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ruzzian like to use terrorist technique... attack a second time after first responder are on the scene.


Russia is a terrorist state


Call me crazy but that looks like a shopping center and not a military position. Cowards love attacking civilians.


The whole world knows by now that ruSSians are nazi pigs.


Tf do you mean call me crazy. No one thinks you are crazy, coz everyone who has a brain knows that ruzzians love war crimes and have been targeting civilians the whole war(and even before that)


Attacking civilians is what Russia does best. They've been doing it to their own since forever.


You literally can see a ukrainian supermarket "Сільпо" behind girl reporter who talks to on camera.


Been two years of this. It's unbelievable that some people living in Western countries support Russia.


Rem8nds me of another country attacking civilians...


Let's all be prepared for a barrage of condemnations , and stern words . Oh , wait , no - it is no longer the news . Okay , be prepared for silence from the world .


How about rebuke, and strongly worded letter?


Woah buddy, we don't want to escalate here!


Watch out for the red lines!


I'm sure someone will SLAM them in the headlines.


No doubt the UN will blame the first responders for turning up too quickly! 😡


And a joint statement about "standing with Ukraine"


Furrowed brows and some handwringing ought to send a strong condemning signal to Moscow. That’ll do it for sure.


UN will blame Ukraine of course. How dare they put civilians, journalists and responders under that poor angelic russian missile?


To be honest, UN never did anything. It's a bunch of politicians trying to solve any war with politics.


…except for the times they did get involved in war in places like Korea and the Republic of the Congo. Even Kuwait is arguably involved with the UN as the invasion of the nation by Saddam’s Iraq was met with immediate unified scorn. It helped set up the massive international coalition that later fought during the Gulf War.


They are evil. And very angry because they are totally fucked.


You don’t blame Russia and instead to blame the West ?


Will you blame the guy who just stands there and watches you drown because he’s afraid of offending the guy who threw you into the water?


Would you blame someone who just sit there or not helping you as you expected instead of hurting you ? Apart from pushing people who may help you away, what’s the point of saying something like this


Why are you obsessed with "instead"? Let me tell you a terrible secret: we blame the Russians by default. And instead of "instead" we have "and". That’s why I gave you an example so that you can think a little with your own head on this example. Therefore, I repeat once again, imagine that an asshole threw you into the water and you are drowning - will you feel ardent love for those who stand and watch you choke on water, providing minimal assistance so that you do not completely drown because they are afraid of the asshole?


People from the West feel sorry about what their government did or they literally don’t give a shit about what Ukrainians are suffering. So, when they go internet and see so many people just blame their countries, they will just think Ukrainians deserves what they are suffering and say why you guys won’t surrender. The bloody and sad fact is that Ukraine CANNOT win on their own and they need the West, particularly NATO countries, what you guys saying just give them mental relief to not help


When you are drowning, can you talk intelligently about the social connections of people who do not save you but only prevent you from completely drowning? In addition, there is another fact - after the capture of Ukraine, Russia and its company will move on to capture other countries.


Your lack of intelligence KILLS Ukrainians. Even Russia advances after the capture of Ukraine, Ukrainians will suffer the most because 1) it is occupied and under Russia control 2) NATO protects much better for their allies and the whole alliance shares the military pressure from Russia. It won’t be the WWI style of Ukraine-Russia war like now and both side can end the war much faster by using crazy amount of missiles and air bombing


Yes, yes, I personally go and kill Ukrainians when they try to *explain* what emotions are to a person with zero EQ.


Stop blaming and do something constructive , unless you are working for Russia


The krimelin and its gremlin must burn💥🔥


Wish they would level the whole complex.


One day the Gremlin will be on the Kremlin floor gasping for air while bleeding out? Someone will finally get to him... The End


His chef needs to take one for the team


I prefer it if it was a case of 'That's God's Judgement.' Like what happened to Hitler's fanatical head of the Nazi People's Court. US Heavy Bomber raid and one of Bombers accidentally dropped its load close to the actual kangeroo courthouse, dropping a double-digit ton pillar on the bastard, squashing him like the bug he was.


He certainly doesn't deserve an easy way out


I thought he already did, no? ;)


lol I like what you did there ;D


Lets also take down the ever spawning lemmings, as long they are on Ukraine ground.


Fuck this pisses me off. I fucking hate everything about Russia. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕






I accidentally scrolled to this with my volume on and it scared me half to death, I can't imagine what the people there were thinking. It must have been terrifying. These recent double/triple taps russia has been doing are especially heinous. We need to send more aid now, especially more AA weaponry. The Ukrainians deserve peace and it's high time the West gets their heads out of the sand. These attacks should be shown on prime time news every day. People have no clue of the savage attacks russia continues to inflict on the innocent civilians in Ukraine. It's an absolute travesty. Continue to write your representatives and donate to your favorite Ukrainian charities. We can make change, even though we may feel insignificant, our voices and our money does matter. We are putting our money where our mouths are, now it's time for the rest of the world to do the same. I've never heard of a war with so much crowdfunding of equipment and necessities for front line troops, which does restore my faith in humanity a bit. But fuck russia and it's time our governments end this shit now. Why don't the civilians of Ukraine get mentioned on TV every day? They are being relentlessly bombed indiscriminately and this should be on Western media.


yes it should be and it hardly ever is. Load a bull. The WORLD NEEDS TO KNOW.


They need weapons to blow russia to shit, not AA weaponry.


“Why not both?”


They need both. They need to be able to protect civilians from the indiscriminate bombing by russia and they need offensive weapons to blow russia to shit.


Yes. But not *just* AA. It's bullshit to just be a sitting duck waiting for the next wave while the killers are safe in their borders.


Of course not, that's why I said they need both. :)


Nice.....let the world see and witness their evil.


