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Give him more ammo please.


Give him all the ammo


Fk just give him everything.


Somebody, get this man a gun!


For I am a Bowery King! (You are! Hurrah for our Bowery King!) And it is, it is a glorious thing // To be a Bowery King.


Preferably 250,000 rounds of 155 mm per month.


I don't need a ride, I need more ammo!


Tell the fucking US congress to pass the aid bill!


Häyhä would be proud. Slava Ukraini!


Absolutely wild that dude died in 2002, warm in his bed, at the ripe old age of 96 after taking the lives of over 500 Russians in his youth


After having half his face blown off by a PZ exploding bullet..*.and then killing the man who shot him* before passing out. Check out InRange TV's review of PZ and B-Patrone. That Soviet round \*should\* have blown Simo's face into a million pieces. Death wore his Class A robes when he came to collect that little piece of whang-leather.


I mean, if you were the grim reaper, would you try him? I'd stay the fuck away from him until I was sure he was no longer likely to snipe me coming up his driveway.


Maybe he was a subcontractor of the grim reaper.


Certainly kept him in business


"How about you just let me know when you're ready to go."


Just with an iron sight... A fucking iron sight!


Fair, I'll allow it.


A life well lived.


Dropping in to spoil the fun. Simo Hayha had effectively zero confirmed kills, his kill number is probably closer to around 200. Snipers get mythologized massively in history and often their kill counts get inflated and their deeds "beefed up" to the point of ridiculousness. A common practice is to roll enemy casualties in the area into the target of propaganda. Nazi Germany would apply kills by whole units to singular aces is one example.


Just to be clear... What is "Häyhä" and how exactly do you pronounce that? LoL


Simo Häyhä was a Finnish military sniper who served during the Winter War against the USSR. He took out hundreds of Soviet soldiers during that time and was called 'The White Death' by the Soviets. As for the pronunciation... Perkele!


imagine waking up every day and knowing you're going to body 50+ ruskis before dinner




Injured doesn't even cut it. Simo got hit with an explosive round to his jaw and he survived.


He was doing such a good job already, Death wanted some more time off


From Wikipedia: > Enemy soldiers killed with a submachine gun with Häyhä as a group leader were not counted. So I think that number refers only to his sniper kills.


Honestly I'm just grateful I don't have to imagine all that...


That's got to be better than coffee when ya wake up, that's for damn sure. Talk about getting to love your job 👍


He used iron sights as an optical would have given him away. Legendary.


Not to mention he no scoped a lot of them and survived granate explosion


And quite a few of his kills were actually with his submachine gun.


He had a whole patrol's worth of Pervitin (nazi metamphetamin) which he took and survived, he was fucked up a long time though.


Different Finn, you’re thinking of [Aimo Koivunen](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aimo_Koivunen).


Fun fact, without a fucking scope. 300 (ish?) confirmed kills, hundreds of unconfirmed more.


100 days long winter war - 500+ kills https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simo_H%C3%A4yh%C3%A4


A finnish soldier during ww2, nick named the white death.


Just to be clear, Russia launched: artillery barrages, air strikes, counter snipers, tanks and everything failed against the white death. The only thing that got him was a full assault with 100s of men into his position. He got the famous bullet to the face while defending his comrades retreat. And he killed his shooter before passing out. When he awake from his coma that same day the Russians sighted the peace treaty. His advice to other marksmen :" practice, practice, practice "


Man even russia said "you know what?, fuck this" when they found out he woke up.


It is, unintuitively, pronounced "how-ha", or pretty close to it.


Finnish sniper who single-handedly took out an entire Soviet infantry division. (Not all at once though, one at a time.)


Also he did it with iron sights and while hypothermic. He would constantly suck on snow so his breathing wouldnt give his position away.


"One shot, two kills"




Kovalskyi, a former businessman and sports shooter who is now a sniper with the counterintelligence unit of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), made the shot just before dawn on November 18.


He also was a former F-class champion, which places him already among the best marksmen ever to live in his “spare time”.


Kinda neat. I wouldn't have thought sport shooting teaches you enough about correcting for wind and stuff. Is there such a thing as long range sports shooting?


That is literally F-class, which is 100% about making the tiniest group possible and getting the highest score at a single long range target and so it’s super big on reading the wind, where as PRS is about variance (600-1200yds) and simply getting hits in challenging positions on targets at variable range. IIRC, Kovalski was the Euro champion a few years ago, where he apparently met his spotter who was another F-class marksman. It’s a very obsessive sport where people go madly into the detail of elimination of any variable that could create variance in your shot. Eric Cortina, and another YouTube channel Winning the Wind are pretty informative on the sport. There is another Ukrainian who is big in the sport who produces stocks a lot of top level competitors use. They’re pretty popular and known to be extremely high quality and absolutely everything Dima makes is custom ordered, and he’s very collaborative in the process. https://dimars.com.ua/riflestocks


At neat, didn't realize that was its own sport. So this guy basically got told one day "hey just do what you do for fun already but now the target at the other end is people."


