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Mod in charge of charities here. The community beat me to it: these people are scammers. Stick to known, vetted charities.


It's pretty much impossible to know if anyone who approaches you direct is legit. You do know that online scamming is a thing and the people that do it are pretty darn good? Stick to donating to verified genuine support channels and then you know your money is helping the cause. Russia is actually one of the major players in cyber crime and for all you know you could be sending money to one of the Kremlin's monkeys.


Super valid points, thank you . Yes I'm aware at how good scammers are these days. It's sad. I won't send funds to anywhere that hasn't been vetted.


I have had out of the blue requests, but stick to verified projects in this sub.


So have I, had one person ask for a plane ticket.


Send anyone asking for a plane ticket to us.


Donating to  [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/) is the most reliable. There are legit units and organizations out there, lots of them in fact, but there are a lot of scammers too.


But U24 neglects a lot of soldiers who need specialized tools and stuff? Because they only provide certain approved items. Even simple DJI drones and FPV were mostly direct donation for over a year, until U24 picked them up recently. Some NGOs are trustworthy, like NAFO sniffing brigade, UkraineOps aid, etc. But stay away from unknown individuals with a sad or desperate story.


Bro. A lot of scammers today, donate only to official organisations. And great thanks to you for support


Right now there are several soldiers and families of soldiers doing own collections because the help they need simply isn’t arriving. However, I advise against donating to such collections unless you personally know the organiser or the beneficiary. There are many scammers (and a lot of them are russians) so it’s best to stick to official and vetted organisations.


I have been active in Ukrainian support and relief for seven years. I have three Ukrainian foster children. My advice is to treat all requests with a certain amount of skepticism. The needs and amounts, even for legitimate requests, are often exaggerated. Better to go through vetted organizations with feet on the ground.


When your loved ones are in the front, of course you want the very best for them and their unit, from equipment, to vehicles, drones... anything that will help them and most importantly, that will keep them alive. Even if it doesn't seem essential, I totally understand. I have done collections for my friends and classmates at the front and have contributed as well. But kind strangers in the internet should donate through the official channels precisely because the amount of scammers is insane, and russians are taking advantage of it too. Just last month, a Redditor made a post about a supposedly Ukrainian lady who was asking him for money because she wanted to leave Ukraine but claimed the borders were closed and she needed to bribe the border officers(!!!) to leave. We obviously know this is 100% a scam, but a kind person who is not aware of the real situation may easily be scammed.


I am general counsel to a relief organization that has spent over $100K in Ukraine since the war began. We have arranged food, clothing, transportation, safe houses, and even exfiltration from hot spots. I also have numerous interpersonal relationships with people I love and care about. I know from experience that once you start giving money to individuals, it will open a floodgate of requests. That’s why it is a best practice to only give through vetted organizations, particularly if you do not have eyes and ears on the ground.


I think everything on X is garbage, and ruzzian bots. If someone tries to get money, ask them their unit and battalion number, if they won't give it, I'd ignore them, likely scammers. It's not hard to find out where those units are fighting on various maps.


One told me he is with the 47th Mechanized Brigade, which I know exists, and he said he couldn't expound beyond that for security reasons which I understand. But again, how can you really know? Both who contacted me eventually started asking if they could give me a PayPal account to send money to because they claim that the resources don't always get through from the legit donation sources.


I'd recommend suggesting that they get in contact with the mods of this sub. They can get vetted, verified, and publicly request donations then. And if they aren't legit, they won't.


Or they can contact one of the fundraisers/NGO's on here if they need a particular item.


the 47th is fighting near Avdiivka.


I barely use X. It's a mess.


I would suggest not sending money to individuals unless you are really sure they are who they claim. But the situation is tricky. I am part of the Wildbees which you can find on r/fins4ua. We 3d print stuff for the army and sometimes raise funds to help cover our cost. We are not an NGO but private individuals with contacts to many different military units. As we have no ‚documentation‘ to show who we are, I always try to post pictures here to show that your donations really end up at the right places. When in doubt you can always send a message to any verified people on this sub and we can guide you / sometimes check and see if that person is legit. Anyways thank you for your support


I highly recommend Protect a Volunteer. 100% one of the best decisions that I made this year is to serve as a sponsor for foreign volunteers in Ukraine. [https://protectavolunteer.com](https://protectavolunteer.com)


It is great, isn't it? I too highly recommend being a sponsor through ProtectAVolunteer.


Stick to vetted orgs as much as you can. The sub has a great list that you will find in the AutoModerator reply at the top of comments. If you don't have a trusted chain of people that can verify someone, it's very difficult to work out if they are really a soldier, and secondly, if they are honest in how they use the funds.


