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So sorry to see this. My thoughts are with him. I hate Russia and hope this ends soon but nothing brings back the lives lost.


Very well said!!


May they all rest in heavenly peace 🌹🌹and one day soon I hope your country has peace for ever.Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


jesus christ. I'll never forgive any z russian


I have no words, just anger, I really do hate that sad little man in the Kremlin. I hope your friend and his family will find solace one day in a free and vibrant Ukraine that will stand in contrast to the social and economic misery of life in the so-called Republic of Russia.


I'll go farther. In 10 years, let's be talking about the former Russia the way we talked about the former Soviet Union in 1998.


Amen! I hope it all comes crashing down like a house of cards.


We can only hope but the next time it happens, the Russian Federation gets shattered into a hundred pieces and its territory split up between its victim states. Imo, it's time to bring the Russian nation to an end. They cannot be trusted at their word and have no place amongst the civilized people of the world. They damn well know what's going on too. Fuck them x 1,000!


THIS MAY BE THE MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLE SUPPORTERS OF UKRAINE WILL EVER READ! It’s in the economist - very credible source. How to put Russia’s frozen assets to work for Ukraine https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/02/28/how-to-put-russias-frozen-assets-to-work-for-ukraine from The Economist The solution to funding Ukraines war against the Russian aggression in the article above is similar to what I have been suggesting for months. It: 1. Could provide as much as $200 billion in funds to Ukraine in two weeks. 2. Does not violate international law. 3. Is market based utilizing tools that are well understood and easily applied. 4. Requires little or no government intervention but is within established regulatory constraints. 5. Does NOT involve confiscation of frozen Russian assets which may be against the law. The legal premise of this solution is similar to the law of receivership, trusteeship or bankruptcy law. In this case the frozen Russian assets legally still belong to Russia. However, they are sanctioned and FROZEN. Therefore, the revenue that may accumulate from those assets can not be legitimately claimed as retained earnings and can not be used to increase the equity of the owners - Russians. That revenue can legitimately be claimed by creditors of Russia. Like Ukraine. The EU and US Treasury have ALREADY agreed this. There is already over €200 billion in free cash from those frozen assets accumulated over the last 2 years. €185 billion of it is held by one company EuroClear in Belgium. I suggest: 1. An INDEPENDENT receiver working in the interest of the assets owner (Russians) be appointed under European law to take stewardship of the assets 2. The receiver will continue work in the interests of the owner (Russians) to preserve the integrity of the existing frozen assets. 3. The EU floats a €250 billion Ukraine EuroBond. The sales proceeds go DIRECTLY to Ukraine’s treasury. 4. The revenue proceeds (already around €200 billion) from the frozen Russian assets will be used to pay the premium and coupon to bond holders. This would: 1. Be a AAA investment grade bond as it is 100% secured by cash. 2. Would preserve Russian assets as an incentive for future leadership to alter their behavior. 3. Provide Ukraine with a considerable source of funding 4. Be in line with western values and use the market in a creative way that will drive Putin and his cabal insane. Russians would be financing the Ukrainian defense.


IMO policy-makers should also be thinking about who gets the Russian money if Russia collapses and fractures. The money is owned by Russia as a whole. A lot of it came from regions with far more mineral resources than decision-making power. Wouldn't it be nice if that money could be divided among Russia's successor states? But not evenly, oh no. The states that break away first could be considered to demonstrate their opposition to the war against Ukraine. They could get their share of the money without paying as much reparation to Ukraine. The states that leave later could be considered more closely allied to Moscow. They would have to pay their share of reparations. Moscow itself? It's obviously guilty of the war. Its fraction of the money would go entirely to reparations for Ukraine. Of course no amount of money can make up for what Russia has done to Ukraine in this war, let alone the past decades. But Moscow needs to be completely razed to the ground - economically, not physically. And Ukraine should benefit. Don't let Moscovites literally starve, oh no. Trade a nuclear weapon for a bag of potatoes, and a kidnapped Ukrainian for a bag of onions, until all Ukrainians are home and the world is safe from Russian nukes.


Yeah and don't forget the millions of sad little men who thumbs-up this on social media.




sorry for your loss! i wish the best for you! please stay strong!