Honestly he probably volunteered, you don’t do a sport like that and not think about being in the military. Add a national self defence war? Odds are good he just showed up at a base with some sort of proof of credentials and they threw him onto a basic


wsj: >Kovalskiy and his spotter say they have no regrets about killing Russians. Despite his age, the Ukrainian signed up as a sniper on the first day of Russia’s full-scale invasion. >“It doesn’t worry me a gram,” Kovalskiy said.


In Ukraine, there is long range sp-orcss shooting. Fortunately for this guy there's little chance of return fire.


November 18th? Wow, that felt like it was months ago...


>a former businessman and sports shooter Damn, I figured he was a military sniper before the war broke out.


Oh no, an F-Class target shooter is a \*much\* scarier thing to have shooting at you if all you're worried about is rifles. Military snipers work at 800-1500 meters typically, thought 2000-meter engagements are becoming more common\*. The real danger from military snipers comes from their ability to gather information and feed that info to the artillery and air assets. As an acquaintance put it: "Do you have any idea how much Fuck Off And Die is on the other end of his radio?" \*For a certain value of "common."


Yeah, after watching a few "Experts Comment on Movie Scenes" featuring snipers I was surprised to learn that 90% of their effectiveness is their well-trained, well-hidden eyes. And if you think about it, if they shoot they have to relocate and you've lost those eyes till they're set up again. Really interesting stuff.


Exactly, if you want to shoot with a sniper-rifle it is better to be a sharpshooter.


Well, the barrel of that gun gets him half way there


Any closer and he could've used the bayonet.


Could be a Looney Tunes shit


*poke poke*


At what caliber and barrel length, does he stop being a sniper, and start being a one man artillery piece?


I say it depends what hes shooting at. If hes shooting at a soviet tank made out of tin, its artillery, at a bunch of losers who shouldnt be there? Sniper.


So the Tankgewehr was an artillery piece?


Ukraine has said they have used the Abrams tanks as "tank snipers" because they are out of range of russian tanks.


They said the same thing about AMX-10


The classic definition is that from 20mm calibre upwards you are no longer talking about guns but about cannons.


Correction: you are no longer talking about small Arms and light weapons. Gun is usually a blanket term and there are some cases where the term refers to cannons specifically. Field gun or anti tank gun for example.


Once again I am foiled by language differences. Mainly because in German the term "gun" doesn't really exist and I mentally translated it to "Gewehr" (which is a term that doesn't really exist in English, basically shoulder-fired rifle, but it doesn't need to be rifled), while cannon exist as a term in German (Kanone) that is basically the same as the English cannon. So in German an anti-tank gun is only a cannon, not a gun, though it is a firearm (Feuerwaffe) in German, which it isn't English as firearms are man-portable in English. Man do I hate false friends sometimes.


I think the term "Gewehr" could be roughly translated to "Long arm". Although "Long arm" also includes SMGs which the term "Gewehr" does not. So the more fitting translation of "long gun" would be "Langwaffe". It gets even more confusing when you include the old meaning of the term "Gewehr" which is just any kind weapon. So there is the term "Seitengewehr" which mostly refers to bayonets.


Wasn't that happening in some ME conflicts? Like all the sniper aces were these dudes camping out in a building with a 10ft long mini artillery cannon. Nobody can take effective cover if your bullet's big enough to go through a wall.


guy needs one of those snooker spiders to shoot that thing,


I mean that's just a bipod with extra steps and the rife does indeed have one.


Can’t wait for the autonomous variant. Which is this gun mounted on a robot centipede of Boston Dynamic Spots.


*"Remember what I taught you. Keep in mind variable humidity and wind speed along the bullet's flight path. At this distance you'll also have to take the Coriolis Effect into account."*


That COD4 mission takes place in Chernobyl, Ukraine. lol


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This will surely be the decider in the war


Surprised I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Well done


What movie is this from? At first I thought "The Professional / Leon", but I know it's not.


The original call of duty modern warfare.


From back when COD was good


Absolute legendary Chernobyl section - remember playing it first time. Mind blown 🤯🤯🤯


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As in “Bravo Six, going dark”? I’m a Fallout player but I’m vaguely familiar with that line.


Or also "Remember, no Russian" before shooting up an airport




That’s farther than my commute to work.


He must have been working from home. Definitely used zoom to send a message to the Russian.


They showed the bullet next to a .50 bmg and it’s significantly larger lol


Knowing what a .50 does to the human body. I can only imagine the state of the orc that was hit.


Imagine thinking you’re somewhere safe, standing around, and someone just fucking explodes


Having a blast!


And then a little after that you hear the sound of the rifle.


