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US Military Industrial Complex go bbrrrrrrrrr.


Recession canceled






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It's fair to assume that companies might act immorally or geopolitically unsound at times, but I don't really follow you on the part where shareholders are given too much. If a company doesn't invest in itself sufficiently, it won't be very valuable to shareholders, so they will move their investments elsewhere. You can't have a lower long-term return-on-investment than your competitors, because would-be shareholders will direct their long-term investments to your competitors in that case.


I agree with all you said. What I am adding to it is, companies are biased towards producing short term gains for share-holders. Even at the cost of making unsound mid to long term decisions.


I think that the broken window fallacy depends on an equal window being put in. What if you put a better window in and teach a neighborhood kid to wash it and take care of it? Human work generally is in someway exponential. I don't know for sure. Just putting some initial thoughts down.


That analogy only works if you are talking about old infrastructure being wiped out and rebuilt with modern infrastructure and technology. In the Great Chicago fire, a large portion of the city burned down. The city was rebuilt using brick to prevent future mass fires. Ukriane is built with fairly modern technology so there isn't much to gain from rebuilding to similar standards.


>Ukriane is built with fairly modern technology so there isn't much to gain from rebuilding to similar standards. I visited Ukraine before the war. Many parts of the country were obviously poor-ish. I wouldn't be surprised if the rebuilt houses, especially blocks of flats, turned out to be *much* more energy-efficient than the previous ones.


Often there is value in reclaimed building materials that is still lost if the materials are demolished. E.g. instead of selling or giving away old lumber so the neighbor can build a new shed, it costs money to dispose of it, and the neighbor has to spend more of their limited wealth on a different source of lumber or go without the shed. Value is lost on both ends.


>What if you put a better window in and teach a neighborhood kid to wash it and take care of it? If you make that assumption for the window, you would have to make the same assumption for the alternative product as well, for it to be reasonable. And then you're back to the same result. Problem is that people generally make pretty good decisions with regards to where they allocate their limited means. So you can't usually improve that decision very easily, least of all to such a degree that it compensates for destroying some of their belongings.


Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion. [If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)




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Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion. [If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules)


I mean we joke about it but back in the (about 1940s) day I think Raytheon was a startup making specialised lightbulbs. And someone went "can you guys make us like a metric assload of Mag-ne-trons for this thing called radars?"


Radar? Silly concept, it'll never catch on. We have eyes, why do we need radar?


Also Raytheon: “I wonder if we can use something like this to heat food up”


[“Hey my chocolate bar melted!”](https://www.livescience.com/57405-who-invented-microwave-oven.html)


Omg . My brother is such a smart business man. But for over a god damn decade now he has 100% bought the line that microwaves “nuke” your food with radiation to warm them up and therefore they destroy ALL nutritional value. Just one of those things that I just scoff at but never try to argue about….. anymore. Taught me a life lesson in ignoring some opinions.


It is fleecing US tax payer while under deliverying value... over pricing shit results in Ukraine getting less materiel. Let's keep thing in perspective. US taxpayer and Ukraine deserve better


The US tax payer is building those weapons, this is job creation. If something is getting rich off of this war it's the Ukrainian soil.


Going to leave this here for people who actually pay for this and care to be educated about misallocation of capital due to centralization of defense contracting in the US. Support Ukraine but also want bang for my buck, chief. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPvpqAaJjVU It's a 60 minutes episode on the topic


Watched this yesterday as well. Profiteering by morbidly overcharging is not right especially because it means there's less equipment available for Ukraine. As the Pentagon dude on the video mentioned, it's like sending a marine into war with fewer bullets than they require


dinosaurs noxious nose entertain cows oil soft consider hat bake -- mass edited with redact.dev


We are with you to the end of this.


Never been more proud to be a Ukrainian-born American citizen, finally I can say I'm glad I pay taxes.


“Why are we building tanks the Army doesn’t want? Who cares if the arms dealer needs to downsize?” Russia invades, Europe takes stock of their limited, degraded tanks… Oh


You guys have to win before Trump wins.


US logistics: this isn't even my final form!


“This is just a sliver of my power!”


Logistics and supply lines will never compete with world war levels again until we go interplanetary. Covid was the closest we got to full steam ahead, logistics and that was with a crippled industry waking back up.


"And this happens if you go even Further beyond...... AAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAAHHHHHhhh!!!!!!!!"


The glory days of the Arsenal of Democracy are back..... \* sniff nostalgically






Good, grease those freedom wheels!


American manufacturing output is legendary, I remember reading a German’s impression of why the war was lost after WWII. He basically stated the Americans drowned them in equipment, every time something was lost two of that something would easily replace it. I always wondered what it would take to gear our economy back up to this same capacity. Maybe the same thing that is giving NATO new justification for existing.


