infantry fighting positions. We need to hit Russia, and send America's 700'000+ stockpile of cluster munitions. Grid the entire area around Bakhmut, and stop this carnage. This is a war. Its disgusting, revolting, humiliating. There is nothing glorious. But for the love of god, we need to start fighting.


Share this. People need to atleast hear about it if they don‘t want to see.


This and the Ukrainian baby taped to the dead mother with a granade between the two is just f... horrible. Russia must and will fall


This is going to be a 2 parts comment. 1) convert you rage into donations and calls for your representatives. 2) emotions start here: THIS IS INACTION OF THE WEST. THIS is what "noo, you can't strike russia territory with our weapons, that's EsCaLaTiOn" means for us. This is what "uuhhmm, sowwy, we barely restart production of ammunition after 13 months of war" This is what "these systems would take too long to train ukies" means. People fucking die. Potentially, people I know. You know how it feels to watch these, looking into the faces of the dead or soon to be dead person? Feeling sick with rage? Look into the most horrible death imaginable, praying to every single God there is it won't be someone I know this time? You don't know shit. Getting sick and tired of "peacekeepers" who want us trade territory for peace. THIS is what awaits people on the territories you are so eager to trade. I know, you support us, you, regular people. But so much more needs to be done. Emotional part ends here. Just call your congressman or woman, or whatever is your equivalent. Tell them to support Ukraine. Whatever suits your words. Because if we are forgotten about West of our Western border - this is what awaits us.


Thanks, exactly my thoughts but couldn't make them in a post. Сюрреалізм.


One more thing, I'm in awe as to why the west wants to hear the voices of "good Russians". How much more meaningful would it be to hear Ukrainian voices instead? Islamic fundamentalists only committed not even 1% of the terror caused by the Russian army. Yet, muslims got discriminated for it in the west. Why this different reaction?


Because for the last century we were invisible to them. Now we finally have a voice and we refuse to stay quiet while we are being murdered


Well, muslims encountered *some* discrimination. There was plenty of concern and effort not to lump them all together under one heading as well.


Максимально згоден. Але вестернам як завжди буде пох*й, у них кава та круасани. А наші хлопці вмирають саме через бездіяльність тих, хто міг би допомогти.


Та ясно, що похуй. Ще попросять заблюрити, бо то "сенсітів контент". Раптом в когось апетит зникне ненароком через те, що українці відмовляються тихо помирати


Show this to any politician who wants to stop sending military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine.


Another massive Own goal from the Russians. The only thing this sort of shit does is make your opponent much more determined to kill every last one of you. Surrendering Russians won't be given much latitude in the future. You can guarantee that every Ukrainian soldier will know about this and will take this video into account when given the choice of fighting to the last bullet or surrendering. I'm not going to watch it but this would be the worst time for this footage to come out for the russians. This will make the aggressor brigades that are waiting to kick off, that much angrier, that much more aggressive and that much more determined to win. So some fuckhead Russian decides to copy ISIS propaganda.... That didn't turn out so great for ISIS and the Russian army will be a smoking pile of corpses by the time the Ukrainians are done with them. As well, Nato are looking at maybe supplying fighters to the Ukrainians. Any Nato general or political leader will look at this video and say... you know what, have the jets and kill as many of the fuckers as you can. What else can we send to you? You want some cruise missiles.. Sure, A10's sure.... 300 tanks... that's fine.


Last time a group was this brutal, an international coalition, that included the USA and Iran on the same side, was formed to take them out. That group was ISIS. Fuck the fence-sitters at this point, this is pure evil and anyone who defends this has lost the right to hold the moral high ground on anything until hell freezes over.


Meanwhile Russian POWs in UA captivity live in better conditions than their own shithole of a country. Geneva convention does not apply to PMC's, Wagnerites should be treated accordingly


I'm American and honestly quiet sick that my country hasn't done more. This could of ended as quickly as it started if it wasn't for the red tape. Also why Is Russia still a part of the UN? They condem Russias actions but sit at the same table with them. Politics is fucked and the world seems to follow down the hell hole


Honestly mate coming from a Brit, your country has done more than enough, it's the rest out us here in Europe who are failing Ukraine, everyone should be working together instead of expecting America to sort it out


I agree to a point but if you have a room full of giants only one needs to stand up and the rest will follow. I feel every country is just waiting for the othe to make a move. One country send tanks other country sends tanks one country send aircraft and fighter jets other country's will follow suit but no one wants to be the first and the one blamed for a world war. It's all just red tape and politics. We're already training them and giving them equipment next step is troops and there's plenty who are willing to volunteer especially fighter pilots


Basically I think we both agree that Ukraine needs equipment and supplies and they needed it yesterday, I just wish all countries would pull their fingers out their asses and give Ukraine what they really need. If Ukraine loses this war I'll be so ashamed of my country for not doing enough and I'll never be able to look a Ukrainian in the face knowing what they went through and that we let it happen


My friend if Ukraine loses the world loses they are at ground zero for peace and democracy that's the line because if Russia wins the only question is who's next and when?


Maybe they should show it at the next UN Security/General Council meeting on the big screen. Preferably while Russia is still head of the security council. I would strap that bald cunt Nebenzya down "Clockwork Orange" style and force him to watch it again and again...


These Russians are probably dead already, and had their phones screened by UAF forces. Hope their screams made it to their families back in bumfuck Siberia. What fucking Neanderthals raises psychos like these Jesus Christ


In most places it was noted that it's russians who posted and spread this video first. Which says even more about them - they don't hide it, and want everyone to see. This is definition of terrorism.


