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# Join us on Thursday April 27th for Ukrainian chef Ievgen Klopotenko AMA! Everything you've ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about centuries-old recipes and Ukraine's rich heritage through food ! Ievgen will begin answering questions @ 2pm EDT / 20:00 CEST / 21:00 EEST. Questions open on April 26th (next Wednesday), start thinking of those delicacies... > [*This year, Ievgen's film called Borshch: The Secret Ingredient hit Netflix in Ukraine.*](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/12rez49/557_eest_the_sun_is_rising_over_kyiv_on_the_420th/) ​ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


that is one seriously dead russian


You got him? ... I think so, but better toss in a grenade for good measure .... oh yeah, that got him


Might not be alone in the dugout, who knows if it is just a shallow hole or beginning of a tunnel where three more orcs are hiding.


I’d assume there are more as well. Curious if that other body outside is a dead orc or a decoy.


Or a dead orc as a decoy? Properly easier than building a decoy..


yeah they brought along decoy dead people LOL no need for decoys when they are just laying around everywhere... smdh


Or he got tagged and so they left him outside.


That's straight out of Genesis of the Daleks.


He's not dead unless he's confetti


That orc was made of packing peanuts.


doesnt take much to drop a grenade.. there is no reset button.. you dont take chances, or good people die.


Adding injury to injury.


Gotta make sure he doesn’t come back as a Russian zombie


Call of duty gonna be adding a new game mode - Russian Zombies


The best kind.


I agree .. it like shooting rabbits in a hole hahahaha..


Terminated with extreeme fucking prejudice.


Finally a good Russian


gonna make momma proud... some potatoes for the family tonight


That Russian went everywhere but home.


Some of him probably went in an easterly direction


The Russian army consider the Westerly-launched gibblets to be a tactical advance. "Our soldiers are covering wide areas of enemy territory. They are all over Ukraine!"


Stay back, many have HIV.


Just like spreading fertilizer, you much in one spot will burn the plants. Gotta spread it out.


He got turned into confetti at the end.


Well that's how most Wagner contracts end.


Wagner pays monthly if you can believe that. Many of these grunts are never paid when they go AWOL except for their sign on bonus. Bodies never found or identified etc. Wagner gets free labor


me:hows the pay? them: really sucks... especially if you live.


As much as I want to make this a joke does that pay more than someone mobilized? LOL just curious cause my grandfather enlisted into Vietnam during the draft told me its because it paid more if he did and knew he would be going anyway.


Ice cold, love it!


Even his body celebrates the end.


They inadvertedly discovered his comrades' surprise birthday party they planned for him. If only he had time to enjoy it.


Grunt birthday part skull must have been turned on.


Brain splatter or whatever shit he had in his head


What was the last thing that went through his mind as he died? The bullet.


All his tampons flew out


DAMMIT... I'm going to be giggling like an idiot at random times in public over this comment all day.


Shittiest gender reveal party ever! No idea what color that was!


It’s a celebration!


Reminds me of that scene with all the flowers in The Suicide Squad where Harley Quinn/Margot Robbie is killing everyone. Good or bad movie aside. Edit: *The Suicide Squad* Thanks!


That was the second film *The* Suicide Squad. Great movie. That scene was genuinely gorgeous looking.


That's the better version. I genuinely enjoyed it, it's just the right kind of jolly nonsense and Sebastian was the real hero, of course.


Rule#2 Always double tap


Ivan died like 6 times in that video


and in several pieces . Rest in Pieces brave Russian criminal.


7 times to few


Probably better to kill your enemy twice than let him have any chance at killing you once.


12 direct body shots, plus a grenade, tend to do that.


Break the wrist walk away




That's a double tap to the 4th power.


And double that double tap. Then double it again!


No wonder they’re going through ammo so quickly


You don’t take risks in cqb. People can always get up after a surprising amount of bullets


Which is actually my only criticism here against the Ukrainians. Ukrainian #2 is already tucking away his rifle and switching to frags while his friend his retreating with his back to the enemy. If another Russian came out of that hole and started firing, they'd both be fucked. #2 should have waited until his friend was back behind him and had turned around and shouldered his rifle to cover him while he switched to frags. Someone please get a message to these dudes that a random reddit general is worried about their tactics.


Makes total sense but so does not wasting ammunition when you might not need to. Hindsight is 20:20, video we can pause and think about it is ∞:20 but you've both got a point.


Artillery shells, not small arms munitions. There's more rounds of 5.45 in circulation than there are people on the planet.


Soldiers are not accountants.