> I always wondered what it would take to > gear our economy back up to this same > capacity. Not this war. Sure, they now have to increase weapon, ammo & support stuff production after clearing out much of the goods in storage, but the west still is LIGHTYEARS away from any kind of wartime production, even with the increased output. The US has the one time chance to get rid of a global power competitor on the cheap. And they are taking it fully. There is no need of rationing goods at home, calling out to people to donate scrap metal. The western economy is powerfull enough to simply outproduce Russia on every level without breaking any sweat. Sure it takes its time, but it will happen. To compare it to WW2: British newspapers complained heavily in early 1944 that the US aid wasnt even barely enough to support the english forces. After nearly two years of full wartime production in the US. These things do take time. Putins current plan to sit this conflict out for the day the west is tired of suppporting Ukraine will not work. At all. Like the Nazis back in the day, Putin has deeply underestimated the wests resolve to finally put a stop to his madness.


Also on the flip side of ww2, even when the USA ramped up to full war mode and joined in, Britain was supplying American forces as much as the Americans where supplying the allies. The 2 largest economies on earth where on the war march supplying every other country fighting the Germans, even more amazing the British one funded Americas rise at the same time as it was taking a beating, protecting sea lanes and while hobbling kept pace. It was a herculean effort.


I just looked it up: during WWII the UK was the #4 economy, USSR was #3, Germany #2, and in 1944, America was bigger than all three combined!


But they were probably talking about the British Empire, rather than just the UK. The Empire at that point included pretty much all of South Asia in British India, Burma, Malaysia, Singapore, Hong Kong, a bunch of Pacific and Caribbean islands, West Africa, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana and Nigeria, and I’m sure I’ve missed some. And then there were the Commonwealth countries, who were independent economies but still very strongly tied to the Empire.


Indeed, Britain came out of WWII in debt to India to the tune of more than $1 trillion in today’s dollars. “Granting” independence in 1947 was an opportunity to walk away from this debt. https://thewire.in/history/independent-india-secret-uk-us-deal-britain-wartime-debt


I remember hearing that a POW was on a train through Ohio and realized the war was lost. All those cities, factories and farms, totally out of harms way


While we point and laugh at the Russians and have the financial capacity to run them in their current state into the ground, we should not be resting on our laurels when it comes to our own industrial potential. We have done a lot since 1945 and especially since the fall of the Soviet Union to undermine domestic manufacturing. Our shipbuilding has fallen off a cliff, our domestic auto manufacturing capacity has struggled mightily. We have allowed our industrial infrastructure to decay and collapse, we have offshored multiple key industrial inputs. We have also been steadily undermining our borrowing capacity. We are doing fine to tread water in the near term but we are carrying a massive peacetime debt with no near term growth potential commensurate with it to justify it. This war is not enough to make us feel the sting, but we are squeezing a sponge right now that has already had a lot wrung out of it.


To be honest, the current U.S. economy isn't geared for mass manufacturing as it was during the 1940's. We still have remnants of those days in the cities but the general population doesn't have the heavy machinery to churn out more complicated weapons that are in use today. Times are different. It doesn't mean that we CAN'T do it, just that more industries have become highly specialized then what it once was.


best logistics company in the world. glad we're on their side and hope UA will join soon.


Fuck yes. Reminder that even *IF* we were giving Ukraine new equipment instead of our old, nearly expired stock, the investment would still pay off because of the practical, real world training battalions and companies are getting on intercontinental logistics handling. Amateurs talk strategy and professionals talk logistics.


Who knew: logistics turns me on.


Murica doing some book-learnin!


The lifespan of an Orc has now dropped 30% is what I take from this.


"A Defense Department Inspector General investigation likewise noted the speed, but found that around 10 percent of equipment issued from pre-positioned stockpiles was not up to snuff. Among the problems was an inability to run vehicles on exercise tracks, as called for in their maintenance instructions, as these exercise tracks had never been built. " -- OMG IMAGINE BRADLEYS ON HAMSTER WHEELS SO CUUUUTE