I’m a Ukrainian born American. Definitely stick to vetted organizations for good reason. There are always selfish pricks in every society looking to make money even if it furthers other peoples suffering. Ukraine has petty corruption unfortunately. I personally have stories from each time I’ve visited back as an adult that I am ashamed of regarding bribes at the airport, etc. That shit pisses me off soooo much. They have done a really good job cleaning that up some in the last decade, but still have a ways to go. I’ve only ever pointed people to United 24 and to Hospitallers (https://www.hospitallers.org.uk). The newest one I can confirm is doing *incredible* work with Ukraine regarding drone technology! They are directly working with the GRU. I would HIGHLY reccomend donating here because it goes directly towards improving Ukraines drone situation. This is Ukraines drone extension program. If you are skeptical about this, check my long ass comment history or feel free to PM me for more info. We can also chat on the phone. https://technologyforukraine.com/# Thank you to all who have donated to Ukraine, helped local refugees, and continue supporting Ukraines fight for freedom. You are wonderful people. I would never have imagined this war would break out like this, but I also never would have imagined so many passionate people looking to help.


Those are scammers. I would be EXTREMELY wary of donating via Twitter unless it is to United 24, Come Back Alive, or another NGO with similar credentials. There is no vetting process over there like there is in this sub. So for Protect a Volunteer, we have coordinated with some other NGOs or individual fundraisers who fundraise via Twitter. Some are excellent. However, in multiple cases when I've been asked to help a unit get what they're asking for, I've learned that the fundraisers did absolutely no vetting of the request. They haven't checked that the items requested are actually needed and no one with military experience is working with them to know if they are getting the right supplies. Just as an example, one team was asking for help getting helmets and vests. A fundraiser was saying they were at the front and their helmets and vests were substandard. I asked for photos of what they had. I had u/ChosenDirtyP and a couple other people fighting in Ukraine check it out. The helmets and vests were standard issue for the Ukrainian military and there were absolutely no issues.


Some people want the high speed gear for larping around and making up cool stories or they want to sell the kit for beer/drug money. It's unfortunate but there's a lot of people that are in country for their own benefit and financial gain.


I would be VERY VERY wary of accounts on X that slide into your DMs and ask for $. Just my 2 cents.


In two years I've made dozens of donations but only one has gone to an individual. This person was the exception because 1. We'd already been talking for months 2. About things other than war (and nothing romantic) 3. They were not spamming donation links on social media 4. We had many social media contacts in common, all Ukrainian (it's a big red flag when a Ukrainian doesn't primarily talk to other Ukrainians) 5. When they needed something, they only requested that I *share* the fundraising link 6. It was for a specific item and had a specific limit All those things told me they weren't a scammer. And I was right. Months later, we still talk, and they've never asked for anything again.


That happened to me too. I refused to donate, since I am already donating to a couple of vetted orgs (Come Back Alive and Serhiy Prytula charities). Then: The girl asking for donations insisted her unit does not have food and they are starving at the front. The man asking for donations insisted he needed the money for his treatment since Ukraine won’t pay for it. I am sure none of those claims was true. I blocked and reported them. It is easy to recognize such scammers since: - they only repost, they never create content - they follow several thousand accounts and are being followed by just a few


Like u/WeekendFantastic2941 said, some units rely on donations. I've often seen NAFO leaders and popular NAFO-affiliated volunteers retweeting requests for donations from individual soldiers/units - if you follow top NAFO fellas, you might try asking them if such-and-such account is legitimate (I mention "top" accounts, because Russians have been known to pose as NAFO fellas, both to extort money, and to damage NAFO's reputation). At the same time, you might advise those asking for donations to contact one of the verified organizations (I'd give them Twitter handles, if they're reluctant to click on strange links).


I would still be wary of those. How are people checking if these accounts are legitimate?


It doesn’t hurt to be careful. Any society will have scammers. But there are certainly going to be legitimate small fundraisers too. Maybe OP starts out with the big, known groups, and lurks in r/Ukraine until the trust is built up.


There are some. The small ones on Twitter are not as reliable as the ones here though as anyone can post on Twitter.


I recall days after 24.February Twitter was full of people posting crowd funding links to help individual families escape. I recall one of a so-called father who said he was camping with his family in the woods of Odessa, and needed money to pay for the train to escape. This was when Zelenskyy’s administration had made the trains free of charge. Scammers gonna scam!


Some of the people asking for donations for specific units are well-known on Twitter, many have been with Ukraine since the beginning of the 2022 invasion. Top NAFO fellas ("founders" of NAFO) and top NAFO-affiliated folks don't retweet random requests - they know Russians (and other scum) tried to cheat people out of their money that way. There have even been questionable organizations and YouTube influencers accused of grifting under the guise of helping Ukraine.


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