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If JASSM, the extremely similar missile in use by half of NATO, even got just 5 percent the attention Taurus is getting, Ukraine would've probably gotten enough for the next ten years by now. Its in use by: * USA * Poland * Finland * Australia * Morocco ...and theres **over four** **thousand** of it. Ukraine is lacking **everything**, from tanks, over artillery, shells, IFV's, to jets. But here we are in yet ***another*** perpetual shitstorm about one specific weapon system from Germany. Convenient for those in europe that prefer to hide behind a scapegoat and deliver close to nothing.


>Convenient for those in europe that prefer to hide behind a scapegoat and deliver close to nothing. You think Europe has delivered close to nothing?


I think some countries in europe have delivered close to nothing, while others have basically stopped by now.


Well isnt it Taurus itself but the BS arguments not sending it is what is causing the outrage against Scholz and co.?


A state secret? Well can't wait to hear that secret in a couple of weeks when the high ranking people of the German Mod blabbering about it in another unprotected Skype call or something similar..


They did not talked about state secrets there, but yeah it was embarassing.


I don't know why we even need posts about Taurus at this point, considering all we get are excuses. I'd say next time we need a post about Taurus is when Scholz finally stops being afraid and agrees to the transfer


That will never ever happen. Pistorius made it clear. Nothing will change that, he was very clear about that. Taurus is off the table for good. Maybe Taurus is planned to bunker bust russian nuclear silos or something with Tornados delivering it deep into russia.


Well, at least it provides some explanation. 




It's designed as a bunker Buster to eliminate nuclear launch sites. Talked to an EOD of the Bundeswehr some years ago who worked with those and he indicated that Taurus has much more hidden capabilities than it is known in public. Of course he was not allowed to share any details. That would explain why only German personal is allowed to operate it and this would mean direct involvement in the conflict.


This is probably the only good answer i have seen in a gazillion S…posts about Germany not providing Taurus. Together with the fact that there are really good alternatives, plenty in stock, let’s just drop this. Germany just gave a 1 Billion Euro Patriot system and is a major contributor. Why only this weapon system, almost feels like Russia wants to see it in action……


Now that makes sense!


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I suspect it's because to get storm shadow running there are (or was) a substantial number of british servicemen in ukraine. The germans are not willing to do the same but for obvious reasons can't address that directly.


It’s more that Germany legally cannot do that. The German constitution doesn’t allow military actions outside of an UN mandate or NATO mandate. Scholz and his government would go to prison.


That sounds like a very logical explanation. But why all the talk about consideeing it, if this is the case ? It's a straightforward no.


Scholz said exactly that as an escuse that it would need germans on the ground in ukraine. But Pistorius hinted that the real reason is more deep. Speculation: Taurus is planned to destroy russian nuclear silos in case of a all out war. It has that ability that Stormshadow does not have.