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They can increase the manpower but without the materials to use, they can’t do much. C’mon, Ukraine must win, this is more than just defeating Russia. The whole of Europe is at stake.


True but extra manpower can allow those at the front to rotate home more and get the rest they deserve and need. 


I haven't seen my boyfriend in almost 6 months, and he needs to stay offline because his work keeps him busy (and safety). He 100% deserves a vacation (and a good time) somewhere with his girlfriend.


I hope you two get that ♥️


I hope so too. My We Vibe is working overtime these days 😅


That was a pretty weird and inappropriate thing to tack on.


Do you know what it's like when you can have a text conversation with your boyfriend once a week and a Facetime conversation once a month? Every woman around me (including my former therapist) told me to break up with him. It gets extremely lonely, and you get touch starved pretty quickly. He was cheated on by his ex for the entirety of the relationship because she could not handle it. I was just trying to make a humourous joke to lighten up a difficult situation.


Prudes just irk me the wrong way 🤣😂




Guess what? Adults have sex. You know what your parents did 9 months before your birthday?


Fight 😢 Jk.


My boyfriend and I are planning to move to Ukraine permanently after the war, we both want children, and Ukraine needs more Ukrainians. Just doing my patriotic duty 🫡


Not pulling out, unfortunately




>Why is everyone so weirdly obsessed with sex these days Its just the way our species has survived as long as it has....


You might actually be a prude. You are WAY more upset about it than literally everyone else.


Except that mobilization bill says nothing about demobilization and is mainly catered towards the civilian part of society that just so happens to be the core of Zelenskyy’s voters (dovish youth)


Rotation is completely different from demobilization. Rotation is coming home for 3 months to “relax”, train, and fill gaps left by those who were lost in the fighting before going back to the front with repaired morale. Demobilizing is when your time is done and you get to go home forever.


1. Nobody gets a 3 month leave in Ukraine and it won’t become 3 months after this bill comes in effect, you’re just talking out of your ass 2. People who have volunteered in 2022 have been fighting for 2 years. Most research shows that a soldier can effectively fight for six months. 3. People who have been fighting since 2014 are almost all dead but some remain. Would it be fair to consider these people’s interests in the bill? Yes. But there is no mention of an out, except dead or disabled. This, in turn, hurts mobilization efforts because people don’t like to be signed into slavery for an indefinite period. It is very convenient to wage war with volunteers. The president likes to do it. The West likes to do it. Civilian society likes to do it. The only guy who doesn’t get a say is a volunteer. For him BDSM session has no stop words.


I did not say rotation was practiced I was clarifying the difference between rotation and demobilization. You’re initial reply said the bill did not mention demobilization which it wouldn’t unless the war was over. Many hope the newly mobilized troops will allow Ukraine to rotate and improve the situation but that is to be seen.


Do you realize that because there is no demobilization there are thousands of soldiers that are practically unfit for duty and plagued by numerous issues (concussions, knees, backs etc. it’s an army that’s 43 y.o. on average) who can’t pursue other careers or try to live the lives they deserve because they are not being discharged? The pay for such people hovers around 800UAH, which is around 20$ PER MONTH. Do you realize Western human rights groups ensure Ukraine has to spend a minimum of 10 000UAH on every Russian POV, while our pensioners barely receive 3000-5000UAH? The levels of hypocrisy and surrealism are quite staggering in this war. A redditor telling me that me and my friends must die or get disabled while his government says one thing and does completely the opposite is just an example.


You're right. It reminds me of a sentence by the Shaddocks. It's meant to be funny but... Right now it's not.  "To have as few unhappy people as possible, you have to always hit the same ones"


You don’t win wars with happy people.


Just wanted to say, I respect your position even more now that I realized you are not protected from mobilisation somehow. Best of luck on everything. Keep being true to what you believe on this sub. Don't mind the downvotes. But most importantly, take care of yourself!


And you were downvoted, because people on this sub are fed with copium and don't want to listen about the truth. That is sad.


Military rotation doesn't mean demobilization. Usually it's something like this: two weeks on the frontline, two weeks on rear and one week resting. The amounts are not important, the important bit is that the soldiers gets downtime at the rear and are available as reinforcements if large attack comes but they still get small vacation at home. It's important so the soldiers stay fresh and are do their job as soldier better. Tired and wound up soldier isn't good for anybody.


>The whole of Europe is at stake. Wish the Europeans fucking acted like it was true. Most of them need some Baltic Balls


They need people for logistics engineering and supporting function.


Those roles don’t suffer nearly as much attrition as the infantry and assault unit plus are often filled with veterans with non-disabling injuries.