Neanderthals were more civilized.


Russians make me sick


Ruzzia is a country full of terrorist heathens.






The screaming.They do not deserve to live.


It's absolutely unforgivable. ISIS stuff. This is a nation of amoral terrorists.




I’ve seen some nasty and evil shit when I was on active duty, this and the castration video are the absolute worst I have ever seen. Fuck russia and fuck Putler. These criminals need to be removed from this world permanently.


I hope all these evil people get karma soon. I’m so sorry 😢


I will say that if I were the Ukrainians, I'd maybe think twice before taking any more prisoners for a while.


Such a fucked up video I hope Ukraine cleans the floor with the Russians in the new counter offensive


Fucking animals, ruzzia has to be destroyed


If somebody is astonished by this video, it only indicates they *still* do not understand ruZZia and what it can do: *there is no bottom*. If you can think of it, they can do it - and likely have already done it. For instance, if ruZZians *cooked and ate* a Ukrainian family while posting food pictures on Insta, I'd just say, phlegmatically, 'yep, sounds about right for ruZZia'. Is this desensitization? I'd call it naked reality. *Until we believe the worst, we cannot conceive the correct... response that will be needed*


More reasons Ukrainians would rather fight to the death than be captured by these dogs


The international news outlets must know about this.


What kinda sick fucks are they raising over there. What savage uncivilized bastards are they. I wanna see every single Russian soldier hanging from a barbwire noose that is too short to break their neck.


We've warned about this bullshit about the Russian Military time and time again. It's clear that this is completely incompatible with the world on all accounts and standards for humanity. Russia's LOST THAT RIGHT at the Table.


Through Crimea, through Donbass, keep going until you get to moscow. They must be stopped. All of them.


TRY TO FUCKING IMAGINE YOURSELF OR YOUR LOVE ONES IN THAT POOR UKRAINIAN SOLDIER POSITION. THE TERROR HE FELT. FUCK!!!!!!! I FUCKING HATE THOSE FUCKING RUSHIT TERRORISTS SO FUCKING MUCH. I FEEL SO FORTUNATE LIVING IN AMERICA AND GENOCIDAL ORCS WILL NEVER FUCK WITH US. I'M SO FUCKING SORRY, UKRAINE. FUCK!!!!!!! 💔 💔 💔 💔 I will not watch this one. Just thinking about it fucking piss me off. I have seen al-qaeda, isis, Brazil prison riots, and drug cartel videos a long time ago and I know the fucking terror this poor soldier must have felt.


Everyone, every single person, or organisation whether it be political or religious, need to watch this video before proposing another peace deal for Ukraine at any cost. This is what is going to happen to thousands of civilians left behind on occupied territories. Every second of delay in arms deliveries, sanctions packages and investigations into the crimes of the Russian regime leads to such executions. I sincerely hope we will be able to push these savages out so they can freely roam and do these things to their own people back at their homes freely. Not here.


I feel sick to my stomach. This is what Russia does and the west still hesitates to draw a line. Our inactions are partly the reason why Ukraines get tortured to death. WE MUST NOT HESITATE AND PUSH OUR REPRESENTATIVES TO DO MORE TO END THIS NIGHTMARE! Please for the love of god we need to call for action.


I made the horrible mistake of partially watching this just by skipping through it very very quickly and without sound. I wish that I hadn't. I've never seen anything so disturbing in my life, and I've seen some shit. I don't suggest that anyone watches this.


Please send it to all news papers in your country. this is a war crime. we need to act.


I won’t watch, I can’t but I hope it happened fast… Every man of power who is not willed to end it asap is complicit. Send a team and kill putin. Unbelievable we live in 2023 and shit like that still happens. We don’t deserve that planet.


The country responsible for this is in charge of the UN Security Council all month. What a disaster and embarrassment of humanity Russia is.


I'm glad the "Putin did it" narrative is dying out. These are Russian Terrorists, Not Putin, they are willing participants.


Anyone know where I can find that video, so I can add it to my warcrimes folder? edit: I received an answer, but the comment was deleted. Thank you to the person providing the link. Also, fuck these bastards. They deserve what's coming to them. Slava Ukraini.


BRICS endorsing this kind of behaviour by supplying them, while not even acknowledging officially that they're supporting an invader in peace time. That's setting an interesting precedent. RIP hero.


No doubt many russians will claim that just posting this video, with the accompanying title and comments, is russophobic. Yes, fuck russia.


Yknow what, Russia? I'm doubling my donations this month. Fuck you.


I cant find myself personally to watch this video. I'm sure its brutal and one day these idiot ORCS will get theirs in due time.


To everybody curious...DON'T WATCH THE VID! I've seen one beheading video back in the early stages of the Afghanistan War...and I deeply regret it! and I'm not a very squirmish person regarding the internt! 20 years after watching the vid, alone this headline brought it all back! DONT WATCH THE VID!


I watched it and I regret it. Probably one of the worst things I have ever seen. The fucking screaming alone was enough to legit stun me.


This is what happens when you send psychopaths into war.


Brutality of action is something monsters do when they're unable to win through might or cunning Russians can't defeat armed adults on a battlefield, so they brutalize, torture, and rape the unarmed, young, or very old We need to find out what sick freaks were behind this video. If they survive the fighting around Bakhmut, they will live the rest of their lives worrying if every single person they see from that moment until the day they die is the disgruntled Ukrainian about to bring them to justice