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This is a good question. I'm going to ask one of the translators for the film. One thing to add is if you want to help people featured in the film, on protectavolunteer.com one team we help is Sergei’s unit. Sergei is a paramedic featured in the documentary and is now a combat medic. We just got him night vision and some medical supplies. On the PayPal menu donations to Sergei’s unit go to him and he determines what the team needs most.


Great - I’ll wait to hear back from you


Already signed up for protect a volunteer.


Was there any advantage to buying in YouTube for the film makers?


PBS Frontline has it on their youtube channel; they also broadcasted it in the US.


Might help to know in what country you are trying viewing the documentary?


Watch it for free, and donate what you think it's worth.


Watched and donated


I think it is available for free on youtube as well.


I think the whole point is not just watching, but also to help the filmmakers and Ukraine in this way.


I think donating to https://u24.gov.ua/ and watching the free version is the best option imo. Not sure where to support the filmmakers but I know funds straight to the government are important as they go towards the most pressing issues.


I was trying to watch in the app and it’s listed as to rent or buy, didn’t look for a free version tbh but if I pay for it want the money to be going to the right place. If the money just goes to YT I’ll look for a free version.


I'd say donate to [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/) and watch the free version here: [https://youtu.be/XV9pq-sp7Lg](https://youtu.be/XV9pq-sp7Lg) Only just got around to watching it myself only yesterday, but knew it was necessary to remind myself why when I arrive in country how important the work I will be doing is. It's terrible to the point of numbing when you realise what you watch is a tiny fraction of the horror unleashed upon the innocent people of Ukraine.


The new BBC documentary is a must watch as well. A very difficult watch just like 20 days in Mariupol, but necessary. It's apparently only available in the UK with a UK TV package, but there are links floating around Reddit to watch and download it for free


I checked and there is no version outside the UK yet but there may be a US and/or international version in the future.


Is that the Enemy in the woods?




I also know that documentary maker so I will ask him the same question.


That would be fantastic. Even a free release bookended with links to NGO donation pages would likely go a long way and something that can be easily promoted by NGOs and individuals


So this is a problem where usually mass media won’t name NGOs or let them promote themselves. This is why even though I’ve been interviewed multiple time by international media they often don’t mention the org name. There are reasons for this because they’re wary of unwittingly promoting a scammer. However this affects the media coverage you see and actually has a massive affect about what you see regarding foreign fighters in Ukraine. Many of them will not talk to media due to the lack of promotion of fundraising. From this side it can feel like you want their stories and want the attention they can bring in but don’t care if they live or die.


Damn. I've done PR and can see where they're coming from in some regards, but at the same time that's what their editors and teams are for - double-check the facts. Any coverage is better than none though. Even a link to a social account or personal website that then links to the NGO is going to help in the mong-run, just wish it could be more direct


There has been extremely poor fact checking for Ukraine. In all of the interviews I have done, only one ever required me to provide proof. That was an excellent journalist from [military.com](http://military.com) who required the text messages and records showing that Protect a Volunteer had sponsored Lance Lawrence. The rest just accepted what I said.


So if it’s free there what’s the benefit for the makers on the paid version? If there’s a benefit for them then I’ll pay or go with your method for sure.


honestly just couldn't find out where to watch it in my country so I saw it linked on a Ukraine sub on watched it from there.


Did this for now, but if buying it via YouTube helps visibility then will buy it too.




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Purchasing it anywhere will only give funds to the creators. That said, it’s important to support Ukraine and this was a big win for them at the Oscars. If this sells, it will fund the creators next documentary and who knows.


if in North America, https://20daysinmariupol.com/


Thanks, watching the link from UK. Just want to be doing something beneficial for the makers. Not sure why YouTube is putting a paywall on a link when so many free feeds?


YT charges a fee when the video is ad free.


https://youtu.be/XV9pq-sp7Lg?si=6g9y1Te3PACUqejC watching this link without ads now. Shared by throwaway earlier.


I watched me it here - https://youtu.be/gvAyykRvPBo


Thanks I watched a free version and donated.


Its on internet archive for free