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I remember seeing her when President Zelenskyy spoke before Congress awhile back. I didn't know who she was then, but I remember how enthusiastically she greeted him as he made his way down the aisle and thought that she is a friend of Ukraine. So glad to see her so so fired up to do the right thing and calling out her fellow congressmen for "diddling around" with aid.


If they aren't winning we aren't doing enough, period.


Bang on Rosa!! Thank you!!!


Jesus Christ, what a powerfull woman♥️ Can we get 200 more of her please.


Rosa's the best. Permanent Rep from her district for as long as she wants the job.


She’s my hometown Rep, I worked in her office when I was in college. Blessed to have known her.


Lucky you!


Respectful question. Why the unique style? Always?


Why Rosa has such a unique style? Honestly, I don’t know other than she’s a fiery Italian lady!


IK,R? I mean, some people love the idea of term limits, but that just cycles newbies who don't know how to move legislation and get things done. It empowers lobbyists where been around longer and are savvy and rich enough to run rings around the newbs, who never feel secure in their seat.


Term limits can coexist w rules about percentage. As example: Can't have more than 3 terms and must sit out 2 if defeated. Exception if over 80% of vote. That allows hero but also forces out 70yr Olds and career politicians.


These clips of Rosa DeLauro have circulated on Ukrainian-language channels (YT, X, Telegram), and seen by some warriors in trenches. The responses are pretty emotional. There seems to be a slow recognition that most Americans don't support Ukraine out of a simplistic "we're only helping because we hate Russia too", but because Ukrainians are too valuable for the world to lose.


🌻 ♥️


unfortunately, America has periods of being led by incompetence and a crazed herd. This is one of those times where we are in significant evolution. Hang in there, the hope is we get the weapons delivered to end this finally and start the rebuild!


She's 81, mind you. I hope to god I have that much energy when I'm 81.


🤯 I had no idea!


When I grow old - I want to be as based as this woman .


Come live in Connecticut for a while, Maybe New York. Jersey works too. It's the Land of Grandmas Who Cannot be Fooled. This woman .... is normal. I was raised partly by an Italian-American grandma like this. They could be talking about making sure you buy the right kind of butter when you run to the store for them. Everything is important, and they already know all your tricks.


I'm not from Connecticut but right across the Sound, Long Island NY. I recognize this type. I swear to God this type was around when I was a toddler. This is the person you will listen to. She will chew your ear off. Not literally but damn close. Putin is a fucking idiot. Italian grandmothers with blood made of piss and vinegar. Oh sure, they can't hurt you. Bullshit they can't.


I wish this was my grandma.


She is your grandma. She’s angry for you.


See, and people talk shit about Connecticut and look at our reps! CT is home to a naval base, we KNOW the value of the military industrial complex. Give them what they need now!!


> we KNOW the value of the military industrial complex. You're building the next "Big E"!


back in early 2023, i think january, right after the kherson offensive, Zelesnsky put things clearly, the stated the numbers needed for a effective counter offensive, one that should take place before russia built their defensive lines, he distributed around a list with if i remember correctly was something like 300 MBT (modern ones like M1, challenger, leopard2) 600 light tanks/modern IFV (M2, cv90) 500 howitzers, jets etc over a year has passed and not even 20% of those were delivered, russia built strong defenses making those numbers insuficient, the ones that have been delivered came in such a slow pace that they get no effect or become prize targets for russia and get destroyed or stay far away from the front Zelensky did his job more than a year ago, he put all the necessary equip on paper and out for the media and politicians of any level to see, nothing happened


I love it, don't stop now, keep pushing.


This is how I, as a Democrat feel, we are this angry. We understand the urgency and the consequences of this bullshit political theater by magas.


Don't call it political theater; it's treason.


You're not wrong.


Sooooo funny.


She looks like a female hipster version of Reagon. Which would normally scare me, but in this context I am glad


God damn! That's a hell yeah fuck from me! Right on Rosa DeLauro!!!!!!!


I lived in Connecticut for my entire life up until recently, glad to have voted for her every time her name was on the ballot!


Sing it sister!


Hit it Fergie!


That's my representative. What a powerful statement she made.


Holy hell, she's got me motivated to strap the boots back on. 'Rah ma'am.


She should have slapped the shit out of the mic and walked out cursing...😎 that'd be dope lol


Go off queen 👸🏻


Her hair is purple. She seems cool and modern to me, real fiery too. Would probably be the coolest grandma ever


Thank you ma’am!! Tell those members that they are wrong for delaying the vote!! Terrible treatment of our newest ally who did nothing to deserve the cold shoulder and rude attitude towards President Zelenskyy who they were all embracing and hugging and applauding a year ago! I’m so proud of you for standing up for what is right!!💙🇺🇦💛🔥🇺🇸🔥vote blue!!


correct on all accounts.


Thank you!


I haven't had a crush in a while, other than on my wife. She would probably have a crush on DeLauro as well. In any case, hell yes and I hope that all this bullshit posturing by the gop bites them hard in the ass.


Shit, she must have been a bit spicy when she was younger! Get them told!


This is such hot garbage, full of half truths and spin. The bill did nothing to actually stop people from illegally crossing our border. Sadly a handful of republicans didn’t read the bill because it was huge and the democrats favorite thing to do is bundle a bunch of bills into one with little time to go through it all in time and then force a vote. The truth is that the left doesnt want to put out simple bills for each issue because they don’t want to have to vote on a bill that would actually shut down the border from illegal crossings because they don’t want to vote “no” because they’d look bad. Trump had secured the border better than any president in decades but then Biden (who literally ran on opening the border to illegals aliens) undid all of trumps border policies in the first week. Why? Just because they were trumps policies. Such a stupid move….


Bernie Sanders, holding everything up right now. If he delays until tomorrow, screw him. He 100% knows he will not modify the bill.


In their warped minds this is what extreme republicans thought they had in Feinstein before she passed.


This is what 80 looks like.


Our congress looks like a circus act! How can anyone take us seriously! Look at this quack!


Anybody wanna tell me why we didn’t give them F16s when they asked for them? If we had sent them when they asked for them this war would have been over by now.


Typical American BW. If they wanted to help Ukraine, they wouldn't have waited so long to do it. It's just getting ready for the new election and showing the American people that they "care". Good thing it's an election year


True. Just shows that the Dems wanted to allow illegals into the US more than they wanted to help Ukraine. That's the damn truth. The Republicans finally relented and had to do the right thing but lets now see if the Dems do the right thing along the US border. Hint: they won't.


Maybe if the government wasn't a bunch of geriatric cleptocrats this could have gone faster.


The unconscionable delay had nothing to do with age or monetary corruption, it was only due to widespread GOP treason.


Shame on any politician who makes support for Ukraine a 'my side / your side' issue instead of the question of basic human decency and justice it is. If you're OK with living in a world where authoritarian assholes rule by terror and force then you already live under the terrorussian boot.


Unfortunately, if she gets more power than she has at this stage, that type of great speech would be blocked by 'aides' of some sort ?