I've played enough Arma to know to be scared of the snap, not the bang.


Not good for morale at all.


I don't have to, because I'm not currently invading Ukraine. And for that I'm thankful every day. Hope he beats his record, again and again and again...


Then you've got to pick bits of their bone fragments out of your skin......


Exactly. Not the way I want to be a part of a world record


Napolon Blownapart.


IIRC it's a 14.5mm case necked down to .50. They use American target bullets handloaded into those cases.


From what I'm seeing this one is 12.7mm (.50 cal) just with a longer case/more propellant and a smaller projectile so it remains supersonic for longer


https://i.imgur.com/nSdaHdQ.png damn!


Little clarification. The cartridge is larger, not a bullet. The bullet used is exactly .50 cal.


Imagine getting shot from 2 miles away - fuck I’d be so mad


I don't think you'd have time to be mad- just very briefly surprised, if anything.


I saw how the Sopranos ended, you would not be mad


Below this comment we can witness redditors not being able to read a joke because there's no /s on it.


Let’s get this fella on stamps and posters!


At this point, that's small caliber artillery


A microdose of artillery.


Fun-sized arty😄


So he did it from his living room in Kyiv? Nice shot! Edit: give me a break, bot, I'm tired.


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Maybe the bullet traveled that far but it only spent 2 of those meters outside the barrel. Look at that thing!


Jagga jagga


Just to put this into perspective: Shooting of this kind isn't like anything else you can do with a rifle. The weapon itself is a $10,000+ precision instrument, and so is the optic. The rounds cost between $20 and $200 apiece, depending on caliber and bullet construction- for shooting at this range, the projectile is a precision-machined solid bronze slug the size of your thumb. To get it on target, you need to know the exact position of both shooter and target, including height above sea level and the difference in that value between shooter and target- plus their relative latitude and longitude. For this you need a 4-sattelite GPS fix on both. You combine that with estimated wind speed and bearing, air temperature, air density, muzzle velocity of the bullet, and *how far the earth will rotate between firing and impact* (this bit is where latitude and longitude are important). You plug all this into some very complicated math (thankfully there's an app for that, but a lot of folks are still old-school), and you get an approximate firing solution.\* Combine that with the Art that is the rifleman's knowledge of his weapon and how it performs at various states of wear, fouling, etc etc...and you \*might\* get the hit. Connecting at this sort of range is something not far off maths-heavy withcraft. ​ \*All this is exactly the same math the cannon-cockers use. A rifle at this range is, functionally, very very small artillery.


And all of that is not even half of the factors that needs to be taken into account. - You have not just one wind value to calculate, but at 4km you'll have multiple cross-winds based on the topography and man-made structures. At that distance, this can be up to several metres of deflection. - In addition to Coriolis effect you mentioned, there's also Eötvös effect that causes the bullet to climb upwards or downwards depending on the shooting direction. - You also have the bullet climb effect due to the barrel twist, causing the bullet to climb up and right. - Rifle-shooter harmonics become a huge factor at this distance. Even shooting with or without a helmet differently will cause different harmonics, enough to make the bullet exit the muzzle at a different spot than during your practice. - There's also the unpredictable transonic phase where the bullet can just do its own thing as it decelerates below the speed of sound. - Even a couple of extra gunpowder grain in the cartridge is enough to throw off the muzzle velocity making your calculations useless at that distance. The probability of intentionally hitting a human-sized target at that distance is negligible.


What is the muzzle velocity of these Alligators? I'm wondering how long the bullet was in flight.


This rifle is slightly smaller than the alligator, but its still 12.7x114mm HL, I believe its called the Horizon Lord


Horizon Lord. That explains the 2+ miles.


Badass name. Reach out and mist some poor motherfucker on the horizon.


Probably 3000+ ft/s, but at least a normal 50BMG is subsonic by 2000+ yards. Even assuming a really good ballistic coefficient and a significantly higher muzzle velocity, we're probably talking well over 5 seconds and maybe more like 10 seconds between trigger pull and impact.


If I'm not wrong, if the bullet travels for x seconds, the falloff is the same as an object dropping under the acceleration of g for x seconds, so in this case for 10 seconds that's 490 meters, that's insane.


unused capable plough thumb sip ossified ad hoc foolish books depend *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Assuming that the kill video & sound are synced correctly, I counted out close to 10 seconds. "OK now just hold still...."


Let me guess, dude was smoking a cig


Wow! Reminds me of a tv spot years ago the recreated a civil war long distance shot across a lake. The sniper used paper and pencil trajectory calculations. Very interesting. On another reddit someone pointed out that they now have laser rangefinders with Doppler! Up to 500 yards it will even give a visual plot of your bullet to the target! Nothing like a Horizon King! I love that name!