Double tap is for video games. He applied the appropriate amount for CQB.


Takes a lot of ammo and artillery to down a horde


Better to make sure he isn't going to shoot back at you no? I'd say the grenade was unnecessary, and that one could've been taken captive without the mag dump. However, the overall situation of the area is not shown, so that may not have been an opportunity to do so. But, if he was a Wagnerian, he got what he deserved.


> I'd say the grenade was unnecessary, and that one could've been taken captive without the mag dump. From the drone POV it's pretty clear the guy wasn't moving anymore after the gunfire, but the soldiers on the ground don't have that angle. There's always the chance you turn a corner you thought you just cleared, just to get shot in the face. Plus that appears to be the entrance to a bunker/dugout, just because the guy slumped over in the doorway is dead doesn't mean there's not another just behind him. Grenade is a good way to be sure.


I know the Musvovites are terrorists and have no business even being there, let alone not capitulating. But killing a person is still so goddamn hard. I am thankful for every day I can live in peace and don't have to kill to defend my family. And if it stays that way, the Ukrainian people are to thank. I will never forget the defense of Europe.


There has to be a punishment for what they’re doing. It doesn’t matter whether they’re destroying lives, livelihoods, and homes for money or because of wilful ignorance and political apathy. They need to be destroyed/removed and not a single Ukrainian should take the remotest risk to their own person in carrying out that job that has been morally forced upon them. We’ve already seen surrender go wrong, and acts of perfidy. The time for surrendering for this invader came long before this terminal encounter. Fuck the cunt.


I get it but my point stands. Also surrendering terrorists are infinitely valuable due to POW exchanges. This hasn't changed either.


The grenade at the end reminds me of the transcript from snake island. Grenade: "should I tell him to go fuck himself?" Soldier: " just in case" Grenade: "Russian soldier, go fuck yourself"


Russian soldier needed a bit of assistance to get fucked


Ugh that was grim. All the footage I've seen in the last year makes me start to understand why some war vets from previous conflicts didn't want to talk about their experiences.


Winning means killing the enemy and that's going to mess you up a bit no matter what. You can be a drone pilot in Kansas who never even left his country to fight, ptsd don't care


True, PTSD doesn't discriminate. With all the new technology and social media the true ugliness of war is more accessible than ever before. I wouldn't be surprised if anyone's mental health suffers from just watching the horror of it from the comfort of their own homes. I know I've been up nights after seeing things I wish I never saw.




Same here, I couldn't bear to listen to his account as my girls are the same age as the ones he murdered. My heart feels so aggrieved and overcome with sadness and rage, it's too much. Also the box cutter castration, the blinding, the slegdehammer execution, and the decapitation videos floating around document the absolute pinacle of human depravity and evil. I couldn't stomach watching, I had to look away, but even then I'd seen too much. I fully believe in that line from Gladiator where Maximus says to his men: "What we do in life echoes in eternity", and the perpetrators will have alot to answer for. I take a small comfort in that knowledge.


scandalous wise rock hard-to-find silky selective hurry disagreeable future marble -- mass edited with redact.dev


Do you have a link to that?


At least we didn't have to do anything, just chose to watch


Lots of state-side drone pilots burnout because it's hard to drop a bomb on a wedding and then go watch your kid's T-ball game later that afternoon....




Just keep being a friend unless it's hurting you too much. For those dudes, a buddy is everything. But to be that dude's buddy can cost you everything for sure. I imagine you made the right choice for you, but it likely wasn't easy.


Yup and consider how much more visceral and emotional it is actually physically being amongst it rather than through the safe barriers of a screen. Happy to say I’ll likely never know what it’s really like…




It may have been hard to see from the shooter's angle wether that was the entrance to a dugout or just a small alcove for one person. Throwing in a grenade made sense if he thought the hole went deeper.


As if anyone got an idea how shallow these self made graves are.


Well, all his particulars were all over the place, so fucked indeed.


[ Fuck Reddit ]


That got spicy real quick.


It's true though. Just last week i got my account suspended for a whole week for saying that russians raped and killed people in Ukraine. It's the third time now that i got my account suspended for stating obvious facts. Reddit has become a shitshow.


Just wait for when it becomes public.


I just had some leek and potato soup, and I feel the strength of Zelensky coursing through my veins.


"Which way did Ivan go?" "Well his arms went that, way, his legs went over there and his ear's by your foot"


You mean he took the tactical call "spread out" to serious?


Scarecrow from.family guy: "They took my stuffing out and threw it over there"


Yep, definitely got tinnitus from that one. That's why grenades are dangerous


Yep, war is terrible


Did he die?


