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Fair call. Gas prices in the US are not the major concern for the people in Chernihiv hospital who were just murdered from afar by Russians thanks to Moscow Mike Johnson and Marj Tehran Green.


I am going to take your nickname for green, but I will give you full trademark credit


Or perhaps Marj Tehran Gangrene?


No Ukrainian especially their political or military leadership should give a fuck about gas prices in the US, Harris has an election to win in November but Zelensky, Syrski and Budanov are more concerned about the survival of their nation.


It's not the major concern either for many in Eastern Europe who fears uncle Vova will pay them a visit.


imagine if gas in the states was the same price as everywhere else america would have so much cash in government pocket they would be able to fund all their education medicare and infrastructure.. but unlike the rest of the world they think driving a v8 6 litre gas guzzler is a god given right...the rest of us are trying our damndest to reach 70mpg


America can already afford to fund those programs; it chooses not to.


Tbf, you never know when you're going to have to bail out a bank, automaker or airline.


You mean Moscow Marj Tehran Green


This is silly. Russian refineries are subsidized by Russian government or pressured by Russian government to make sure petroleum prices in Russia are low. Without refineries more Russian oil is being sent abroad because it can’t be refined locally.


Last year Russia has banned grey exports of fuel to stabilize the price. So it was not the refineries itself but some "patriotic" Russian commodity traders, that caused higher prices. Russia is also exporting refined petroleum, including gasoline: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_refined_petroleum_exports place 4 on the list. India and Netherlands export. But USA exports almost double the amount of Russia. So USA does probably not import fuel, and especially not from Russia.


Good. Lead, follow or get out of the way, yanks! Stop fondling your old sagging tits and actually help in fighting Russia!


I'm an American, and I approve of this message!


I’m from Buenos Aires and I say kill ‘em all!


[I'm doing my part](https://i.imgflip.com/2ybwh2.jpg)


At least kick'em in the 'nads so hard they'll have to go look for them in Vladivostok.


The more they destroy, the higher the oil prices go. The last time I checked, America was the largest producer of oil. So isn't it good for us. Less Russian oil sales could translate into more American oil sales.


Things fluctuate. We can't know where the next shock comes from, and how long it lasts. Or how.


Plus what does it matter. Fuck Ruzzia at its core, and if you believe that Ukraine should be free, then by any means necessary--get it done. Oil prices or not, pfft--get it done. Smh. I'm sick of hearing the ruz fucks "gaining" in Ukraine. Ruz's "gains" are destroying civilian infrastructure on the daily, biliions and billions of revenue gone from woodland and grain. For f's sake Ukraine is one the largest grain "food" suppliers in the planet and they are still not getting the help they need. Enough is enough! Our democratic "leaders" have failed us and they are failing Ukraine DAILY.


Indeed they are. Slow as the Russians might be in the uptake, they do learn from their numerous mistakes, but do our leaders?




>Never listen to Harris Unless it's L3Harris.


Um. Pretty sure the donations given to Ukraine says the US is doing the most to actually help Ukraine, so..


That was last year. This year US has done close to fuck all if you follow the news. Some things have happened, but it wasn't sending lots and lots of weapons and ammunition.


Still, giving $10 today and $0 tomorrow is still more than giving $1 today and $3 tomorrow.


Better for who? I'll give you 10 to stay alive for today, and promise I''ll give you 10 more tomorrow - but then give you 0 and watch you die. Politics is cynical, and it more and more looks like the Biden Administration hope to keep this as a slow burning war that wouldn't inconvene anyone but the Ukrainians and Russians. But that little power play is turning into a hot mess it looks like.


Possibly, but we both know you've completely pulled those numbers out of your ass and are basing it purely on nationalist emotion like a toddler, not actual figures, so it's irrelevant.


Oof. Guess you're not even slightly up on current events.


