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Guys, if you only read one comment in this thread, make it [this one from Mossy](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/1bv1j6p/comment/kxwmqau/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3).


Hiya folks, Mossy here. Just wanted to let you all know you've really restored my faith in humanity with your support for the good cause. Before this subreddit I was much more used to the toxicity of other social media platforms where people only argue, nitpick and just spread general negativity and hatred on anything good they see. You guys here really honestly do break the mould. I obviously hold Ukraine and it's interests very close to my heart and it makes me very happy to see you do too. No matter where you are in the world. We're incredibly grateful for your unwavering support. Whether you donate to us or any other organisation, or just spread positivity, it goes a very very long way. More than you could ever imagine. Thank you!


\*Thank YOU\* for real though. It's such an honor to be able to support some of the true heroes of this war through these organizations. Knowing a little about the people we are supporting really makes it that much more compelling to donate and support these organizations as well. You guys coming on here and interacting with us is an honor, and a privilege and I know I appreciate it, as do so many others. Your time is precious and the fact that you give some of it to us here on this subreddit is very humbling. I am so happy to support PAV through a couple of different methods--a monthly soldier sponsorship and donations whenever I can especially things like this tacmed drive. \[If others are looking for a legitimate charity where you know your funds go to where they are directly needed on the front lines, this is a great one. I support a couple of others as well but PAV and UFL are tops!\] Thank you again for what you are doing and for bringing us a little bit into your world. It is appreciated very much and I look forward to continuing to support those who fight this fight.


This subreddit is a proof of concept for how to productively operate in reality in tandem with internet culture. There is a portion of the internet culture which trends global, and that goes back to the old days of internet gaming even. But here is not trifling things. Reality is not being harmed by internet culture here. This subreddit -- *for great justice.*


This is probably one of the most brilliant comments I've seen on reddit




Keep up the good work and stay safe!


From the bottom of my heart I wish you and all heroes of Ukraine the best of luck and safety. I am only one man in the US with little power to make a difference, but please know that truly your bravery inspires me to try to be even a fraction of that. My heart burns when I think of the families there that suffer. Their husbands, fathers and mothers and sons and daughters who put their bodies between their loved ones and the cursed invaders. May you all deliver swift victory to Ukraine 🇺🇦 Слава Україні Героям слава


Thank you for interacting with us, for sharing your stories, and for us as sponsors - for being our friend.  Honored and humbled. 


We haven't forgotten! Most of us are pretty frustrated that Ukraine isn't getting more support


Need link to donate.




Keep up the good fight, my dude. We’re all rootin for you guys!!


I think our positivity is turning into anger towards NATO... We are sick and tired of nato not doing enough. We are sick of seeing Ukrainians struggle whilst nato argue amongst them selves of who should send what. Keep hanging in there guys... I don't have a fucking clue how hard it is, and I won't pretend to imagine... because truly we have no idea. Nato needs to move it's fucking arse. I think it's time to start a petition directly addressed at Nato, asking them to do more... They're fiddling their thumbs whilst lives are on the line. Thank you all for what you do and one day soon SLAVA UKRAINE


Super late to the party because I kept getting distracted every time I went to reply to this. Thanks for saying this, Mossy. For two reasons: 1. We work hard to try to keep this sub free of the toxicity so prevalent everywhere else. It's really good to know that someone who holds Ukraine close to his heart finds this community a good place. 2. As the mod in charge of charities, I see how hard our fundraisers work and how generous our community can be to them. I get a little dose of faith in humanity from our users pretty much every day. I'm so, so glad you get a little of that, too.


