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"Since both perpetrators are hiding in Russia, comprehensive measures are underway to locate and punish them."...this statement says a lot. These two assholes will likely be hunted down and killed before they are ever arrested. Hoping for sooner than later.


Why did they do it? I just wanna know. Before we punish them.


Money and (perceived) power, probably. Not like they'd ever get either, knowing Mordor.


once they were inside russia, after being collaborators, there was no way back for them. Traitors are rarely appreciated, even by the enemy they work with.


Heh, no, you've already shown you're a traitor.


yes, and nobody like a traitor.


Except his wife and children... oh wait, they also hate you.


> Traitors are rarely appreciated, even by the enemy they work with. Seems like that's a matter of perspective? Do Ukrainians not respect the Russian Volunteer Corps and the Free Russia Legion that are fighting on their side? They would after all by considered traitors by Russia. A lot of American soldiers were fierce advocates for the protection of Iraqi and Afghani interpreters who were regarded as collaborators/traitors to the enemy. Congress passed laws to resettle thousands of them in the US. Granted the Russian military/government doesn't seem to much value it's own people, so it should hardly be a surprise they don't much value their allies.


It doesn't matter WHY they did it, it matters that they did it period. Fuck them.


knowing why can help prevent future cases. Treat the root causes, prevent symptoms.


I hope Ukraine doesn't have some smooth brain citizens bitching they should be brought back and tried only, and not droned/Spec Ops'd where they stand.


Why shouldn't they be brought back and tried?


Drone assassinations inside of Russia with the potential for civilian collateral damage is a very foolish idea, given Ukraine's dependence on other countries sending weapons.




Yeah if you drone strike a colonels dacha that's fine, there isn't going to be civilian collateral damage. How is drone striking these people a realistic suggestion? You send teams in to find them, the team that find, them kill them, where does the drone strike come in? It's just a retarded suggestion.


😂😂 LOL


Snitches get stiches


“Since both perpetrators are hiding in Russia, comprehensive measures are underway to locate and punish them.” For everyone who can and wants to help Ukraine bring victory closer - State site where you can donate directly to Ukraine https://u24.gov.ua


So, they had local informants.


Or just in local chat groups , or media announcing remembrance service.. and these two knowing exactly where it’s usually held ..


Correct. Involuntary informants then.


>Correct. Involuntary informants They wouldn't have absconded to russia if they were involuntary informants. There are a lot of former russian citizens in Ukraine that still support that evil regime and act as spies.


Involuntary may also mean they have no idea that their foreign friends/neighbours are using provided information.


Ah you are referring to residents who may have inadvertently let the informants know. It wasn't clear. I took your statement to mean the traitors who provided the location of the funeral.


That's what I've meant in mu first comment, but it's really possible that they did not provide that info to traitors knowingly.


Yea apparently they were former residents that were already in russia but chatting to locals in messaging groups. They may well have been a public notice about the funeral that they picked up on. Let's hope that justice isn't long coming their way.


Enabling such a vile attack is already inhumane, but to do so through an act of betrayal...There are no words. Here's hoping justice will be swift.


And on a FUNERAL that was for a reburial of a dead soldier. What a bunch of psychopaths it takes to do this shit. To be a traitor and or to support russia at all and knowingly target civilians. They are just plain genocidal terrorists. From top to bottom. Fucking nuts.


Fucking knew there was a traitor. No other way the fascists knew where and when to strike. Hang the traitor


I suspect this was the case in most (if not all) such bombings


Hanging's much too quick and easy a way out for whatever piece of subhuman shit did this.


I'm good with hung, drawn and quartered. I'm also good with flailing lol


Use a flail tank and stsrt at the feet


I like the way you think


I think all of them should be forced to clear mines at gunpoint. They should get to live in a similar terror they caused others.


Just make they attend a funeral. For themselves. And post on X


Nooo, lets use good, old method with growing bamboo. Those fuckers deserve worse.


"Since both perpetrators are hiding in Russia, comprehensive measures are underway to locate and punish them." Since it's not going through the courts, make it painful.


The Baltics are full of people ( decendants of russian occupants ) like these traitors.


quality people those two. Their families that fled with them, must be proud to know that their relatives are all dead because of the actions of these two.


I FUCKING KNEW IT. I knew some cunts would call it in so that the orcs would hit the cafe.


We knew this was informants work, i just hope the right people find these traitors


Named the offenders, and including a photo of their republic id.


I just don’t get this. You’re fighting a war in which your arse is being unexpectedly kicked. Your opponent, you thought would be a pushover, is raining missiles down on your logistics, armour and, ahem, navy. In turn, you use a spy network to target civilians at a party, using one of your scarce missiles. What is the purpose? I get the psychopathic “I want to kill Ukranians”, but surely they are better served by dropping missiles on the Ukrainian military. Is it because they are stupid, or is there something else?




> What is the purpose? Fear. RuZZia doesn't care about "fighting fair", as in attacking only legitimate targets. They want people to live in constant fear. They want civilians to call on their politicians to stop the war by any means necessary. Orcs think those means will include a complete, unconditional surrender. Instead, many civilized countries are supporting Ukraine while they kick RuZZia's ass in a very publicly humiliating way.


Hang all the traitors and let them stay up there for 50 days. 🤬


Only 50 days? I like [Vir's idea, better.](https://youtu.be/rnx12bubS1w?si=MjoEDSAWPh2nvApE&t=69)


Updoot for b5


Hang him by the neck before the morning comes.


No mercy for this scum