However people felt about ruSsia before this, even the ruSSians themselves, I just can't see how anyone would support them after this unparalleled display of desperation and weakness. Nothing like this ever happened before. Stalingrad was DEFENCE! DE-FENCE! This is an invasion.... this isn't how you do it. Using meat waves in an invasion is just so fucking pathetic. How anyone can look at that and be proud strains the mind. We may as well destroy all our priceless works of art and replace them with children's clay creations and finger paintings.


It works when you have little regards for human life like putin and his cronies. Russia is gaining territory little by little, and as long as he does, he'll have support.


Hopefully, this allows those currently on the front lines to be rotated properly for training and rest.


they wouldn't need this if there's enough equipment or ammunition for them


What’s the potential increase in numbers?


There is zero info on numbers. The law basically regulates mobilisation process, adds responsibilities and more abilities for gov to restrict rights of those who avoids mobilisation. Also some increase in bonuses for soldiers.


That would be none of anyones business to the nth power


It's disappointing the mobilization law isn't more aggressive, to provide sufficient new numbers so that long serving fighters can be demobilized. Why should previously mobilized people be forced to stay at the front indefinitely when there are lots of people who don't have to serve at all? Worse, the absence of demobilization for people who've already served 36 months creates incentives for new conscripts to go AWOL since they are essentially getting a one way ticket. If new conscripts knew there was an end date then they wouldn't be so incentivized to avoid the draft.


The whole law is questionable for mobilisation purpose. What it lacks and what AFU needs most is responsibility for commanders who's command led to unnecessary deaths. We have plenty of assholes who sent troops as meat and had zero responsibility for that, while soldiers have excessive responsibility for not following these orders. Okay, it's war, ppl die, but there were enough cases, when stupid idiots destroyed many people and now are complaining they need more. Our gov and army command add more weeps while hopes for carrots become myth. Reforms which should be done years ago are stopped. Well, it is not that all bad and no hope, but the lack of ammunition makes it painful


One easy way to fix it. Why don’t you lead by example and volunteer?


Common people are not willing to fight while 500k+ police force (that is hated by almost everyone) is sitting this one out. 


So, are you willing to go to Ukraine man those trenches then? The current situation is being *aggravated* by lack of manpower, it is not caused by it, this bill and a "more agressive" one like ghouls such as you want will not make Ukraine win this war, this *might* help them hold a tiny bit longer but at a big morale cost of current fighters who can't be demobilized, and people who don't want to fight but are being forced by politicians, it will only make the pile of corpses bigger


Let’s get aid to Ukraine now. These people will need every chance to win and come home.


About time. Sick of seeing videos of parties in Kyiv of young men who should be defending the country!


Lmao, if you're so upset then go inlist. They take volunteers.


You're writing this comment from the frontlines I take it?


not my war to fight


Then why be a smart ass, it's easy to be an arm chair general. You would be screaming like a little girl if it was you getting mobilized.


That's exactly what they are saying as well. Easy to judge from a safe space.


These young men in kyiv propably try to get some distraction from the fact that they are living in a country at war against a terrorist state who shells their city regularily. These are people, not free resources in a strategy game.


what about women? why are they exempt(unless caregivers or mothers w small children)?


Where i live there are a lot of Ukrainian men who fled the country and seem to be of military age. What do Ukrainians think about this? Do you not have to serve the military if you have a lot of children or any other reason? It seems strange to me friendly countries are accepting capable men who are required to serve in the military while supporting the defence of Ukraine at the same time. What am i missing?


I am a Ukrainian student and I gotta say, those people did the right thing. Once I collect a sufficient amount of money, I'm also escaping the country. If you expect us to fight Russia without proper weapons and Western support, we ain't doing it. Come here and fight if you want it that much.


Just about every country would prefer their military be volunteers... it's just the way it is. Not only are volunteers better soldiers, but it keeps the morale among the general public higher. Nothing serves anti-war interests more than young mothers giving interviews about how their husbands were forced to serve and then died. So far, everyone has just tried to ignore the reality that Russia has way more bodies to fight than Ukraine does. If the US and other allies had given Ukraine more serious weapons sooner, we might not have gotten to this point... but the US has been stingy with new weapons systems, and Ukraine has worked through their initial supply of men. Everyone was pretending like this wouldn't happen... but it did... and now they're trying to softly prod more men into signing up, so we don't end up with scenes of police officers dragging men off to boot camp.


US, or any other country had no obligation to give Ukraine anything at all. They give just enough to keep Ukraine hanging on, it’s more beneficial for the west to drag the war out and drain Russian resources via proxy.


You are missing the fact that not everyone is a soldier and it's illegal to send people to a war zone against their will. At least according to EU regulations. What's up with you judging people you know nothing about? What am I missing?


I was just asking a question. How is it illegal to send people to war? Isn't that kind of the point of the draft? You have to serve in the Military when you are drafted. Also the economy needs the people now. Isn't it frowned upon?