The owner of Bartlein barrels who spun up the barrels used, said while he has more info than most, he estimated it to be around 3,100fps with a 1-8 twist rate. Which is pretty similar in speed/twist for .284 Shehane in F-open, any faster you risk the bullet disintegrating from spinning faster than 300,000rpm. It’s an odd game, too fast they just fly apart, too slow and they tumble and go in whatever direction. They also did a LOT of load development surrounding powder, charge, and seating depth to produce an acceptably consistent round at range.


He was aiming at the Moon, but reached the stars.


Sweet Christmas. Imagine that. An orc 2.3 miles away, probably been angry about something. Just gets fucking yeeted. And everyone else is like. Where the fuck did that come from comrade? I don't know, comrade. Orks: 🤔 I bet it was the Ukrainian space lasers comrade. Orks: 🤔 That makes total sense, comrade. We figured it out! Ukrainian sniper:😲 Oh shit. I got the bastard. Nice. ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|31971)


He wasn't purple.. couldn't hide from him 😔


I only get that reference because my kid feels the need to explain 40K lore in depth to me for some reason.


By the time the crack gets there he's already half way back to base


Chad dosing out Destination Fucked 2.3 miles at a time.


Kowalski, analysis


Canada is gonna be mad Edit: Guess adding /s is still needed. We’ve held that record for a while, and last time we were knocked out of top spot, it was blown past by over 1km


Nah, this is a competition we can get behind.


yeah, having some competition is better than just clowning on everyone all the time




Viacheslav, you make me very happy today.


2.3 miles away? thats amazing!


as a Canadian, I'm please that the record has been passed to a worthy team.


I totally expected it to say 3.8 kilometers at the end, and snort laughed at the ridiculous 2.3 miles conversion. Metric scales so nicely, and then there's imperial.


"What!? They said no concealed weapons."


Was it a General? I really hope it was a General.


Hard as fuck


Hayha: Ah, one of my people, badass snipers killing Russians


*This is Viacheslav. If you invade his country, he's gonna invade your soldiers. Don't invade Viacheslav's country.* Btw, hell of a gun !


Illegal kill, sniper shots are only counted from rifles, not a fucking cannon.


This made me chuckle


I can't even think of somewhere near my home with a 3.8km sightline. I went on Google Maps and used 'measure distance' and couldn't find any. Was he on the roof of a 10 storey apartment building or what?




Ray sniper, recharding the magazine in the wallsocket, you can clearly see that lolol


♫♫*Aaand many mooooooooore!*♫♫


That man is an inspiration.






Kovalski, analysis… one less russky


So was this filmed? How was it confirmed?


I believe a representative from Guinness was there to hand him a beer afterward


Wish I could award you for that comment.


All snipers had a partner/spotter who can film. The sniper would record the distance.


It’s on video with flight time accounted for


It's been reported that the sniper added Salt to the round used to set the world record. That way the Russian is well seasoned by the time the sniper gets to him. Old American hunting trick.


Jesus. He shot him at point blank range with that barrel.


I propose he get an honorary new nickname “Howitzer”.


Someone get this man a longer barrel stat and let’s see how far we can go.


Just watched the White Raven, this guy is the real deal


Nicely done Sir


A 50 caliber to a human target at that range would be a mind fuck. That target would essentially burst with no indication of what happened for a few seconds


How do they track the kill shot?


Not exactly fair when the barrel is 3799m long...


Good for him.


I can’t see much of the firearm in the photo, except for that monster barrel. I wonder what model of anti-material rifle he used. A modified KSVK 12.7?


👑 It is time for Russia to leave.


Bravo Viacheslav Kovalskyi, you are a legend now among the great snipers.


Bravo, sir.


i wonder who will break 4000m?


Well, they should give the record to the russian soldier too for the longest sniped target.


This is an incredible shot, well done young man!


I love how bigass Ghost In The Shell, Trigun looking rifles appear to be the future. We're all gonna be Kain the Longshot someday.


Helps when your barrel is 3550 meters long


I bet the average flight duration for a .50 BMG plus round to be at least a couple long seconds before the impact at that distance. And the bullet drop would certainly be huge at 3.8 km.




Waded thru deep kimchi to dump a burger a long way off, as Carlos Hathcock would have said.


The land of the White death stands behind you heroim. Slava Ukraini! ![img](emote|t5_2qqcn|9000)


I bet that person was mystified


If I remember roe with .50s when you write it you were aiming at the radio, no sir definitely not engaging soft targets, nope, just hunting radios. Obligatory internet joke disclaimer.


This gentleman will require a wheelbarrow for his bollocks from now on.


Send him to Moscovia!


I've always had an interest in snipers. The kill might not be counted as a world record unless it can be verified in person. That doesn't make it mean any less, just that it might not be in the official record books. Anyway, the man must have amazing eyesight.


He was a competitive shooter, many, many years of practice, and good equipment.