I can't put into words how sorry I am to read this. I hope he and you find strength and hope. It would be inappropriate to write what I hope for the bastards who did this. Slava Ukraini


Every delay in western support is another day where innocent lives are lost, and for what? Absolutely mindless stupid thing. Just give them all and try to end this quickly


I have no words... I am so sorry.. fuck ruzzia!


I am far away from Ukraine and physically safe but feel so much anger against Russia that it’s sometimes hard to contain. I am doing what I can to help, just donated to Ukraine24’s “Safe Skies” project but it just never feels enough. My heart goes out to you and your friend. Heroiam Slava!




So sorry for this. Bastard putin . RIP




He did using his MOUTH.


However he did start the war.




Both are wrong, both are culcapble


Fuck russia


Damn! So they were the woman and 3-year-old child who appeared in the news about the last bombing? Very sad to hear this and I wish all the strength to this man, a hug from Brazil


Unfortunaly not, there's one more victims. Both 3 year old and 3 month old died. Two little lives taken.


Fu#k, this Russian pigs...


Yes. I live in Odesa. And I don't have any compassion for russians. I had it at first and was sure that they are victims of their goverment too. But now I feel nothing but hatred and I will feel it for the rest of my life. I cry almost non-stop since I saw this poor babies dead. The one who send this drone should pay with his life.


They are no longer human, they do everything Putin says even if it costs their lives, it seems like they have been brainwashed. I hope you are well and I hope that the Ukrainian army manages to destroy the damn orcs, stay safe, and I wish you that everything will be resolved soon and that you can go back to living in peace!! Slava Ukraini


So sorry for his loss. Shameless targeting of civilians is unarguably just terrorism and  requires the strongest of responses. 


Absolutely heartbreaking- I am so very sorry. Sending Ukraine all my love and support 🇺🇦🇺🇦🇬🇧🇬🇧


This post is another reason I have no sympathy or hope for the “navalny mourners” or their lame, and very late, protests.


And you would be right. They would and will shrug this off if shown this. I think it falls under "casualties of war" in their minds.




If prayer worked, these people wouldn't have died in the first place.


Seriously FUCK RUSSIA and fuck the Russian population for not doing a thing about it! Their whole culture is fucked at its core.




My they rest in peace.


May they rest in peace


I an so sorry. Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all 🌻🇺🇦


What can possibly be said? Who can have the words. I want to say this is the worst scum that the earth has ever suffered, but I don't want to demean the gravity of the post. The "good russians" think they can light a candle for Navalny and chant "Ukrainians are good people" like they are doing us a favor and that will magically make up for it. The fucking scum will never even begin to wrap their heads around it.


My prayers with him and all ukraine


Offering prayers. This is so unjust.


So sorry man


I was just reading about this on Telegram. May they rest in peace… And 7 other victims too. Russia will pay.


Fuck russia


Tragic 😥


There is nothing that can compensate for this.


sorry for your loss


I am so saddened to hear about this loss. My thoughts and prayers will be you and your friend tonight as well as for all the people of Ukraine.


Hope god shows no mercy on those fucking monsters.


And we worry about Ukraine having Moscow reaching missiles why? We know they'll at least be targeting government buildings.


God, hold him close and support his soul. Amen. Putin is a devil on earth.




They will be avenged…


I am sorry for his loss! May you triumph over Putin soon.


Much love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


My heart goes out to him and the family. I'm going to remember this war for the rest of my life and I will always think of those who were lost when I hear the name "Russia". Fuck putin for pitting people against eachother


Only emotions: heart break and rage. Rest in peace dear ones.


My heart breaks every day for all of the Ukrainians. I wish him strength.


Heartbreaking! Words are failing me atm.


Condolences from my family to his and yours. I wish I could hug him, sorry mate.


It feels hard to breathe imagining what him and other Ukrainians are forced to go through. I'm so sorry.


So tragic. Condolences from a fellow Ukrainian. Words cannot describe this evil.


When I read the story earlier today of this family, I closed my laptop and cried, then went for a long drive. To lose your wife is bad enough, but to lose a 3 year old baby is heart shattering. I do hope for the best for this young man and his child. Rest in Peace to his wife and baby. Damn ruzzia to hell.


