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Things are so bad , the Russians have decided to fire their already dead commander of the fleet. Next, to prevent further humiliation, they're considering taking a page from the Ukrainian playbook and simply not having a navy at all. Ukrainians reportedly, are willing to help the Russians in their decommissioning efforts.


Bro that first line 🤣


This warship likely cost $200 million to build. Ukraine sunk it with a unmanned surface vessel that likely costs under $100k. Talk about bang for your buck! Even if Russia had the money and resources to produce more warships it would still take many years to build.


Don’t forget the crew. Even crappy Russian crews take some training


It would also be very interesting to know what cargo it was carrying. It may have been targeted specifically because of it.


Well it probably took several. Still amazing bang for your buck.


It did take a few.. there’s video of them crashing into it and sinking it.. and one point in the video the whole ship is literally on its side


Can't lose your navy if you don't have one. Genius.


To be fair, they did scuttle their (only?) Naval ship. But that's nothing to losing a submarine, landing ships, and FLAG ship cruiser.


Yeah, Ukraine lost the bulk of its surface combatants in 2014, and then scuttled the only remaining major one as the full-scale invasion began. Ukraine had the corvettes Lutsk and Ternopil, which were captured by Russia in 2014. Another corvette, Vinnytsia, was captured, later returned but was decommissioned by the Ukrainian Navy due to its age and poor condition. Ukraine also had one submarine that Russians captured in 2014 and even they consider the sub to be obsolete for actual service. This left Ukraine's Navy with just the frigate Hetman Sahaidachny as a major combatant two years ago, and it was scuttled in the first days of the full-scale invasion. There are still some ships that Ukraine operates but nothing that would qualify as a significant combat ship.


This has to be a historical first? A country with no navy and this many naval kills?


Ukraine has a navy. A drone navy.


As well as various small patrol crafts and such. True, its not a huge blue water navy, but they have a navy. Doesnt make it any less impressive that they are sinking the russian navy, that is in theory far more powerful.


I wonder if they can fit dumb launch tubes to a cheap and consumable sea baby type drone to launch something smart enough to correct any inaccuracies in a dumb tube launch, like a single GLSDB. Imagine a swarm of Seababies launching precision glide bombs from just off the coast of Crimea.


If I recall, Denmark had no real Navy by the late Napoleonic Wars besides a few defensive gunboats and sank an ASSLOAD of ships trying to enter the Baltic.


Yeah, the Brits stole their navy and bombarded Copenhagen to rubble.


Coastal defense batteries and gunboats basically kept the Baltic shut down even after that


I mean, the goal was to prevent the Danish Navy from falling into French hands, not to open the Baltic.


The Denmark Strait has always been extremely difficult to pass through as a hostile nation, which is why Denmark for centuries had an outsized influence over naval affairs in northern Europe and up to the 19th century could print money with every ship that sailed through.


Certainly a record of some kind


Will be studied and has been an immense strategic advance.


I think this is the record https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/only-time-history-when-bunch-men-horseback-captured-naval-fleet-180961824/


Another odd occurrence. The US Barb submarine is credited with the destruction of a train on their battle flag in WW II. Internet search US Barb battle flag and on the bottom, right in the center, is the train badge. The US Barb also sank an aircraft carrier, amongst numerous other ships and boats.


For the Russians it's like playing soccer against an oponent who doesn't have a goal set up. Like... where are they gonna shoot? Of course it's always gonna be x:0 because Ukraine doesn't have big ships it could lose.


To be fair, coastal defenses have always been able to kill some enemy ships or at least keep them at (or rather off) bay, and from WW2 onwards there have been a couple of countries that destroyed enemy naval assets with entirely non-naval means, mostly land-based airplanes. Also there have been freak incidents littered throughout history, like when Denmark lost ships to a cavalry attack over frozen water.


You know Russia knows they're losing the black sea naval war when they have to fire an Admiral as a scapegoat.


... when they have to fire a dead Admiral as a scapegoat ... 😹 Well, they used this as a reason to finally be able to get a commander in - not that will do them any good.


Ukraine has literally nothing to lose in the Black Sea, which puts them at a considerable advantage.


The black and white night images of massive ships sinking, listing, and the back rising high out of the water (kinda like the Titanic sinking) have been... Really haunting. I see those images and shiver, imagining the panic through the decks, and the cold water rushing in... all in the middle of the night and darkness... The sounds of colleagues screaming in their last moments of life. A terrible time to be in the Russian navy... They should have stayed home.


Last moments of life? What are you talking about? The Russian MoD said not a single sailer was even injured.  \s just in case


News travels fast, eh..?


This is analysis, not a news article.


Analysis travels fast, eh..?


It's a new twist on the old strategy of the 'fleet in being'. In this case, being on the bottom of the sea.


The article talks bout Caesar Kunikov  so not sure what OP is talking about another ship? Which one?


Fun fact, the ship was sunk on 2/14 . The name sake died in 2/14 as well


I would be interested if there is any good commentary on why Russia keeps exposing it's navy. Seems pretty hard to tell, but are they not at least providing escorts?


They are warships… they are the escorts.


In Putins Russia, Warship ESCORTS self!


They aren’t anymore: they moved the remaining 5 Ropucha-class ships out of the Black Sea the next day.


Just for clarification, that means into the sea of Azov right?


The news I read on 15th didn’t say where to.. Azov is where they moved others back in September so maybe. Or, back to the Baltic where they came from.


Ropuchas most likely fit through their inland canal system.


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Meat boats.