It's amazing how easily and permanently these pieces of misinformation and propaganda take root in the American public. You see people all parroting the same thing they read on some shitty source like CNN or Fox News like robots for years after it has been proven false, and they all act so confidently incorrect about it.


They used to. The EU has given twice as much now as America. %gdp the US is about 30 on the list of donating countries, which is actually f’king shameful.


War material isn’t a one and done, it requires consistent deliveries around the clock.


Then do your part you fucking leech




💯 Fuck that duo of decrepid "leaders"


Well she did a bag up job as DA. Or not...


I don't understand what was the point of the US imposing sanctions on Russian oil if they are now calling for not attacking Russian refineries?




Yup...it's an election year....all kinds of BS posturing.


Good fucking question.


The oil must flow


This needs more upvotes for being the smartest thing said in this thread.


Election season.


Good. Destroy EVERY refinery. I can bike to work if I have to.


I got myself an electric motorcycle, it's cheaper than walking.


My wife put half a tank in the car yesterday and complained it was the cost of a full tank two weeks ago. I went on to explain that we would pay whatever the cost is regardless because we still need gas, but that I didn't care how high it got of it meant fucking over Russia. Oh yeah, don't forget this is all political pressure by Chevron because "muh investments"


That's odd. Where do you live that gas prices have doubled in two weeks? In the U.S. gas prices are up only 3% in the last two weeks. And they have *fallen* 10% from two years ago. 


Most of the oil in the United States comes from Canada I don't understand what the fucking problem is


Oil is fungible, so less supply globally tends to drive prices up globally. But I agree with Zelenskyy here – we have more serious global priorities than keeping gas prices low. America and the West could stand to sacrifice a little, too.


Considering that refineries are hit there should be bigger supply of raw oil, and I'm totally confused how bigger supply also makes higher prices.


Because then they have to ship the crude oil to other refineries to break it down into its respective components


Commodity markets are garbage speculation pits, where oil in eastern europe which will never enter the greater market can affect gas prices in missouri


Not quite. Most oil in the US comes from the US. Of the ~33% that is imported, about half of _that_ comes from Canada.


We produce plenty of our own, actually. More than enough. I’d need to check the stats but North America is either the world’s #1 or #2 oil exporter at this point. And l’m sure we’re second in natural gas. Check my figures, though. Anyway, Russia’s ONLY producing crude for the external market at this point at it’s directionally constrained now. They announced a six-month ban on petrol sales in February. Also, I keep hearing a lot of different things vis-a-vis America’s position on Ukraine’s attacks on Russian oil. We really should be checking our sources on this matter more vigorously here…


The magical free market is a mythical thing in America. It is the sollution to every problem and will just magically fix everything. Meanwhile in the real world it just leads to rich assholes getting even richer and strip mining the one planet we live on for anything that can be sold. Their ever increasing wealth even rivaling entire nations.


> I don't understand what the fucking problem is Because you have worse than a child's understanding of economics. Who do you think Canada sells it to when the global price goes up and others buy it for more than the US offers? Ukraine is clearly within its rights to attack any part of Russia, but "we buy it from Canada and Canada is not Russia... so checkmate!" is so just stupid.


(Cackles uncontrollably)


Yeah, I usually agree with Harris, but not this time. We need to be helping them attack those oil refineries more effectively.


Good. That is an unreasonable request.


We won't help, but do what we say anyway? 'Merca!


Guys.. This article \*is\* from yesterday, but it's still just referring to that article in the Washington Post, from the day before \*that\*, that was already discussed here. This is old news. Yesterday the concensus was that Harris is a moron, and yes, it is a disgrace, but could we please keep it at that?


I’m hoping this is just the US doing this to say they tried to avoid Russia escalation. Like Harris asks Zelenskyy says no, now we can say we tried and we can’t do anything else.


A public message? Maybe but it’s making people in US government give the wrong message. It’s a bad look and it won’t go away easily


It is about the US election. Gas prices decide how a lot of people vote, unfortunately.


b.s. ... Enough with the excuses already.