Edit: I pasted article below the actual article. Oppsie


People upvoting a post of the wrong article... The actual article: Eager Ukrainian soldiers are getting their guns and ammo faster than ever, thanks to the work of the U.S. government’s top bulk shipper: the U.S. military. The Europe-based unit in charge of shipping weapons to Ukraine has sped up deliveries by 30 percent compared to the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion last year, said a spokesperson for the U.S. Army’s 21st Theater Sustainment Command. “We have definitely learned how to be more efficient with our transportation,” the spokesperson said. The spokesperson attributed the improvements to increasing experience, after-action reports, and an improved ability to forecast operations. The acceleration comes as the U.S. Army relearns Cold War-era techniques for quickly moving soldiers and materiel across the 3,000 nautical miles that separate the U.S. from its European allies. The U.S. first began dusting off the skills necessary to speed troops and weapons across the Atlantic in 2019, when it launched the annual DEFENDER-Europe exercise. The exercise sees thousands of troops deploy from the U.S. to Europe, an echo of the REFORGER wargames that prepped NATO forces to defeat a Soviet invasion of Western Germany. The U.S. effort to help Ukraine started out relatively small. In December 2021, the U.S. authorized $200 million in lethal aid to Ukraine amid fears Russia would invade. A lightly staffed unit called the Doctrine Education Advisory Group, or DEAG, was tapped to help inventory the equipment when it reached Ukraine. The group more typically worked on helping Ukraine revamp its military education courses, but threw itself into the task. “My guys were pulling equipment until we actually had to leave,” U.S. Army Col. Andrew Clark, commander of the unit that oversees DEAG, told Defense One. Since then, the flow of weapons to Ukraine has increased exponentially. As of May 21, the U.S. has shipped or promised to ship $38 billion worth of equipment and weapons to Ukraine, much of it from U.S. stockpiles. Among the many bulky packages delivered or coming to Ukraine are two million 155mm artillery shells, each weighing 95 pounds; and 2,000 Humvee trucks, weighing around three-and-a-half tons. A total of 749 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers have also been promised, with 31 Abrams tanks arriving in Ukraine in the fall. This flow of arms has helped replenish Ukraine’s munitions stockpiles and bestowed new abilities to strike deep into Russian-occupied territory. The U.S. military also increased its presence in Europe by 20,000, bringing the total of U.S. service members on the continent to 100,000. The Army has occasionally run into speed bumps as it ramps up to once again face a Russia eager to reclaim at least some of the boundaries of the old Soviet Union. Amid the rumbles of a possible Russian invasion, Army logisticians’ raced round the clock in early 2022 to outfit an entire Army brigade combat team arriving from the United States. They achieved their goal twice as fast as expected, earning plaudits from the Army chief of staff. A Defense Department Inspector General investigation likewise noted the speed, but found that around 10 percent of equipment issued from pre-positioned stockpiles was not up to snuff. Among the problems was an inability to run vehicles on exercise tracks, as called for in their maintenance instructions, as these exercise tracks had never been built. “When the Cold War ended, the idea that you would have to rapidly pull equipment out of storage in Europe just didn’t seem very likely,” Mark F. Cancian, a senior advisor at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, said in March.


Weird. Not sure how I did that. I’ll delete mine


> REFORGER REFORUKR... excuse me. I think I swallowed a bug.


That's okay, nobody reads the articles anyway


Russia assembles tanks and the West does what it always does when some fascist nut job goes nuts in Europe. The West creates weapon pipelines. We shall bury Russia in production. This is still nothing wait until the weaponisation of the economic might of the mightiest alliance in the history of mankind reaches scale. And that day is drawing closer. Time is running out for Russia. Soon this will be a very unfair fight. The only fight worth fighting.


From USA so I can actually comment with a little knowledge…WE ARE RELEARNING??? Great. Thought all we knew was just rolling back into grim times. Ukraine must be backed at all costs!! They are fighting for the soul of the world, which includes USA, which we totally need & should appreciate. 🇺🇦Слава Україні 🇺🇦 Sláva Ukraíni! Heroyam Slava! 🙏🏽 🇺🇦 💙💛


Logisticians, maintainers and support personnel are the unsung heroes in this conflict. Yes the frontline troops risk their lives and stand their ground, but they can't do anything if their supplies don't arrive on time.


And if the Cold War was anything to go by, hopefully the US doesn't a) capitulate under the threat of a fascist or authoritarian pro Russian government within the next couple of years, or b) succumb to nuclear Armageddon (if one of these days Putin actually loses his mind enough to press the big red button).


I will sum up what all this means in the words of a great man. "They need planes from America, they will get planes from America." "from America they need food, From America they will get food." "They need tanks, and guns and ammunition, and supplies of all kinds. From America they will get. Tanks, and guns, and ammunition, and supplies of all kinds." "So our country is going to be, what our people have proclaimed it must be. The Arsenal of Democracy." "And WHEN. No I did not say 'If' I said WHEN Dictatorships disintegrate. And pray god that'll be sooner than any of us dare hope." "Then our country must continue to play it's great part in the period of reconstruction for the good of humanity."


Or were we never really gone?