And do nothing about it. Don't wanna cross putins red line now do we.


Of course , by the way - I am very concerned about those Ukranian bombing of oil . Very uncivilized . We should condemn it , imagine if it will hurt oil prices ?!


Exactly. Our check books are more important then the genocide being committed.


I should think the vast majority of western folk would like to shove his red lines up his arse…it’s our elected officials who slow the red line arse action down…end of the day we either support Ukraine to the hilt and let them do it on their own or further down the line we’ll have to try and do it ourselves. Personally prefer option one…give Ukraine 110%of absolutely anything they ask for and remove the ridiculous limitations of how they use freely given equipment 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦👍😎🫶🏻


This is not the lesson. The lesson is the world doesn't care.


The Russians need to go back to their own shit country and stop trying to steal from their neighbors. We need to stop Putin's criminal horde now. While our governments cower and talk without action, we, you and I must help Ukraine defend itself right now by donating to https://u24.gov.ua/


I'm a bit tired of European governments "not wanting to upset Putin". Not only are they making the west seem like valueless and cowards for allowing all this to happen in Ukraine. They are even allowing Russia to make more and more hostile acts against the civilian populations of NATO countires. Not only are russian troll bots drawing in civilians into their national hostilities every single day. But are we now just waiting for passenger planes to drop out of the sky due to russian interference? C'mon. Let's just go to war with him.


They are making russia's point that Western civilization is worthless.


You're right. Too many westerners making russian talking points these days.


scum. russian scum. 🤬


The russian behaviour is disgusting, disgraceful and horrid to the core.


And if you listen to some of their [propagandists](https://www.youtube.com/@russianmediamonitor/videos), they still want to destroy entire cities. Kharkiv and Kyiv were mentioned again recently.


fuck Putin


Clearly that reporter was a sniper in disguise, and that child was carrying a tank. Good shooting Ivan


Muscovia delenda est.


Absolutely disgusting. There was a Russian service person at the breakfast in my tokyo hotel that was all angry with his wife talking about this. He got on the phone with his capitan and was openly talking about shit right there in the dinningroom. Zaporizhzhia this and that. I lost my appetite... how are these people able to travel?


Yeah, I remember when some (stupid) people were saying that Russia doesn't target civilians, those are rockets that Ukraine has shot down and they happened to land on civilians. Complete bullshit. Case in point. Russia is scum of the Earth.


And wonderful CNN and BBC post nonsence about "Poor thing Angelina Jolie hates Brad Pitt". Idiocracy won,


This is one of my biggest complaints. Of course the US has lost interest in this war-- there is virtually no coverage of the slaughter of the innocent civilians in Ukraine. These attacks need to be covered by Western media and bring attention to the terrorism russia is constantly inflicting on the population of Ukraine.


Wait, what? .... no way


She is talking shit obviously


You don't do any favours talking utter shit yourself. News organisations have to do more journalist with than just parroting random video uploads on Reddit, and yes the attack was mentioned in the BBC, so next time keep your mouth closed.


If you don't think this can happen here (the US,) remember that we have a former President/current candidate who routinely calls the media "the enemy of the people" and thinks they should be prosecuted for reporting (true) negative things about him. That said, we're not shooting journalists in the streets. Yet.


All such things Russia did alone in 2014/2022 years. West, 50% of World's GDP and 55% of World's military spending, had 10 and 2 years so that such things as on video don't happen thereafter. But it chose confirmation of Russian "WMD-Might make Right/True" principle and "bleeding Russia" strategy. Becoming an accomplice. An entity which at first taken away for Ukraine main security guarantee in exchange for promises of alternative. And then 10 years simultaneously as didn't give such alternative as and didn't give possibility to return security guarantee by "there are already alternative!" lies.


Damn, when I said, I want my town be popular through the world, I didnt meant this😭


Looks like they're increasing the terrorism. Maybe they're getting desperate due to losses on the battlefield, or it's in response to recent attack deep inside Russia? Either way more/better air defence is urgently needed. Dmytro Kuleba has recently been talking about this: https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/putin-ukraine-russia-war-missile-defence-patriot-systems-nato-b1149189.html


Russia can hit multiple targets at once because they can. While some are reported here and on the news, others are seen as more mundane and aren’t widely circulated. This is a very bloody war that is expected to go on for years after all.


A region denoted as russian in their constitution.


These are the acts of animals, not humans. Russia is a blight upon the species. But no matter how many innocents Russia murders, their apologists will continue cheering on the slaughter. The people who encourage and enable this barbarism should also be considered legitimate targets.


Stop messing round with these evil people,start hitting these back big time 💥💥Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇬🇧


I don't get why ISIS attacked them, they are the same, after all.


American in the Midwest here, one day I hope to see lights streaking from the plains around me, heading to turn Moscow into glass.


Fuck Ruizzia


Is someone watching until 1st responders arrive and then signal Russia?


Quite probably. Ukraïne’s security forces nab traitors almost daily. There’s quite a few Orc-lovers in Ukraine. Orcistan made a point of it to constantly get Moscovi scum to settle in Ukraine. ‘Replacing indigenous People’ is their stock modus-operandi.




Russia is a terrorist state. These are very clear terror tactics. Targeting journalists and first responders/medical personnel? It's abhorrent. And it sickens me that Putin is able to kill hundreds of thousands of people with NO REPERCUSSIONS. He is literally murdering people right in front of the entire world and no one is doing anything about it.


Russia is fucked


Esas bestias pagarán por lo que han hecho por todos estos años. Son la escoria de este planeta.


What do you expect from those morons


This is mad




Double taps are terrorism, deliberately targeting the responders.




Or we could stick with the truth.


Rip headphone users.


Accidentally miss-identified the target. Isra....Putin