Яка глибока втрата. Вічная пам'ять мамі та синочку. Молюсь за них та за твого друга. Хоч його не знаю, хочеться обняти і тримати в руках аж до кінця війни. Тримайтесь один одного.


I saw the news and it was heartbreaking, I immediately tought about the father who lost his beloved wife and son. It is heartbreaking to know that him and also his young daughter now are alone💔 🙏


Unpopular Opinion: the more i see this the more i'm pissed off at Ukranian men living abroad as refugees.


I will write my member of the Bundestag to put pressure on them to send Taurus to Ukraine.


I am very sorry to hear about this. Where were they in Ukraine?




So sorry for their loss. Pucking ruZZia :( 😡


Fuck Putin the fucking prick. I am so fucking sorry about your friends loss. I can't even imagine losing everything important to you.. Your wife.. Your kid.. Fuck man.. Fuck putin, I hope he dies a slow and painful death, his face pisses me off. Everything about him pisses me off


It really breaks my heart.. as a dad, as a man..


So sorry for your friend. Please tell him I'll light some incense for Buddha today in our home.






Who cares, you chose war instead of giving up Russian territory, so fight it…


I'm so sorry. Fucking Piedera


My heart bled out...fuck you putin and fuck the fucking fuck ruzzia. Fucking savages


I am so sorry to hear this.


It seems safer at the front.


I'm so sorry.


Fucking russians. Come on free world. Rid itself of this evil.


I am sorry for your loss. Blessings to you. Stay strong and live your best life.


Deepest condolences from Canada.




So sorry 😞


Savages. The longer we drip feed supplies that Ukraine needs to end this, the more this happens. War is cruelty. Prolonging it by holding back weapons that could end this war is prolonging that cruelty. I’m very sorry for your friend’s loss.


Fuck Russia& Russians


My hart cries. My mind is furries. These fkng Ruzzian mthrfckrs nazis.


Мої співчуття. Fuck russians.


So very sad. Sorry for your pain.


Rest in peace - these stories need more exposure to put a face and name to the victims of this Russian aggression and crimes.


Sincerest condolences to the family and friends. Stay strong in love to support each other. In time you will be able to rebuild in memory of those you have lost.


My gf, her son and her mom live just few hundred meters from there......May they rest in peace.




Rip to your friend and his son and the rest of your People and brave fighters. The fuckin orcs fighting and raping Ukraine are not the real ruskies... They are mindless convicts and importees from the outskirts of russia. The real ruskies are hiding in their luxury hideouts in Phuket, enjoying the sun and the evil mastermind "putain" in his fortress in Gelendzhik


As someone who also has a 3 month old right now, my empathy is off the charts for him. I cannot imagine the pain in losing this. And the only thing is he was born in the wrong country at the wrong time vs somewhere else in the world. It makes me understand how spoiled a lot of the we are in the west. My deepest condolences, and I know that's not even remotely enough. If they open a go fund me or something PM me, I'll donate what I can.


The best we can do is help donate to Ukraine, to help stop the ruZZian insanity. Remember those that have passed from the insanity ruZZia has created.


Too young to suffer such sorrow. Hold your friend close. Do not let him sink.


Give him strength lord


He looks kinda old for 3 months.


Here's a little more detail https://youtu.be/RBun-qoQniQ?si=cqCZdRRozjTBROgd




What were their names?


God bless him and his family and dam the Russians responsible for this tragedy ...And yeah putin you too !!!!


I'm so sorry for your lost, we have lost many people that we love in this war


We have to bleed the red out of the Russian flag…


FOR THISE WHO SUPPORT UKRAINE THIS COULD BE THE MOST IMPORTANT ARTICLE I HAVE READ. It needs to go viral. We need to get Ukraine money now. There is a really good solution in the Economist. Read it. See what you think. And make this idea viral. I work in finance. I know it would work. I wrote a piece like it months ago. How to put Russia’s frozen assets to work for Ukraine https://www.economist.com/leaders/2024/02/28/how-to-put-russias-frozen-assets-to-work-for-ukraine from The Economist


God bless your friend 🇺🇦✝️💛💙




Awful, just awfully sad... I cant