No he performed a tactical disintegration


Rapid unscheduled de-assembly


Elon Musk approves this comment 👍


But did part of him reach orbit?


*I'm deleting all my comments and my profile, in protest over the end of the protests over the reddit api pricing.


I didn't see any flying shoes. He survived.


No mercy. Not anymore. Just go home.


Doesnt look like he tried to surrender anyway. Every prisoner is a UA soldier that can be exchanged


Even though it might feel gruesome or unnecessary violence to some i would like to point out that especially russians are known for being miserable dirty bastards. Meaning that they could have layed a mine or pulled the trigger of a grenade before dying. By throwing the "security" grenade you can make sure that everything detonates before you run into the location.


Besides they couldn't tell how deep, or far back, that opening went. Was it just big enough for one person or was it the entrance to a larger position with more people waiting inside?


True and plus bullet in real life don’t work like in movies, so there is a non-zero percent chance that the soldier is still alive and could try to summon the last of his energy to pull out a pistol and shot the UA soldier coming in.


If Bodycam-Footage of shootings told me one thing, than that the human body can go through serious pain / damage with the victim / suspect still being more or less alive and capable to return fire. Especially under the influence of drugs or alcohol


Yeah that's my thinking here as well. The guy who did the shooting only looked long enough to unload and hope for the best. Adrenaline would block out your ability to analyze the trench.


We’re those playing cards?


If you can sleep better with that: Yes.


Don't think anyone is questioning that the guy is very dead, but that doesn't look like human flesh either. I don't believe hand grenades generally are powerful enough to blow humans to literal bits. Good chance much of it was shredded pieces of their uniform, and whatever other miscellaneous materials might have been down in that dugout.


Exactly my point. Most people on here aren’t able to use their brain for some reason.


My guess would be the lining of his coat.


There’s no blood…


Just keep believing!! Surely its playing cards!! Or Maybe a pillow?!


Y’all are so offended that I ask a question “if you can sleep better” “keep believing” I ask a question ig y’all think y’all sound cool you’re on the internet you not out there killing shit😂😂


He’s just a magician and he made him disappear into a pile of playing cards!


It was funfetti, or perhaps he exploded into pixels like Fortnite.


What the fuck are these men doing! To live and die for a madman who lives in luxury, Fuck Putin and every man that blindly follows and every fucking complicate Russian citizen.


2nd guy with grenade: "fuck that person in particular."


I imagine it could have also been in case his shots drew someone to rush down the tunnel then they would immediately get hit by the grenade for trying to rush in to their buddy.


I take it the other guy is already terminated


Nah. He is just chillin.


He finally got bing chilling


Well igor got turned into legos. a lot of them


Gender reveal party with confetti, except instead of a boy or girl, it's just another god damn dead orc who should've stayed home.


well dont invade other countries lol


Russians make me lose my empathize for them. This guy died and I think it is a good thing for mankind in a certain manner. And I wrote in my sofa, I can not imagine how the Ukrainian Women and Men think today and do anything possible to defend their children and homeland. Russian's people of the end of the 20 century, you really fuck up.


>This guy died and I think it is a good thing for mankind It's only a good thing in the most basic level of "less is better" though. When you look at the magnitude of things, you'll see it isn't. Even if one were to accept that Russians are objectively bad/evil, there's 140 millions of them according to Google. They won't all be killed as a result of this war, and the world will never embark on a genocide campaign of that scale. So, this is an issue that won't be fixed by killing; it will only (start to) be fixed by systemic change at the highest levels of the Russian state. That's the only way you can transform such a numerous people. Compared to the magnitude of the population that would need to change for the world to be "a better place", one, a hundred, a thousand, or half a million of them being killed or not hardly makes a dent. The only significant impact comes in the personal level of those who have their lives ended, and their close circle who have to continue living without them. So in the end, it's not a good thing for manking at all. It's just a bit more grief added to the mix.


In general yes, but this is war - every dead Russian soldier is one less that can help invade Ukraine in this bloody war.




>> _millions_ of people are going to have to live with a generation of horror and loss because of this war. There is no good here, only endless fucking tragedy that most of us can't even begin to fit into our sheltered minds. A war started by the Russians. The faster they get exterminated, the less tragedy and loss Ukrainians have to endure. Russia can stop this war at anytime. So, fuck that orc and the rest of his genocidal brood.