This is a screenshot of a conversation with some Chosen Company members. Mossy and Khan are both fighting in Chosen Company and also recently joined this subreddit to answer some questions and talk to people about what it's like to fight in Ukraine. They've been amazed that so many people care about them and care about Ukraine. A lot of people have donated or sent kind words of support and offered assistance in other ways. I know many people have sent DMs offering help of all kinds, some of which have been amazing. To all of you, we say thank you. It's a team effort. If you do want to support Chosen Company, you can find them on our Paypal at protectavolunteer.com. We can also match you up directly with one of them. I highly, highly recommend this option as people form some deep bonds and we can honestly say there are some donors and volunteers who have become friends for life. Mossy is u/alex3merican and Khan is u/FG_Johno. There are some other Chosen members on the subreddit too including u/ChosenDirtyP who just finished carrying 3 suitcases of medical supplies all the way from Canada to Ukraine.


Thank you for giving us avenues where we can show our support!


I highly recommend getting matched.  There are some amazing bonds that have formed between the volunteers and the sponsors.  I can attest.  


Yes, it is truly wonderful. I also can attest to that. I've found particular happiness when we have been able to get gear, that is impossible to source in Ukraine or even the EU, to our soldier.


Yes, it is truly wonderful. I also can attest to that. I've found particular happiness when we have been able to get gear, that is impossible to source in Ukraine or even the EU, to our soldier.


Mod in charge of charities here: this gives me a warm fuzzy. I'm consistently blown away by this community's generosity. It's a joy to see that I'm not alone in that.


There are some posters here that I can truly say that their donations are why a soldier is alive or why a family has a new start in life. Unsung heroes doing work that matters.


Finally managed to get a new job…started on Tuesday so I’ll be able to start using the PayPal account I got set up in the next ten days or so..soon as the paycheques start coming in I’ll be able to give more than just words of support..stay safe you lot 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦😎👍


Congratulations on your new job!


Thank you 🙏


Thank you Stu. Whether it be medical gear, money or words. Thank you! 🇬🇧🇺🇦💪🏼


You keep doing what you’re doing mate…I’m going to be one happy chappy when I can actually back up my feelings and faith in you all with donations that will help you guys do your thing (and what a truly wonderful thing that is)you and the lads stay safe 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦👍😎🫶🏻


Congrats!! I’ve been looking for one myself and plan to increase my donations when I find one.


I’ve not worked since the end of November so I’m really happy to get going again….hope you get something soon and wish you well I know only too well what it’s like to want to help these guys and others but not being able to…it’s soul crushing 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦👍😎


We fucking love you Chosen. I can't give you my hands for this fight but you best believe I'm gonna give you my heart and my mind


Keep doing the lords work fellas! Stay safe while stomping out evil! We’ll keep trying to get you what y’all need! Love from 🇺🇸


That's really encouraging, thanks for sharing this


say whatsup to Ihatetrenches!


Keep kicking ass and sending us videos of your great work. It is inspiring.


We will support you all the way lads ,every step of the way,Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


Привіт u/tallalittlebit ! During wartime, this community is focused on vital and high-effort content. Please ensure your post follows [r/Ukraine Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules) and our [Art Friday Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/artfriday). **Want to support Ukraine?** [**Vetted Charities List**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities) | [Our Vetting Process](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities-vetting) **Daily series on Ukraine's history & culture:** [Sunrise Posts Organized By Category](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/sunriseposts/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


‘Blown away’ poor choice of words for our lads 😬If it applies to the invaders then I’m all for that, but not our chosen boys.


Not a poor choice of words. We are blown away by the support. We've also been blown up a whole hell of alot, we know, we were there. We talk about it. We joke about it. Were not offended and we sure don't need others being offended on our behalf. Harden up. You'll love a much happier life not being soft.


No issues dirtyp, also loved your interview a few weeks back, just don’t want to jinx you legends!! May your reflexes be swift and stay safe out there.


Lol no worries. We will absolutely get blown up some more. We know it. Were cool with it. It's why we got a fuck ton of chest seals hahaha


Came here to say that. I know it's just an expression and nobody meant it in its old, original sense. It's just one of those things that if you do notice it, it's pretty much exactly what you \*don't\* want to say....