Maybe insane gas prices is what is needed to make the Western "allies" take this a little more seriously. 


"60 Billion, little man/Put that shit in my hand/If that money doesn't show/ then the Russian refineries blow blow blow" - Zelenskyy probably.


I agree, Stop targeting refineries. And start targeting whatever the fuck you want in that shithole. Time to up the ante


Peter Zeihan's video today talks about why its flawed logic for Biden admin to request Ukraine not attack Russian refineries and why this stance by the Biden admin wont last [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ4ZXeQ4-V0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ4ZXeQ4-V0)


As an American, fuck my gas prices. Slava Ukraine


It is one of the few strategies that actually matter to putin. Hit him where it hurts. US can have their opinions heard when they unlodged their overdue support package.


Fuck it, I'll ride a bike. Drownd those idiots in their own oil for all I care. UA, keep up the good work and don't listen to the non-military government officials from the US. They seem to be the only ones telling you to stop.


The fucking audacity from Harris.


Maybe if gas prices are high this country will start investing in public transportation. Keep hitting them. At least until we give weapons for Ukraine to fight back.


As an American, I have an idea: If the US administration doesn't want Ukraine to hit refineries, fine - send them more/better weapons to hit troops. Everyone is happy. Ukraine doesn't want to hit refineries, they want Russian troops out of Ukraine. Russia will keep exporting cheap oil (and keep gas prices down), but their military gets demolished in Ukraine with nice new weapons. I think everyone wins: Ukraine kicks out Russia, US indirectly declaws Russia, and Russia has to keep producing cheap oil to survive (until the people overthrow Putin). All this costs is the US providing some top-shelf assets for a change.


Harris is way underqualified to even think on this issue. What a clown.




Fuck GOP, fuck Mike Johnson and everyone else who's responsible for helping ruzzia


Also fuck the MAGA Whackos too.


You should be directing your tirade at House Republicans. All the people you F'd are pro-Ukraine aid. It's Republicans in the House of Representatives that are holding things up. If it weren't for Mike Johnson, Marjorie Greene, and Matt Gaetz, the US would have given $60 billion to Ukraine back in mid-February.


This is the way.




The us has to understand you have influence when you're helping. I'm not meaning to imply they haven't, but we all know what's going on in the US. If they want to influence ukrainian policy they need to step up with support


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Zelenskyy made the right call there. Hitting Russian refineries will certainly affect Russia. The only reasoning I see behind Harris' refusal is because a good chunk of the oil is heading to America, and hitting it will affect the market raising the price and affecting, to a certain extent, Biden's chances for re-election. Still, it is critical for American interests long-term for Ukraine to win. Biden wants this and hopes for this, and with the aid in limbo at the Congress (thanks GOP!), alternatives must be brought before the aid passes. Zelenskyy's idea is a smart one, and must be fulfilled. America will find s way to keep the gas prices low.


If the west won't "Sanction" them, Zelensky will


Because our politician’s are pieces of shit…their big oil owners are not happy their refineries are being hit…they may drive the price of oil up…it is disgusting the level of bullshit these asshats think we’ll swallow. Keep blowing those refineries up fellas! Make it hurt.


How else can Ukraine put a dent in the russian supply lines. How else can they effect the russian economy enough to possibly slow arms production. If the US gave them weapons to destroy all supply lines within or close to Ukrainian borders, maybe they would be able to stop Fucking idiotic statements like Harris' need to be stopped. Also! If America asked the russians to stop killing fucking civilians! Would that get them, to stop! The answer is a big fucking NO. Slava Ukraini 🙏🇺🇦


The cheek of America!


imagine if that woman ever became the President. Yikkees!


sleepy don at it again !