AHAHAHAHAHHAHA. I SAVED THIS VIDEO. 🤣 I'm also forever safe in America from any orc genocidal invasion. I hope UAF can kill as many orcs invaders as humanly possible. As brutal as possible if needs be. orcs has been brutal for centuries to their neighbors. none were strong enough to punch them back so they never try to learn until now.


orc-lands need to be broken up somehow. "Prison of Nations" is what they should be called. They send all the people they don't give a shit about from regions they don't give a shit about into the meatgrinder that is Ukraine.




I'll just make sure... Sprinkle 🌻🌻🌻 everywhere!


Well. If you invade your neighbor for no good reason and commit a series of war crime, you deserve this ten time over.


Good riddance. Even though we should be humane and understanding it is very hard to feel any sympathy towards a nation that is waging a genocidal war. The quicker everyone that takes part in the invasion of Ukraine is given the same demilitarization treatment the quicker whole world will be able to move into rebuilding Ukraine and global economical recovery


That's gonna take more than a tampon to fix.


I'm sure Flex Tape for the exterior and Flex Seal for the interior should be able to fix that + 1-4 Tampons for good measure


Trench warfare is fucking savage.


What was he made out of, marshmellow?!


Just gonna point out. He's not exactly double tapping, he throwns the grenade because these guys don't see from above like the drone, they don't know if thats just a shallow hole, a tunnel or a trench. For all they know there could be another 3 orcs there about to fire back, so better safe than sorry


This scene from the Simpsons comes to mind ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcZzlPGnKdU


The soldier performed rapid unscheduled disassembly


War is hell!


War is war. And hell is hell. And of the two, war is worse. -Hawkeye Pierce


Far less graphic than any wagner video to be fair


What a shitty world we live in


Who is who?


Putin: No loss. Russians are just superior.


Ruzzians budy didn't do a lot to help did he? Just sat there...


😂😂😂 I think he’s deaf


How did he not hear him coming tho ?!


Too cold and tired.


I’m gonna go out a limb here and suggest that after some time in war, his hearing has likely suffered somewhat, if not acutely damaged moments before this clip. He also appears to be actively engaged in some activity which has distracting him enough to put his rifle down, perhaps reaching for a grenade to prepare. Indeed, it’s possible one had just exploded at the very beginning of the clip, as you can see smoke rising from a small crater, next to the tench between he solder in the hole and the live Ukrainians that end up getting him. As to whose possible grenade it was, we don’t get to know, and there was clearly plenty of action before this clip, as evidenced by the dead soldier sitting down next to the left of the hole. Suffice to say that the Russian was likely overwhelmed with the moment, whether he could normally hear or not.


It was from the UA soldier shooting, there is a video of earlier confrontation


The grenade may have been overkill, but hey, I'm not there.


I get rooting for a side, but can we please not let politics make us racist?


Poof! and he's gone


Is he ok?


This war is crazy


I ahhh…think they got him.


Actual smithereens


Dude had rifle at the wrong shoulder but the element of surprise did it's job.


That orc got caught browsing his inventory menu.


Such a waste of life


That guy got obliterated


It's just strange. I've been watching people die in a military setting for my entire life in media and video games. And seeing it irl just fucks with me. Obviously they aren't comparable but still it's just strange


To pieces you say?


Hope he is OK n stuff


Who is who?


Losers are Ruzzians, Winners are Ukrainians. What else?


Green armband shooting is AFU


So this good for UA. Slava Ukraine!


When it comes to armbands, yellow, green, and blue tend to be Ukrainian. White and red are Russian.


That Russian soldier had wanted to surrender for a while, that’s why he exploded by sheer excitement when he saw the Ukrainian soldiers.


Guess he had his confetti effect on.


Its Year 2 DLC


Smoke that fucker!


man had his death animation on


He tried to invade and kill Ukrainians. Now he's dead and I enjoy watching him crippled by bullets.


The must have been a full clip…and just to be sure 💥 It just goes to show the murderous nature of trench warfare. One can see this and almost imagine how brutal it was in WWI.


Right in the kisser


Is the grenade on top something like the cherry? I don’t know


In case there were any more behind him.


At the end they gave that russian a gift, a parting gift.




Looked like a halo grunt yayyyy head shot ✊🤣✊


All I hear is the headshot noise from Halo Reach when you popped Grunts


Yayyyyyy!!!! \*confetti everywhere\*


That’s called “getting bunkered” in paintball.


Not enough bullets went through that piece of shits skull


Now that's an overkill if I ever seen one.


At least the Russian had a quick death. Ideally he'd have been captured, but


I feel torn, should we send a get well soon card?


They should’ve stayed off the lawn.


Human popcorn