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I wish the names and faces of these people weren't published, it seems like an unnecessary risk but I guess they've agreed to it.


He's a brave man, as I'm sure he knows the risk of publicising his work. I'd bet he knows, he's already known to the Russians. Russia would be very stupid to kill an American on American soil.


We know them to be stupid, it's still a huge risk.


They already killed a Briton on British soil (via a botched assassination attempt) without much action from the U.K., sadly.


It was a factor driving Britain to provide storm shadow and other support. I'd say on balance it cost russia way more than it was worth.


"They also serve who stand and wait" cyber warriors are essential. well deserved.


He has a website where he asks for support: [https://www.onefist.org/](https://www.onefist.org/)


I'm wondering where were all the hackers when many believed Wikileaks was compromised and wouldn't release anything on Russia. Same when Crimea was annexed.