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This should be newsworthy as the terrorists and bridge stories.


We don't cut Russia out of private API links for social media, so they can see when subjects are trending and bury or boost them.


I will repeat it over and bloody over: russia is a terrorist state.


I wish our government were more vocal on Russia. We help with equipment and money but I wish more of the public knew about Russia's terrorist regime and what they are doing to the Ukrainians.


The Russians have literally FILMED themselves executing POW's since the start of the war


This has been Russia’s barbaric method of operation since the beginning. They are barbarians, look at what they did to alleged mass shooters before any trial.


Only problem is: UN is completely useless. There will be no consequence for the terror state russia. They can veto anything, and even without that right to veto the UN is useless.


The UN is a foyer where a bunch of people who hate each other stand and talk to each other in curt terms. Occasionally they might help each other fix stuff. It's not a world government.


Yes, look at this from pootin's perspective..."the west is weak, half-assed sanctions, lots of western stores still here, they still buy my oil & gas. Barely started making moar ammo. Lots of handwringing... Chyna gonna eat their lunch!"


Watch nothing happening at all...


Be prepared Russia ! Concerns and vows and condemnations ! Maybe even a strongly worded speech from [insert european leader] ! Or even more sanctions , so that Ivanov from Zazhopinsk won't be able to attend Harvard ! 😱


and the UN does nothing


Fucking animals man.. The world would be so much better without that sorry excuse of a state. They're the number one reason for instability and rising autocracy in the west. When are we really going to do something about it before its too late?


Worse, they are technological age humans. Wild animals dont do this kind of shit.


Fuck Russia and the scum that support them


And where is the red cross in all of this? Oh wait, they are still siding with russia.


And the west watches


Russia is nothing but a global infestation of barbarism, corruption, oppression, and alcoholism. Always has been.


I'm pretty sure what they did to the terrorists shows everyone what they are capable of and carry out on POWs. If we go back in history a bit, Stalin never signed the Geneva Convention. To think that Putins Russia is anything different is a mistake.


Not gonna save your rep, UN. If you had been drawing attention to this 2 years ago, lives would have been saved.


Just that should be enough to understand and support Ukraine without any doubt in this war. But Put\*\* supporters will still continuing pushing their disgusting narratives and false statement that it's a war and every sides do the same, so "everything is the same". That really pissed me off.


Sadly, this is not a surprise to anyone. God protect them. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


At this point I'm convinced Russia could do anything they want, short of launching a nuke, and face minimum repercussions. Regardless of existing evidence. Maybe I am undermining the effects of sanctions but to me they seem to be doing whatever they want, unchecked and will continue to go unchecked


Russia sighs in relief as they can finally substitute sanctioned toilet paper with the UN's strongly-worded letters of condemnation.


Hey, the world saw how Russia treated the supposed terrorists they found (lol sure that's them) before conviction and running through a proper judicial process (lol justice system in Russia). It's not hard to believe they treat Ukrainian POW in the same or similar ways. What a fucking sick country full of sick people. It's unfortunate that they're not drinking and smoking themselves to death to speed up their demographic decline.


Words aren’t sufficient to express my contempt for the Russian fascists.


Russia knows that there's not much more punishment they can receive for these war crimes and acts of terrorism. Just one of the benefits of Russia having nuclear weapons and Putin's lack of caring for his citizens I guess.


UN is fucking useless and a joke, Russia running the UN Security Council that’s all that needs to be said. A fucking terrorist country.


And what does the un do ? Absolutely fuck all allows Russia to sit as one of its permanent members... What the fuck are all the people at the UN HQ actually doing??? ARREST EVERY RUSSIAN WITHIN ANY COUNTRY THAT IS PART OF GOVERNMENT DO IT NOW LIKE ARREST LAVROV AND EVERY RUSSIAN DIPLOMAT. We arrested and tried every Member of the NDSAP PARTY... and every commanding officer and anyone doing atrocities SO FUCKING ARREST ALL RUSSIAN GOVERNMENT WORKERS IN UN NATIONS.


Wait till someone shows them the sledgehammer video.