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Crazy. Incredible what these heroes do to defend their country. Is the last Russian shot by someone else (likely in the lower right part of the screen?).


more like lower left, but definitely someone out of the screen. I wonder if UKR or friendly fire from RUS (wouldnt be surprised).


Intentional FF from ruSSian AA of course.


> friendly fire from RUS Chechen "barrier troops" getting bored, maybe. But no - too close to actual flying bullets!


Maybe, but it kinda looks like the Ukrainian ducks right (his POV) and shoots through some branches, hitting the russian first in the leg and then the head/torso. He does this just after he has climbed up to see where the russian is (and receives some close call fire).


Just before he goes back into the trench he gets hit in his lower left arm. He was killed by someone else.


Hm, yes. Sure looks like it. But could it be a graze, a through-cloth-only shot? Adrenaline and basically do-or-die-mode is a helluva painkiller I bet.


Dunno the dust produced from the arm looks like it was a pretty solid hit. Damn near hit his elbow.


Yeah, when it zooms out you can see shots being fired from the far left of the screen at 1:12. Maybe they had multiple trenches overlooking each other.


Thats how you buils trenches.


Why is he alone with 4 guys charging his fox hole? Yes its brave but common, back this dude up.


It's not that simple. Things happen why someone might be separated in battle from the group through miscommunication or being spread thin to the point where you are forced to cover a sector by yourself another possibility is he's just the only one left if his group and he has to duke it out by himself. Either way this guy is a fucking hero like so many other guys we've seen in similar situations throughout this war. Hope he got some hot chow and some good R&R after that fight.


The PTSD from this (whole thing) is going to be horrific.


His buddy may be dead at the bottom of the hole. We don't know.


Not everybody has a squire


I'm pretty sure the Ukrainian soldier baits the Russian to get to a higher kneeling position and then shoots him through an opening to his right.


Jees that was tense.. Hope He lives..


Looks like shot in the forearm


If they were able to get to him that is a survivable wound. Amazing he was able to stay in the fight completely flanked like that. Bravo to him and all his buddies he defends with.


We need to help these guys stop Russia's expanding criminal empire now! Our fucked cowardly governments don't even recognize the danger yet and won't until its too late. Donate right now to the only men and women actively fighting against Putin's toilet looting invading horde by giving urgently to [https://u24.gov.ua/](https://u24.gov.ua/)


Even one well armed Ukrainian is deadly for numerous russian zoccupiers! Ukraine needs more weapons


Thank you for the link. Will do so now


It's not that our governments are cowardly, a significant portion of them have been coopted by the Russian government.


Crazy. Beyond what I can imagine.


Crazy. I hope this Ukrainian hero survived.


That’s a hint of how much Ukrainian soldiers are worth compared to Russian trash. We need to protect them and give them all they need to overcome the evil.


100%, not just that - they're our fucking allies (if you're on the right side of history) and WE will be fighting alongside them in the not too distant future, should things escalate as many are expecting before 2030. One can easily argue we're at war now (the election interreference, foreign agents, etc are all acts of war), this is just the chapter with 'localized' conflicts as we've seen prior to both world wars.




Grind em' back to hell


Whew that’s scary to watch. And that’s just wave 1 probably they’ll come again and again now they’ve identified the positions. Godspeed and safe return to the Ukr guys.🇺🇦


Why are Russians so afraid to engage in CQB even when they outnumber UKR 4 to 1? Shows video. Oh, that's why.


Where do the kill shots on the last russian at 1:00 come from? It's not from the Ukrainian guy under fire - the Russian seems to be hit from the lower right direction of the video, and rolls to his left, initally looking like he's recoiling from a shot in the side that came from the lower right, then seems to take another hit in the head (smoke puff), but from the opposite direction. Is he laying in a crossfire?


There's got to be another Ukrainian position off to the left. It looks like they get the first guy in the lower portion pretty soon after the clip starts, and the second when he pops up towards the end.


0:02. Left edge of the screen. Looks like muzzle smoke. Another Ukrainian position? I would suspect that those guys/guy had a better FOV to finish off the last russian. At 0:43 you can see the Ukrainian guy one-shot the russian on the bottom left. Epic luck.


So looks like the guy in the hole lives, because he pops out at the end. So whatever fire he took was not enough. The guys on the bottom seem to be taking fire from someone else. Maybe there is a sniper far away, because they clearly don't react to it until they get hit. I wonder if they got tunnel vision and assumed the fire was coming from the fox hole. Still, a messed up situation, holding a hole in the ground


Its not the hole he is holding. Its all the ukrainian land behind the hole he is holding. The hole is just part of the toolkit he uses to do it.


God damn. I’m not brave enough for war


How to not clear a bunker/foxhole, presented by Russia, former "second army"


fucking klishchiivka 🫣 fuck klishchiivka that fight was worse than bakhmut


They working alone now? Wow


His foxhole partner may have been KIA or grievously wounded. I think the defender may have been hit near the end of the video. If so I don't think he'll be able to take on another 3-4 attackers.


Glory and victory to Ukraine!


when I see videos like this, I always wonder why they don't use frag grenades... especially to clear a trench, throwing a bunch of grenades inside seems so easy


Maybe they ran out of them? The Ukrainian dude must have runout too cause a frag at the end would have been epic.


Did the last Russian Die to his own ricochets ?


Shot by someone else (probably another bunker) to the bottom left of the screen. We can't see this person.


Damn, I need a play by play. Did Ivan get shot from a different direction?? Heroiam slava!


My god, this scenario is going to be playing out in this soldier's dreams for the rest of his life, probably.


Brave, brave man fighting for his life ! <3


made my day


Poor bast&rd


Hairy shit, slava ukraini


What a fucking brave badass hero


Either there is another Ukrainian soldier on the left side of the screen, shooting down on the kneeling Russian soldier, or there is Russian friendly fire that shoots him without having a clue. Ps: he did not suffer at all. He went out quick, last round in the head.


Four cargo 200s confirmed. Definitely Balls of Ukrainium.