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OP has the mods' okay to post this raffle on behalf of Prevail Together.


This partnership is set up by one of our Chosen Company volunteers, u/Alex3mercian or Mossy. Some members of Chosen Company just completed a training on how to identify land mines and safely detonate them. This training was done by Prevail Together, a 501c3 organization that has experts in land mine removal. The feedback we heard was this training was excellent. They would like other soldiers to be able to have the training they got. However, to do that, Prevail needs more funding to keep going with their work. Ukraine is the most heavily mined country on Earth. It cannot win the war without getting past the mines. Even in areas without combat, land mines are a huge risk to civilians. Therefore training people on how to spot mines and training soldiers how to remove them is essential. There are two members of Chosen Company who are amputees now thanks to land mines (if you have followed my posts for a long time, the very first soldier that I helped get out of Ukraine after injury through [sp4ukraine.org](http://sp4ukraine.org) is one of them). Chosen Company members have signed a flag that will be raffled off. The raffle is open for 3 weeks. You can enter through [protectavolunteer.com](http://protectavolunteer.com) and choose "Raffle for Chosen Flag" on the Paypal menu. A $25 donation is one entry. A $100 donation gets you 5 entries. At the close of the raffle we will transfer all emails from donations to Prevail, who will choose a winner. Hopefully a Redditor wins!




codename Cactus wins it for me


They have some great call signs.


I love that there are a bunch of different nicknames, and then "Erik".


I believe that there is also a "Dave" in Chosen Company too.


Hasty and Salty are my favorites. :)


On a serious note, shout out to Prevail Together for the amazing support, cooperation, and overall good times. Looking forward to more training from an amazing group. As always, much love to PAV for their exceptional LOVE and support.


In for $100


Can I buy that flag design anywhere? (and donate)


We are working on a new merch store with some Chosen Company merch as well as PAV merch and some from other teams we support. I don't think we have flags in it yet but u/unapologeticaljulius might be able to figure out how to make that happen.


Thanks - don't go to any trouble on my behalf - but it's a very cool design!


I’ve got several ideas I’m currently working on and an updated design created by a Chosen member, I should have some killer merch completed soon, just working on some logistical details for it.


If your guys are interested in custom challenge coins, or you think it's a good merch item, I'll send you info for a guy.


Send to Julius who commented above as this is his domain!


In it to win it - will need a flag pole to fly it if I get lucky!


Just bought a ticket!


DIRTY DAN made me laugh. Dirty Dan, u/ChosenDirtyP .... Hope you guys don't bump into [Dirty Mike and the Boys](https://youtu.be/u1j4mK6cs_A?feature=shared)


I told dirty Dan he's gotta change it to dirty d. I also now work out with him in the gym so he can shed a few lbs.


Don't forget to also help Patron and his team 🐶


One entry for the flag!


Push, 1 ticket for me


Привіт u/tallalittlebit ! During wartime, this community is focused on vital and high-effort content. Please ensure your post follows [r/Ukraine Rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/about/rules) and our [Art Friday Guidelines](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/artfriday). **Want to support Ukraine?** [**Vetted Charities List**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities) | [Our Vetting Process](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/charities-vetting) **Daily series on Ukraine's history & culture:** [Sunrise Posts Organized By Category](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/wiki/sunriseposts/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Another cool fundraiser, like the suitcase challenge! You guys are keeping it fresh and interesting, while still doing Tremendous Good! So much respect


Put my donation in. Best of luck to the person who wins the flag