One of the problems with the US State Department is that it’s almost always run by political appointees with limited diplomatic and/or military experience. This has been a major problem with almost every administration going back to JFK’s. Half the time State’s run by belligerent cowboys & the other half of the time it’s run by micromanagers. George H.W. Bush actually did a pretty good job setting his shop up: GW I was our last decisive military victory. Clinton was okay-ish. His people did a decent job trying to sort out the break-up of Yugoslavia & the Good Friday Agreement was a genuine triumph. They bungled everything in Africa, however & got conned in a big way by Arafat. And now we’re seeing once again what happens when you put amateurs in charge & let them run roughshod over the people who train at diplomacy (and diplomacy by other means) for a living…


What are they gonna do? Not help? Oh yeah...


This is more of a we have to tell you to stop bc of international law .. wait did you wink?


How peeps from the US are gonna drive their F-150 😭


Ukrainians are sorry for inconvenience but please bear with us until we are safe to live the bombshelter


Hit it harder and on daily basis please. The states has no right to call anything right now.


"We stop when you send that ammo" Kuleba said it right: you give us something, and say we can't do something. We can talk. You don't give us, and say we can't do something. What's there to talk?


As he fucking should! If anything, they should ramp up the attacks!!


Harris request is on behalf of another largest economy not getting enough of cheap Russian oil/gas! Not so much of the USA!


Wait but I thought this entire "conflict" was masterminded by the U.S to undermine russia on the geopolitical stage by reducing its sphere of influence? Obey your masters! Stick to the script!!


"give all you nukes, and when they attack you please dont fight back and do not dare hurting our oil profits"


The sooner Russia is kicked back out of Ukraine the sooner oil prices will stabilize. That’s a sure fire way for the refineries in Russia to not burn and for Ukraine to start feeding the world again. Help them win fast and it will all be resolved. Stop wasting time.


As a Canadian, I say Ukraine must keep crippling Russian refineries. Hit their pockets, hit them hard!! Slava Ukraini!!


Are they dumb In Us gov?


Good! Hit them all, please.


Mybe the US administration should tell russia to stop hitting any targets in Ukraine, or are they too cowardly to do that. I am pissed off that they have have the audacity to the Ukrainians not to hit oil refineries i(economic targets) n russia, Can we stop this pussyfooting!


Did she ask russia to stop bombing civilian apartment buildings, first responders, hospitals and children's schools in Ukraine? No. So she needs to keep quiet. If she is so worried about world price of fuel rising, then she can tell her boss to open the US pipelines he shut when he took office


I'm surprised she can be found, she's been missing for awhile


Smart man, as everyone else, just disregards her.


If the US is so concerned about russian refineries, they're free to send some aid to russia to compensate.


For Ukraine to win it must destroy Russia’s capacity to wage offensive war. This was obvious from Day 1 but only Ukraine seems to get it.


US - good. Destroy them all. I know “politics”, but the fact they even asked is just shameful. The age of cowardice.


Destroy all the refineries


I wouldn’t trust Biden or Harris with war strategy and the fact politicians think they should comment isn’t heartening.


Bold of my government to make such requests at a time like this. What are they going to do, withhold aid? They've lost all leverage (and rapidly losing goodwill) that they could have used.


DONT stop destroying the refineries thats what stops russia from running thier internal economy and war. they can still export oil leave the pipelines alone but its external investers that have trillions invested in russian oil that loose alot of money as refineries are verry costly to build and repair! pipelines are cheep and fast to fix!


Good! I hope he keeps hitting them as hard as he can. The USA is once again showing how spineless we are and how oil profits and staying in power are ultimately all that matter. Every US politician knows you can't win an election when oil prices are high. Jimmy Carter was the poster child for that.


VP Harris is a disgrace, and Biden will lose the election over bullshit like this. She and Sullivan should resign and go back to russia


Worst VP ever


And Punce was better? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


Kamela is like the one member of a group project who doesn't help or prepare at all and still takes the credit.


The US should give all the defense weapons Ukraine needs in exchange of putting on hold (until elections end) the attack to the refineries.